Letter from Universal Valuation Services to Dan Cook of Pemtom 5-13-05 I 'I I I ,I I. I', I ,I, I; I I, .1'; I, I I - II: I (I~ Cwu .tt: ()<; -1'-/ Universal Valuation Services, Inc. Appraisers / Consultants www.UniversaIValuationServices.com 2 Appraiser's File No.: 25019 Mr. Daniel Cook c/o pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Mn. 55344 / RE: Loss in value resulting from Acquisition of Water Treatment Site on Jerome Carlson Property from proposed Lake Harrison Subdivision May 13, 2005 Dear Mr. Cook, Per your request, I am submitting a limited appraisal in a self contained appraisal report format of the above referenced property. The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the loss in market value resulting from the City of Chanhassen acquiring a portion of the property for a water treatment facility ~ite. The appraisal is limited for two reasons: 1) only a "before" and "afte~H t~e taking analysis of the proposed subdivision is used to represent the highest and best use of the property, 2) the existing improvements are not valued. A subdivision is the highest and best use of the land. The property is valued under two conditions: 1) As a subdivision containing 52 residential lots before the water treatment site is acquired and 2) as a subdivision ,containing 38 residential lots after the water treatment plant -is in place. The difference between t~e two final values is the estimate of v~lue lost as a result of the acquisition from this site. Requirements imposed by the City of Chanhassen for the placement of this water treatment site, and the effect it has on the remaining lots, is also considered in the valuatiQil process. UNIVERSAL VALUAnON SERVICES 287 Marschall Road, Suite 201A, Shakopee, MN 55379 Voice; (952) 445-9100 Fax:' (952) 445-9101 I I. I .1 I I I I- I I- I. I I' I' I I I I.. I 3 The attached report does not value the land as one vacant parcel. Valuing the property as one vacant parcel is NOT its highest and best use, and is therefore not considered. This report presents the findings, analyses and conclusions of this appraisal and fully identifies the parcel to be encumbered by the water treatment plant site. Based upon the appraiser's inspection of the subject parcel along with careful consideration of the many factors influencing market value, the loss in market value to the subject property as a result of .the proposed water treatment facility site acquisition was valued as of May 9, 2005. The difference in the two values is shown below: Value of Subdivision Before Site Acquisition: Value of Subdivision After Site Acquisition: Loss in Value resulting from Site Acquisition: $10,343,000 $ 6,436,000 $ 3,907,000 Three Million Nine Hundred Seven Thousand Dollars The above value is subject to a competent inspection for the contamination of the property for hazardous materials or other dangerous substances whiCh may be found on, within or around the parc:-.::l. .To the appraiser's knowledge, no such conditions currently exist. However, should such materials, minerals or gases be found present, the appraiser reserves the right to reevaluate the estimated value subject to these conditions. Descriptions of the property appraised, together with explanations of the appraisal procedures used, are presented in this report. The estimated market value is subject to the definitions of value, the Assumptions and Limiting Conditions, and the Certification contained within the attached report. If you have any questions regarding this report, or the information contained herein, please contact the appraiser at your convenience. Respectfully, UNIVERSAL VALUATION SERVICES, INC. Richard G. Marks (MAl) UNIVERSAl VALUATlON SERVICES ~ II. I I I Appraisal of: Purpose: I Partial Legal: I Subdivision: For: Appraiser: ~ ~. I I _. , ~. , ,. , t. 6950 Galpin Blvd., Chanhassen, Mo. Estimate value loss from Water Treatment Site a~quisition from Subdivision of Carlson Property by City of Chanhassen Pt. of the SW 1/4 of S. 3, T. 116, R. 23 E. Carver Co., MIl. Lake Harrison (Carlson Property) Pemtom Land Company Richard G. Marks (MAl) UNIVERSAL VALUATION SERVICES I Form 8283 (Rev. 10-98) Name(s) shown 00 yourlncolllll1a.x r.turn page 2 identifying '_'f o LI 6 Sadlon 8 - Ap,ralal Summary - U&tln tIJis section only iIemS (or tIfOUIlsofsimllarilems)for whiIlb you clained a dedllCtlon ofmor. tttao $5.000 per 18m or group. ExcDPtlOD. Report conlributlolls of cerlain publicly traded securities only in Section A- If you donated art, you may have to attach Ihe complete appraisal. See the Note In Part I below. I Part I IlnfonutlOIl 01 Doaated Prop.", - To be oompleted by the _ayer andIor lIIIpraiser. 4 C1\eCI< ~e ofproplltly. D Art" (contllulion of $20.000 or more) [Xl Real ESIate 0 Gems/Jewelry 0 Slamp ColIecliollS o Art" (contrlJutIon otless 1hao $20,000) 0 ColD Collections 0 Books D 0lIIer * Art Includes palntlmls. scu\p!Vres, waten:olors, Prints. draW\Ogs. ceramtcs. anllque tumitUre, dec;(ntive If1$, tel4lIeS. carpets. silVer. ran man~ts, h1slorical RI8l'iKnb"and Other smllr llb_. MOlt: 1f)'OUt' tohlIllIt contribution deduction was $20,000 or more, )'011 must attach e complete copy of the signed appraisaL See lt1:1t.nJction$. Ii (a) De~ of cblated propertv (If you need (II) U1qft)1e P.r=:s donated, 'II: a brlefsUllllllllYof (Cl&~ more SIIl"- attach a separ.dI mtemenl) the oven' p condition at time of1l1e gift A 1T.2\.Nn B C 0 \dl Dabl aoqui'ed (I) How acquired (t) Dlmar's cost or (0) For bargain _ See inItJ ~llIlo.. y donor (mo., yr.) by donor adjusted basis enlel' amount received (II)Amountclaimed asa (II Averars traall!t price deduction o securlleS A 05/A'1 P B C D I Part II mlld- In Part I abow 1hal the i as hlNhI a vaIlle of f.l;OO or less. See 1nsIrOO1Io1IS. I declare 1I\altli8101Io.g lem(s) incIudtd In Part I above has to the best of my knowledllund belief an appraised _Ioe of not more II1an S500 (per Iem). Enter Idllllllfylng IetIer from Part I and desatJe the specific \fem. See 1ns1tUClions. ~ fJ:~'I~I'::~~~~=:'lser Date ~ I dedare MI.. nat lhedonor.the _. a~to"lraI18IIllIoIIln \III1k:htl1e dllIler___lhepllllMlty. empIayo4 by, or l8l8ledto llIIYGf...ilreaoinO..- or 1IIlIlriecI1o..,y~ who;"....... to lIlY Gflhoofaro>galng....-. Md, 1I~ UOIIlCI by "'dllIlOI'. --. or ~ lolhetnll8dGn, IporMmod"'lIIlljorIty of lIlY ~ ciIrlntJ llIY IIX..... ror otIwll'll'lOAL NtIo,I~ lhIll hold myIOlIfClll\ lotl1e...-.... .........._per1amI ~ClI\.r...-..-;_tlatb_GflllY qulIIIIcaIIOll$- -"ed 1Iltl1e~11lll ~to_ IIPPI1IAIa Gftl1etypa Gf~bIirlgvalUlld.lilllfll't .......lIPfInIs8I...._1lDI ~ClI\ .,.........oIlhe llpJnIsIIdllftlPlll\y Yillua. FuIlI1wmOl9.1 ~dtlat.fala....r""GlIent ~ vllheprapar\l_" __In .....-___ or"""......... _I1ll\YIUb]lCt 1IIlI1lllll8 PnllY__secI1GII O7Ot{lt(llldll1g-lIbIItnCI" uroaot_/1OIlt ct laX ftablllty). llllllrm _I bllWllOl_l>lInd tam "'---*'-ClfW&llmon)l by'" tlhcI<< ofPrICll\le. Sign Here star1IlIn ~ ~__~_or8Ul\ll"",) 1llle LR:AD Qlyor_..... _ZlPo,oda 20 OP 5 7 . Ratfbf:; Donee AcIlnlNtedgmnt - To be complellld by 1I1e cIlariIable organlzatlon. This d1ar1lab1e organtlaUon adllIOWIedges Ilat It Is a qualified organlzation under section 17O(c) and that It received Ihe donated Pfnper1Y as described In Seclim B, Part I, above 011 ~ paIa} FlJ1hermore, this organIta1lOn atftmS that it the event I sells., exc\Ianoes. or otherwise disposes of the pfOll(ll1V described 10 Section B, Part I (or any portion thereot) wiIhIn 2yearsafter1he date of recQlt, itwlR lie Fom 8182, Donee IllformatiOn Return. wltb1l\e IRS and Dive Ihe dooor . copy of that tonn. This adcnOWl8dgmant does not repf8Selrt agreement .1118 claimed fair lJIIIl'ket \IlIlUe. Does the mganlza1iol1 in1llnd to use 1he property for an unrelatlld use? .......................................................................................~ 0 Yes 0 No Name of charl1ab1e organizatIOn (dOnee) Employer Ideatlfica1iOllall1llber Address (nuDler, street, IIId roDm or sulle 1lO.) en, or town, state, and ZIP code Authorized signature TItle Data 41~ 01031-'l5