CC Minutes 9-29-05 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m.. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilman Peterson, Councilman Labatt and Councilman Lundquist STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Justin Miller, Bob Generous, Paul Oehme, and Todd Hoffman REVIEW OF THE LIBERTY ON BLUFF CREEK DEVELOPMENT. Todd Gerhardt introduced Kevin Clark with Town and Country Homes and reviewed the work staff and the applicant have done taking into account comments made by the City Council at their August 8th meeting. Kevin Clark outlined the changes made to the site plan. Mayor Furlong asked for clarification on which streets are private versus public. Kevin Clark showed renderings of the 4 different housing styles being presented in this development, highlighting color schemes, building materials, price"point and square footage. He explained that they have" hired Meriam Tate who will be determining the color schemes of individual buildings along with neighborhoods to meet the City's anti-monotony request. Councilman Peterson asked for clarification on the density per acre and how this development's numbers compare to a development such as Pulte. He asked that Bob Generous present those numbers at the next meeting. Mayor Furlong asked how the applicant plans to accomplish the mix of colors and styles within the development. Councilman Labatt asked about the southern comer where all four housing styles are in one area. Mr. Clark explained how that will be the model area for the development and how staging will occur. Councilman Labatt asked for clarification on the present site plan versus what was presented on August 8th. Councilman Lundquist suggested labeling the types of housing styles on the site plan. Todd Gerhardt explained that this item will be back on the City Council's agenda at their October 10th meeting. LIBRARY UPDATE. Melissa Brechon, Chad Lubbers and Linda Landsman presented the update on the library. The most requests the library receives are for wireless access and being open on Sundays. Melissa Brechon explained that the library will be getting wireless access in the near future, and explained the increase in hours for 2006. Todd Gerhardt stated discussions still need to be held regarding wireless access. Chad Lubbers presented numbers such as how book capacity has increased by 10% over the last year and that 75% of the users of the library are Chanhassen residents. Todd Gerhardt asked Mr. Lubbers to explain how the library measures volunteer hours. Mr. Lubbers reviewed the numbers and explained how volunteer hours in Carver County are "off the chart". In talking about the skate park, he stated coincidentally internet usage goes down when the skate park is closed. He then passed out handouts and flyers on current and proposed programs and presented the numbers for program usage.