1981 10 14
HELD OCTOBER 14, 1981 AT 7:30 P.M.
'I, r' frO VE' '__._.__
D 011,1 fA '""''':~
Members Present: Chairman Art Partridge, Carol Watson, Howard
Noziska, Walter Thompson, Ladd Conrad, and
Jim Thompson
Members Absent: Mike Thompson
Staff Present: Bob Waibel, Scott Martin and Becky Foreman
Subdivision variance Request, 7075 Hazeltine Blvd., Valentine
Wirtz, Public Hearing:' ...... ..
Present: Valentine Wirtz, 19380 Highway 7, Excelsior
Tom O'Connor, Attorney
Ruth Rosen P.O. Box 114, Excelsior
Helen Rosen 312 Oak Street, Excelsior
Chairman Partridge called the public hearing to order at 7:30 p.m.
Bob Waibel, City Planner, explained from his report, that this
request is a 15 acre tract of land that the applicant wishes
to split in half. Waibel explained the ordinance which does
not permit platting in an unsewered area unless there are
physiographic conditions such as soil, slopes and terrain
conditions that would cause exceptional or undue hardship by
strict compliance to the requirements of the ordinance.
waibel explained that this property has no such problems.
Tom O'Connor, Attorney for Mr. Wirtz, stated that he agrees
that there are no hardships on this property, but he feels that
the City Attorney has interpreteted this ordinance incorrectly.
Both lots will be 7~ acres and will exceed the size limitations
referred to in the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Wirtz desires to make
2 lots and sell one. This action will not be injurious to
anyone else. Mr. O'Connor feels that the granting of this
variance would be in the spirit of the ordinance.
Partridge asked Mr. O'Connor if they should be talking about
3 lots instead of 2 because Mr. Wirtz has requested building
another home on the south proposed lot which already has a
home there. O'Connor suggested that when the variance is
granted that the Planning conunission place conditions on it
that would only permit one single family residence per lot.
Partridge explained to O'Connor that Ordinance 45 was adopted
because of the problems the City was having with the sanitary
sewer systems in the area. It was adopted to force development
into the sewered areas. It has been City policy not to sub-
divide in unsewered areas since this ordinance has been adopted.
partr,idge explained that personally he doesn't agree with this
ordinance but they have to comply with it until the ordinance
is changed.
Planning Conunission Minutes
October 14, 1981
Page 2
A motion was made by W. Thompson and seconded by Watson to
close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion
was carried.
W. Thompson asked Waibel about the ordinance referred to in
the Planning Report regarding the lot depth shall not exceed
twice the width. lv. Thompson asked what the dimensions Were
on the lot, they weren't shown on the sketch. W. Thompson
stated that he didn't feel there was enough information pre-
sented. He also stated that he felt that with 7~ acres of
land the ordinance regarding the width and depth regulations
did not matter.
Noziska questioned why shouldn't the applicant be able to
divide 15 acres into two 7~ acre lots? They will still be
large lots after the split. The problem with the request
is that the applicant is asking to. build another home on the
lot that has an existing home on it.
Wirtz, the applicant, stated that he would like to keep the
old farm house and also build a new home on each lot. So
there would be 3 homes on the two lots.
Partridge explained that the Planning conunission is in the
process of revising the present ordinances and that Mr. Wirtz
should come back after Ordinance 45 has been revised.
Watson made a motion that was seconded by Noziska to reconunend
to the City Council to deny the subdivision request of 6951
Hazeltine Blvd. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.
Partridge indicated that the Planning conunission is generally
sympathetic with this request but until Ordinance 45 is changed
there is nothing they can do.
O'n'e Single Family. Residertti'al Lot S'pTit Request,' .M~ke. Schmidt,
6460 YosemiteA'v'e'nue ,PUbliC' FI~'aring:
Present: Mike Schmidt, 5546 WedgewoodBrive, Excelsior;
Laura Lundquist, 6460 Yosemite Avenue, Excelsior
Partridge called the public hearing to order at 8:00 p.m.
Schmidt indicated that he will be building on top of the hill
and will not be changing the drainage any.
Laura Lundquist, the seller of the property, stated that there
is a home built below this property and the home that Schmidt
is proposing will not change the drainage.
Waibel stated that the City Engineer has looked at this pro-
perty and is satisfied with the lot from an engineering stand-
I' point.
Planning Conunission Minutes
October 14, 1981
Page 3 '
Schmidt explained that the proposed lot is 120 feet wide.
Noziska made a motion to close the public hearin.g. Second was
made by W. Thompson. All voted in favor and the motion was
A motion was made by Conrad and seconded by Watson to recommend
to the City Council to approve the request for one single family
residential lot split as requested, Planning Case 81-5 subdivision,
and that the lots be assessed sewer and water as per the North
Service Area Reassessment Project. All voted in favor and the
motion was passed.
Ccinditional Use Permit Amendment Reqtlest, Hanus Truck and
Auto Fac'iTity:,' 22:9 West T9'th St'r'e'e't,' PubTi'c' He'ari'ng:
Present: Donald Hanus
partridge called the public hearing to order at 8:30 p.m.
Hanus, the applicant, explained that the previous proposed
building has been sold to someone else. Now he is proposing
a new building that will be a metal frame 60' x 120': HanuS
also indicated that the Planning Report stated that this building
should be used for storage only, he would like to use it for
expanding his work.
partridge asked if the parking problems have been resolved.
Hanus indicated that they had been and that it is shown on the
new sketch plan.
Noziska made a motion to close the public hearing. Second was
made by W. Thompson. All voted in favor and the motion was
Noziska stated that this proposal is so close to the Downtown
Redevelopment Project, will that make any difference? Noziska
indicated that the Planning Commission should decide what use
this building should have - storage or repair.
Hanus explained to the Planning Commission that he has permits
for his outside storage from the City Council. He feels that
he is being harassed by the City.
Watson explained that she has done some study of the history
of this case. From her study she found that outside storage
has always been a debate since 1977. A Conditional Use Permit
issued in 1977 stated no outside storage on the property
except for things brought in at night and 10 new trucks that
are for sale.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 14, 1981
Page 4
In November of 1977, a stop work order was placed on the Hanus
property because the building was being placed in the wrong
place. In December, 1977, an amendment was made on the Conditional
Use Permit - C regarding the building location.
Martin stated that the planning conunission is to act on Hanus'
application and not worry about the enforcement of the Conditional
Use Permits.
Partridge asked if it made any difference if the building would
be used for storage or other uses. Martin explained that it
would make a difference on the amount of parking required.
Noziska indicated that if the building is for screening only,
why not just plant more trees and put up a fence. The property
is high enough so that it doesn't show that much. !s the
building just to hide the junk or for additional uses.
Martin suggested that the Planning Commission consider how
the new building relates to the lot. It will consume much of
the lot.
Noziska asked why the City Council members did not show up
to explain what their committee decided.
Martin stated that with the new building the lot will be covered
up to 75%. 15% of the lot has to be green space according to
the ordinance.
w. Thompson stated that he feels the metal building is as
attractive as some other things in the City. He stated that
the building should not be limited to just storage. W.Thompson
indicated that he would like to see a picture of the proposed
building and a site plan before he approves of it.
Noziska stated that if there are Conditional Use Permits now
that are not being complied with, are we going to approve another
one? We don't want to end up with the same problems year after
Conrad, W. Thompson and Noziska stated that they liked the
improvement in the parking space.
Conrad indicated that he would like to see a landscaping map.
Waibel explained that the landscaping plan is to be done by ,the
City Forester.
Partridge asked Hanus what he needed the new building for. Hanus
explained that he will have some new steel that he would like
to store inside.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 14, ,1981
Page 5
Noziska stated that he feels it is important that the proposal
of an additional building at this time, whether for purposes of
screening or otherwise} not be considered as part of the present
action. At such time when the applicant submits a detailed site
plan on such a proposed building, it would be reviewed in reference
to its effect in intensifying the building to land ratio and/
or overall activity on the site.
Noziska made a motion seconded by J. Thompson to recommend
that the conditional Use Permit for the Hanus facility be amended
to include the concept that all parking for the Hanus facility
be restricted to the site itself as depicted on the Bloomberg
plan dated September 1981. Furthermore, screening of the premises
is to be achieved by the installation of webbing to the existing
fences and through the establishment of landscape materials
between the facility and Highway 5. Prior to the installation
of landscaping material the applicant must receive landscaping
plan approval fromthe City Forester and City Council.
Partridge, Noziska, and W. Thompson voted in favor, Watson
and Conrad voted nay and J. Thompson abstained. The motion
J. Thompson asked if you can landsQape on the public right-of-
way? It is possible if he receives a permit from the Minnesota
Department of Transportation.
W. Thompson stated that the City Forester should review and
give the Planning Conunission reports in the Planning Packets
regarding proposal like this one, because the Planning Commission
has spent hours talking about trees and shrubs that should have
been reviewed by the City Forester first.
W. Thompson made a motion to adjust the agenda to move to the
minutes section. Watson seconded the motion. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
~1.inutes :
w. Thompson made a motion to approve the Regular Planning Com-
mission meeting minutes of September 23, 19$1 as submitted.
Second was made by J. ThoIDpson. W. Thompson, Watson,
J. Thompson, Noziska, and Partridge voted in favor, Conrad
abstained. The motion carried.
Noziska made a motion seconded by W. Thompson to note::..the__
Special City Council minutes of September 8, 1981. All voted
in favor and the motion carried.
Noziska made a motion seconded by W. Thompson to note the minutes
of the regular City Council meeting of September 21, 1981. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 14, 1981
Page 6
Partridge made a comment regarding the City Council's COltlmEmts
about the Planning cominissionat one of their last meetings.
Partridge stated that the Planning Conunission has a very high
turn over rate because of the amount of meetings that they have
to attend. The Planning Commission does not have any clear
guidelines for them to follow, they don't have their house in
order. The Planning Commission and City Council want their
noSe in everything, and therefore, it results in nothing getting
done. Also,' the City Council never asks the planning Conunission
for comments at their meetings. The Planning Commission has
a schedule of regular City Council meetings that they are to
attend, not special meetings. Partridge also suggested to the
Planning Commission that if they receive a City Council packet
and cannot attend, please call another member so the Planning
conunission can be represented at each regular meeting.
Continued Discussion, "Proosed Revisio'n to the Chanhassen Zonin
The Planning Commission discussed the relationship between the
HRA and the Planning Commission. Also they discussed the
activi'ties between the HRA and the Downtown Redevelopment
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m.