1981 12 09
HELD DECEMBER 9, 1981, AT 7:30 P.M.
APPROVED ON ~ .1f5.~~t}
Members Present: Chairman Art Partridge, Carol Watson, Ladd
Conrad, Jim Thompson, Walter Thompson, Mike
Members Absent: Howard Noziska
Staff Present: Bob Waibel, Scott Martin, Becky Foreman
Interview of Candidates
The following is a list of those who were interviewed for the
position on the Planning Commission:
1. Pike Larson
2. James Bohn
3. William Swearengin
All previous applicants were notified of the opening on the
Planning Commission and declined.
J. Thompson made a moti<:)ll second by l'ilatson, to recarrmend.to theCit Council
William Swearengin to flll the vacancy on the Plannlng Comml~slon.
All voted in favor and the motion was carried.
It was suggested to keep both Bohn and Larson I s applications on
file for the next vacancy on the Planning Commission.
Sunrise Hills Easement Vacation Request:
Present: None
Waibel, the City Planner, explained that this is a vacation of
utility and drainage easements. The property owners wish to
vacate these easements for the purposes of removing the clouds
on their titles created by easements dedicated with Sunrise Hills
Second Addition.
W. Thompson made a motion, seconded by Watson to recommend to the
City Council that the vacation of easement be approved as,per the
November 30, 1981 Planning Report. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Final Development Plan Review, Waldrip Subdivision:
Present: Ken Waldrip
Waldrip suggested that Moline Circle and Melody Hill Road be
left undeveloped for the time being because of the great expense
of development. The roads mentioned would only be servicing
Lots 1,2,3 , Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2. That would be 2 lots
per access. It would be just like a driveway instead of a road.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 9, 1981
Page 2
Watson asked if the roads had a steep grade. Waldrip indicated
that there was about a 5% grade but it was still under the City
Waldrip indicated that he is only developing Lots 1,2,3, Block 1
and Lot 1, Block 2 at this time. The remainder of the property
will be made into two outlots. The south side of the property
will not be developed until sewer and water goes through.
Watson asked if Waldrip could keep the road undeveloped for now?
Waibel indicated that the City Engineer would have to look at it
first. Partridge stated that the right-of-way would still have
to be dedicated as public streets.
Waldrip indicated that he is leaving the remainder as outlots
because he doesn't want to be taxed on the property as lots
until he is ~eady to develop them.
Waldrip explained that the apartment building is up already.
The apartments have a IS' easement until Melody Hill Road is
fully developed.
Partridge stated that he was pleased that Waldrip has met all
of the request from the Planning Commission reviews.
Watson asked about #6 from the Planning Report which states
"That the proposed covenants and restrictions be revised to
provide assurance for the long term maintenance of the landscaping
and exterior of the proposed single Family attached structures."
What does "long-term" mean? Waibel explained that covenants
run"I,for 30 years and are approved by the City Attorney.
Partridge asked what would happen to the hedge. Waldrip indicated
that the hedge would have to be trimmed, but not destroyed.
Conrad stated that he feels the Planning Commission shouldn't
allow dirt roads. He indicated that he empathizes with Waldrip
as a small developer, but this is hard to agree with. J. Thompson
stated that he feels that this would be poor planning. Watson
indicated that this would not be permanent, that the road would
have to be developed in the future, but for now it would serve
4 lots as an access. Waldrip indicated that it would cost approximately
$20,000 to develop the roads.
Waibel stated that the Development Contract could possibly indicate that
no further lots can be platted until the roads have'been
Waldrip explained that a very small section of Moline Circle
will have to cross Steller's property in order to make it a
900 intersection. Waldrip stated that he has talked with Mr.
Steller and it would be alright with him.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 9, 1981
Page 3
J. Thompson made a motion, seconded by Conrad to recommend
to the City Council approval of the'Final Development plan for
WaldripsSecond Addition per Exhibit of December 3, 1981 along
with the Staff recommendations as follows:
1. That an additional 8~ feet of right-of-way be dedicated along
the south side of Stellar Circle as it abut~ the Waldrip
2. That the applicant dedicate right-of-way for a full inter-
section between Moline Circle and Stellar Circle.
3. That the final plat and construction specifications be subject
to any and all final development plan recommendations of the
City Engineer.
4. That all lots, with the exception of potential lots in Outlot
B, receive access via Melody Hill Road and Moline Circle.
5. That the above City Council conditions #s 2,9, and 11 be
incorporated into the development contract for uhe proposed
development. (City Council Recommendations as follows)
2. That Lot 10, (Lot 1, Block 1 on preliminary plat) access
onto Moline Circle.
9. That Lots 8 and 9 (southeasterly most 2 lots on preliminary
plat) be combined.
11. That the City Council reserves the right to review the
architecture of proposed structures in the development.
6. That the above City Council conditions #s 1,3, and 4 be in-
corporated by the applicant into his final construction plans
and specifications.
1. That appropriate trimming of vegetation at the Melody
Hill cul-de-sac be done to assure proper site distances.
3. That all streets and cul-de-sacs be constructed to City
4. That Moline Circle will have steep grades and will require
extensive grading.
7. That the above City Council conditions #s 6, and 7 be taken
into account in the proposed final covenants and restrictions
and that the covenants and restrictions are further subject
to approval by the City Attorney's Office.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 9, 1981
Page 4
6. That the proposed covenants and restrictions be revised to
provide assurance for the long term maintenance of the
landscaping and exterior of the proposed single family
attached structures.
7. That the proposed covenants and restrictions be revised
to delete the provision for the stabling of horses.
8. That the overall land use and density be in compliance with
the preliminary Development Plan submitted July 17, 1981
and approved by the City Council, August 17, 1981.
The Planning Commission also recommends that the City Council
give consideration to the developers request for not paving the
access at this time to the Lots through Moline Circle and Melody
Hill Road. The Planning Commission hqs discussed the pros and cons
with the paved or non-paved access and due to the circumstances,
we recommend that they go ahead with the Developers request for
non-paved roads with the standard set by the City Engineer.
Partridge, Conrad, Watson, W. Thompson, and J. Thompson voted
in favor, M. Thompson voted against. The motion was carried,.
Conrad stated that the above mentioned motion was made for the
following reasons:
__ 1. That the developer did a good job~planning this development
2. The Planning Commission is trying to include the small developers
who are being financially drained with sewer assessments.
3. Even though the standards are going to be broken, the Planning
Commission feels that the impact is very minor or negligible.
Partridge made a motion to include Conrad's statement into the
motion. Second was made by J. Thompson. Partridge, Conrad, J.
Thompson, Watson and W. Thompson voted in favor, M. Thompson voted
nay. Motion carried.
M. Thompson stated that he is voting against this motion because
it will not meet the City's standards.
Discussion, "Proposed Revisions to the ChanhassEmZoning Ordinance:
Scott Martin, Community Development Director, asked the Planning
Commission if they would, like to meet with the City Council to get
some feedback from them as to what they are expecting from the
Planning Commission. Martin also suggested that this item be
cancelled until January because there will be a new member on the
Planning Commission and he will be able to be in on the revisions
of the Zoning Ordinance from the beginning.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 9, 1981
Page 5
There was some discussion on what dates the Planhing Commission
wanted to meet with the City Council. The Planning Commission
agreed to ask the City Council to meet with them on the 16th of
December, if that date is not agreeable with the City Council then
December 23 would be their next choice.
1'1. Thompson made a motion seconded by W. Thompson to note the
minutes of the City Council from November 2 and 16, 1981. All
voted in favor and the motion was carried.
Watson made a motion seconded by M. Thompson to approve the minutes
from the November 18, 1981 Planning Commission meeting' with the
following item noted about the meeting:
Perhaps these are not the best representation of \vhat happened
because the secretary was not in attendance and the tape was not