Correspondence Section Correspondence Section Park & Recreation -(L,^~k k- J-\ \Jo~. <A- .+l ~\~ ~'-'\~ ~ ~. \.\\-.s ~~....J \':+ (,..)V...J V\. Cs,V'.. '\.QA..4) ~,~ ~h~ . .u . ~~<~\~V} t r\v-v\ j .. /odu-ff cU o~ ~ - Cbc.. rj /1~ j~ ,t1J-li .~ --{C~lvV'~r 'flU[ C. j-( 5 ~~v~ . ;2-~L-(,~~{~,"-d~ o'"Y--- Cf /2>-. ;lL t~ ~~. yJX~ /MZL~!~~ ~~J tu-rn ~ u~. ~JOO,,~~~ c~ ''c-J1P , ~{r'- ~ ~~~ d.." rt....'S c..h ~ How_ofte~~? you chec~.~?ur trail? ~~ How ~~~y~i~_~le boxes do y~~ have? _~.__lllow many ~irs ~~~es? (~~_~xes 10-25' apart) 4 I The total number of boxes available to bluebirds (#2 + #3) I . -_._----_._-~~-------_._-,_.,..-.' . ~"-' .- r 5 : What is the average distance from one pair to another pair? (often 100-200 yards) I ~ ~tLK~~- J-_..~ ... "- I . /~ --.--.- .....-.--..- ~ ; 6 : How many hoxes were occupied by Bluebirds? (where one or more eggs were laid) t-----.--..-......---. ! 7 . How many I3luebird broods were successful? (where one or more bluebirds fledged) I' ....., .... .-...--.--- ....-... I 8 : How many Bluebird eggs were laid? f-- ' -'.. .--..... .. : 9 . J Jow many Bluebird eggs hatched? (cannot be greater than # 7) 1-..... ".-.- ....--.-..-----,,--- I ~~~.~~-'!.'~~-~.~ue~rd ~hicks fledged? ..~ can~ot be greater than # 82.. ~ _12 : H..~\V.~.~.v_~~~~s_~~~ by H.o~e_ Wrens? 1 tJ ~ successfully? 11 J Whal methods were used to discourage House Wrens? h6 iY'1Z- . n.lS CIV-r::- 15 ' How many boxes used by Houi>e Sparrows? 0 14 Used successfully? Q L7 , 17 : How many boxes used by Tree Swallows? I .--.---..... ... -.......-..._.... .._....... ! 18 I How many boxes used by Other Species" '-----+--- : 20 I Was predator protection used on pole? Yes Idfi) 19 Did it work? Yes / No. (circle one) :'i'ltl'y;~~-;I~-~rotection used: baffle, grease, other, o~ (circle one) .----..----- ,23 Was predator protection used on entrance? Yes I 22 Did it work? Yes / No. (circle one) --_.._----- "-- I i 24 i Type of entrance protection used: wire guard, 2x4 block., other. ~ (circle one) r251 PrOblems/Comments: . - , , o ,d)Na... -'4- .~ ! Please return this lonn by September 1 ~, 2005 if you wish to be included in and receive 8 copy of the Bluebird Direttory-2005. I Send to BBRPJScriven, 2044 Cedar Lake Parkway. Minneapolis, MN 55416. i l~epmtF'>ll1l~1_)5 <I,,,, K;H 2-1O-IIS , \. (See R.lcl; Pap-c) l/;f-L .~ -- ~L~/f1'~ ,;f-~ ~l'f11P(, (J'.v~ ~ /Y~I'~13-..!J sO'/<- -- tW_ '7~ 7..JV-- /A/ ~t/j4~~ - r#0