2003 02 25FlLE COPY
Special City Council Work Session &
Economic Development Authority Meeting
Tuesday, February 25, 2003, 6:00 p.m.
Courtyard Conference Room
Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Boulevard
Work Session - 6:00 p.m.
1. Discussion of Roles and Responsibilities of City Commissions.
EDA Meeting-7:00 p.m.
2. Designation of Chairperson.
Consideration of Redevelopment Proposals for the Bowling Alley
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen. MN 55317
?hon~,: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1t10
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Fa×: 952.227.1170
Pho~. 252227.114.0
Fax 952.2271110
Park & Recreation
?h.,o~m: 952 227.1120
Recreation Center
2,310 C;u!'.~r Bcdlevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fa:,: 952.2271404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Ph~n~: 952.227 1130
F~'< 952.2271110
Public Works
159~ Par~ Road
Phone: 952.227.q300
Fa×: 952 227.1310
Senior Center
Pho~: 952.227.1125
Fa:<: 952227.1110
Web Site
w:t,',,.ci channassen.mn.us
Mayor & City Council
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
February 21, 2003
Roles and Responsibilities of the Commissions
The City Council determines the roles and responsibilities of all of our boards
and commissions. It was discu'ssed at our Strategic Planning meeting that we
should review each of the commission descriptions prior to the joint meetings on
March 17th. This is also a good segue towards updating this section of our City
Attached is a draft copy of staff's recommended descriptions for each of the
commissions. I have asked each of our department heads to be present at
Tuesday's meeting to give an overview of the proposed descriptions and discuss
any potential changes the City Council may want to see.
The City ol Chanhassen, A growing community with clean lakes, qualily schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses. ;,,,inding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play.
Sec.2-46.03. Plannine Commission.
Subd. 1. Commission Established. The Planning Commission is established pursuant to the
Minnesota Municipal Planning Act, and has the powers and duties assigned to it by that Act, by this
Code, and state law. The Planning Commission is hereby designated the planning agency of the City
pursuant to the Municipal Planning Act.
Subd. 2. Membership. The Planning Commission consists of seven members appointed in the
manner set forth in this subsection. Members of the Commission are appointed by the Council for
staggered terms of three years, expiring on March 31st of each yeah
Subd. 3. Officers; Meetings. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Planning
Commission are appointed by the Commission from among its membership for the term of one year.
The Commission shall adopt its own bylaws with the approval of the City Council. All members of the
Commission may vote on all questions before the Commission. No member of the Commission may
vote on any question in which the member has fiduciary interest, either directly or indirectly. The
Commission shall determine in its bylaws the date and time of its meetings and shall set such public
hearings as are necessary and desirable, or as required by law or this Code.
Subd. 4. Powers and Duties. The Planning Commission shall have the powers and duties
allowed under State law, including:
To prepare a Comprehensive Plan for the future development of the City that is submitted
to the Council for implementation and to recommend amendments of the Plan to the
Council from time to time as may be necessary or desirable.
To initiate, direct, and review, from time to time, a study of the provisions of the Zoning
Code and the subdivision regulations and to report to the Council its advice and
recommendations with respect thereto.
To study applications and proposals for amendments to the Zoning Code and applications
for special permits and to advise the Council of its recommendations thereon.
To study preliminary and final plats and to advise the Council of its recommendations
To act in an advisory capacity to the Council in all matters wherein powers are assigned
to the Council by state law concerning comprehensive planning, zoning, platting, changes
in streets, and other matters of a general planning nature.
Subd. 5. Reports. The Commission shall make an annual written report to the Council, not later
than March 31st Of each calendar year, containing the Commission's recommendations for the ensuing
Sec.2-26.07. Board of Adiustments and Ap[}eals. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.354,
a Board of Adjustments and Appeals is hereby established. The Planning Commission shall serve as
the Board of Adjustments and Appeals.
The following bylaws are adopted by the City Planning Commission to facilitate the performance
of its duties and the exercising of its functions as a commission established by the City Council
on June 17, 1968 and pursuant to the provision of Subdivision 1, Section 462.354 Minnesota
State Statutes annotated.
The Planning Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council through carrying
out reviews of planning matters. All final decisions are to be made by the City Council.
The Planning Commission shall prepare a Comprehensive Plan for the future development of the
city and recommend on amendments to the plan as they arise.
The Planning Commission shall initiate, direct, and review the provisions and standards of the
Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations and reports its recommendations to the City
The Planning Commission shall review applications and proposals for zoning ordinance
amendments, subdivisions, street vacations, conditional use permits and site plan reviews and
make their recommendations to the City Council in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and
Subdivision Ordinance.
The Planning Commission shall hold public hearings on development proposals as prescribed by
the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances.
1.6 - Establishment of Subcommittees
The Planning Commission may, as they deem appropriate, establish special subcommittees
comprised solely of their own members.
2.1 - Time
Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held on the first and third Tuesday of each month
at 7:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers, 690 City Center Drive, unless otherwise directed by
the Chairperson, in which case at least 24 hours notice will be given to all members. Regular
meetings shall have a curfew of 10:30 p.m. which may be waived at the discretion of the
Chairperson. All unfinished business will be carried over to the next regular Planning
Commission meeting.
When the regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, there shall be no Planning Commission
2.2 - Special meetings
Special meetings shall be held upon call by the Chairperson, or in his/her absence, by the Vice-
Chairperson or any other member with the concurrence of four other members of the
commission, and with at least 48 hours of notice to all members. Notice of all special meetings
shall also be posted on the official city bulletin board.
2.3 - Attendance:
Planning Commission members shall attend not less than seventy-five (75%) percent of all
regular and special meetings held during a given (calendar) year, and shall not be absent from
three (3) consecutive meetings without prior approval of the Chairperson. Failure to meet this
minimum attendance requirements shall be cause for removal from the commission by action of
the City Council.
3.1 - Composition
The commission shall consist of seven (7) voting members. Seven members shall be appointed
by the Council and may be removed by the Council.
3.2 - Terms and Vacancies
The council shall appoint seven members to the commission for terms of three (3) years.
Vacancies during the term shall be filled by the council for the unexpired portion of the term.
Every appointed member shall, before entering upon the charge of his/her duties, take an oath
that he/she will faithfully discharge the duties of his office. All members shall serve without
3.3 - Quorum
Four planning commission members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. '
Whenever a quorum is not present, no final or official action shall be taken at such meeting.
4.1 - Election of Officers
At the first meeting in April of each year, the planning commission shall hold an organization
meeting. At this meeting, the commission shall elect from its membership a Chairperson and
Vice-Chairperson. Each member shall cast its vote for the member he wishes to be chosen for
Chairperson. If no one receives a majority, voting shall continue until one member receives the
majority support. Vice-Chairperson shall be elected from the remaining numbers of the same
4.2 - Duties of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
The Chairperson or in his/her absence, the Vice-Chairperson, shall preside at meetings, appoint
committees from its own membership, and perform other such duties as ordered by the
The Chairperson shall conduct the meeting so as to keep it moving rapidly and efficiently as
possible and shall remind members, witnesses and petitioners to preserve order and decorum and
to keep comments to the subject at hand.
The Chairperson shall not move for action but may second motions.
5.1 - Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure governed by Roberts Rules of Order Revised, shall be followed at all
regular meetings. At special work session meetings, and when appropriate, the commission may
hold group discussions not following any set parliamentary procedures except when motions are
before the commission.
6.1 - Purpose of Hearings
The purpose of a hearing is to collect information and facts in order for the commission to
develop a rational planning recommendation for the City Council.
6.2 - Hearing Procedure
At hearings, the following procedure shall be followed in each case:
a. The Chairperson shall state the case to be heard.
The Chairperson shall call upon the staff to present the staff report. Required reports
from each city department shall be submitted to the Planning Commission before each
case is heard.
c. The Chairperson shall ask the applicant to present his case.
Interested persons may address the commission, giving information regarding the
particular proposal.
Petitioners and the public are to address the Chairperson only, not staff or other
There shall be no dialogue among the commissioners giving information regarding the
particular proposal.
(The Planning Commission members may ask questions of persons addressing the
commission in order to clarify a fact, but any statement by a member of any other purpose
than to question may be ruled out of order.)
After all new facts and information have been brought forth, the hearing shall be closed
and interested persons shall not be heard again. Upon completion of the hearing on each
case, the Planning Commission shall discuss the item at hand and render a decision. The
Planning Commission, if it so desires, may leave the public record open for written
comments for a specified period of time.
The Chairperson shall have the responsibility to inform all the parties of their rights of
appeal on any decision or recommendation of the Planning Commission.
6.3- Schedule
At meetings where more than one hearing is scheduled, every effort shall be made to begin each
case at the time set in the agenda, but in no case may an item be called for hearing prior to the
advertised time listed on the agenda.
7.1 - Planning Commission Discussion
Matters for discussion which do not appear on the agenda may be considered and
discussed by the commission under the On-going items section.
b. Matters which appear on the agenda as open discussion items will not be recorded as
7.2 - Suspension of Rules
The commission may suspend any of these rules by a unanimous vote of the members present.
7.3 - Amendments
Amendment of these bylaws may be made at any regular or special meeting of the Planning
Commission but only if scheduled on the meeting agenda in advance of the meeting.
7.4 - Review
At the first meeting in April of each year, these bylaws shall be read and adopted by the Planning
Chairperson: Date:
Updated 9/1/01
Sec 2-26.05. Park and Recreation Commission.
Subd. 1. Creation. There is established a Park and Recreation Commission for the City.
Subd. 2. Membership. The Park and Recreation Commission consists of seven members
appointed in the manner set forth in this subsection. Members of the Commission are appointed by the
Council for staggered terms of three years expiring on March 31st of each year.
Subd. 3. Officers; Meetings. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Park & Recreation
Commission are appointed by the Commission from among its membership for the term of one year.
The Commission shall adopt its own bylaws with the approval of the City Council. All members of the
Commission may vote on all questions before the Commission. No member of the Commission may
vote on any question in which the member has fiduciary interest, either directly or indirectly. The
Commission shall determine in its bylaws the date and time of its meetings and shall set such public
hearings as are necessary and desirable or as required by law or this Code.
Subd. 4. Powers and Duties. The Park and Recreation Commission shall have the following
powers and duties:
To hold meetings of its members, to consider such matters pertaining to parks and public
recreation programs in the City as shall be referred to the Commission by the Council, or
as the members of the Commission themselves deem proper.
To prepare a comprehensive plan for the future development of the City park and
recreation system, to be submitted to the City Council for implementation, and to
maintain said plan, and recommend amendments of the plan to the City Council, as may
become necessary or desirable.
To act in an advisory capacity to the Council in all matters relating to park and recreation
in the City.
Subd. 5. Reports. The Commission shall make an annual written report to the Council, not later
than March 31st of each calendar year, containing the Commission's recommendations for the ensuing
DRAFT (2-20-03)
The following bylaws are adopted by the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission to facilitate the
performance of its duties and the exercising of its functions as a commission established by the City
Section 1: Duties And Responsibilities:
To hold meetings of its members, to consider such matters pertaining to parks and public
recreation programs in the City as shall be referred to the Commission by the Council, or as the
members of the Commission themselves deem proper.
To prepare a comprehensive plan for the future development of the City park and recreation
system, to be submitted to the City Council for implementation, and to maintain said plan, and
recommend amendments to the plan to the City Council, as may become necessary or desirable.
1.3 To act in an advisory capacity to the Council in all matters relating to a park and recreation
program in the City.
1.4 Establishment of Subcommittees: The Park and Recreation Commission may, as they deem
appropriate, establish special subcommittees comprised solely of their own members.
Section 2: Meetines:
Time: Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month
at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd., unless otherwise directed by the
Chairperson, in which case at least 24 hours notice will be given to all members. Regular
meetings shall have a cm%w of 10:30 p.m., which may be waived at the discretion of the
chairperson. All unfinished business will be carried over to the next regular Park and Recreation
Commission meeting.
Special meetings: Special meetings shall be held upon call by the chairperson or in his/her
absence, by the Vice-Chairperson, or any other member with the concurrence of four other
members of the commission, and with at least 48 hours notice to all members. Notice of all
special meetings shall also be posted on the official city bulletin board.
Attendance: Park and Recreation Commission members shall attend not less than seventy-five
(75%) percent of all regular and special meetings held during a given (calendar) year, and shall
not be absent from three (3) consecutive meetings without prior approval of the chairperson.
Failure to meet this minimum attendance requirement shall be cause for removal from the
commission by action of the City Council.
Section 3 Commission Coml~osition, Terms and Vacancies:
3.1 Composition: The commission shall consist of seven (7) voting members. Seven members
shall be appointed by the Council and may be removed by the Council.
Terms and Vacancies: The council shall appoint seven members to the commission for
staggered terms of three (3) years. Vacancies during the term shall be filled by the council for
the unexpired portion of the term. Every appointed member shall, before entering upon the
charge of his/her duties, take an oath that he/she will faithfully discharge the duties of this office.
All members shall serve without compensation.
Quorum: Four Park and Recreation Commission members shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. Whenever a quorum is not present, no final or official action shall be
taken at such meeting.
Section 4 Organization:
Election of Officers: At the first meeting in April of each year, the Park and Recreation
Commission shall hold an organizational meeting. At this meeting, the commission shall elect
from its membership a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. Each member shall cast its vote for
the member he/she wishes to be chosen for Chairperson. If no one receives a majority, voting
shall continue until one member receives the majority support. Vice-Chairperson shall be elected
from the remaining numbers of the same proceeding.
Duties of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson: The Chairperson, or in his/her absence the
Vice-Chairperson, shall preside at meetings, appoint committees from its own membership, and
perforrn other such duties as ordered by the commission.
The Chairperson shall conduct the meeting so as to keep it moving as rapidly and efficiently as
possible and shall remind members, witnesses, and petitioners to preserve order and decorum and
to keep comments to the subject at hand.
The Chairperson shall not move for action but may second motions.
Section 5 Procedure:
Parliamentary Procedure: Parliamentary Procedure, governed by Roberts Rules of Order
Revised, shall be followed at all regular meetings. At special work session meetings, and when
appropriate, the commission may hold group discussions not following any set parliamentary
procedures except when motions are before the commission.
Section 6 - Public Hearings:
6.1 Purpose of Hearings: The purpose of a hearing is to collect information and facts in order for
the commission to develop a rational recommendation for the City Council.
6.2 Hearing Procedure: At hearings, the following procedure shall be followed in each case:
a. The Chairperson shall state the'case to be heard.
The Chairperson shall call upon staff to present the staff report. Required reports from each
city department shall be submitted to the Park and Recreation Commission before each case
is heard.
c. The Chairperson shall ask the applicant to present his case.
d. Interested persons may address the commission, giving information regarding the particular
e. Petitioners and the public are to address the Chairperson only, not staff or other
There shall be no dialogue among the commissioners giving information regarding the
particular proposal.
(The Park and Recreation Commission members may ask questions of persons addressing
the commission in order to clarify a fact, but any statement by a member of any other
purpose than to question may be ruled out of order.)
After all new facts and information have been brought forth, the hearing shall be closed and
interested persons shall not be heard again. Upon completion of the hearing on each case,
the Park and Recreation Commission shall discuss the item at hand and render a decision.
The Park and Recreation Commission, if it so desires, may leave the public record open for
written comments for a specified period of time.
h. The Chairperson shall have the responsibility to inform all of the parties of their fights of
appeal on any decision or recommendation of the Park and Recreation Commission.
Schedule: At meetings where more than one hearing is scheduled, every effort shall be made to
begin each case at the time set on the agenda, but in no case may an item be called for hearing
prior to the advertised time listed on the agenda.
Section 7 Miscellaneous:
7.1 Park and Recreation Commission Discussion:
Matters for discussion which do not appear on the agenda shall be added to the agenda
immediately following roll call.
b. Matters which are added shall be discussed at an appropriate time in the agenda as assigned
by the chairperson.
7.2 Suspension of Rules: The commission may suspend any of these rules by a unanimous vote of
the members present.
Amendments: Amendment of these bylaws may be made at any regular or special meeting of
the Park and Recreation Commission but only if scheduled on the meeting agenda in advance of
the meeting.
7.4 Review: At the first meeting in April of each year, these bylaws shall be read and adopted by the
Park and Recreation Commission.
Chairperson: Date:
Updated 02/20/03
Sec.2-26.09 Environmental Commission.
Subd. 1. Commission Established. The Environmental Commission is established to provide
the residents of Chanhassen with opportunities to improve the quality of their environment, address
issues that affect the city's natural resources, provide environmental education to the public, bring a
comprehensive perspective to environmental issues, and advocate the benefits and necessity of
Chanhassen's natural resources.
Subd. 2. Membership. The Environmental Commission consists of seven members appointed
in the manner set forth in this subsection. Members of the Commission are appointed by the Council for
staggered terms of three years expiring on March 31st of each year.
Subd. 3. Officers; Meetings. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Environmental
Commission are appointed by the Commission from among its membership for the term of one year.
The Commission shall adopt its own bylaws with the approval of the City Council. All members of the
Commission may vote on all questions before the Commission. No member of the Commission may
vote on any question in which the member has fiduciary interest, either directly or indirectly. The
Commission shall determine in its bylaws the date and time of its meetings and shall set such public
hearings as are necessary and desirable or as required by law or this Code.
Subd. 4. Powers and Duties. The Environmental Commission has the following powers and
(a) The Environmental Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council and
Planning Commission in addressing the needs of the environment as directed by the City
Council. All final decisions are to be made by the City Council.
(b) The Environmental Commission will consider and make recommendations at the direction of
the City Council regarding environmental issues.
(c) The Environmental Commission will make recommendations at the direction of the City
Council regarding funding for environmental projects.
(d) The Environmental Commission may propose studies to the City Council and make
recommendations according to the results.
(e) The Environmental Commission will coordinate services with other governmental and private
agencies for related issues.
Subd. 5. Reports. The Environmental Commission shall make an annual written report to the Council,
not later than March 31st of each calendar year, containing the Commission's recommendations for the
ensuing year.
The following by-laws are adopted by the Chanhassen Environmental Commission to
facilitate the performances of its duties and the exercising of its functions as a Commission
established by the City Council pursuant to the provision of Subdivision 1, Section 462.354,
Minnesota State Statutes annotated.
Section 1 - Duties and Responsibilities
The Environmental Commission has the purpose and responsibility to provide the residents
of Chanhassen with opportunities to improve the quality of their environment, address
issues that affect the city's natural resources, provide environmental education to the public,
bring a comprehensive perspective to environmental issues, and advocate the benefits and
necessity of Chanhassen's natural resources.
The Environmental Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council and
Planning Commission in addressing the needs of the environment as directed by the City
Council. All final decisions are to be made by the City Council.
The Environmental Commission will consider and make recommendations at the direction
of the City Council regarding environmental issues.
The Environmental Commission will make recommendations at the direction of the City
Council regarding funding for environmental projects.
The Environmental Commission may propose studies to the City Council and make
recommendations according to the results.
The Environmental Commission will coordinate services with other governmental and
private agencies for related issues
Establishment of Sub-Committees. The Environmental Commission may, as they deem
appropriate, establish special sub-committees comprised solely of their own members.
Section 2 - Meetings
Time and Place. Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held on the second
Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at 690 City Center Drive, unless otherwise directed
by the Chairperson, in which case, at least 24 hours notice will be given to all members.
Regular meetings shall have a curfew of 9:00 p.m. which may be waived at the discretion of
the Chairperson. All unfinished business will be carried over to the next regular meeting.
When the regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, there shall be no meeting. In such an
event, the monthly meeting shall be rescheduled by consensus.
Special Meetings. Special meetings shall be held upon call by consensus of the
Commission and with at least 48 hours of notice to all members.
Attendance. The Environmental Commission members shall attend not less than 75% of all
regular and special meetings held during a given calendar year and shall not be absent from
three consecutive meetings without prior notification of the Chairperson. Failure to meet
this minimum attendance requirement shall be reasonable cause for removal from the
Commission by action of the City Council.
Section 3 - Commission Composition - Terms and Vacancies
Composition. The Environmental Commission shall consist of seven voting members.
Seven members shall be appointed by the City Council and may be removed by the Council.
The City Council shall appoint one of their members to serve as a liaison to the
Terms and Vacancies. The City Council shall appoint seven members to the commission
for terms of three years. Vacancies during the term shall be filled by the Council for the
unexpired portion of the term. All members shall serve without compensation.
Member Requirements. All members of the Environmental Commission shall be in
compliance with all local, state, and federal environmental regulations at their homes and
owned businesses. Members will be allowed six months to correct any violations.
Violations existing after that time will be reasonable cause for removal from the
Commission by action of the City Council.
Quorum. Four Environmental Commission members shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. Whenever a quorum is not present, no final or official action shall
be taken at such meeting.
Section 4 - Organization
Election of Officers. The first meeting in April of each year, the Environmental
Commission shall hold an organizational meeting. At this meeting, the Commission shall
elect from its membership a chairperson and vice-chairperson. This shall be done by voice
vote. Vice-Chairperson shall be elected from the remaining members by the same
proceeding. If the Chairperson retires from the Environmental Commission before the next
regular organizational meeting, the Vice-Chairperson shall be Chairperson. If both
Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson retire, new officers shall be elected at the next regular
meeting. If both Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are absent from a meeting, the
Commission shall elect a temporary Chairperson by voice vote.
Duties of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson, or in his/her absence, the
Vice Chairperson, shall conduct the meeting so as to keep it moving as rapidly and
efficiently as possible and shall remind members, witnesses and petitioners to preserve
order and decorum and to keep comments to the subject at hand. The Chairperson shall not
move for action but may second motions.
Section 5 - Procedure
Procedure. When appropriate, parliamentary procedure governed by Robert's Rules of
Order Revised shall be followed.
Section 6 - Informational Meetings
Purpose of Informational Meetings. The purpose of an informational meeting is to collect
information and facts in order for the Commission to develop a rational environmental issue
recommendation for the City Council.
Meeting Procedure. At informational meetings, the following procedures shall be followed
in each case:
The Chairperson shall state the purpose of the meeting.
Interested persons may address the Commission, giving information regarding the
particular proposal
Section 7 - Miscellaneous
Environmental Commission Discussion. Matters for discussion which do not appear on the
agenda may not be considered and discussed by the Commission until the end of the
Suspension of Rules. The Commission may suspend any of these rules by unanimous vote
of the members present.
Amendments. Amendments of these by-laws may be made at any regular or special
meeting of the Environmental Commission but only if scheduled on the meeting agenda in
advance of the meeting.
Review. At the first meeting in ApriI of each year, these by-laws shall be read and adopted
by the Environmental Commission.
Adopted this 13th day of June, 2001.
, Chairperson
, Mayor
Sec.2-26. I 1 Senior Commission.
Subd. 1. Commission Established. The Senior Commission serves as an advisory body to the
City Council in addressing the special needs of people over age 55 living in Chanhassen. They consider
and make recommendations to the City Council regarding the special needs of seniors in the areas of
transportation, information and assistance, independent living in the home, social and recreational
programs, senior center and senior housing, but are not limited to these issues. All final decisions are made
by the City Council.
Subd. 2. Membership. The Senior Commission consists of seven members appointed in the
manner set forth in this subsection. Members of the Commission are appointed by the Council for
staggered terms of three years, expiring on March 31st of each year.
Subd. 3. Officers; Meetings. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Senior Commission
are appointed by the Commission from among its membership for the term of one year. The
Commission shall adopt its own bylaws with the approval of the City Council. All members of the
Commission may vote on all questions before the Commission. No member of the Commission may
vote on any question in which the member has fiduciary interest, either directly or indirectly. The
Commission shall determine in its bylaws the date and time of its meetings and shall set such public
hearings as are necessary and desirable or as required by law or this Code.
Subd. 4. Powers and Duties. The Senior Commission shall have the following powers and
(a) They make recommendations to the City Council regarding funding for special services to be
provided for citizens over age 55.
(b) They may propose needs studies for this age group where necessary and make recommendations
to the City Council based on the results.
(c) They coordinate services with other governments and private agencies for this age group.
Subd. 5. Reports. The Commission shall make an annual written report to the Council, not later
than the last day of March of each calendar year, containing the Commission's recommendations for the
ensuing year.
The following by-laws are adopted by the Chanhassen Senior Commission to
facilitate the performances of its duties and the exercising of its functions as a Commission
established by the City Council pursuant to the provision of Subdivision 1, Section 462.354,
Minnesota State Statutes annotated.
Section 1 - Duties and Responsibilities
The Senior Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council in
addressing the special needs of the people over 55 living in Chanhassen. All final
decisions are to be made by the City Council.
The Senior Commission will consider and make recommendations to the City
Council regarding the special needs of seniors in the areas of transportation,
information and assistance, independent living in the home, social and recreational
programs, senior centers and senior housing, but will not be limited to these issues.
The Senior Commission will make recommendations to the City Council regarding
funding for special services to be provided for the citizens over 55.
The Senior Commission may propose needs studies of this age group where
necessary and make recommendations to the City Council according to the results.
The Senior Commission will coordinate services with other governments and private
agencies for this age group.
Public Heatings. The Senior Citizen Commission shall hold public hearings on
issues regarding special needs of seniors in areas of transportation, information and
assistance, independent living in the home, social and recreational programs, senior
centers and senior housing, but will not be limited to these issues.
Establishment of Sub-Committees. The Senior Commission may, as they deem
appropriate, establish special sub-committees comprised of their own members and
other citizens fi'om the community.
Section 2 - Meetings
Times and Place. Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held on the third
Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at the City Council Chambers, 7700 Market
Boulevard, unless otherwise directed by the Chairperson, in which case, at least 24
hours notice will be given to all members. Regular meetings shall have a curfew of
12:00 p.m., which may be waived at the discretion of the Chairperson. All
unfinished business will be carried over to the next regular meeting. When the
regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, there shall be no meeting.
Special Meetings. Special meetings shall be held upon call by the Chairperson, or in
her/his absence, the Vice-Chairperson, or any other member with the concurrence of
four other members of the Commission and with at least 48 hours of notice to all
members on the first Friday of the month. Notice of all special meetings shall be
posted on the official city bulletin board.
Attendance. The Senior Commission members shall attend not less than 75% of all
regular and special meetings held during a given calendar year and shall not be
absent from three consecutive meetings without prior approval of the Chairperson.
Failure to meet this minimum attendance requirement shall be cause for removal
from the Commission by action of the City Council.
Section 3 - Commission Composition - Terms and Vacancies
Composition. The Senior Commission shall consist of seven voting members.
Seven members shall be appointed by the City Council and may be removed by the
Terms and Vacancies. The City Council shall appoint seven members to the
commission for terms of three years. Vacancies during the term shall be filled by
the Council for the unexpired portion of the term. Every appointed member shall,
before entering upon the charge of his/her duties take an oath that he/she will
faithfully discharge the duties of his/her office. All members shall serve without
Quorum. Four Senior Commission members shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. Whenever a quorum is not present, no final or official
action shall be taken at such meeting.
No two members of the same household may serve on the Senior Commission at
the same time.
Section 4 - Organization
Election of Officers. The first meeting in April of each year, the Senior Commission
shall hold an organizational meeting. At this meeting, the Commission shall elect
from its membership a chairperson and vice-chairperson. This shall be done by
voice vote. Vice-Chairperson shall be elected from the remaining members by the
same proceeding. If the Chairperson retires from the Senior Commission before the
next regular organizational meeting, the Vice-Chairperson shall be Chairperson. If
both Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson retire, new officers shall be elected at the
next regular meeting. If both Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are absent from a
meeting, the Commission shall elect a temporary Chairperson by voice vote.
Duties of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson, or in his/her
absence, the Vice-Chairperson, shall preside at meetings, appoint committees from
it's own membership and perform other such duties as ordered by the Commission.
The Chairperson shall conduct the meeting so as to keep it moving as rapidly and
efficiently as possible and shall remind members, witnesses and petitioners to
preserve order and decorum and to keep comments to the subject at hand. The
Chairperson shall not move for action but may second motions.
Section 5 - Procedure
Procedure. Parliamentary procedure governed by Robert's Rules of Order Revised
shall be followed at all regular meetings. At special work session meetings, and
when appropriate, the Commission may hold group discussions not following any
set parliamentary procedures except when motions are before the Commission.
Section 6 - Public Heatings
Purpose of Heatings. The purpose of a hearing is to collect information and facts in
order for the Commission to develop a rational senior issue recommendation for the
City Council.
Hearing Procedure. At hearings, the following procedures shall be followed in each
The Chairperson shall state the case to be heard.
The Chairperson shall call upon staff to present the staff report. Required
reports fi'om each city department shall be submitted to the Senior
Commission before each case is heard.
The Chairperson shall ask the applicant to present his/her case.
Interested persons may address the Commission, giving information
regarding the particular proposal.
Petitioners and the public are to address the Chairperson only, not staff or
other commissioners.
There shall be no dialogue among the Commissioners, giving information
regarding the particular proposal. (The Senior Commission members may
ask questions of persons addressing the Commission in order to clarify a
fact, but any statement by a member for any other purpose then to question
may be ruled out of order.)
After all new facts and information have been brought forth, the hearing shall
be closed and interested persons shall not be heard again. Upon completion
of the hearing on each case, the Senior Commission shall discuss the item at
hand and render a decision. The Senior Commission, if it so desires, may
leave the public record open for written comments for a specified period of
The Chairperson shall have the responsibility to inform all of the parties of
their rights of appeal on any decision or recommendation of the Senior
Schedule. At meetings where more than one hearing is scheduled, every effort shall
be made to begin each case at the time set on the agenda, but in no case may an item
be called for hearing prior to the advertised time listed on the agenda.
Section 7 - Miscellaneous
Senior Commission Discussion. Matters for discussion which do not appear on the
agenda may not be considered and discussed by the Commission unless, when
initiated and presented by the staff and be placed at the end of the agenda.
Suspension of Rules. The Commission may suspend any of these rules by
unanimous vote of the members present.
Amendments. Amendments of these by-laws may be made at any regular or special
meeting of the Senior Commission but only if scheduled on the meeting agenda in
advance of the meeting.
Review. At the first meeting in April of each year, these by-laws shall be read and
adopted by the Senior Commission.
Adopted this 17th day of May 2002.
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen. MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.22M 190
Fax: 952.227.1170
Fhcne: 952.227.1140
.:~:~: 952 227.1110
Park & Recreation
Pr;.::;s: 952.227.1120
Fa'.~: ~,52 227.1110
Recre.~: ss Center
';3i0 Co~. ::,~ Boulevard
?hc::e: ~,,~2.227.1400
~a~:' 952 227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phsaa~ 952.227.1130
Fa:,: 952 227.1110
Public Works
1591 F~r~ Road
P~nn~: 952227.1300
Fa'.<: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
~,~',,~.,¥.ci.c ha n na ss en .mn.us
Economic Development Authority
Justin Miller, Assistant to the Executive Director
February 21, 2003
Selection of EDA Chair
The former chair, Gary Boyle, no longer serves on the Economic
Development Authority. Before any action is taken Tuesday evening, a chair
must be selected. The chair's term will be for calendar year 2003.
In order for a chair to be elected, he must receive the votes from a simple
majority of the EDA members.
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
C'~anhassen. MN 55317
Phone: 952,227,1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
:%ne: 952,227.1160
qx 952.227,1170
>c~: ~52 227.H40
:~,. 9~2.227.H10
Pa~k & Recreation
>ct:e: 952227.1120
:~' 992 227.1110
~cr~,s~ Cenler
~: ~ Co~;ter Boulevard
>:~ 952.227.1400
:~< ~5~ 227.1404
Planning &
Natural ResourcBs
>z~e 952227.1130
~z~: 952 227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
>~ 952.227.1300
~az: 952.227.13~0
Senior Cenler
Fnone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952227.1110
Web Sile
Economic Development Authority
Justin Miller, Assistant to the Executive Director_.~.~,,
February 21, 2003
Chanhassen Bowling Alley Redevelopment Proposals
In 2001 the EDA acquired the Chan Bowl through a foreclosure process.
Since this time, the City has actively been marketing this property for
redevelopment. In late 2001, two competing proposals were submitted, with
Kraus/Anderson eventually being selected as the master redeveloper.
Subsequently, a purchase agreement was negotiated and approved by the
EDA, however Kraus/Anderson withdrew from this agreement in early 2002.
Since this time, staff has received numerous inquiries about the property. In
February 2003, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued to those who had ·
shown the most interest in the redevelopment project. Staff received five
proposals, which are before you for your consideration at Tuesday's meeting.
Pay off Heritage Loan (first mortgage)
Pay back taxes due 12/31/00
HRA Second Mortgage
Utilities to Date
Legal expenses
2001 property taxes
2002 property taxes
Interest on EDA Promissory Note (6%)
In issuing the RFP, staff outlined several goals and guidelines we wanted to
see in the redevelopment of the bowling alley site. A copy of the RFP is
attached to this report.
As stated earlier, five proposals were received from the following groups: · Market Blvd. Development Group
· Bloomberg Companies
· Oppidan
· Frauenshuh-Sweeny
· Marcus Corporation
Staff has analyzed these proposals and offers their thoughts in the attached
side-by-side comparisons and a listing of the pros and cons of each proposal.
The EDA should remember that the City is the owner of this property and
therefore can dictate what is developed on the site. Selecting one proposal
tonight does not necessarily mean that you approve of their tenant mix,
building style, or purchase price. In making your recommendation, staff asks
that you make these concerns known so that negotiations can reflect your
thoughts for the site.
Each group has been invited to Tuesday's meeting for a brief presentation of
their proposal and will be available to answer any questions. After these
presentations, staff would like to review them with the EDA and discuss what
actions should be taken.
Request for Proposals
Proposals received
Side-by-side comparisons
Pros and cons
Chanhassen Bowling Alley Redevelopment
Request for Proposals
7700 Markel Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen. MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952227.1'i10
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
PhOne: 952.227.1160
Fa'.,:: 952.227.1170
?hone: 952.227.1140
F~,x: 952.227. ! 110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fa'~,: 952.227.1110
?%reation Center
23i0 Ocdter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fa;,:~ 952.227.1404.
Planning &
Natural Resources
Pr ?.e: 952.227.1130
F.~x: 952.227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fa:z: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952227.1110
Web Site
',w:w dzhanhassen.mn.us
The City of Chanhassen is accepting proposals for redevelopment of the
Chanhassen Bowling Alley and associated properties. This property is in the core
of the downtown, and is located north of State Highway 5 and east of Market
Boulevard. As the last large remaining property in downtown that is available to
be developed, the City is interested in a complete proposal that can bring an
energy to downtown and maximize the current uses. Nearby facilities include the
Chanhassen Dinner Theater, Chanhassen Cinema, Market Square, a new
Chanhassen Library, as well as many banks, restaurants, and other retail outlets.
The City is open to various uses, but would be hesitant to accept "big box"
retailers, liquor stores, fast food restaurants, or grocery stores. Proposals that
include housing and incorporate the existing Southwest Metro Park and Ride will
be given extra merit.
Proposals should be sent to Chanhassen City Hall, c/o Justin Miller by 5:00 pm on
February 20th. The Chanhassen Economic Development Authority will consider
these proposals at 7:00 pm on February 25th in the Courtyard Conference Room in
City Hall. Those wishing to present their proposal"to the EDA may do so at this
When submitting your proposal, please include the following:
· 10 Color copies of redevelopment drawings (these should include
proposed building layouts, exterior appearances, parking layouts, etc.)
· Detailed description of proposal, including proposed uses.
· Explanation of willingness to incorporate housing into development.
Would you be willing to work with Carver County HRA to make units
affordable? What other housing options would you include?
· How will you incorporate Southwest Metro Park and Ride into the
· What other projects have you accomplished in the metro area? Are any of
these "mixed use" projects?
· Who are your major/minor investors? Can you provide proof of financial
ability to complete this project?
· What kind of timeline are you looking at for the project? When could you
begin construction?
· What are you willing to purchase the land/building for?
· What are your expectations of the City? Would you require City
assistance in financing? Land acquisition? Other expectations?
It is essential that all of the above criteria be addressed in your proposal for our
evaluation purposes. Any omissions will be indicated in the report given to the
EDA commissioners. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Justin
Miller at (952) 227-1118.
The City of Chanhassen * A growing communily with clean lakes, qualily schools, a charming downtown, thr v ng businesses, winding Irails, and beautilul parks. A great place to live, work, and play.
Bowling Alley Redevelopment Proposals
Pros and Cons
Market Blvd. Development Group
Has shown interest since Fall 2002
Already in discussions with Carver County HRA and SW Metro
Incorporates housing as well as transit
Wants to create "synergy" with current/future use
Provides upgraded transit stop
Would need assistance in acquiring Bloomberg-held properties
Parking easement issues
Would like better pedestrian connection between anchor building and out-buildings
Drive-thru issues with potential drug store
Bloomberg Comoanies
In for the "long haul", has vested interest in downtown
Looking at redevelopment of entire area
Already controls remnant property in area, would not need to worry about title issues
Can solve parking easement issues without City assistance
Experience in Chanhassen
Did not provide purchase price
Housing not included in Phase I
Detailed plan not provided
Drive-thru issues with potential bank
Opoidan "The Commons"
Incorporates housing
Already spoke to Carver County HRA
Aggressive development schedule
Provides upgraded transit stop
Came into the picture late, staff has had little interaction
Would need assistance in acquiring Bloomberg-held properties
Parking easement issues
Quality design
Incorporates Park and Ride with parking ramp
Came into the picture late, staff has had little interaction
Are we looking for owner-occupied housing in this area?
Does plan blend with our downtown?
Would seek reduction in purchase price if they participate in condemnation
Southeast housing units could block view of movie theater
Would need City assistance in acquiring funding for parking ramp
Parking easement issues
Maybe too much housing for area
Marcus Corporation
Pros · Provides an amenity that community says it needs
· Very aggressive construction schedule
Housing not incorporated
Single use, not mixed use
Lower purchase price
Parking easement issues
Concerned about parking estimates