Parcel A Legal Description
That part of the southwest Quarter of the southwest Quarter of it!ctfon 19, Township
116, Range 23 and the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quart~/' of scctlon IS,
Townshi p 116, Range 23, Carver County, Mi nnesota, descri bed as 1;011 owS:
Beginning at the southwest corner of said section 10; thence on as ass~med bearing
of North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds west along the West linc~ of sald Southwest
Quarter, a distance of 1026.89 feet; thence south 79 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds
East, a distance of 177.77 feet; thence south 86 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East,
a distance of 100.40 feet; thence south 78 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East, a
distance of 194.14 feet; thence south 74 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds Eas~, a
distance of 150.00 feet; thence south 47 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, a
distance of 75.43 feet; thence North 82 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds East, a
distance of 74.98 feet; thence south 58 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, a
distance of 84.58 feet; thence south 89 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, a
distance of 164.63 feet; thence south 18 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds west, a
distance of 824.19 feet to the northerly right of way line of Trunk Highw~y 5;
thence North 85 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds West along said northerly rlght of
way, a distance of 33.08 feet; thence south 56 degrees 40 minutes 55 seconds West
along said northerly right of way, a distance of 158.95 feet; thence Nortry 85
degrees 54 minut~s 50 seconds West along said northerly right of way, a dls~ance of
518.22 feet to the west line of the Northwest Quarter of section 15! Townshlp' 116,
Range 23; thence North 1 degree 37 minutes 50 seconds West along sald west llne of
the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 9.12 feet to the point of beginning.
which lies northwesterly of that particular northwesterly right-of-way line of
10-08, recorded as Document No. 265755 and as amended on MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF
TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 10-14, recorded as Document NO. 279658,
described as follows:
commencing at the southwest corner of said section 10; thence on an assumed bearing
of North 1 de~ree 56 minutes 40 seconds west, along the west line of the.Southwest
Quarter of sald section 10, a distance of 401.19 feet, to a particular rlgrytb-odf-way
line of said parcel 216 and the point of beginning of the line to be descrl e ;
thence North 47 degrees 18 mintues 16 seconds East a distance of 175.14 feet, to an
angle point in said right-of-way line; thence North 47 degrees 18 minutes 19 ~econds
East a distance of 22.71 feet, to a point of curvature in said right-of-way llne;
thence easterly a distance of 662.60 feet, along a non-tangential curve concave to
the south having a radius of 633.04 feet and a central angle of 59 degrees 58
minutes 14 seconds and having a chord of 632.76 feet which bears North 77 degrees 17
mintues 27 seconds East to an angle point in said right-of-way line; thence North 56
degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds East, not tangent to said curve a distance of 114.28
feet, to an angle point in said right-of-way line; thence North 22 degrees 13
minutes 10 seconds East, along said right-of-way line, a distance of 116.13 feet and
said line there terminating.