PRC 1995 07 25 "..... Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 Ruegemer: As everybody, first of all I want to thank all the commissioners who helped out with the Trade Fair and other portions of the Chanhassen 4th of July celebration. It's hard to believe that another one is under our belts already. It went by quick. We had decent weather on Monday to get us through the event but Tuesday, with the rain, that kind of created a little bit of havoc for us but the other thing that was cancelled was the Rollerblade demonstration out here on Saturday. So other than that, all the events did proceed as planned and everything worked out well. Each event was gone through and evaluated. I won't go through any of, all of those here. But we had record numbers in the kids fishing contest this year. We had 140 kids participate in that, which was a phenomenal year...so everybody got a prize and that's really fun for the kids. Some of the deals on the later afternoon on Tuesday, with the different bands and things, they just moved up to the pavilion area but the people that were there certainly enjoyed the entertainment. Everybody knows the fireworks were delayed somewhat because of rain. That's a long process and by the time the final go ahead was given was about a quarter after 8:00 so then the... Huffman: Can you do something, we stopped at Target. Something next year about parking ideas or something in the paper the week before about when to gather. How to gather. Ideas for people. Some sort of information for them. I know that we are growing so fast that ,....... people are stopping on the overpass on the highway, pulling off the right hand side of the road and we're going to get somebody killed out there on the highway. So just some sort of, I mean if the. Ruegemer: Well, that's good information for us too because most of the time I've never been out of Lake Ann Park. Huffman: Yeah. I mean there must have been, before we finally left at 10:35 and then came back at 11 :00 for the fireworks, there must have been 400 cars, 300 cars up and down the road and then I counted 10 stopped on the highway. So just from the public safety, some sort of information about when to park. Where to park. How to get there. Berg: Places to view the fireworks. Huffman: Places to view would be a great idea. That would really be a great idea. Andrews: I'm sure the businesses along the road, they're going to have people parking in their lots too. Maybe some sort of article about is that permissible or not permissible. Like you said, this event is really growing and parking is just an absolute disaster down by the lake. It's just crazy. You know it may be, and I'm not saying how we could move it or where we could move it but it's getting to be a major logistical problem getting in and out of that park. ,... 7 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 """"'" Roeser: Yeah but it was fairly, I got out of there fairly fast. I parked in there. I thought they handled getting out of the park really well. I think there is a problem with people on the highways. Powers Boulevard too. There were all kinds of cars parked there but I was in the park and I didn't think, if you're patient for god's sake, you can't expect to get that many people out of there immediately you know. I thought they did it well. Yeah, I was home in 20 minutes. Huffman: Yeah, but there are some other good places. Like I said, that whole parking lot now is going to be a great place to watch it. Roeser: Eckankar would be a great place, if we could deal with them you know. Let people park in there. I would think it would be a great place to park. Andrews: The new school. Roeser: The school will be fairly good. Ruegemer: Yeah, that's a good idea. Certainly one we can...public safety. Roeser: Yeah, it is gigantic. ....."" Ruegemer: It is getting bigger too just since Excelsior cancelled their's too. Roeser: You want to die, try and get out of Excelsior after their fireworks. That's unbelievable. That's much, much worse than our's. They pile up. Everybody thinks they've got a way to get out of town. They've all got the same idea and it's just unbelievable. I've spent, I think the last time I saw Excelsior's fireworks, I was sitting there for an hour trying to get out of Excelsior. Not even to Chan yet, just getting out of Excelsior so our problem is bad but it's nothing . like Excelsior's. And our fireworks are a hell of a lot better. Andrews: The word is out on our event. I've talked to more and more people who think we've got a great fireworks. Roeser: They were really good again. Huffman: I love it. I think they're great. They're great. Ruegemer: Does anyone have any questions or comments? Recommendations. Berg: Good idea to make the tent bigger. It was awfully crowded. 8 ....."" ,.... Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 Huffman: The kids you had working the booths, the Honor Society students. Absolutely delightful. Neat kids. I mean they should really be, you know again, thank you for your contact with them and stuff but they're just sweet to everybody and that was really nice. I mean it really showed from a lot of kids come on through. They were great. Hoffman: Looking on the budget sheet. You know we're showing expenses at $24,000.00. Much of the 4th of July...self supporting because we had 20. Ruegemer: 28 to 30. Hoffman: $28,000.00 to $30,000.00 under the sponsorship program. So a portion of this comes out of the 4th of July...January-February we solicit. That's where we raised the 28 some thousand dollars. Huffman: The possibility a reality of getting a bigger tent for the food concession area? I mean it has grown. I mean even in my short time in 7 years being here, I remember there were 150 people, 200 the first year. There's thousands out there now. I mean it's really a big deal. r- Hoffman: They're taking the food right out of the tent too... Andrews: Two tents or something like that. Huffman: Yeah. But I mean it's great. It's just growing so big that. Roeser: I'm a little curious about this Hoffman Talent Agency, $500.00. Ruegemer: No relation. SEPTEMBERFEST PREVIEW. Andrews: Can we have a verbal update on the Septemberfest? Ruegemer: Yeah, it's Saturday, September 23rd. That's the time we got this year. What we're going to do this year is go back. So it will still be on Saturday but we are going to go back to starting a little bit later in the afternoon and moving into the evening. A portion of that to include music again at night. A street dance type of thing but we're going to get that... That's not going to go real, real late... (There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.) ,-..- 9 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 """"'" ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: DIRECTOR'S REPORT. No Report. 2ND QUARTER PARK & TRAIL REVENUE REPORT. No Report available. CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER. Andrews: Anything to add on this Todd? Hoffman: We want to hear from you. Just an update that we all are continuing to work and want to hear your comments...we're going to be camped out there for the next month. Huffman: What kind of exercise equipment are you getting? I'm just curious. I've got to know this. I'm just machine, stuff like that. Beitel: We'll have a variety of things. We've taken bids for circuit equipment. For treadmills. For step machines. We've taken bids on all the individual...we're hoping that these stations and the circuit training and taking some package deal from three different companies. Each of the companies gave us several different brand names so to speak, so we're in the process of analyzing and kind of seeing what's out there. Checking on records to find out how this stuff lasts and what kind of use...So if you have some expertise and knowledge on that, I would really like to have... ..." Huffman: I know nothing about that stuff. Beitel: So right now we're going by, like I said, checking references and looking at warranties and guarantees and trying to get at the same time... Manders: Seeing as Nordictrack is so close by, were they at all interested in showcasing any of their equipment? Hoffman: No. The layout of the room is...There will be 16 pieces of circuit and strength equipment...And then the other equipment, the stair climbers, treadmills and bikes, Nordictrack will line up along the other side of the fitness area. It's going to get a lot of use. We're going to have problems with ventilation. These buildings are never, these rooms are never designed to accommodate the exhaust. Andrews: The sweating bodies. 10 ..." ,...., Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 Hoffman: So we'll work with that on a system by system basis. I don't know how many people have called, 50 to 100 on whether or not they should drop their membership and stay right here local in the city to participate in their fitness activities so I think from the reaction I got from this public body... Berg: They have no idea what they're in for. Just fantastic. That gym is just wonderful. Andrews: Yeah, I was totally overwhelmed. I mean I'm thinking to myself, we should have like t-shirts that say, you know Chan Rec Center, Oh Wow or something like that. Huffman: Send me one of those, would you. Andrews: It sounds corny but I think people are going to be really surprised and that's great. I'm glad they're going to be surprised the right way. Beitel: I really was looking for any other."suggestions or ideas. Things that kind of came to you as you walked through the building. ,...... Andrews: A couple of us talked about the idea of getting some Chan historical things up in that lobby area would kind of interesting but. Maybe not the official display. Huffman: No, the official display would look great there. Andrews: Well whatever. It's a good, you know, most of our community is going to be going through that hallway. Let's have something about our city there. Berg: Plan some pictures. The kinds of pictures that are around here. Community type things. Get a real sense for a community so people see what else we've got. Use it as a, not literally a commercial board for Park and Rec but help make people aware of what's available in the city. Huffman: Put up pictures like you saw in the paper. The 4th of July festival. The September festival. The Winter festivals. Senior citizen activities. Groups around. Anything that goes on. Berg: I'm even thinking of pictures that are out in the hallway out here. Those pictures that enhance the community. And lots of plants. Andrews: Can't have too many plants. Too many flowering plants. I was thinking of some sort of, you've seen some of those metal sculptures of trees. Maybe we can do something I"""" 11 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 -/ with a maple tree in our theme. You know a tree or a leaf or something back lit or something like that with the City of Chanhassen or something. I don't know. I can't wait to be in there using it. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTA nONS: RETIREMENT OF DAVE HUFFMAN. Huffman: I quit. Andrews: Okay, next item. Huffman: I'm moving. I have to quit. Andrews: Speaking for myself Dave, it's been a lot of fun. Sometimes entertaining. We'll miss you and it should be easy to replace you. Huffman: I was replaced by many different good people. I think there will be many more good people following me. I don't think that's an issue. Andrews: Well, we encourage you to be active in your new community. I think you've got a lot to offer to them as well and I would hope that you would do that so. ....." Huffman: Prepare Arizona. Andrews: Thank you. Let's finish up the agenda here and then we'll get back to this cake here and enjoy that. TASK FORCE AND ADVISORY BOARD UPDATES. Andrews: You're looking for like updates from the referendum task force? Hoffman: Everybody's on a task force... Andrews: Let's start down at that end and come down the line here. Meger: We haven't met yet so I have no updates. The first meeting is scheduled for our next meeting for this group so. 12 -lflii' ,.... Park and Rec Commission Meeting. July 27, 1995 Andrews: Okay. For the referendum committee we've had two meetings so far. Three. I missed the first one, that's right. Our next meeting is Thursday evening at 7:00. We're just getting our teeth into it really. Looking to get going a little faster. I'd encourage you to come, if you're interested. See what we're doing and offer some guidance. I think we're just starting to get going on that one so. Any other committee meetings? Berg: Are we shooting for November? Andrews: Pardon me? Berg: Are we shooting for a November on the ballot? Andrews: Yes. Yes. I would think that's what we're shooting for, yes. Manders: It was originally defined for more like October. Andrews: Yeah. We do not want to be on a general election ballot. We do not want that. ,..... Hoffman: October 17th is the target date right now. If that pushes off to November, I'd be surprised. It has to happen before... Berg: Is that before the School Board? Before the school election, if they have one? Are they giving any dates? Hoffman: Haven't heard any dates yet. Andrews: Any other park commissioners with task force or more updates here? Berg: Community Ed's on hiatus for the summer. Andrews: Okay. Other business? Any other commission member presentations about any other items? Hoffman: We have a bit of business on the round house. Huffman: Our comment is on the round house, just to clarify that, we either need to decide to save it, put a lot of money into it, build it up into something or? Hoffman: Burn it. ,..... 13 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 ...". Huffman: Okay. Any recommendations? Andrews: Todd's not going to on this one I think. My personal feeling is that, if any decision was made to consider keeping it, it would have to be looked at first by an engineer to see what the current condition is and what would need to be done to make it a usable structure. My personal opinion is I don't think it's a wise use of our money, but that's. It does have unique historic interest. That I won't deny but. Hoffman: You may want to talk about potential uses. Potential uses in the setting and neighborhood park. What it's potential uses could be. Huffman: I look at that and I say the first thing is that we are trying to build a downtown area that we're bringing people here with festivals, with all sorts of everything and it's just a logical extension that yes, we do want to talk about Chanhassen and it's history. Bring it where people will come in conjunction with other festivals, activities. Other buildings here that is out in the woods. Hoffman: I'm not going to open the door to the history center everyday without having somebody there, and I don't think the city's going to pay for somebody to sit out at that round house. ...."", Roeser: Most history centers are run by volunteers. They're not generally run by somebody that's paid. I really think it should be looked at as, and find out whether it can be saved. Or whether it's even worth saving. If it's a lot of money, then of course it's pointless but I don't know that much about buildings that I can look at a building and tell you that this is a bad building. Todd, you certainly know more about buildings than I do but. Hoffman: Well, if we're going to turn it into a public, you're going to spend at $50,000.00 in the blink of an eye and depending on what you want to do with it, even at $75,000.00 to $100,000.00 investment by the time you get supporting elements around the building and constructing entryways and constructing the interiors of the building... Roeser: Also they're going to be using it, there are going to be ballparks and things out there too aren't there? Hoffman: Not...ballpark. Open fields. They've lobbied for a tennis court off and on because they're so separated from... Picnicking, open fields, playgrounds, parking and then some type of the use on the beach front. 14 ....", ,...., Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 Manders: My thought would be that if you're going to use that building, it would have to be in conjunction with that park. I mean if there's a need within that park, I would see exploring it and if we can't find one there, then I really question it because it is, it really is quite out of the way in relative proximity to the rest of the city. Hoffman: For a lot less money I can turn it into the same thing you've got up here. Without...we simply, you know $5,000.00-$10,000.00 would do that worth. Roeser: Where now? I think the point that it's out of the way is well taken. It really is. Hoffman: I agree with that but look at a use for the park. Whether it be part of the renovation picnic area. You can put a picnic area there. You can have that building for picnics, although I don't know what you'd do there. The same thing, you could use it for a warming house. Why do you need two levels. You could utilize it for a warming house and have something very similar to the shed we've got over here. It's not glamorous. That thing's going to disappear. In the future you'll see this building be replaced with a building which is similar to the one that's at the rec center. The brick building. ,.... Andrews: I don't see it as a landmark where it's historically recognizable to the city. Hoffman: The neighbors think it is. That neighborhood. Andrews: It's odd. It's odd but I don't think. Roeser: Odd doesn't necessarily make it historical I guess. That's true. Manders: That would be my other comment. I mean if the idea is to contain it within that park and use it for the park, then obvious input would be from the residents around there and what their thoughts. I mean is that something that they. Hoffman: And we don't have time for that. Andrews: And I see, if we're looking for a usable floor space, indoor floor space, we have far, far, far more efficient ways to obtain that than renovating that building. Berg: Are we talking about a big expense to find out what it would take to make it usable? Hoffman: Tell me the use and I would find out. ,.... 15 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 -" Berg: What I don't want to do, having grown up in the city, is destroy it and then say, oh shoot. That would have really have been a good idea. The city rushes to destroy things. When they're 20 years old, it's got to go because we've got to improve it. We have a unique structure. I'd like us to explore possible uses and see what it would cost to be able to do that, without rushing to judgment and raising it tomorrow. Hoffman: So you would like to, you can keep it and it can be your's and the cost of keeping it would simply be that it will not demo'd on somebody else's dime. Not a real significant thing. If you want to do that, I would encourage you to take that action this evening. Stick your neck out and say we're going to take that and put it into our ledger and then watch some type of investigation and potential uses. Andrews: Why do we have such a hurry up here to knock the buildings down? I mean what's the driving force here? Hoffman: The driving force is the purchase agreement which says, when the line is signed, all structures shall be removed and cleared from the site. So if you want to take it on your side of the ledger, you simply remove the round house and they will leave it and you will own it and... Huffman: I'll follow Fred's line of reasoning for a moment. It's been here for 20 years, or x number of years. What's happened there that has been significant? I'm not in a rush to tear down great places but it's a water tower. Does that have significance in our, I mean somebody moved into a round tub of water. I mean again, I mean I'm going to follow along and I agree. You want to look at it and see what happens. The rail depot, I mean to me that's something that you want to bring and you want to hold and that has happened but it's a round tub. What happened there? -" Hoffman: ...they stored antiques in it for 25 years. Andrews: If it was just a house, I think we wouldn't even be thinking about it. I hate to say, that's obvious. We want parkland. It's because it's weird that we're wondering if we should take it out of there. I guess I'm, I don't know. Maybe I'm trying to be too practical but I just see like, I look at that thing and I say what are we going to do with it and you know, people have choices between using that place to do whatever they're going to do and another place, which one are they going to choose? If somebody wanted to have an art exhibit, would they rather have it at the Community Center, or the Rec Center or in that round building and I think they're going to say, I don't want to mess with this weird thing. I mean it's goofy. 16 ....."I I""'" Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 Hoffman: ...S1. Paul and Minneapolis park system where...building in it and, but we're not in that format. You know the suburbs do not have community park activities day in and day out in their parks where they need the buildings...the idea of taking the second floor right out of there and just having a clear space. So then you have that much space to utilize with a clear ceiling. Andrews: Yeah, it's got to be 30 feet wide, 30-40 feet maybe. I don't know. It's not huge. Hoffman: I've not exhausted my thought process but in neighborhood park settings, you have the warming house thing...and kind of the indoor-outdoor picnic area where if it rains you can find some refuge. Refuge inside of that thing. You could use it for storage. You could use it for. Huffman: But that's right in the middle of the park though, isn't it? I mean that's right in the dead center of the land you want to use and the picnic table. Andrews: It's on the best land. ,,-.. Hoffman: You could use it in the playground program. I just want to go on the side of talking about what you could use it for. Manders: Not that it comes anywhere close to the Lake Ann pavilion, but that's kind of the idea there. That you have the site as a protected, out of the weather type site to view the lake and this is positioned really to view that lake too. Hoffman: Yeah, if you tore it down and you put up a roofed picnic shelter on the same site... Andrews: I think it's a better structure for what it's intended to be used for. Hoffman: Instead of open space, open shelter. Andrews: You bet. Huffman: How are you going to replace the windows when they're knocked out every other weekend? Andrews: And paint it. I just, I don't know. Berg: ...pavilion at Lake Ann...breaking into it every other week. There are ways to stop things like that happening too. ;1""" 17 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 --' Huffman: Right. Andrews: I'm just concerned it's going to be a point, Curry Farms. We're going to pour, in a sink hole we're going to pour money into it to keep it going. I don't know. Well we need a motion that we can vote up or down to see if we've got any consensus here. I mean if we're split evenly, then we're split. But we can sit here and talk it to death but. Hoffman: You know we've got a couple lines of thinking here. Are we just going to let it slide or are you going to keep... Huffman: When is the signing, when is the sale going through? Hoffman: Probably within 2 weeks. You could talk about it August 8th and then you'd probably save it but the attorney wants to get the thing done. Our attorney wants to get the thing signed. Andrews: I don't want to come in for a special meeting for that. I want to get it. Manders: Is there any guesstimate on how much it costs to remove it if that was the decision after the fact? --' Roeser: Well it won't be removed. Manders: If it's tore down, whatever. Roeser: It'd be tom down, right. Hoffman: Yeah, it'd either be salvaged, burned or removed. If we have to truck it to a landfill, it's going to cost us quite a bit of money. If we can bum it, remove the basement and truck that to a landfill, it will cost the city... Manders: So it's basically a decision either to keep it, potentially incur that cost or get rid of it right away. Roeser: Yeah, I'd go along with whatever the majority says. I feel like we should look into it. As try and save it, or at least find out what it would cost to make it a usable building. Why don't I make that motion and then see where we stand. Andrews: I think we ought to do that. You'd like to see us save it. Yeah, that's your motion. Is there a second to that? 18 .....,I ,.... Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 Berg: Second. Andrews: Okay. Any further discussion? Roeser moved, Berg seconded that the Pmi< and Recn~ation Commission dhect staff to look into the cost of saving the l'Ound house building at Lake Minnewashta. Roeser, Berg, and Mandel~ voted in favor. Andrews, Huffman and Meger voted in opposition. The motion was tied 3 to 3. Andrews: We're split. I figured that would happen. Meger: Jan. Andrews: I think I know which way she would go. Berg: I do too. Andrews: I think she'd vote to hang on to it. ",...... Huffman: I do too. Could I ask this? We're also in the process of trying to get a referendum done. We're also trying to focus on some big areas we're trying to go. If we were to save a building like this, would that eventually take us away from the focus and the direction that we're trying to go in the hole. I mean would it take money out of what we're trying to do on the big scale around the city or would this just be another small piece on the bottom of the pie? Hoffman: It'd be in the CIP. You'd have to have some playground and some... Andrews: Todd what do you think? Are you thinking we're talking just small thousands here, if we hang onto this and make up our mind later essentially. Hoffman: You have the power to put the park... work and couple thousand dollars. Roeser: Is it going to cost us a couple thousand dollars just to see if the building is worth savmg. From a structure standpoint. Hoffman: If you want me to make that call, I can simply...they're going to say virtually it's sound. I mean you look at a block basement. Huffman: People were living there a month ago you said. I"'" 19 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 --' Andrews: That doesn't mean it's sound. Huffman: It's means it's not condemned. Hoffman: The wood frame is thick. Roeser: The roof doesn't leak, right? Hoffman: The roof doesn't leak. You can lift it up and look right underneath it but it doesn't leak. The wall boards are that thick in the thing and then, well built like a water tower and bound with those. Huffman: It's a water tower. Hoffman: Yeah, to put water in it...3 inch floor boards on the first level and the second level. And then it's got just normal roof boards, tongue and groove and the ceiling appears a little unique and that's why we're curious and we went out there to. Andrews: Well I make a motion that we reconsider the issue. Is there a second to that? Huffman: I second. --' Andrews: I'm going to vote that we look into this. I guess I'm just not willing to trash it. Roeser: Yeah, we really have a pension for kicking buildings down in this town so fast. Andrews: I'm reconsidering my vote and I will vote for examining the potential use of this building. Is there anybody else that wishes to change their vote? Huffman: No, bum it. As my fond farewell, the bonfires of Chanhassen. Bum that sucker to the ground. Roeser: You can bum the barn. Hoffman: Second the motion? Andrews: Under Robert's Rules, I can't really change my vote. Is that acceptable to you though that I do? Huffman: Sure. 20 ....,;I ,..... Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 Andrews: Okay, thank you. Huffman: Actually we're not under Robert's Rules anymore, are we? Didn't we change it? Revised. That's right, we're friendly now. Burn it. Andrews: Well I'm hesitant but I want to be cautious here. Once it's gone, it can't be replaced so. Huffman: How many water towers out there out west we can buy and bring here and stick in the ground? Seriously. I mean how many hundreds of them are sitting out there? Hoffman: I don't think there's hundreds. I mean they covered that water tower in Carver. In the town of Carver. Manders: Right, it's their symbol. Hoffman: I think that's the only way that they say is still in place in the United States... I"""" Roeser: Okay, what did we decide? Andrews: We're deferring our final decision until a later date. After considemtion, Jim Andn~ws changed his vote on the motion to direct staff to look into the costs of saving the l"Ound house building at Lake Minnewashta. The motion callied with a vote of 4 to 2. ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET. Andrews: Administrative packet Todd. Were there any items here you wanted to highlight? There were a couple I wanted to point out. The ones that I wanted to point out were the notices of recognition concerning some of our programs, which I thought we should be very proud of. Huffman: Chanhassen won an award for the February Festival. Andrews: And it wasn't for highest taxes. Any other highlights people would like to make? Berg: What's with this ballmeisters? I don't understand what's going on with this thing. I mean what are we supposed to do with this? ,..... 21 "...... CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREA nON COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JULY 25, 1995 Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Andrews, Dave Huffman, Fred Berg, Ron Roeser, Jim Manders, and Jane Meger MEMBERS ABSENT: Jan Lash STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor; Dawn Beitel, Recreation Supervisor M(!t}~Nmf:)NOpil)AVEH1!JFFMAN. RETIRING COMMISSIONER. MAYOR CHMIEL. Andrews: I invite the Mayor here to make a special presentation here for the benefit of departing Commissioner David Huffman. Mayor Chmiel: Dave, you know I have some mixed emotions about this. First of all, one ,..... thing that's really going to be good is when it comes time for me to get down to Phoenix in the winter time, I know who I'm going to have to come and see. No, seriously. You've been a park commissioner for 15 years. We'll put it down as 15. It seems like you've been here a long time. You've been a member of the community for a long time as well. And it really is great to have the input that you've given to the commission. You always dug in and played your attributes and even stuck to your guns when it came to the referendum, and that's sort of good too. You're a man of your word and I like that. It gives me a great deal of pleasure to present to you this Certificate of Appreciation. Huffman: Would Fred read it to me. Berg: That's an inside joke. Mayor Chmiel: But as it reads. This is a Certificate of Appreciation from the City of Chanhassen. Be. it hereby ordained that the Chanhassen City Council has officially acted to recognize David Huffman for the dedication and public service offered to the citizens of our community as Park and Recreation Commissioner. Further, that the City Council has. hereby placed into it's official Minutes this recognition as lasting expression of the gratitude of this city for the services provided. And believe it or not, I even signed it. Huffman: Thank you so very much. That's very nice, I appreciate that. Thank you. As Fred told me on the way over, he said this is much ado about nothing and I don't really know what -"" 1 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 ........" he meant by that but thank you very much. I wish I had done something more. I wish I had done something in the time I was on here actually and I just want to say I appreciate you letting me come here and hope not upset the apple cart too much and thank you for sharing your time and your gifts with me and I know I'm going to take away a lot of neat things here. And if you're in Phoenix, you're welcome. You're got the first round of the 19 hole though. Thank you very much, I appreciate that. Anybody wants cake, you can stay after we vote on everything you want. Berg: We appreciate y()U hanging out with us Dave. Huffman: Thank you for having me, it's great. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Roeser moved, Meger seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated June 27, 1995 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. FIRST ANNUAL REVIEW: USE OF SOUTHWEST REGIONAL LIGHT RAIL mANSIT ROUTE AS A SNOWMOBILE mAIL. .....,/ Public Present: Name Addl'ess LeRoy Biteler Ray Garvier Charlie Littftn Brad Blomquist Doug Swanson 910 Penamint Court 8704 Flamingo Drive 7609 Laredo Drive 7141 Derby Drive 1780 Koehnen Circle Tolld Hoffman pl'esented the staff l'eporton thisitem. Andrews: If there's anybody from the audience that's here tonight to speak about this issue, can you indicate right now so I have an idea of how many of those may be. I'm not sure we need a whole lot of rehash here on this issue. I personally support that this needs to be looked at fOf another year. Is there anybody hereon the Commission that would like to make any more comment pro or con? Manders: I'm in favor of continuing. 2 .....I I""""" Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 Andrews: I would like to see another review again, pending hopefully a successful season of snow and usage so we can get a better idea, does this really work or not. So I would move that we approve the trail usage for an additional season subject again to another review at the end of the season, as we're doing this year. Manders: I second that. Huffman: Use governed by 30 mph speed limit and. Andrews: All same rules remain the same. Any discussion? Andrews moved, Mandel'S seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council appl'Ove the use of the Southwest Regional Light Rail Transit Route as a snowmobile trail for the 1995/96 snow season. This use to be govemed by a 30 mph speed limit and a 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., seven day a week curfew. All voted in favor and the motion canied. PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE 6.55 ACRES INTO 4 SINGLE ,..... FAMILY LOTS AND VARIANCE REQUEST TO SECI10N 18-57(0) THAT ALLOWS UP TO FOUR LOTS TO BE SERVED BY A PRIVATE DRIVE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6225 RIDGE ROAD. NORTII OF PLEASANT VIEW ROAD. JAMES AND KAREN MEYERS. Todd Hoffman presented the staff report on this item. Andrews: Is there anybody from the audience here, either landowners or developers that would like to speak about this issue? If you'd like to, please come to the microphone. State your name and address and make your comments. Jim Meyer: My name is Jim Meyer. I'm at 6225 Ridge Road. Actually I was at a lot of meetings that made that area a park area when the Lundgren Bros really wanted to make that part of the development of Near Mountain and... I live in that 6 1/2 acres. Actually it was 8 1/2 originally that I bought in 1973. I guess I've kept it for a long time and for a lot of reasons. I'm not, I'm actually going to move and I'm moving right across the street. Subdividing the property into some parcels that 2 acres, 1 1/2 acres, 1 1/2 acres and 1.2 acres so, and the stuff that adjoins the land, that adjoins the park area are 1 1/2 acre lots with a lot of trees between the home sites and the park. I've got to tell you that I think when the land is really being respected because I'm going to live there and I've been a big, sort of a, I've been at Planning Commission meetings and Council meetings for the last 22 years here but anyway, I've always respect all the people or the members of this commission and all the rest ,,-.- 3 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 --' of them in trying to keep the density low and as I said, I was really in favor of that piece of property...deer and everything still move through there big time and people are still hiking, or not hiking so much but walking trail and cross country ski right through that area. My point is that I think the property is being subdivided in a way that is not going to maximize but I think is going to utilize that property in a fairly tasteful but also in a way that's pretty decent in terms of preserving. I mean these are big time, big lots and hopefully preserving that sort of woodsy area. There's going to be some restrictive covenants that I'm putting in that land that's not being subdividable, The building size is going to be pre-determined. There's going to be a lot of respect for that. And I say that because I've been fighting that density in this - city for a long time and I'm going to live right there. So anyway, that's the only reason I say that is if there's any other question about that or what we could do, I'd like to address it. Dave, congratulations...onthis commission for 15 years. Thanks for the rest of you too. Appreciate it. Huffman: Actually I have the same role in that other job that I do on this commission. I sat on the bench and watched. Andrews: Thank you for your comments. Is there anybody else that has any comments about this subdivision? Any commission members have any comments? If not, let's have a motion and move ahead. ...."" Berg: I'd like to move we recommend the City Council require the following condition of approval in regards to Parks and Rec for Meyers 2nd Addition. Full park and trail fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication and/or trail construction. Huffman: Second. Andrews: I'd like to add one thing to that, if I could, as a friendly amendment. That the' applicant is requested, I guess I'd like to see be required to inform new owners of that park existence so there's no question about that. Berg: Accepted. Andrews: We have a motion with a second. Any further discussion? Belg moved, Huffman seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the OtyCouncil require the following conditions of approval in reg3ltl to p3l~ and recreation for Meyel'S 2nd Addition: 4 """'" I""" Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 1. Full park and hIDI fees be collected pel. city ordinance in lieu of land dedication and/or hIDI conshuction. 2. That new landowners be notified of the existence of the city parl<. All voted in favor and the motion callied. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL SUBDIVIDING LOT 3. BLOCK 1. SUNRIDGE ADDITION. 11.27 ACRE PARCEL INTO ONE LOT OF 2.62 ACRES AND AN OUTLOT OF 8.65 ACRES ON PROPERTY ZONED RR. RURAL RESIDENTIAL AND LOCATED AT 8950 AUDUBON ROAD. MARLIN EDWARDS. Todd Hoffman presented the staff report on this item. Andrews: Couple questions Todd. Is the outlot property buildable or developable? Hoffman: It will not be a buildable lot if it's split off. Whether or not you can pursue buildable lot status, I do not know. I""" Andrews: And this other entity that has an interest, do they also have money? Hoffman: Sure. Andrews: Okay. Hoffman: The SWMP program isa viable program. Andrews: Okay. So there's some potential cooperative purchasing power there. Okay. Hoffman: I have no idea what the cost would be. I called Mr. Edwards and he had no idea either what he'd be selling the property for. Andrews: Is there anybody in from the audience that wishes to speak on this development? I guess another question I have Todd is, as a Park Director here, the question is, do we need to buy the property in order to essentially have the use of the property? In other words, can it be sold to somebody else with any potential use? And is it a piece of property that really fits into the grand scheme or is it a necessary piece I guess is the way I look at it. Hoffman: Yeah from my, and I haven't studied how the ordinance is applied but I think you can get another house down in this comer. The wetland edge starts somewhere in here so ,.... 5 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - July 27, 1995 --' really nothing is going to happen here. And this would be the property that the SWMP program would be interested in. Using it. Dredging it. Putting it into their program. The remainder of the property, and potential of subdividing it exists through that configuration and I don't know the potential. This lot in the comer is more apt to have it. Andrews: Isn't there a very nice, kind of a trail head potential on the opposite side of Lyman here? Hoffman: Yep. Andrews: Okay. Hoffman: On the south side. All depends on the price tag. Andrews: As always. Berg: And the usability. Hoffman: Yeah. You can run the trail without hurting the trail. The trail could be diverted... I really just needed to know if there was absolutely no interest. If there's an interest to finding out the price and pursuing whether or not what the future potential of the property is... .....", Meger: W ell I would have to think that we would at least want to look into a price and usefulness. And I know that the watershed plan for Bluff Creek is getting together soon so I'm sure they'll have some interest as well. Andrews: I guess I don't want to make a decision without seeing it. Manders: Yeah. Hoffman: Okay, let's just move on the. We've got nothing else to do. No park and trail fees are applicable. Roeser: Put it on our next field trip Todd. PROGRAM REPORTS: A. 4m OF JULY CELEBRATION EVALUATION. 6 --'