3 Special Event Permit and Application Policy CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952.227.1100 Fax 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone 952.227.1180 Fax 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone 952.227.1160 Fax 952.227.1170 Finance Phone 952.227.1140 Fax 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone 952.227.1120 Fax 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952.227.1130 Fax 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 Fax 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone 952.227.1125 Fax 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us 8 - MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director 1 Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent October 18, 2005 DA TE: SUBJ: Draft Special Event Permit and Application Policy The City of Chanhassen believes that community special events are a great opportunity to promote our city, facilities, business community, and event sponsors. Throughout our community special event series, we hear many positive comments about our events and we make people feel that Chanhassen is very special place to live and work. During the past 2-3 years, the City has seen a steady increase in other community sponsored events- by a variety of community organizations. These events include triathlons for kids and adults, cancer and MS walks, children's health fairs, etc. The city welcomes these individual events; however, they have been increasing every year and it is time to look at creating a policy to ensure that the events are successful. In the past, event organizers would approach the city with an overview of their event. The city and event organizers would discuss the details and determine a course of action to take. The process often would cross over city departments and include the Carver County Sheriff's Department. Since many of these events involve pedestrians and vehicular traffic, it is critical that the Carver County Sheriff's Department be involved in the review and approval process. My vision for this type of application/policy would provide the City of Chanhassen and Carver County necessary information to assist in providing a safe environment for the event organizers and participants. I would like to divide the special events into two categories: Races/Parades and Other Events/Special Uses Within City Parks. An example of a Special Use would be an advertising agency who would like to use City facilities or parks to film commercials or other promotional events. A separate application has been developed for each category. RECOMMENDATION It is my recommendation that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council review and ultimately adopt the attached race/parade permit application information and application forms specific to race/parades and other events/special uses. G:\park\jerry\Special Event Permit Policy Draft DOC The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. . Race/Parade Permit Application Information The City of Chanhassen requires that the following events complete the necessary application before the event is considered for approval. Events requiring a permit include bicycle races; foot races; race walk; marathons; triathlons; swimming races; parades; marches; or processions in or upon any city street, sidewalk, trail, or city park. In addition to completing the necessary application, the following list of specific requirements is mandatory: 1. Please make sure your application is submitted fourteen (14) business days prior to your event. 2. A $150 non-refundable filing fee shall be paid when the application is made. 3. The race/parade route must be approved by the City of Chanhassen. Please submit route map and detailed plans with traffic flow and barricade/cone placement with completed application. 4. Applicant must contract and pay for traffic control agents or police personnel at all intersections requiring traffic control. The amount of police personnel will be determined by the Carver County Sheriff s Department after reviewing the applicant's traffic plan. The submitted plan should also clearly demonstrate that adequate off-street parking for the proposed event can and will be provided for the duration .of the event. The City and County will review the off-street parking plan and verify its validity. 5. Applicant must contract and pay for any City services required to assist in coordinating the race/parade. 6. Applicant will provide, install and remove barricades, signs or other equipment needed for the event. The City does not rent equipment. Rental equipment can be obtained by the applicant by contacting a rental equipment company. 7. Gopher State One Call must be notified to locate utilities at least 48 hours prior to driving any stakes, etc. into the ground. Gopher State One Call can be reached at 651-454-0002. 8. Portable restrooms, if needed, are the responsibility of the applicant and must be removed immediately after the conclusion of the event. 9. Refuse containers/dumpsters, if needed, are the responsibility of the applicant. A list of licensed refuse haulers is available at City Hall, by calling 952-227-1100, or on the City's web site at www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Please complete the attached form and return it to: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd. P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Please allow fourteen (14) business days to process your application. g:\park\jerry\Race and Parade Permit Application Info.doc . APPLICA TION/PERMIT FOR P ARADElRACE CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 MARKET BLVD., P.O. BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 Telephone: 952-227-1100 Fax: 952-227-1110 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Application Rec'd Date Insurance Rec'd Damage Deposit Rec'd APPLICATION FOR FACILITIES USE PERMIT Proposed Activity: Rally March Filming Television Special Events Other PLEASE PRINT Proposed Park Location: Proposed Date of Event: Estimated Attendance: Hours of Event: (Including Set-Up/Clean Up) a.m. or p.m. TO a.m. or p.m. Describe the Proposed Activity: (If additional space is required, please attach a memo including any and all pertinent information) . Tent/Canopy Qty:_ Dimensions: Stage*: Please provide a diagram of tent/canopy location(s). Decorations (please describe) Sound SystemlBand*: Other (Please describe): *LIABILITY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE REQUIRED: APPLICANT SHALL FILE A CERFICATE OF INSURANCE IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,000,000 WITH THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN AS AN ADDITIONAL NAMED INSURED FOR THE TIME ASSOCIATED WITH THE EVENT. Has your organization ever applied for a permit before? _Yes_No (If yes, please complete next line.) Date of Previous Event: / / Was permit granted? _Yes_No NAME OF ORGANIZATION, GROUP, OR FAMILY Organization or Group: Address: City: Zip: Business Telephone: Fax: Cell: Email: PRIMARY CONTACT/OFFICIAL MAILING ADDRESS Contact Person: Address: City: Zip: Business Telephone: Fax: Cell: Home Telephone: Email: The use of a particular park or facility may only be reserved upon filing a completed application and payment of the designated fee or deposit. Applications are processed in the order of receipt. NO PERMIT SHALL BE ISSUED UNLESS THE COMPLETED APPLICATION IS RECEIVED NOT LESS THAN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS BEFORE THE PROPSED ACTIVITY. -over- City of Chanhassen Application for Facilities Use Permit Page 2 The undersigned applicant agrees: (1) to bear all cost of policing, cleaning and restoring park property used pursuant to the permit; (2) to reimburse the City of Chanhassen of all such costs incurred. (3) to indemnify the City of Chanhassen and hold the City of Chanhassen harmless from any liability to any person resulting from any damage or injury occurring in connection with the permitted event proximately caused by the action of the applicant, its officers, employees, or agents or any person under applicant's control; (4) to limit all activities conducted on Park property to the terms ofthe permit; and (5) that failure to abide by the terms of the permit or any other applicable laws, rules or regulations may result in revocation of the permit, retention of all or a portion of the damage deposit, fines, civil liability , or criminal prosecution. PAYMENT CAN BE MADE WITH A CREDIT CARD. WE ACCEPT VISA OR MASTERCARD. Card Type: VisalMastercard Credit Card#: Expiration Date: Your application is not confirmed until vou have received a written confmnation from our office. Applicant Signature: Date: G:\park\jerry\facilities use permit.doc . APPLICATION/PERMIT FOR P ARADE/RACE CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 MARKET BLVD., P.O. BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 952-227-1100 Note: An application for a parade/race permit shall be completed. Please allow not less than fourteen (14) business days for application process before the proposed date on which it is to conduct the event. THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION IS HEREWITH SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN 1. Event title: 2. Event date{s): 3. Parade/race applicant information: Name: Address: City: Zip: Telephone: Cell: 4. Event start time: a.m. or p.m. (circle one) Event end time: a.m. or p.m. (circle one) 5. If parade/race is proposed to be conducted for, on behalf of, or by an organization, please provide: Name of Organization: Name of Authorized/Responsible Head of Organization: Address of Headquarters: City: Zip: Telephone: 6. Parade/race chairman and person responsible for parade/race conduct: Name: Address: City: Zip: Telephone: Cell: 7. Event start location: Event end location: Please enclose a route map with your application. 8. Approximate number of persons participating in parade/race: Approximate number of animals participating in parade/race: List animal types: Approximate number of vehicles participating in parade/race: List vehicle types: 9. Statement whether parade/race will occupy all or only a portion of the width ofthe streets proposed or to be used:. 10. Location by streets of any assembly area{s) for such parade/race: 11. Time parade/race units and participants will begin to assemble at assembly area{s): a.m. or p.m. (circle one) APPLICANT SIGNATURE: DATE: NOTICE: this permit is not to be construed as authorizing any parade/race over such streets and highways as are under the jurisdiction of the Minnesota Commissioner of Highways, and as to those, permission must be obtained from the proper and appropriate al!:ency of the State of Minnesota. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PARADE/RACE APPROVED: I SIGNATURE OF CITY OF CHANHASSEN I DATE SIGNED/APPROVED YES NO NOTES: G:\park\jerry\Application for Parades and Races.doc