Email from Roger Knutson to Bob Generous 9-7-05 Message t"age 1 or L Generous, Bob From: Roger Knutson [RKnutson@ck-law.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 07,20059:38 AM To: Generous, Bob Subject: RE: Harvieux Subdivision - CC 9/26 I agree. -----Original Message----- From: Generous, Bob [mailto:bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Wednesday, September 07,20058:33 AM To: Roger Knutson Subject: FW: Harvieux Subdivision - CC 9/26 Roger: Before I respond to Debbie, I wanted to run this by you. My response would be that the existing driveway which serves the existing house and the neighboring house, which meets the definition of a private street, is not created by the subdivision, so no variance is necessary for the existing condition. It is the configuration of the lots with access via a neck that requires the variance. Bob -----Original Message----- From: Dick Lloyd [mailto:dlloyd@chestnutpartners.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 06,20059:41 PM To: Gerhardt, Todd; kaaneneson@ci.chanhassen.mn.com; Generous, Bob Cc: City Council Subject: Harvieux Subdivision - CC 9/26 Good evening, Tonight I attended the Planning Commission meeting and I realized that a key point I intended to make about the subject subdivision may have been missed. The subdivision includes a variance for each of the two flag lots - Lot 2 and Lot 3. The existing home on Lot 3 and another home adjacent to Lot 3 (but not within the subdivision) is served by an existing "shared driveway". Code does not permit a driveway within a flag lot to serve two homes. Therefore a variance for a private street to serve the existing homes should be granted and be created as code provides. A variance for a flag lot (LOT 3) should not be granted. 30' width is required for a flag lot or a private street. The width of the common portion of the driveway must be 20' (safety issue) when serving two homes. When a subdivision is created it must comply with existing code. Best Regards, Debbie Lloyd 917/2005