CC Work Session Minutes 8-22-05 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AUGUST 22, 2005 Mayor Furlong called the work session to order at 5:35 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Labatt, Councilman Lundquist, Councilman Peterson and Councilwoman Tjornhom STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Justin Miller, Paul Oehme, Kate Aanenson, Greg Sticha, and Todd Hoffman PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION REGARDING THE 2006 BUDGET AND LEVY. Todd Gerhardt introduced the item and commended department heads for doing an admirable job with budget projections. Greg Sticha reviewed his memo, highlighting expenditures, revenues and levy projections. Todd Gerhardt talked about developments that are projected to create building permit revenues in 2006. Mayor Furlong asked for clarification on existing market value increases. Councilman Lundquist asked staff to clarify how the numbers work with the tax rate versus actual dollar amounts. Todd Gerhardt explained how staff is proposing to use the projected excess $2 million dollars to keep the levy constant over the next 4 years. Greg Sticha explained that the 2006 budget does assume a 5 ½% increase in wages. Todd Gerhardt noted that there were no service level cuts. He stated staff was looking for direction from City Council to determine which scenario to use for the Truth in Taxation levy. Staff is recommending Scenario #2. Mayor Furlong asked if there was anything new that the city may need to bond for in the next 5 years. Todd Gerhardt stated that in 2009 the city will be out of cash so the council needs to start planning now for how the city will fund future road projects. Mayor Furlong directed staff to explore the 1.5% scenario with 0% increase in the amount of taxes property owners will pay. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: DISCUSSION OF ZONING DISTRICTS, INCLUDING INDUSTRIAL. Kate Aanenson presented background information on the 1998 comprehensive plan and how those numbers were determined. She outlined assumptions that were used in determining the numbers for 2005 through 2020. Mayor Furlong asked what land is available in the 2010 comprehensive plan to meet the projected numbers. Kate Aanenson gave a power point presentation showing Chanhassen’s land use in comparison to other key financial cities. Mayor Furlong asked staff to explain how they figure density transfer numbers, net versus gross and if it’s the same as how other cities calculate their numbers. Kate Aanenson explained the numbers in the 2005 MUSA area, what happens if you take industrial out, and where in the city you can pick it up. Mayor Furlong asked about land use and what future opportunities there are for medium density and office/industrial and how those numbers impact current projects such as Town and Country Homes and Peterson Bluff. Todd Gerhardt explained how the City Council can give direction to begin the process of re-guiding property and how the road configuration through the 2005 MUSA area would differ depending on different land uses. Councilman Labatt City Council Meeting – August 22, 2005 asked for further clarification on the rezoning process. Councilman Lundquist stated nothing’s changed since 2 weeks ago and asked if there were timing issues involved. Kate Aanenson th explained that the City Council needs to make a decision at their September 8 meeting on moving forward with the road project. The work session was recessed at 7:00 p.m. and reconvened at 8:25 p.m.. DISCUSSION OF TH 101 CORRIDOR STUDY, LYMAN BOULEVARD SOUTH TO SCOTT COUNTY LINE. Paul Oehme showed a map of the Highway 101 corridor and reviewed staff’s discussions with MnDot and Carver County on sharing cost to conduct a study. Todd Gerhardt explained that it’s a good opportunity for the city to work with the State and County. Kate Aanenson explained how the process will work in receiving citizen input. Councilman Lundquist asked how many years the data from the study is valid. Mayor Furlong asked what the city will get for the money spent. Todd Gerhardt stated the key to this request is getting the corridor officially mapped. DISCUSSION OF 2006 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 06-01. Paul Oehme gave a power point presentation on the 2005-2009 proposed street improvement projects, highlighting the 2006 streets, along with sewer and ponding projects. Councilman Lundquist asked for clarification on the estimated number of lots and assessment projects. Mayor Furlong talked about the revolving assessment fund and how that can be sustained into the future. He noted he liked the 5 year projection plan. Mayor Furlong adjourned the work session meeting at 9:00 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 2