Minutes 9-6-05 oS - 21 Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 2005 33. Standard drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated over the front, side and rear yards within the subdivision. 34. A cross access and maintenance agreement shall be recorded over Lot 3 for the benefit of Lot 46, Pleasant View Addition for the existing driveway. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to O. Sacchet: We wish you luck with this. This goes to the City Council, it's scheduled for the 26th of September so if the neighbors want to follow it through the process, I don't know whether City Council does take comments or not. Sometimes they do. But basically the public hearing is what we do here at the Planning Commission and then City Council reviews that and depending on what the situation is, they mayor may not take further comments. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR OFFICEIW AREHOUSE BUILDING ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON LOT 4, BLOCK 2, CHANHASSEN WEST BUSINESS PARK, APPLICANT MINGER CONSTRUCTION, PLANNING CASE 05-27. Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item. Sacchet: Thank you Bob. Questions from staff. Any questions? Not really. I do have a few questions. So I want to be real clear because I wasn't here when the overall thing was looked at, and when I first looked at this particular design I was a little bit concerned about how many trees we're actually cutting here. I mean I went out there and they're fantastic trees. I mean there's not a sick tree that I could spot. They're all in really good shape. It's a beautiful, beautiful grove of trees here. We're cutting most of them here that are on this lot. I mean we have a few token trees maybe so basically in terms of the overall development we balanced that by that, it's an outlot that remains wooded and that. Generous: That is correct. It will be a conservation easement dedicated over this. If Nann you could go to the overhead. I don't know it's difficult to see but if you look at this site, the significant band of trees in existing conditions run through here. The applicant is actually putting the shared, the private street on the property to the north so that they're able to preserve this area. Then the building will be located back over where it's more open. There may be some shrub trees back there but nothing that showed up as significant on the survey, so they are doing a good job on this lot of preserving the significant trees out there now. Sacchet: Yeah but my point is actually different from that Bob. I mean what I'm saying is that I feel they're cutting a lot there. Yes they're saving a little sliver there but there's this outlot on the north of this whole development that's going to be preserved, right? What you pointed out before. I want to be very clear about that because that's important in terms of balance of this whole thing. Generous: Correct. 40 Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 2005 Sacchet: Okay. Because you know me with trees. The same thing applies with wetland impacts. They were looked at as part of the overall, and mitigated. Generous: Correct. Sacchet: About the grading there's a comment and that's one for you Alyson, that staff recommends that the swale in the southwest comer of the site be filled to reduce the height. What swale? Can you just point out what we're talking about here? Morris: Certainly. There's an existing swale at this location. There is a piped outlet that they're showing here. Currently this is draining some portion off from Chaska and Mr. Minger is actually working with those properties to ensure that they take care of their drainage, but when looking at the details, grading plan review, looking at filling the swale and either extending or eliminating the pipe depending on how they can alter the drainage through there, we can eliminate the, either eliminate or reduce the height of the retaining walls required at this location. Sacchet: Okay. Okay, thank you. Then there's another one, similar one I want to make sure I unqerstand. It's towards the end on page 7 there. Staff recqmmends that the access for Lot 5, property to the north align with the access to the Minger site. The eastern curb radius of this access to Lot 5 must be adjusted to accommodate turning radius of small delivery truck. Can you just help me to fully understand what we're saying there? Generous: Mr. Chairman, what we're saying is that this curb for the private street coming in come over to this point, and then the access be made like an intersection right here. And so we'll have an island on that side and then this will all be landscaping on this side. Sacchet: Okay. So it's not this staggered parking lot type of thing. Generous: Right. They'll come in at the same point and then truck traffic will be directed between the two to go to the rear and then auto traffic would come in on this side. Sacchet: So they would be lined up. Generous: But they'll line up, yes. These curb cuts will come all the way up. Additionally we are looking at them providing a sidewalk from the site out to the street and that would follow the south side of the private street, and in the future they'd have a connection to the building to the north. Sacchet: Thank you Bob. I think that's all the questions I have. Dan you have something? Keefe: I've got a couple. In regards to trash removal. Where's that located in terms of the site for trash on the building? 41 Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 2005 Generous: Currently they don't show it anywhere on the plans so the assumption is it's interior. If they want to put it outside they should provide a building that's, or a structure that's consistent with the building. Through the use of landscaping create an enclosure area that's screened. Keefe: So we don't know the answer to that. Sacchet: You can ask the applicant. Keefe: And then again to signage. Is this building going to be signed? I didn't see anything. Generous: It may. They have an area on the front of the building. Keefe: And they're allowed one sign? Generous: Well the ordinance permits, based on the area of their unit how big a sign. Because it's behind trees you're not going to have a lot of visibility. We anticipate there'll be a monument out on the street frontage just maybe the building. Keefe: Okay, that's it: Sacchet: Any other questions of staff? Yes go ahead Kurt. Papke: On the requirement for the additional islands and peninsulas. How do you count 6 islands and peninsulas in there right now? I'm a little confused as to how you arrive at the number 6. Generous: That's a good one. 1,2,3,4. I don't know...then she counted this as one area. Six. Yeah, that would be the sixth one. Papke: And the rationale for going to 14 in this space is? Generous: Oh just complying with ordinance requirements because what the ordinance tries to do is break up asphalt areas on parking and vehicular use areas so we want them to be staggered. The applicant is actually come up with some good locations for those and we'll get before the construction plans come in we'll get all the details worked out on that. Papke: Okay. So you don't anticipate an issue with hitting the 14 around that? Generous: No. Sacchet: Alright. With that, thanks staff. We have an applicant here? If you want to come forward. If you have anything to add. If you want to mention your name and address for the record please. Patrick Minger: Yes, I'm Patrick Minger. I live at 2218 Lukewood and during the meetings today a comment was made that you know, in the PUD, in the development we can have outside 42 Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 2005 storage and we aren't anticipating any except the, my renter is going to be moving in here. He has erosion control supplies. That's what he sells and growing up on a farm, that's rolls of straw. I really don't want him having rolls of straw in a building like this so I mentioned that you know I would like to have storage outside, cold storage to put this straw in rather than have it inside. I don't think the fire marshal would really appreciate hay inside of a public building anyway. And so today I had him, my renter come up with what he had in mind to put that in and this is what he came up with. Just for covering that hay outside and I plan on putting that back in this comer. I can grab that plan. This will be an island where I propose to do, and I don't know if you can get. Put this structure right here along the Chaska side and then put an island here with trees with an island here looking. The only way you'll see this, that is from Lyman Boulevard. Once you put an island here and an island off of this area with trees, you will not be able to see that at all, and that's what we'll get, you know we're requesting 14 islands. And filling this ditch here, extending the pipe, which we have to put in because it drains the outlot to the north. Many years ago when we developed this, we had to install this because of the tiling... and so there is a pipe in there now. We'll extend that down. The reason this ditch got put in, Chaska when they put the addition on.. . ditch appeared and nobody caught it. This other lot is supposed to stay in Chaska, so we're working that out with Chaska and so my goal is to straighten this out as staff recommends. Extend the pipe out and extend these islands where at this point, one up here and then aroun9 here to basically hide everything from Lyman Boulevard. Other than that I don't have any problems with the recommendations of staff. Sacchet: Questions of staff. I mean how do we deal with something that is not currently on the drawing, like this shed. Generous: That's why I requested that he put it up. Normally you would show it as a storage area. As part of the site plan. Keefe: Is it a permanent structure or is it a temporary structure? Patrick Minger: Well it will be temporary because if he leaves, he'll take it down. Sacchet: It will go. Larson: So like the islands, are they going away? Generous: What the PUD says it has, outdoor storage areas have to be approved as a part of any site plan review. Sacchet: So would this qualify as outdoor storage? Generous: That was my interpretation that it is the type of outdoor storage. You have to provide screening and this would be a method that he could do that. The other one would be to put up wing walls around it or you could fencing with landscaping. There's berming. Many different ways you can do it and he's proposing the use of landscaping with the structure. Sacchet: And there will be enough room for circulation of trucks and all that. 43 Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 2005 Patrick Minger: Yeah, that's pretty to north and south. They will have still plenty of room for circulation. Sacchet: Okay, do we have questions of the applicant? Questions of the applicant, no. Alright. Thank you very much. Now this is a public hearing. Is there anybody that wants to comment to this? This is your chance. Alright, I close the public hearing. Bring it back to commission. Comments, discussion. Dan, you have something? Keefe: I think generally, you know it's the first one in this new PUD so, and I think it looks pretty good overall. Sacchet: Yep. Any other comments? McDonald: I have no comments to add to it. It appears to meet all the criteria that we talked about before at our previous meetings and they're I think doing a fairly good job to develop a rather difficult site so no comments. Sacchet: Anybody else? Zorn: No comments. Sacchet: This side of the crowd. Larson: Well my only question is, is this... tent. But if the city's okay with... Generous: And that's part of the reason I wanted them to bring out at the public hearing and also we'll bring it forward at council. Sacchet: Was it an aluminum shed or? Patrick Minger: No, it's canvas. Sacchet: It's a canvas shed. So it is kind of a tent. Larson: Similar to what they put up for special events. Generous: Little bit more substantial than that. And it would have to comply with building code. Sacchet: It doesn't have requirements? Generous: It would have to. Sacchet: It would have to. 44 - Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 2005 Generous: Because it's larger than 120 square feet. Sacchet: So it has to comply to building code. And we do allow a canvas type of structure like that? Didn't we get into that before? Generous: Well the ordinance prohibits. Sacchet: I know we don't allow the teepee. Generous: No, that was the use that we didn't allow. He was making that a permanent structure when a temporary would have been permitted. Well screening is provided... Planning Commission and Council, they can say no. We'd rather see walls around this area with a metal. Sacchet: Do you need a roof over that straw? Because like when you start talking about it, usually what we do with these things, we make like a wall that is like the same, we say it has to be the same material. Patrick Minger: You know the watershed district's new requirement is to use wrapped hay for their erosion control. He's found a nitch in supplying that. Sacchet: So it should be dry. Patrick Minger: Yeah. Because the problem is you don't... Sacchet: ...got seeds in it and they...so it needs to be covered from the rain. Okay. Larson: Do you put it up or does he? Patrick Minger: He. Well, I'm a utility contractor. I don't do erosion control but you know. Larson: No, I mean the structure itself. Patrick Minger: Oh the structure. Oh, there will be a contractor come in. The company that sells it. Keefe: Are you saying it has to be refrigerated? Patrick Minger: No. Keefe: I thought I heard something. Sacchet: No, you heard the cold. Cold storage. Keefe: ... that's what I heard because cold storage is actually refrigerated storage in the storage industry so that's why I was wondering. Outdoor storage. 45 Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 2005 Sacchet: Alright. Thank you. The one concern is definitely with that tent, as you call it. Outdoor storage with a roof. I would certainly want to put in a stipulation that it should be shown on the drawings when it goes to council. I think that's probably the balance point. It's certainly not a reason to hold it up here from our angle the way I see it. But it should be defined and shown visible when it goes to council. I would ask for that. Other than that I don't think I have any comments. I'm glad to hear it's in line with the overall beauty framework. Looks like I missed a good one on that one too. Keefe: Should we add something about if they have external trash. Sacchet: Yes. That would be a good one to say if they for trash, is that something that has to be looked at in terms of like if there's trash, usually there's like somewhere a trash thing that. Keefe: Must be screened from the surrounding areas. Sacchet: Must be screened, yeah I mean there are city ordinances how that would be handled. Since it isn't, we assume it's inside the building. Maybe you should express that. Something to that effect. I think that's a good point Dan. And signage, is that something we need to say anything about? Keefe: It looks like they've already addressed it. Patrick Minger: We have to put it out on the access road. Sacchet: Yeah, we have probably a monument sign or something out there, yeah. Okay, so that would be just stamped. Alright, unless there's anything else, let's do a motion. Keefe: I'll do the motion. Planning Commission recommends approval of Site Planning Case No. 05-27 for a 46,152 square foot office warehouse building, plans prepared by Schoell and Madson, Inc. dated August 5,2005, subject to the following conditions, number 1 through 39 and I'd like to add number 40. To be should the building have external trash disposal, trash containers must be properly screened from the surrounding area. And do you want to say something else about the temporary storage? Sacchet: Let's do a second first. McDonald: I'll second. Sacchet: Okay. And then if you could add 41. And I'm open to suggestion and guidance from staff here. Do we want to make a condition that the outside storage should be shown on the drawings and be defined before it goes to City Council. Is that a reasonable addition? Generous: It shall be shown and approved by City Council. Sacchet: Yeah, and it would have to be shown on this, okay. Alright. 46 - Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 2005 Keefe: Accepted. Sacchet: Accepted. Alright. So we have a motion. We have a second. We have an addition. Keefe moved, McDonald seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of Site Plan Planning Case #05-27 for a 46,152 square foot office warehouse building, plans prepared by Schoell and Madson, Inc., dated August 5, 2005, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the City and provide the necessary security to guarantee erosion control, site restoration and landscaping. 2. The building is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. 3. The plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 4. PIV is required on the building water service. . . 5. No burning permits will be issued for trees to be removed. Trees and shrubs must either be removed from site or chipped. 6. Fire apparatus access road and water supply for fire protection is required to be installed. Such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during the time of construction except when approved alternate methods of protection are provided. 7. A fire apparatus access road shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed load of fire apparatus and shall be serviced so as to provide all weather driving capabilities. Pursuant to Minnesota Fire Code Section 503.2.3. 8. Temporary street signs shall be installed on street intersections once construction of the new roadway allows passage of vehicles. Pursuant to 2002 Minnesota Fire code Section 501.4. 9. A lO-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e., street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, Qwest, cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance #9-1. 10. An additional fire hydrant will be required in the island off the northeast corner of the building. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location. 11. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy #29-1991 regarding premise identification. 12. Revise the lighting plan to incorporate shielded light fixtures. Lighting shall be high- pressure sodium. 47 Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 2005 13. Space for recycling shall be provided in the interior of all principal structures or within an enclosure for each lot developed in the Business Park. 14. All wetland impacts shall be mitigated in accordance with the Wetland Alteration Permit for Chanhassen West Business Park. 15. All wetlands and proposed mitigation areas shall maintain a 16.5 - 20-foot buffer strip around the perimeter of the wetlands. 16. Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. 17. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and must pay the City $20 per sign. 18. All structures (including parking lots) shall maintain a 40-foot setback from the edge ofthe wetland buffer. . 19. Silt fence shall be installed along west property edge behind retaining wall near flared end section to minimize sediment erosion. 20. Silt fence shall be installed outside of wetland buffer edges. 21. The contractor shall use a Wimco or similar catch basin erosion control BMP. 22. All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round, according to the following table of slopes and time frames: Type of Slope Steeper than 3: 1 10:1 to 3:1 Flatter than 10: 1 Time 7 days 14 days 21 days (Maximum time an area can remain open when the area is not actively being worked.) These areas include constructed storm water management pond side slopes, and any exposed soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system, such as a curb and gutter system, storm sewer inlet, temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other natural or man made systems that discharge to a surface water. 23. All erosion control measures shall be installed and maintained in accordance with City, Carver County Water Resource Management Area and MPCA permit requirements. 24. A NPDES permit will be needed for the site and a completed SWPPP is needed for the site and should be available at the preconstruction meeting and on site during construction. 48 Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 2005 25. The contractor shall inspect daily all erosion control measures and perform maintenance on BMPs as needed or required. 26. The storm water pond on Outlot A shall be constructed prior to or concurrent with the development of this site. All storm sewer infrastructure between this site and the outlet into the storm water pond on Outlot A shall be installed prior to or concurrent with this development. 27. The applicant shall increase the number of trees and islands/peninsulas in the parking lot to meet minimum landscape requirements. 28. Tree protection fencing shall be installed at the grading limits prior to any construction and remain until construction is completed. 29. The applicant shall locate additional landscaping at the southern end of the property. Native species shall be used. 30. The existing swale west of the parking lot shall be filled in to eliminate or reduce the height of the proposed retaining wall. . . 31. Retaining walls that exceed four feet in height must be designed by an Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota and require a building permit. 32. If feasible, the proposed storm sewer west of the parking area shall be eliminated and rerouted to the storm sewer system to the east. 33. Disturbed areas must be restored to a minimum 3:1 grade. 34. Pipe bollards must be installed around all locations where the pavement grade exceeds 5%. 35. The eastern access to Lot 4 must align with the eastern access to Lot 5. The radius of the access to Lot 4 must accommodate the turning movement for a small deli very truck. 36. The grey line type shown in the legend should be labeled "by others", not "existing". 37. Verify that the storm sewer on the west side of Lot 4 will be constructed with the site plan improvements for Lot 5 or adjust the line type accordingly. 38. The main drive aisle through the site will be a private street since it serves multiple lots. As such, the road must be a minimum of 26 feet wide, built to a 9-ton design, and enclosed within a 40-foot wide private easement. A cross-access easement must be obtained and recorded before building permit issuance. The developer must submit testing reports verifying that the driveway is built to a 9-ton design. 39. A sidewalk connection to the public street must be constructed. The sidewalk shall be installed on the west side of the eastern site access and on the south side of the private drive. The sidewalk shall include pedestrian ramps at all curbs. 49 Planning Commission Meeting - September 6, 2005 40. Should the building have external trash disposal, trash containers must be properly screened from the surrounding area. 41. Outside storage shall be shown and approved by City Council. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to O. Sacchet: Good luck with this. It is scheduled to go to City Council on the 26th of September also. Generous: Chairman, the final plat will also go to council on that meeting too. Sacchet: Okay. So it's going to be preliminary and final all at the same time. Generous: No, they have preliminary already. They're just seeing the final plat. Sacchet: Okay. Oh this is the final. Generous:. They're approving the site plan within that plat. Sacchet: And then the final plat is going to go at the same time, okay. Alright. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Keefe noted the verbatim and summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated August 2, 2005 as presented. Commissioner Zorn noted the minutes of the Planning Commission work session meeting dated August 16,2005 as presented. Chairman Sacchet adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 50