Letters objecting & supporting variance request September 19,2005 Mr. Josh Metzer Planning Department City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Mr. Metzer: It has come to the attention of the Mission Hills Garden Homes Board of Directors that the property owner's recreational improvement at 8491 Mission Hills Circle, Chanhassen MN is in violation of city codes. The Board is also aware that the owner of that property has been canvassing the residents of Mission Hills Garden Homes for petition signatures to gain support for allowing a variance to the city codes. The Mission Hills Garden Homes Board of Directors wishes to make it a matter of record with the Chanhassen Planning Department that the property bordering the improvements at 8491 Mission Hills Circle borders on property owned by the Mission Hills Garden Homes Association. While the border in question is closest to addresses 520 and 528 Mission Hills Drive, it is the Boards position that any requests for variance should be addressed to the Mission Hills Garden Homes Association and not the individual residents. It is also the position of the Mission Hills Garden Homes Board of Directors that the City of Chanhassen not allow the property owner at 8491 Mission Hills Circle a variance to city code due to the overall impact on properties of Mission Hills Garden Homes. Mission Hills Garden Homes, Board of Directors / ,/ ~-/. - ." / .~ /~',,// , ~ L~~~oI! iPs: September 15, 2005 RECEIVED SE:P 1 6 2005 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Building Commissioner City of Chanhassen Dear Sir or Madam: My husband and I live at 461 Mission Hills Court, here in Chanhassen. I am taking the time to write a letter in support of a variance of a 5' setback and 29.4% hard surface coverage for the sport court in the yard our next door neighbors, Clint and Jennifer Hurt. Seeing as their yard directly abuts our yard, we are two of the most affected by their landscaping choice and we have absolutely no problem with the size or design of the sport court. It should also be noted that the property in question is quite secluded and only two neighbors' views are directly even affected by what is in no means an eyesore. At one time, some ofthe home owners approached our builder to see ifhe could reserve a small plot of land or even sell a small lot to all of us so that we could have a playground for all the children in the neighborhood to play on. However, in his interest to make as much money as possible, he squeezed houses onto even the smallest lots he could. One of the sport court's main uses is to serve as a tennis court for those children and without a variance, it will no longer be anywhere near large enough for them to play. My husband and I would find it much more intrusive to have such a large section of the sport court tom back out. It is a blessing to have that yard finally landscaped, after the previous owner left it completely untended and had not even bothered to sod the back yard the entire time she lived at the address. (I've often wondered why the city did not get involved then!) It wasn't until Clint and Jennifer Hurt moved in that the huge mass of weeds in the back yard invading our lawn was finally dealt with, much to our relief. I truly appreciate your time and consideration towards this matter. I should think that the City could spend it's time on much more disturbing issues than one that the affected neighborhood has little or no problem with. Thank you once again. Sincerely, d~ vt()G(\l{}J Lea N ordos Building Commissioner RE: Letter of support for Clint and Jemrlfer Hurtts variance To whom it may concern: On behalf of Clint and Jennifer Hurt, please accept this letter of support concerning their sport court variance for a five foot side setback and 29.4% hard surface coverage area. We live two houses down trom the Hurtts residence and were one of the first residents to move into the Mission Hills development. We have seen our neighborhood develop trom the onset and strongly feel the addition of the Hurtts sport court is an asset to our community. The court has provided a much needed safe haven for our children to play on a daily basis. In addition, our neighborhood has held numerous social and recreational gatherings on the Hurtts court and hope to do so in the future. Our only option in years past was to hold these events in the street. The court is unobtrusive, blends in well with the environment, and has contributed to the property values of our neighborhood. We strongly support the addition of the Hurtts sport court and accordingly request that the Building Commission grant the applicable variance for a fiVe foot setback and 29.4% hard surface coverage. Dan' Eastman and Leanne Eastman Dan and Leanne Eastman 8451 Mission Hills Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-380-0245 September 12, 2005 RECEIVED SE~ 1 6 2005 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Building Commissioner 7700 Market Boulevard City of Chanhassen Chanhassen, MN 55317 To Whom It May Concern, This letter is in response to Clint & Jennifer Hurt's sport court variance. We are John & Mary Gerogeorge and our address is 470 Mission Hills Court. Our back yard property and the Hurt's back yard are adjacent to each other. Jennifer and Clint Hurt approached us early on and asked if we had an issue about them putting in a sport court. We had no objections to them installing the sport court. Since the sport court has been in, there has been no problems. As a matter of fact, it brings some of the neighborhood families together for some family fun of tennis or basketball. Our opinion would be that we support the variance of the sport court. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (952) 934- 7011. Thank you, RECEIVED SE~ 1 6 2005 CITY OF CHANHASSEN September li\ 2005 Dear Building Commissioner: I am writing in support of Clint and Jennifer Hurt's request for a variance of a five foot side setback and 29.4% hard surface coverage. Since Clint and Jennifer installed their sport court, it has become a real asset for the Mission Hills Lane neighborhood. It is continually being used by the neighborhood kids and adults alike. It also has served as an excellent and safe play area and has filled a void that existed due to the lack of a nearby park. We humbly ask that you consider granting this variance and take into account the benefit that it provides for this neighborhood. Sincerely, ~j:~ ~;;:;j~ Scott and Micheh~ T~rQ9lg / 8455 Mission Hills Lane Chanhassen MN 55317 952-906-1046 Dan and Jane Zureich 8490 Mission Hills Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 September 15,2005 REceiVED SE~ 1 6 2005 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Building Commissioner City of Chanhassen Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: 8491 Mission Hills Circle Request for Variance To Whom It May Concern: Our property borders to the East that of Jennifer and Clint Hurt (8491 Mission Hills Circle). Our family has used their sport court, which is the subject of their request for variance. We understand that the rock wall erected by the Hurts is currently situated on our shared property line and that the sport court is currently five feet from that line, as opposed to the ten feet required by the City of Chanhassen. It is our further understanding that if the Hurt's request for variance is granted, this rock wall will be removed and that the area on the east side of the sport court will be re-graded and re-sodded. Weare writing this letter to inform you that based on our understanding of the above, we support Jennifer and Clint Hurt's variance request for a five-foot side setback and 29.4% hard surface coverage. We take comfort in knowing that our children have someplace safe and close to play, and do not have to worry about them playing in or crossing streets or venturing far from home to play at a park. The sport court is especially timely since we understand that in the near future Mission Hills Lane will be opened to Highway 101, which is being widened into a four lane road. If you have any questions, please contact us at 952-914-0879. ffl"lcer. el y'. r );#11)4JA&{;J ~.~ () Dan and Jane Zureich September 10, 2005 Subject: RECEIVED SEP 1 6 2005 CITY OF CHANHASSEN I am a neighbor to the Hurt's. I live at 8460 Mission Hills Circle, Chanhassen. City of Chanhassen Building Commissioner To: Clint and Jennifer Hurt's Sports Court I fully support the Hurt's Sport Court. It is as built as professional as something to be found in a local park. Furthermore, I have had the opportunity to use it and it will cause fewer injuries to children and adults than a concrete court. You should also be reminded that we do not have a public facility similar to the Hurt's in close proximity to our neighborhood. Therefore, I recommend you approve the five-foot side setback and a 29.40/0 hard surface coverage. As they said in the original movie; "Bad News Bears 11" let the children play! I can be contacted during the daytime at 952-932-4101. REceiVED SEp\ 1 6 2005 CITY OF CHANHASSEN September 14, 2005 Building Commissioner Re: Clint & Jennifer Hurt's Sport Court Dear Sir/Madam: Weare writing to you today in an effort to communicate to you that we support Clint and Jennifer Hurt's variance of a five foot setback and 29.4% hard surface coverage. Our home is located just off the back of the Hurt's backyard and have been given the opportunity to play on and make use of their sport court. We currently do not have a neighborhood park and find this sport court to be an asset to our neighborhood and a privilege for our two children to have access to. Please take the time to consider this and allow the Hurt's to keep their sport court at its current size, I believe if it is eliminated or reduced in size it will no longer have the same benefit as it was originally intended for. Thank-you! Kelly, Dan, Cayman & Jordan Fasching 8550 Mission Hills Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-937-1229 REceiVED SEP 1 6 2005 CITY OF CHANHASSEN September 15, 2005 To the Chanhassen Building Commissioner: Re: Sport Court Variance. Clint and Jennifer Hurt As residents of 8444 Mission Hills Lane, we are in support of Clint and Jennifer Hurt's variance of a five-foot side setback and 29.4% hard surface coverage. The Hurt's sport court has been a gathering place for BBQ's and other neighborhood events due to the fact they have the space as well as the sport court for recreation for the children as well as the adults. As a neighborhood we have had basketball games and anticipate having the Hurt's host hockey games for the neighborhood in the winter months. It should be noted that there is not a similar facility/recreation space in the immediate vicinity. It would be a determent to the neighborhood should this sport court be altered or removed. Again, our full support is behind this variance application. Sincerely, /~~ \; fw".~ Kim & Conrade Thomas 8444 Mission Hills Lane (952) 937-7551 (Neighbors of Clint and Jennifer Hurt) September 12,2005 RECEIVED SEP 1 6 2005 CITVOF CHANHASSEN Building Commissioner, This letter is in support of Clint and Jennifer Hurt's variance of a five foot side setback and 29.4% hard surface coverage of their sport court. We live directly next door to the Hurt's residence at 8481 Mission Hills Circle. With over 65 kids in this relatively small neighborhood and no park nearby, this sport court is a huge asset. We always know were our kids are and with our children in many City of Chanhassen sports, this is a nice and close practice ground. An approval of the Hurt's variance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your time. Sincerely, /-1 J~~4~g~~ Dale and Rhonda Tirevold September 14, 2005 REceIVED SEp 1 62005 CITYOF CHANHASSEN Chanhassen Building Commissioner, We are neighbors ofCHnt and Jennifer and are familiar with the variance discussion regarding their sport court. We have used the sport court and enjoy having it in our neighborhood. We are also in favor of them maintaining a variance of a five foot side setback and a 29.4% hard surface coverage. Please reconsider their plea and the support they have from the neighborhood to maintain a healthy outdoor-living environment. / Sincerely, t' \ ~fL~ ;,} _I I . i, y-' /'-;f1i/ft4-/1~/J- t ' ifer ike Hidding 5 Mission Hills Lane september 11, 2005 REceiVED SE~ 1 6 2005 CITY-OF CHANHASSEN Dear Building commissioner, we live at 8471 Mission Hills circle (2 houses from clint & Jennifer Hurt). We are in support of Clint and Jennifer Hurt's variance of a five foot side setback and 29.4% hard surface coverage. please consider this request at the upcoming planning commission Meeting. Thank you, ~~ caroline and John Herbeck September 10, 2005 RECEIVED SfP 1 6 2005 CITY 01= CHANHASSEN To: The Building Commissioner ofChanhassen City Council Clint and Jennifer Hurt are in our Mission Hills Lane Development. We would like you to know we are in support of their variance of a five food side setback and 29.4% hard surface coverage. Thank you, ) /l--I-- /U:..d9~~~ Patrick and Lee Anne Eastman 8425 Mission Hills Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 ~e~- Date: 9/15/06 REceIVED SfP 1 6 2005 CITVOF CHANHASSEN To: City of Chanhassen MN From: Michael Maule 8464 Mission Hills Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Sport Court/ Clint and Jennifer HurtlMission Hills Lane This memo is to inform the City of Chanhassen, MN that we (Micheal Maule and spouse Patricia Silva) are in support of Clint and Jennifer Hurt's variance of a five foot setback and 29.4% hard surface coverage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you can reach us at 952 294 4545. Sincerely, Mi~AI Patricia Silva r;-;;~ ({ /~0~ . . . I RECEIVED SE? 1 6 2005 D /3 " { . CITY OF CHANHASSEN ~(Itf/ . lAI / d LI:9 ,0 rnn1f"S510Y7ev/ 1-10-05 We tll v~ ~1 v V G~!J Ul/l. --to tfLf~prvo V6 fh.t- V /tV{~Y7C -e..fu V C I/t II nf-~t1) h 100 v5 (!f / hf . Itht1 Jcllr7lftv -/f-vll/r. 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L.. -.u '0 ~:S- - " ....."0<( 7: L~ \'C) ~ ~ ~ ~ '-J V) - \,.0 'i"'. ~ \0 iJ\ \n Ui/'~ -.o'.~ ~ ~ --Q ~,,~~ ~ ~ 21 N""\ """,," ~~ "- ~ ~ ra ~ ~ <S'"" -" ~ 0- o '-...:... ~ ~ O-~C J r .~ ~ P.t) ~ 'J ~ t CY~~ ~ irJ ~{i3~ ~fB. ~.~ $,j l ~ & n~ '- ~(j _;>."" " -; ~ c.,~J \ _.~ ~'\. ....::.t- .--J ":;j i{j ~ "" \.() " ~ ~ . 9- /S~()5 ~1 I <. fke.. ~ i i ""\ .~ I i \ VC0\ {~ J Ok ~cfl ~~ if D......~. rl:'~\I!r.~ n,,~uik,B. ~u SEP 2 2005 t RECEIVED SEP 3, 2 2005 CITY OF CHANHASSEN City of Chanhassen Attn Building Commissioner: Scott and Shannon Fiedler 8511 Mission Hills Lane Chanhassen MN 55317 952-975-9802 We live in the upper cul-de-sac of the neighborhood. Our children play back and forth at each others houses. When the Hurt family decided to put the sport court in their backyard, they were very kind to invite their neighborhood friends to use the sport court at the Hurt home with parent supervision. We are very much in support of Clint and Jennifer Hurt's variance of a five foot side setback and 29-4% hard surface coverage. The sport court of the Clint and Jennifer Hurt Family does not have a negative impact on the city in any way. If the neighbors of Mission Hills Lane are in support of Clint and Jennifer, then pass the variance and move on to more important issues that the city should be focused on. Best regards, Scott and Shannon Fiedler