Fax info from Bill Goers 6-11-05 10/16/2005 TUE 12:15 FAX y~~ Y~I ~tl~~ . .....~.. .. _........~..u .._.... westwooa ~ro~. ~er. '..J 'UI"tC. I u~t:.. Dr ~VVJ.I VJ.J. t-'Al.:il:. 1:11 .,l .v.. ;(6tJ 5" -ii' 1 .... (...0 June 11, 2005 Brent Hislqp, 11 pages including cover Per our conversation of yesterday I em sending you the following: . A tempcl'Dl')' casement (S . pages) where I granted the city an easement to use Part or my land for a poDding &tea. . A pcmnanel\l easement (3 pages) wbere I gave the c:ity easement to put Osprey land Q(l!'O&5 my property . A It;ttcr nom Dove Hempel ... l:'llgarding lot sizes, road. widths and the outlot deeded to me. . A sketch from Dave, showing the same. At the time of the negotiatioD!, the above were aU packaged together and were contingent . on each other. Though I don't have recorded copies, I trust they were reoorded. Ifnot, I have sufficient information to show there was fraudulent intent - as the agreement all along is very clear and spelled oUt on a number of documents. Call if questions. DiU Ooors ~ J{2 10/18/2005 TUE 12: 16 FAX 952 937 5822 Westwood Proto Ser. ijZJUU:'::/U.Ll. . . ,... -., __I ---- -.........- ..........,...,'..H_~w\J' \..I1UI....CIUr\1:. .or t""Atit.. ~~ CAMPBELL. KNUTSON. SCOr- & FUCHS. P.A Mar 7' ,94 16:27 No.007 P.03 ~y WPDl' TRI' &0...11I'1' made thilJ Lht- day of At ,..'\ l , 1994, ~y and between WILLIaM J. GOIR8 aDd VIelY L. Gosas, husband and wite, her.inatter referred to a. "Grantors", and th~ CIty or CllUJIUln, a municipal coX'poration orqanized under the law. of the State of Minnesota, the Grantee, hereina.tter referred to BII HCity"). WI'lDIIII'1'I' The Grantor., in conaid.ration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good an~ valuable .consideration to them in hand.paid ~y the City, the receipt an4 suffioiency ot which i. he~oby acknowledged, do hereby 9r.n~ unto the city, itl successors and 4s8iqns, a temporary easement for public storm water pondinq purpo..., over, on, across, under, and through the land situateet in the County ot Carver, State of Hin~..ot., .. loqal1y do.erihad on the attached Exhibit "A". TO Xl?1 IXD ~O BOLD the ...., unto the City, its suocessors and ass 19n8, cOllllencinq upon execution of this aqreemelit and term1nat1nq at .uch time permanent _tor. water ponding 8a..~."t. are defined and conveyed tD tbe City as provided herein. The temporary ea.ement 9ranted herein .hall a180 inolude the right of 1ngress to and egre.. trom the temporary ...oment premises, for the purpo.. ot constructin9, reoonstruoting, inapectinq, repairinq, and maintaininq the property of the Ci~y, at the will Qt the city, it. S\1cee..ors anc!l ...19n8; it beinq the intention at the parti.. hereto that the Grantor. her.by grant the ,uses herein epecitied without div.sting th..selves ot 'th. riqht ~o use and enjoy the 12436 ~,1lIt QUlllWIlflI""'llllNl llI!1Ol _.00111I nMI'. ."''11 10/18/2005 TUE 12:16 FAX 95:l 9,jl ~ll:l<: westwooa l:'rOI:. ::;er. ~VU')I Vl.l. CAMPBELL, KNUTSON, SCQ~- & FUCHS. P.A '" , """ '1'- ,'"',,'- I-JJ r"I-\Ut. t:).j Mar l' .94 16:28 No.CO? p.oa above described temporary ea.ement prem!80G, SUbject only to the riqht of the city to use the .ame for the purpo.8a herein .xpressed. It is understood by the Grantors tb.t once perm.n.n~ storm water pond!n9 easement. bave been deti~ed and conveyed to th- e! ty which .8srve to accommodate storm water rUJlotf from the proposed Shenandoah aid98 plat, a. certified copy of a City resolution terlainatJ,ng the abOve described temporary eB..ment, appropriately filed ot record, ahall be conclusive evidence of the termination of this temporary ea..ment. It 18 further unde~.tood by the Grantor. thAt the City shall not b. r..ponaible tor any restoration oOlte, r~placement costs, or damages reaul tlng from the conatruction or abandonmen,t. ot the eaBement pre.laGB. It 18 turther understood that veqetatlon may be Z'emovcad and that exC!avation may oocur on the aasement premi.ea. The . city will perform lllalntenanoe a8 needed to the eatJ!F;tment premises to maintain the funotion ot the teftporary storm water pond until this easement 18 terminated. The city will b. r..ponsible tor re'torlnq all diSlt:urb.d area. r..ul-tinq trom .aid maintenance activities with ElGad. The above naJ'led Grantors, tor the-m..lv.., their 8ucceasora, he!~8, and a.s19n8 do covenant with the City, ita 8uccessors and assiqnlJ, tlllt they are well selzed in tee title of tbe abOVe d..cribed temporary e...ment premises and that they have ~h. .01. ri9ht to ;rant and convey this tempo~a~y ea8$~ent to the City. III 'l.SIIJ.'%JCOIfY nDIOr, the Grantors hex-Ato have signee! thi. agree.ent the day and year first above written. 12436 _11M 2 elf... "'-00"" ~1Ol'lf lllPtI 00(1. '''''''. IA4I'III lO/ltl/20U~ TUE 1:l.: 11 l"AX !:I:>:l !:I:$( :>ll~~ weS1:wooa Jo'rOI:.. ;:,er. IlUUU../ Ul.l. CAMPBELL, KNUTSON. $CO-- & FUCHS. P.A Mar t-'AI.:!t. tlq 7" 94 16:29 No.007 P.OS '\J' Ut'lI_ '\.J"~ Dr GUftOR'. ." ~...... \ ' ": 'I. '\ . #Il : ~ '. _" J M I_~_'-_"'- \ ':-'- '.. ... WILLI~ J. ~G08~\ -~ '1 J ...;' ,,~.,) ! le.' ..""' u.... ./ . ;" 1-' 'L.- VICJ< L. QOERS c%~y or CRAIBA...M BY: Donala J. ChmIel, Mayor AND Don Ashworth, City Manaqer STA~J OF MINNI50TA ) )... (:OUNTY 0' StLl1f) g: The foregolnq instrUJftent va. ack.nowled'lec! before 11\. t:hie :J..L day of ,4--pr. I , 1994, by willi.. J. Goera and Vicky L. QO'~., h~.b.nd and wIt.. . .-- JOVCE L IWJPE~ HIlT"'" ",*Ill 1OOT10OUtnV tit _.... ..... .l.. ia~~~1 NOTARY "PU LIC. , STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ... COUNTY or CARVER ) . The foreqoinq instru.ent was acknOWledged betore .e this d.yof , 1994, by Doneld 3. C~iel and bf Don AShworth, the Mayor and City Manaqer or the City or Chanha...n, is Minnesota _unitipal corporation, on behalt ot tho corporation and purauant to th. author1ty grant.d by its City counoil. NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY; Campbell, Knu~.on, Scot~ , .uehe, ~.A. 1380 Corpora~e Center curve, suite #317 Baqan, Minnesota 55131 (fi12) 452-5000 124" .cdltll* 3 C_,'tI4JIf~OOAH IlIDGI 1,.."tUI'.~. ......' f~n 10/18/2005 TUE 12:17 FAX 952 937 5822 Westwood Pro~. Ser. '"" I \.M"L-. 'V"..... LJt ~UU:>I Ull t"14\.At. t:J;) _qt_!!! "A" T.~D~.~Y ,tora water PaDding Ia"..nt: That par~ ot the Northwest Quarter ot the Northwest Quarter of section 23, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, de'c~ib.d as follow.: Commencing at the point of intersection ot the centerline of Osprey Lane as dedicated in the plat ot LAKE SUSAN HILLS WEST 'Tn ADDITION, on rile in sa1d CarYer coun~y, and the GQuthwe.t line of said LAKE SUSAN HILLS WEST 8TH ADDITION; thence South 50' :35' 36' West, alonc;y the southwest extension of said centerline, a distance ot 25.00 teet to the point of begin- ning; thence South J90 24' 24" East, a distance of 210.00 feot.1 thence SDQ'th 50. 36' 3'" W..t, . distanc. of 180.00 teet; thence North 390 24' 24" West, a distance of 210.00 feet; thence North 50. 35' 36" East, a distance of 180.00 feet to th, point ot beginning. 12436 ~I.- I:HNl:llIIElII_'" """'c IWM.GQiM TEM'. ..aln 1~lltlJ.~005 TUE 1:'::: 11 l"AX ~~:.:: ~:.H ~ll<:<: westwooa t'rOJ:. tier. V 1 \;>J~c. I "'''';1:. or ~VVl)1 V.I..1. r'Al:it:. ~b EASEMENT EXHIBIT 2 8 c;;, . 1.- 'l.-'"" ~ ,,, ...... .:) o~ , ,-" "'-... ~,."- I ..... .. ~ . .. ..-c- '..J' , ."-'.. .')~ ,,:,\ ,-" .#' C""..... .. I..J' _00) ~#~ I..... f I --;.'" -. ,~~ ........"'" '" , -. .. -" 'lo. .. ~. ~.. - ~- , ' ~... 0""1 ~-,.. .~ . - -.- 0I..~ r '..~# , "f, " . , ,. l I I \ . r ., ( I . ..t- - \ '''l'l''02'~;:I''~ .. \ ... 163.70 r~' t~.' '}.1'" 12 t-";.'/ 0 "\~ ,,~ 188.02' J \ 18J.7f/\ J "'"S" , ~ ; '? "; lIJ " 13 rnJli . l!....24..4S.51" ~ 116.70 ) )/ .0."'23-21'115" ~ ~ /22.29 R...JOO,OO -- b o. I'i " 10 It "to. ., \ \ \ ... '$,1 I \ \ A \ " \ V L - " \ t, " \~ '02'33"E IJ.09 J J --.......1'i --, I Ig ~ r _-.1 " I I \ /JILl. OOER}- P,('OPEliry , I ~"'..1t I;"e of lilY?" oIl/lJ/ tr,.. St!!t:. i!J, r. .IJ1,,} ~.;!J JDb Ikl. : UJI~tJ8 IloolcIP__' N/A sealel /",110' IlItt., ';'.-/,.J lO/lIl/ZUU~ TUE 1:'::: ill ~'AX ~~:.:: ~~I ~ll:':::':: westwooa 1'roJ:. ;:;er. .... T l3I'U:, I UI'OC, nr- ~UU 1/ U.L.L t-'A(jl:. !:11 - DJU'T 01' JlDJIUJDftl D.81Dlmft WILLIAN J. GOlas aa4 VICKY L. dODI, husband and wi fe, hereinafter referred to as "Grantors", in cons!dera'tion of one DOllar ($1.00) and other qood and valuable consideration, the receipt and surficieftcy Of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby qrant unto the CITY 01' CRARK&8S", a municipal corporation orqanized under tbe laws of the state ot Kinnesota, the Gran~ee, hereinafter referred to as the "City", its successors and assigns, forever, a permanent easement for public street, dr~inaqe, and utility,purposes over, across, on, under, and throuCih land situated w~ thin the county of Carver, state ot Minnesota, "as described on the attached EXhibit "Af'. INCLUDING th. riqhts of the City, its' contractor!t,'. agents, servants, and 4ssiqns, to enter upon the easement premises at all reasonable times to construct, reconstruct, inspect, repair, and maintain said public street, drainaqe, and utility systems over, across, on, under, ancl throu9h the easement premises, toqether with the right to 9rade, level, fill, drain, pave, and excavate the easement premises, and the further right to remove trees, bushes, undergrowth, and o~her obB~ruotionB int8rferinq with the location, construction, and maintenanoe of said pUblic street, drainaqe, and utility systems. The above named Grantors, tor themselvss, their successors, heirs, and assigns do covenant with the City, its successors and assiqns, that they are well seized in fee title .of the above 12459 02l'f'" CH.lH:IIlIBINilDO'" IIIOllt """,.00111I _. l.....llIl lO/ltl/2005 TUE 12: it! FAX 1I:J2 1I;j( :Jt!22 Westwooa i'rOJ:. ::;er. .r.....uoJv~.,wUt \.., y I;ll~t:. I UKt:. ~t" IlaVVlll VJ.J. .......-. ..... ._..... PAGE 88 described easement premises and that thoy have the sole right to qrant and convey the easement to the city. I. TISTIMOIY 13"BO', the Grantors hereto have siqned this a.greement this 'Z.\~t day of A \~r:\ , 1994. GDft'oaal \ /\,... ,,)-\ . l-t ( . witi~ .t .~Ds ~l ." ~ ''"' ,\ ' Y ~ VI'~' .v ~V VICKY ~GOERS ~ STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Stitt- ) ).8. ) "-~ d" The for.qoiriq in.trU1llent waa aoknowledqed bet ore me this ;1./ day ot ~rr I" , 1994; by William' J. Goers and vicky L. Goer. , husband and wife.. ~~~ HO'tARPUBLIC OJ .mOl L KoW'P ,.""" ~IC ... w~~.'MI DRAFTED BY: campbell, Knutson, Scott , ruehl, P.A. 1380 corporate Center CUrve, suite '317 Eaqan, Minneso~a 5'121 (612) 452-5000 1~"5lj1 QWI_ 2 IlHNI:..b1.oHOO.... Illugc Iw...tJOIM PI..... '_lll 10/18/2005 TUE 12:18 FAX 952 937 5822 Westwood Prof. Ser. u Y \:I1'lt:. I ur<:t:. tlt"" ~009/01l PAGE 09 IDI'::t'l' itA!! ffQ>>-rty u..ar~ptioa far Willi.. ao.ra. That part of t~ Ro~bW8.t gqarter of the Rorthw..t QUarter of Section 23, ~ownlhip 116. Rang. 23 W..t, Ca~l' county, Kinn..ota, lyi~ ....t.:dy of thtll followi1\9 d..~~ibad 11n. and i~. not~h.r1f ~d aouth.t1y .xteftaion., Coemanclnq at the louthea.t cornel' of ..id "o~bwe.t Qgartar at the Morthwalt 'Qq'lnll'l ~h.ftoe IQg~h .89. 04'49- w..t, b..rblg ."WIled, alon9 the louth line Qf ..J.eS 1fo"hw..~ Quan.&" of the lII'or1:h....~ Quarter, a di.tanc. of 790.00 f..t to the point of beginQln9 at the 11ne to ba de.cr1bed, thane. Marth 01- 51' 27. wa.t a dl.tanca of 460.00 fe.t, thlnce Moeth 18- 32' 33. 1.lt a di.tance of 330.00 f..t, th.nae .o~h 52- 00' 00. We.t: a di.tanca of 638.57 .feet1 th.nce Korth 01- 51' 21. We.t a dl.tance of 150.59 faat to a paint O~ the nonh 11n. ot Idd Ncrth,.,..t Q\larter at the .0"1I,.,..t Qlaarter dbtant 156.01 teet ...t!..rlJ' of the "arthwa" COJ:'ft.~ of .ald .oRh-at Quanar ot the No~hw..t Qu.rter a. m...ured along .aid north 11ne and ~hare .t.~lftat1nq. p..t~llellt .traM:. Dr.i..p. a84 t1t~llty ...~n.t:J That p.~~ of the Rorthwa.t Quarter of the 1torthw..~ Quarter of S.etlan 23, Townlhl.p 116, R&nQe 23, ~.rv.r county. Hinne.ota, which lJ... within a .trip of land 50.00 f..~ in width, the c.nt.rline 1. d"~rib.d al follow.. ~.qinning at the point of inter..ction of the CBnt.rllna of O.prey Lan. a. dedicat.d 1n the plat of LAKE SUSAN HltLl WBST 8TH aDDITION, Oft fill in ..id Carver county and the louthw..t line of .aid LAU IUSAN HILLS nST 8TH ADDITI0th th.nee Soutn 50. J!P J6" Wel1:, along t.he .outhw..t ..ten.ian of .a1d c.n~.rlln., a di,tanc. ot'1Z.93 feat and th.re t.~ln.ting. ' Abo that part. at add Korthw..t Quarter of t.h. Bol"thwen OUart.i' of sectiCln 23, Town'hip 116, Rang. 23, C&1'Ver county, Minn..cta, Which l1a. w1thin a .trip ot land 60.00 f.et in wldth, the clntarline i. de.aribld a. follow.. Be9innlng a~'~hl polnt of ~.~lnatlon of the above d..erlbad a~~lp of land, thene. .outhwe.t . diltanc. of 130.91 t..1e along a C\lrvl concav. to tha nOl:tb~.t, ta.nVI1\t to the above d..crib.d ~.nt.rllnl, & central aft;l. et 251 00' 04", and a radiuI of 300.00 fl.t to the w..t Un. of ..id Rorthw.n Qual'ter of the Horthwe.t Quarter and there terminatinq. Said .t~lp. of land are to ext.nd by ~h.ir full width from ..id .outhwe.t line of ,XJUQl 'USAN HILLS WEST 8Tft ADJ)ITION to laid W..t lin. of the Horthw..t Quarter af the Northwelt Quart.r. "~DeDt Dr.~,g. aDd utili~y .....ea~J That; part of the Northw..t Quart..r Of 1:he NOf'1;hwal1: QUane&' o~ 5.9,"100 23, TOW1uhlp 116, Ranql 23, Carv.r County, Minn..ota, wbieh li.. within a .trip of land 20.00 fe.t 1n width, the centerline of which i. d..cribad .. follow.. cammancing at the Norehw..t corner ot the .ald Korthwe.t Quart.r, th.nel North 89. 25' 16" 1:.8t, along the North line ot laid Rorthw..t QUarter, a distance at 71.06 teat to the point ot beginning of thlclnterUn. tab. -d...cribed, thence .south 5- 29' 14" :rut a dilltanQ. ot 220.00 t..t and th.r. term\nat1n9. 1Z459 ~ll"_ ~........_AtI _ 1W"",ClOIM ..... o.llll 10/18/2005 TUE 12: 19 FAX 952 937 5tl22 WestwooC1 prOI:. tier. w., ....Vl ,A. J.Jf U'-I....JL .l..LO;JOL\.J..:JItJI \"'Yl.;lNt..lut<t.. 111"' IllIV.L V I V.L.L PAGE lEl C.tTY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1000" FAX (612) 937.5739 MaNh 28. 1994 Mr. and Mrs. Williun Goer& 1601 Lyman Boulcwlld CbanhlUCD. MN "317 RIl: Lot. Sizc. - SbenandDah Ridge Projcllt No. 93-20 ~..r Mr. and Mrs. Goer9: rbisletler is a follow-up to my telephone conversation w" Mr. Ooer. on Friday, M....Gh U. 1994 regardiD8 the minimum lot sizes which DrD applicablo to bil propertY if", ould subdivide into Ijngle-family lot. under tod.y's OQU'eJ;lt zODins rcaulations. .If. . J!!." ;llt~ . In lIooj",a;\ion with the wbdivilioD ofSheuRlld(\Ah Rirl.thft. ..' t n~y J.ane is propoge~ ~ be extended mroul{b your property to conneo\ to. Lake Susan Hills Welt 8,~" Addltid!: As. part of the negotlatlonl for thl! aasemont llllquisition. it is my understanding that the developer.' Sbeoand4lih Ridge will ooovay. portion ofhilsubdivi.ion to give you llufficient frontage on Ospray Lane for - 0 9Q-fQot wtc lIingle-family lohl and .uffici.At rigbt--of.wl)' (01 a 60-foot wid. street to be extended lOuth fro sprcy Lane.1fJaued on the conmuGtioll drawins,> ~t appea" H wnJ be neueS..IY (OX 11ft! aJllVe]up" tv \iVUVCy, proxiDlllllcly 15 '~~ offrontllgc aloua O~ Llln. toeive you tI1Il neoessary front footage to comply with thri rtCnl zoning resu)~nl and &till have enousb right-of-way for & future street ex,tensiol). It appclln, based ;if. III cODstJuction dr,win !!. the lot JyiDSl101'th of Olprey Lane ill.rge enough to subdivide to mect the o2uent . lations of two (2) gO-roo ide lot. for .Iingla~f.mily dnelopm,n\. . ~~ ,. ~ !ii . I hope this letter addresses your C\1", n regarding SUbdividing your pa~l. If you have allY questloDl, pleBlB feal .fracto contact me. ;;.v' ':q -, ~j.. .:~~ .'lIIIII!!"'''~'I!!&'!f..~;!UIIIIIijl,,;;o'Jlr.'1''''''''''!ilIfIoUlli!:''-~:ti7.'!!!'''1III,~,j~ Sincerely , Ulr_I!!JI;;I\!IlBI\I!ij'lf,;;'IDI!I~r,~I~..~:"'JI!.;IY...'G;l!'..,':";r~._~;.""" . __... ........ ...__.. -....... ......IJ'M _ '..,..__ ~ ~la~:;-..G-;ll~'!P.f~~6il_.i:i!-!!i'!':::~ii::~i'i.;::;<"~;'fJij'~~S!ir::;;!lt~(l~....t;~lIiMl(~~;''''l: CITY OF CHANH/\ -- - '. ". .... .." .:. A4~!I ibi,!\if..' ..".~. .... _.-"1~. ..-..........2t.~1>>~;.t ~~i;:~~~~t'...P..:...., , ~~~.,~~ David C. Hempel Asaietlnt City Engineer DCH:ktm 0: Cbarlcs FQlch, Cil)' El'Isineer Kale Aanenson, Planning Oireetor .:....-..0\1-...-... FAX 952 9j7 :,1l.L...L.......w....e...5_.t...w.ooa. J,'rOI:..... be.. r. 10/18/2005 TtJ:E:J~: 19 _ n _ ~ 12 - I <( o z <x z w I)( (.f) 13 ""t---. _ ... 'l( - ~V~.Lf VJ..L t"'Hl.:lt. J..1 :. . . .... LOT SPLIT DATA ;". : ,: 8)( / I ~l 2 ~ . L_ South IJne of SW 1/4 d of Sec.14 It) l( / / // ~, I 01 ~ rf) .- 1 dl ~~ ---