PRC 1994 11 15 I I I I""'" CIIANHASSEN PARK AND RECREA nON COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 1994 Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Andrews, Jan Lash, Fred Berg, Jim Manders, Ron Roeser, Dave Huffman and Jane Meger MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor; and Dawn Lemme, Recreation Supervisor Andrews: To make the best use of the time of the people in the audience, we'll jump immediately to item 5 which is a land subdivision proposal. r-. CONCEPTUAL PLAN AND SUBDIVISION. REZONING FROM A2. AGRICULTURAL ESTATE TO PUD. PLANNED UNIT DEVEWPMENT FOR AN OFFICE CAMPUS/RESIDENTIAL USE ON 20 ACRES OF PROPERlY: LOCATED AT 1350 FLYING CLOUD DRIVE (FORMER ASSUMPTION SEMINARY PROPERlY); FRANKLIN SVOBODA ASSOCIATES. Todd Hoffman presented the staff report on this item. Andrews: Thank you Todd. Is the applicant here? And if so, please step forward and tell us more about this proposed development. For those people who just arrived, we skipped to item 5 but we'll be going back to the beginning of our agenda here in just a few minutes. Steve Schwanke: Mr. Chair, members of the commission, my name is Steve Schwanke with RLK Associates. Weare serving as consultants for Mr. Svoboda for site planning and his landscape architecture and engineering services relative to his proposed redevelopment of the Assumption Seminary site. I just have a couple of comments here and what we'd really like to do is take care of a couple of things and actually have Brian come up and speak relative to his vision and some of his thoughts that he has relative to the redevelopment of the property. Actually Frank is, as many of you know, a nationally renown wetland and wildlife biologist and has a company here located currently in Shorewood and through very good fortune the company has grown considerably and unfortunately he is unable to continue to office out of the Shorewood residence that he's in right now, which has created a bit of a good problem so to speak, but unfortunately what he needs to do is find some new office space. This site here actually creates the perfect opportunity for Mr. Svoboda given the type of work that he does. JfI"""- In many cases the natural features and some of the environmentally sensitive areas that create 1 1 ) Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 ...,,;11 problems for the more traditional developers actually serves as a benefit and a major attribute to people like Mr. Svoboda and the type of work and the business that he's in. So I'll actually let Frank speak to that, and of course he speaks to that much better than I ever could. A couple of items though, and Todd actually has set this up perfectly relative to the subdivision that is shown here. When we first began working with Frank and the city on this proposal here, and you can imagine the number of major environmental redevelopment issues associated with this property here. You're all familiar with it. As part of speaking with city staff about the possibility of granting a redevelopment district for tax increment and in doing so we realize to subdivide the property as generally shown here. Since then, and specifically related to a conversation this afternoon with city staff, we've chosen to no longer subdivide the property and no longer show the property as shown as it is in three lots but continue through the process without any subdivision and without any further division of the property. Primarily because we've chosen to discontinue our efforts to, at this time anyway, to pursue the redevelopment tax increment project. So that part will be revised as we continue through the concept PUD process. We will be continuing with that obviously because we do want to rezone the property to PUD and as Todd mentioned, the comprehensive plan amendment that is required, we've already met and of course everything else that will be required as part of the redevelopment process. So with that in mind, unless there's any questions for me, I'd like to introduce Frank and have him come up and talk about his proposal. .....-' Frank Svoboda: Thanks Steve, members of the commission. Before I elaborate on what we'd like to accomplish here I'd like to just bring to closure the issue of the subdivision. On Monday we had an appraiser out at the property and he's looking at two things. One is the rehabilitation of the existing 3 story building on the property. Secondly, and what it might cost to rehabilitate that. And secondly, the other option would be to demolish the building if it's not possible to rehabilitate it. Late this afternoon when I had a conversation with Todd Gerhardt, that also came up as a subject in our conversation and that is, if the building cannot be rehabilitated for some reason or another and it has to be demolished, then we would not be able to put up another building within that footprint based on the Met Council's guidelines and requirements. So in light of that most recent information I had to rethink the concept of the subdivision because if we subdivide this and a portion of it is residential, a portion is commercial, and then later we cannot use a portion of it as commercial property, I think it's ultimate value, should our business continue to grow and we can no longer remain at this location, if we can't use that building, then we would have to look at selling that property as a 20 acre residential parcel. Right now our intention, as I think this is a good transition into what our business is all about. Right now our intention is to remain on this property over the long term assuming that we can make commercial use out of that building. From what we have been told it is an extremely sound structurally. The bigger question relative to the property are some of the environmental concerns given the particular location and as the configuration of the landscape. So with that I'll explain a little bit about who we are as a 2 ..."" J '" Jf1'1" , J Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 business. What we do and what our vision is about this property and then from there I'll explain to you what we're faced with in terms of some of the very serious environmental constraints that occur on this parcel. My background is in wildlife management. I received a degree from the University of Minnesota in 1966. A masters degree in 1987 and have had a variety of sort of employment experiences ranging from some work with the University. For several years at the Department of Natural Resources. Department of Transportation. Then back in about 1979 started working for the private sector and we came to get more and more involved with wetlands starting about the late 1970's as the Clean Water Act passed and wetland permitting began more and more of a, and wetland mitigation, wetland impacts, just began more and more of an aspect of doing business. So in 1991, August of 1991 I left a consulting company here in the Twin Cities and ventured out on my own with the anticipation of remaining a one person operation and it's doing what I like doing. That was getting out in the field and working with wetlands and going out of doors. That wasn't quite, or so far the plan hasn't quite turned out that way. We now have 8 employees. This past May, or this past summer we added about 5 employees and the result of that was that originally we were operating as a home base business in Shorewood and we are now the size that we can no longer operate out of our home. About the time we realized that we were going to have to make a change, this property came up for sale and so we began the steps to acquire that. So the attributes that really attracted us to this particular parcel of land is that I was looking for some permanent office space that was essentially similar to what we have now in Shorewood. We have a wetland that's right outside the back yard. We have a wooded area. A lot that's quite sizeable and a house certainly that's large enough to accommodate the individuals that we have in our employment but we can't run a business of our size in a residential neighborhood. So I was looking for something similar to that. A wooded area. High quality wetlands. Some space in which we could have an opportunity to, like if our employees need a chance to just get outside and walk around and do some thinking. . Have a place that has that kind of a setting and. also the other. attractive part of this particular site, in addition to those features was that perhaps as most of you are aware, there's a large tract, a large marsh that surrounds this parcel on the north all the way up to the railroad, the regional trail. That is one of four calcarious fens in the Twin Cities metropolitan area and so being in such close proximity to that fen would be of our individuals, the people on my staff, a chance for us to start doing some research being that close to this particular resource. In addition to myself, other staff members have disciplines in aquatic ecology. One of my employees, the aquatic ecologist has a very strong background in doing some research on trout. We have a could of terrestrial ecologists. Water quality specialists and then some graphic support people. So we have a good solid nucleus of individuals that could really start making some interesting studies of this particular fen. Also I'm sure as you're aware, this trout stream is perhaps one, or one of two or maybe three trout streams in the Twin Cities area. And this particular trout stream as reported has a naturally reproducing population of native trout so it makes it a fairly unique resource. And again, it's something that we would 3 ~ / .Iark and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 ~ be very interesting in managing and maintaining the quality of that resource and our staff has the knowledge and expertise to do that. So this particular site was especially attractive in that regard. Then as we began to start examining before making some commitments in terms of purchasing this property, originally our closing was set for December 1st. Now that likely will be pushed back for a couple of weeks because of some environmental problems but particularly given the shape of this land. You'll notice that it's confined on one side by Highway 212. On the other side by the trout stream so it's a triangular peninsula and we don't have a lot of space to work with. What we discovered was that back in the late 80's there was a report of solvents being disposed of on the property. This property has been cleaned up as near as we can tell. We don't have any documentation from either the EP A or PCA. That essentially closes the book on that clean-up process so we're pursuing that. The houses, most being fairly old residences have old hot water systems with asbestos lined pipes. The floors are covered with asbestos floor tiles so again we're told that asbestos is not as much of a concern as it was historically but again the asbestos lined pipes, or the asbestos covered pipes will have to be removed. The septic systems are old and antiquated and those will have to be replaced. These are all things that we're faced with environmentally. I think also as you're aware the building probably is, I don't know, it has a reputation for being a hangout for young kids. Last Halloween the Carver County Sheriffs Department issued 30 citations to some individuals that were there for a party. Typically they'll get 2 to 3 calls per week for trespassing so we have some security problems we have to deal with. So there's some real challenges ahead of us in terms of developing the property but presuming that we can overcome those in the purchase process and get some of these environmental problems either resolved or get a mechanism in place to resolve them, it's our intent to move into the home and occupy that as both a business and a residence. We would remodel the upstairs, the third floor into an apartment for my wife and myself and then the first and second floor would be available as office space for our staff. And again right now, given the size of that house, which is quite sizeable, it would meet our needs for we would anticipate a year or two years. And as we would restore the house, which is also in a fairly severe state of disrepair, there's no insulation. The wiring is all old wiring. It has to be replaced. The furnace is broken down. There's no central. heating so we'd need central heating here. It's going to take a lot of work to bring the house up to specifications. So we would occupy that for about 2 years and then depending upon what the results of the appraisal are, we would start either making a decision to rehabilitate that large building and under that option what we would intend to do is part of our business, in addition to doing wetland delineation and natural resources studies, is also to organize and sponsor information and education programs in the area of natural resources. Our company has sponsored over the last two summers 5 classes instructing individuals how to conduct wetland delineations and we also sponsored a statewide conference last February for the Wetland Conservation Act... regulations. At that conference we had about 167 in attendance. This March we are planning a National Conference for wetland delineators with some of the major players in the wetland delineation process who -'" 4 ...." i J ) ,...... ,..., Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 have said that they will attend this conference. We're expecting somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 to 700 people from throughout the United States and we've also had an inquiry from Madrid, Spain about this conference so we're pretty excited about that. So part of this office, this front building has a space within it that could accommodate somewhere between probably 50 to 75 individuals so we would continue to have, or offer training sessions on a day use basis. For example, when we were doing our wetland delineation training classes we would rent space at the Chaska Community Center for our classroom training and then we were using the picnic shelter out at Minnewashta Park for field exercises. Given the fact that we have a fairly sizeable wetland on this side of TH 212 and a fen on this side, I think we could probably meet most of our training requirements right on this site, although there's specialized requirements... We have to look for an alternative location as far as the field exercises but certainly the classroom training we could accomplish in this building. Beyond the conference space we would then look to rehabilitate the building in stages with rehabing the front part of the building first and then perhaps, depending on the demand for office space, doing it in three phases. The front part of the building first and then each of the wings separately. The building does also have a full basement under it and it's a walkout basement out the rear so there is also natural lighting in the basement so there's some possibility that that would be useful for class space or something like that. So our long term plan is perhaps over 5 to 6 years would be to rehabilitate that space into a combination of day use conference and office space and we think that the amenities surrounding that building would make an ideal location for sort of a natural resource base. Environmentally oriented companies with similar hours as office space. In fact the Department of Natural Resources, a year or so ago had looked at purchasing this house and using that as their office space for the West Metro headquarters but it was going to be too costly in order to make it handicap accessible so they dropped that. But we think that this building would be attractive for tenants of that sort. Again we're faced with several constraints because of the configuration of the property. In order to make that happen, right now as we understand it, there is a sewer system in front of this building. We had that checked Sunday. We don't believe that that system has the capacity to accommodate even office use, which is fairly limited in it's water usage. We haven't checked it out completely. That's something that we would still intend to do at a later date but assuming that that system would not have adequate capacity based on the current code requirements, what the individual told us that examined the system was we'd have to go to a mound system, which would have to be placed somewhere in this area. And again, because of the wetland requirements from the wetlands to the south of TH 212 and the wetlands to the north, we would likely be encroaching on that parking lot and as it is right now, this dimension to the west is about as far as people would be willing to walk to get to the building. We also, again because of my experience with storm water ponds and the fact that this is a natural trout stream, I didn't want that storm water pond discharging through a single point outletting into the stream so what we designed is a pond that will essentially overflow in a deep flow fashion and then flow over land with the water gradually dissipating 5 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 ...."I and filter into the ground so that...fairly significant events that we get any sort of direct runoff into the stream. So I think we've been fairly innovative in dealing with the storm water storage problem but again, because of the configuration and shape of the space, it's sort of like pushing a balloon around. If you squeeze it in one spot, it sort of pops out in another spot and so if you're trying to get a mound system in there, then we're going to be starting to pinch the pond and parking so we can't really move the parking much in this direction because even to accommodate the small amount of parking we have here, we would have to do a modest amount of filling off of this terrace and then removing some of the natural vegetation which occurs there which I'm very reluctant to do at this point. And if we try pushing it any farther here, we start coming up against the existing residence so it's a very difficult site to work with. But I've worked with developers for close to 20 years and I know the problems that they've had to contend with. Now I'm here standing before you having to deal with the same problems and come up with some creative solutions. Andrews: I guess I have a couple questions. This is a long discussion and I think I need to get back to what the facts are at the moment. Right now you are not asking to divide the property, is that correct? Frank Svoboda: That's correct. ......" Andrews: So at this point it's a non decision for us, the way I understand it. I mean I appreciate and I agree with a lot of things you'd like to do and I'd love to see those things done if this property were to be developed. I guess I look at your background as being ideal as someone to own a piece of property like this. I think the one thing that Todd had mentioned about looking for an easement along that trout stream, that'd be something we'd love to see done but at this point we have no way to do business between us and yourself. Frank Svoboda: At this point you know I appreciate your attention and what I really need is as much support within the city as I possibly can get because this is going to be a tough project. You know the more people that are aware of what we're facing here and want to support...I think the more chance we have of success. Andrews: If this goes to PUD though, that would still come back for some sort of fee for park and trail or would that be all part of the negotiation of the PUD contract? Hoffman: Only if the property is subdivided do you have to...and considerations for park and open space as part of the project. Andrews: I think a PUD is certainly a better way to attack this piece of property. More flexibility and I think from what you've described here, what you're trying to accomplish is ..." 6 j ",. l l Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 along the lines that we're interested in seeing happen. I guess my biggest fear, if this were to be divided and we did not take any action, is that we have no assurance that you may not turn around and sell the property. I mean you could be unfortunate enough, as the owner of Nash Finch was recently, and get hit by a bus and the property be liquidated. So from that standpoint I guess I'd say as a park board we probably would still be looking to extract fees if this were being divided. I guess I'd feel like we have a responsibility to do that. Also I would not want to be sued by other developers that have asked us to do the same thing and we have consistently really given no favorites. Frank Svoboda: No, we're not closing the door on this. On the subdivision at this point. I think given what we've recently discovered, I think it's premature for us to do that because if we have to demolish that building, then we can't put anything else on that property, then we're stuck. Roeser: You're saying if you would demolish the building that you wouldn't replace it? You wouldn't build there? Frank Svoboda: From what I've been told, we can't replace it because the city, Todd told me ",....., this afternoon the city has about 300 acres of excess commercial/industrial and the Met Council, in whatever fashion it gets involved in the process, with that excess. I mean assuming that excess was still there in 2 years or wherever we are, they would never approve, even if we built right within the existing footprint of that building, they would not take a favorable view towards replacing that within the commercial structure. Andrews: That's only if it's split that this becomes an issue, or subdivided? Frank Svoboda: Can't have the building? Andrews: Yes. Hoffman: No, it's an existing non-conforming use. Andrews: I guess another question I would have is if there's a fire that destroys the building, where does that leave you? Are you out of business? Hoffman: Just as you have a non-existing use in any other cabin that's within a setback, where now you have a more restrictive setback. If the cabin bums down, they're going to make you build it back... ~ Andrews: You've got a lot of complicated issues to tie up here at once. 7 / Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 --' Frank Svoboda: I'm just going to take them one at a time. Andrews: Well I commend you for the project and I for one hope it happens. I think this would be a fantastic use of the property. It certainly would enhance and protect the wetland area and perhaps give us a centerpiece for other people to come and study. Frank Svoboda: And certainly it's a gateway to Chanhassen down here in the southwest entrance right off of TH 212 so our intention is to... Andrews: Any other comments? Manders: Sounds good to me. Berg: Good luck. Frank Svoboda: I need a lot of that. Andrews: We thank you and we hope we get a chance to see this come to pass. Frank Svoboda: Thank you. .....,., Huffman: You know the plan we just saw Todd is a great idea. If you're going to do the Bluff Creek charette, it's something that we're going to do, and for the plans that Mr. Svoboda has in terms of an interpretative center and research and nature, I mean maybe that's something the city could tie into and help eventually classes, learning. The trout stream...are the goals that the commission has. Andrews: Okay, now we're going to turn back to the beginning of the agenda. VISITOR PRESENTA nONS: None. METES AND BOUNDS SUBDIVISION TO SUBDIVIDE WT 3. MINNEWASHTA PARK INTO 2 WTS WCA TED NORTH OF ORCHARD LANE AND SOUTII OF mGHWA Y 7. OBED AND MILDRED MEWM. Todd Hoffman presented the staff report on this item. Andrews: This is a routine item. I think we can just move on this one. Is the applicant here? No, okay, fine. Let's just move on this one then. --' 8 'I 1, /"""" ~ Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 Lash: I would move that we recommend to City Council that full park and trail fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication or trail construction in regard to the metes and bounds subdivision. Roeser: Second. Lash moved, Roeser seconded that the PaIk and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council require full palk and trail fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication and/or trail construction (1 lot, current residential palk and trail fees are $900.00 and $300.00, respectively per lot) for the Melom Subdivision. All voted in favor and the motion canied. PRELIMINARY PLAT TO SUBDIVIDE 8 ACRES INTO 2 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ZONED RSF. RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY; LOCATED WEST OF HIGHWAY 7. EAST OF HENNEPIN COUNTY REGIONAL RAILROAD AUmORffY. AND soum OF PIPEWOOD CURVE; DELWICHE ADDmON. Todd Hoffman presented the staff report on this item. Andrews: I guess I look at this again as a routine item. If the applicant wishes to add any comments, you're free to do so. I'm not sure it's really. I don't know what questions there could be here. Is there a motion to take action on this item? Or any discussion that would like to need. Lash: I move that we recommend to City Council that we recommend the Delwiche Addition subdivision with conditions of full park and trail fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication or trail construction. Meger: Second. Lash moved, Meger seconded that the PaIk and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council require full palk and trail fees to be collected per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication and/or trail construction, (1 lot, current residential pmK and trail fees are $900.00 and $300.00 respectively per lot) for the Delwiche Addition. All voted in favor and the motion canied. CONCEPTUAL AND PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO REZONE 89.59 ACRES OF PROPERTY ZONED A2. AGRICULTURAL ESTATE TO PUD; PRELIMINARY PLAT ONE BLOCK (48 UNITS - 14 TWIN HOME BUILDINGS AND 5 9 ./ -/ i ( Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 .....", FOUR PLEX BUILDINGS). AND 2 OUTLOTS: WCA TED IN mE SOUTIlWEST CORNER OF TIlE INTERSECfION OF HIGHWAY 5 AND GALPIN BOULEVARD: AUTUMN RIDGE. GOOD VALUE HOMES. INe. (O'SHAUGHNESSY PROPERTY). Todd Hoffman presented the staff report on this item. Andrews: Is this the property that's directly to the east of the Opus property? Hoffman: Exactly. Lash: I've got to get some of this stuff clear because I'm clearly confused. Are we only looking at the thing that's on the first page of the blueprint as the proposal? Because that doesn't look the same as what's on the overhead. Are we just looking at the bottom? Hoffman: Just the bottom half. Lash: Okay. And so is that sitting up there the way we're looking at that, is that Highway 5 to the right? Hoffman: Highway 5 is to the north? Sorry, this is to the north. ...." Lash: Okay, so it's turned. Okay, this is why I'm confused. Highway 5 on this thing is running along the right hand side. No, the other way. Yeah. So now which one are we looking at now? Hoffman: It's subdivided here and you're looking at the lower half. Lash: Okay, that's what we're looking at here. And the blue thing that you filled in is what they're saying they're proposing as open space. Hoffman: As a land transfer, yes. Lash: And isn't that all wetland up there anyway? Hoffman: It's all wetland around this. This is that marsh...talked about during the discussion whether or not we should put ballfields down in there. It's kind of the low, sandy low spongy stuff. It's really...if we did a lot of corrective measures and. Lash: Essentially no one else would ever probably build on it and we wouldn't either would we? 10 ...", I j I J c ) !ark and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 Hoffman: No, we decided as a commission that we wouldn't do that. Lash: So why would we then accept that 2.8 acres or whatever to remain open as something that's going to transfer density when it probably would never be built on. Hoffman: Sure, it could be. It's buildable property. The thing we're not discussing is that this is just one piece of this and that we're attempting to make the land transaction with Mrs. O'Shaughnessy and the rest of the property. So right now Good Value Homes does not even own this piece of property. It's under the ownership of Betty O'Shaughnessy and I'm not sure how the City Attorney would ask that to happen. Whether or not Good Value Homes would have to go ahead and transfer ownership of this to the city at that time so they would have to have ownership of both of these sites. So there's still some of those type of things to be figured out as far as the land, overall land transaction. Lash: Okay, and then one last question. On the northern, or the edge of the wetland, or the development where it abuts against the wetland. Is that supposed to be just a walking path or is that a road there with a walking path? r- Hoffman: This one is just a road. This is a trail. This is a road. ,..... Andrews: That's that proposed south boulevard? Hoffman: Yep. Huffman: Todd, is there also another development just to the, I want to say east of that. There's also a multi-residential area we talked about a month ago. 94 twin homes or something. Hoffman: Oh yeah, across from the school property. You have to come all the way back to this direction. Roeser: To Audubon? Hoffman: Yeah. Lash: So it's on the other side of the creek from the school property. Hoffman: Yeah, the other side of the creek. 11 ) Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15. 1994 --' Andrews: What's interesting is that during the Highway 5 study that most of the developers were coming in and saying this was not going to be developable property and it's coming in before the road's even being built. Huffman: My question is. and I want to be delicate about this but you're building a school and you're jamming a lot of things in and around the school when one of our main concerns is ballfields. open space. scenic area. We're cramming a bunch of stuff in there. I mean is that any of our business? Do we care? Andrews: It's kind of what was zoned or anticipated for the property. Lash: We care. I think we all care. Whether we can do anything about it is. Berg: Are you concerned because of the use? That we're getting so many people in there that the use is going to be overwhelming. Huffman: I'm concerned about. you know you've got your school. You've got some open space and then all of a sudden we keep saying. well this is dedicated to the school. This is dedicated and then all of a sudden you've got the school's use is already taken over by neighborhood. You've got so many families in there and I've got nothing against duplexes -*' and twin family homes and things like that but the use has already piled up. I mean you have already loaded that school down to it's max and we haven't even opened the thing up. I mean if I'm not mistaken. I was told the other time. there's got to be a ramp built under Highway 5 to get to the school. There's got to be this way coming to the school. Maybe it will be natural because. well no only old people are going to live in these things I've been told. So there won't be anybody there so that's not an issue I guess. Hoffman: I just got...with our planning department and in fact it came up in conversations that the landowner can market this as a commercial property. To nurture that residential type...you have a school on a state highway so we wanted to try and mitigate that back a little bit and push around the...surrounding the school is a good thing. The fact that it's zoned medium density. that's what it's zoned currently so that's what the applicant is coming in at. Now they're squeezing things slighting because they're asking for this land transfer. Andrews: It's not a huge variance. Hoffman: Yeab. the residential mass that will be around the school will obviously accumulate in the future but right now it's fairly limited. 12 ....", I ( .,.., ;-- ,.., Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 Huffman: Okay. I mean the hard thing is you want to put it right. I don't have any underlying reason. I'm not trying to keep out any income level. I'm not trying to keep out anything anywhere. I'm just asking, that many people in that area for what we've got as a dedicated space, I mean is it already built up? I mean is the land use already obsolete with the amount of families and bodies of people who will be coming in there. I don't know. Manders: I guess one observation that I have is that the concentration is certainly a thought and you've expressed it well but I wonder if the appeal of the open space by having that extra open space and be assured that that isn't going to be developed inside that wetlands isn't of some benefit. I think it is to have that entire area assured that it's going to be open instead of having some site or whatever might be put up in there. But that would be nice. Andrews: In my opinion this is a pretty good use of the property. It is sort of an anticipated use. I mean you've got a commercial development to the west. The school to the east and this provides some sort of a transition between a residential and a commercial use. To try to sell single family houses perhaps right next to a large industrial complex would not be easy, and probably inappropriate. So I guess I'm okay with this one. I guess the trick is to get the 100 acres from the O'Shaughnessy's to close it all up. Roeser: It rides on that anyway, right? That they have that property from the O'Shaughnessy's. That they acquire that property. Hoffman: Right. That piece of land. Roeser: Otherwise it would have to come back and be done allover again right. Lash: I have one more question then and, if I'm still fuzzy about this then I'm going to guess other people are too. This is a PUD, right? Hoffman: That's correct. Lash: Okay so, and I've seen this other times. And my understanding of a PUD is that a developer is granted flexibility in. what they're trying to do in return for providing us above and beyond what we would normally be able to ask. Is that correct? Okay. And then how come when we're, and I'm not picking on this specific proposal. I'm just trying to find this out for myself. When we look at this and the recommendation then would be that we would collect full park and trail fees and that we would ask for a 20 foot easement for trail purposes and then ask the developer to construct, which the first two to me would be just normal. That's what we would ask of anyone. Then when we ask them to construct an 8 foot wide trail, why would we then reimburse them if we could, under the PUD agreement, we are 13 ) Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 -""" entitled to ask above and beyond what's normally required. Why couldn't we just ask them to do that without reversing them? Andrews: We could. Hoffman: We have typically in any of the PUD's we've not asked for that piece of the pie. We've gone ahead and championed an unwritten policy that we're going to...construction in PUD's and surrounding development...comprehensive plan and you have to build it as part of your development. The city is going to take responsibility for that. There is quite a bit of flexibility in the planned unit development process that most of these comes in zoning in other areas. The one item which...park and recreation as parks and open space...we're giving you I think it's 2.1 acres of it... Andrews: I agree with Jan. Lash: Thanks Jim. I mean that's the one time we can ask above and beyond and we haven't been doing it, I don't think. Andrews: That's right. ...", Lash: We get what we would normally get and then if we ask them to do anything else, we turn around and reimburse them for it so I don't think we've been asking above and beyond. Huffman: I lived in a townhouse for the first 7 years we were up here in St. Louis Park and when we hit a piece of swamp over off of TH 101 that's not even a useable swamp. I can't even see it. Every day I drive by there, I don't even know where it is anymore. I mean if you can show it to me because there's nothing but dirt there. But you know it was required that they have a natural area at our place and when they talk about the amenities of park, we had a swimming pool, two tennis courts. The association, everything took care of. I mean there was something there besides a little duck pupal. And I guess that's what it comes back to my concern is that yes, they can get over to the school. They can get all these things but people live in the neighborhoods too and what do they do in their neighborhood when mom and dad look out the window or grampa or gramma, especially in these areas look out their windows. You know where are they going to go? And that's my concern. I guess I haven't caught onto that one yet and if it's zoned for that, that's fine but you know, where will the children play, is that what Cat Steven's says. . Hoffman: Your observations are right on. We have not leveraged PUD's nearly as much as... 14 ...." I l I """" I"""'- """" Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 Andrews: Well couple points. That 2.81 acres, is that an area that's, is it hilly or is it flat? Is it an area that could be, not necessarily turned into a playfield but it is a field that's suitable to play on? Hoffman: No, it's a knoll with box elders on it. Pretty much... Andrews: I guess the other comment I was going to make is as we saw in our last exercise at the City Council, land is scarce. Land is valuable. We're the ones with it. Why don't we get what we can from it. I mean we're having to pay more and more to get the land that we need as well and I agree completely with Jan here. I mean they'd be here under a standard proposal if that was to their advantage. Now they're coming to us with a PUD because that's to their advantage. I think we need to extract the extra piece for that for the privilege. I mean why should they do all the winning and we just sit here and say well we'll be nice and we'll just treat you the same as any other developer when they're not coming to us the same as any other developer. So I guess in this particular situation I think that the developer should construct the trail at their cost and if they don't like it, they can appeal to the City Council and the Council has the authority to do what they wish. In my opinion I think our recommendation should be that point number 3 be done at the developer's cost. Berg: I would agree. Past practice is fine but there's time to change past practice too. I think the time has come to do that. Andrews: Any more discussion? Lash: I guess I would, the other thing with this. Huffman: Oh don't change your mind. Lash: I won't change my mind Dave. But on this site, if it is 2.8 acres, is there a possibility of, I'm going to back Dave up on his comments...mutual admiration society here. It gets kind of sickening. But is there a possibility in the future that we would just at least be able to clear out a portion of that if it's not, if it's just some scrub trees and put in a little play structure someday in the future if the need arose? Could we use it for something? Would it support that, or will it support nothing? Hoffman: We can, we're not accepting it as parkland...open space due to the fact that it's a land transfer. There's other locations where you could put play equipment on in the city property which we're pursuing to the west and the Opus site where we want to obtain that peninsula. Essentially the first industrial lot which they have identified would be a location for a parking lot and trail head, nature center, if you wanted to do that future piece of play 15 :~ I ) l Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 -" equipment...kind of a central location. ...it's essentially right in the middle of this big 100 acre site and that's exactly what Jim was saying. We're trying to keep...out of that and keep it as a whole... Lash: But there is the future of the potential for future something somewhere besides the school site? Hoffman: Yes. Lash: You think to the west, okay. Andrews: Can I have a motion? Does somebody want to make a motion please? Well I'll make the motion that we accept the staff recommendation as proposed with item 1 and item 2 and I would change item 3 only in that our recommendation would be that we do not reimburse the applicant. That the applicant install the trail at their cost. Huffman: To city specs. Andrews: Well yeah, that's, I'm not modifying any of that. I'm just saying that they not be reimbursed for that being this is a PUD. ....,,; Lash: So item 3 would go all the way to the end of the sentence where it would say Director and City Engineer? Andrews: Yep. That's what it would say. Is there a second to that? Lash: I would second it. Andrews: Any further discussion? Andrews moved, Lash seconded that the Pam. and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council require the following conditions of approval in regard to pmks and trails for the proposed Autumn Ridge planned unit development: 1. Full park and trail fees be collected per city ordinance. 2. Dedication of a 20 foot easement for trail purposes as identified on the preliminary plat for Autumn Ridge dated October 18, 1994. --' 16 I J j r-- JII"" Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 3. The developer shall construct an 8 foot wide asphalt trail per city specifications within the trail easement. This construction shall be completed in conjunction with street construction. Final alignment of this trail shall be staked by the developer and approved by the Park and Recreation Director and City Engineer. All voted in favor and die motion canied unanimously. Andrews: Land is too scarce for us to be. Lash: Well and money's too scarce and for us to move forward and try and accomplish anything, we've got to get it where we can. PROGRAM REPORTS: A. LAKE ANN PARKING/GATE ATTENDANT YEAR END REPORT. Jerry Ruegemer presented the staff report on this item. Andrews: You're looking at like a billboard map or maybe. Ruegemer: Some kind of a handout. Andrews: Postcard? You know postcard, drive to here. Okay. Ruegemer: There's always ways, we're looking for ways to motivate the people that are out there. Andrews: I've got an idea for that one. Put them on a commission. Ruegemer: Other park and rec commissions, or other park and rec departments do have, as far as some type of commission, they do it on a per hour basis. You work x amount of hours over the summer, you get a bonus of some kind. I don't know if the Park and Rec Commission would entertain anything like that. Andrews: I meant like a commission on what they collect. Really motivate them. If you want to see your revenues go up, boy that'd do it. Jerry Ruegemer continued with his staff report on the 1994 gate attendant report. 17 / I ~ Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 ....", Lash: I had one question about South Lotus. Do you remember the gentleman who was here earlier this year who lived adjacent. Ruegemer: Mr. Melby? Lash: Yes, that was his name. I guess I just want to follow up and see how things are going with him. Is anything new? Did the problems get solved? Hoffman: We went ahead and completed what was requested. Andrews: Put up some screening was it? Hoffman: Put the sign back up. Lash: And does he seem to be content with the situation now?. Hoffman: I would expect that he'll be calling us again. Ruegemer: We haven't heard anything, or I haven't heard anything for the rest of the summer. -' Todd Hoffman made a comment that was not heard on the tape. Manders: Jerry, that speedboat. Number 677. I assume that it's talking about Lotus Lake? Ruegemer: Correct. Lake Ann Park is a non-motorized lake. We don't keep those kind of numbers out there. People bring their canoe, that type of thing... Lash: Are you still going to do some kind of brochure or handout or something for Lake Ann? I think it's nice if on it there was some way to condense it and have the rules and a little map layout and maybe the amenities, all printed so people would know what was available there. Ruegemer: Does anybody have any other questions in regards to that? Andrews: Let's move on to item B then. HALLOWEEN PARlY EVALUATION. Jerry Ruegemer presented the staff report on this item. ...." 18 ,.... Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 Lash: How about a contest? Costume contest. Creative and maybe do it by age brackets or something. We always have a big parade. It's not for Halloween. It's for Fairy Tales, which just happens to fall at the end of October every year so we have a costume parade and boy you see some really creative things come through. And you see 75 Power Rangers but you see a couple of really creative ones and I think it'd be kind of fun. It maybe would encourage kids to get a little more creative too in their costuming. Andrews: I think moving it back to Saturday will be a big help too. I had a number of people in our neighborhood mention that was the very reason they didn't go so. Lash: And you may have a better time getting volunteers too. Ruegemer: Yeah, it was tough getting volunteers this year. Very tough. We got by...the last half of the week here it really was nice that we had the people but like you said, that will be easier to get. It'd be easier for set up too. We'd have more time to set up. You don't have to worry about the after school programs that was there, which really wasn't a problem. They were very flexible and that but it worked ouLto have more time would be great too so. Those are just the type of things that we were experiencing this year. I think people really I""""'" liked the touch and feel area that was added. I know some kids were scared in putting their hands in the box. They weren't sure what was going to happen but I think kids really enjoyed it. So that was quite fun. Some were gory in some areas but the kids seem to get a kick out of it so, and the...so that was a good time. We'll definitely do that again. Just looking ahead to next year too you know we're going to be having a new school site next year so that's one area too that I'd like to get the commission to become really involved in that and we discussed possibly doing a ball of some kind. Where the parents can come with their kids and have entertainment and possibly a meal. I know that hasn't worked much in the past but we'd certainly try to offer new activities for that. And then we have some entertainment type of thing and I'd love to have the commission get involved in that. We will certainly try to plan that for the... Do you have any questions on this or general comments? I think parents really liked the door prizes. We gave away probably over $150.00 in Festival Foods gift certificates and some other gift certificates as well sO...Do you have any questions? Andrews: No. Dave wanted to make a comment. He has to leave here briefly to attend to some sick kids at home. Huffman: I'm sorry. You're going to talk about the agenda for the City Council and I just wanted to get on record that the five things we had talked about beforehand, or four, whatever your better discretion comes up with, you know so I support 100% whatever I can do to help. I would absolutely be delighted to and I think Todd and Dawn and Jerry should be commended for what they did at the City Council meeting. They did a great job. It was fun "" 19 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 """'" for me and if I can do anything to help, whatever. And I support everything 1 00% and I will let Fred vote in my best conscience on every bit and piece and article that come out here. Whatever he says goes. Andrews: That means Dave has just volunteered for any committee that gets formed. Huffman: I didn't say that. Andrews: He said he would help any way that he could. Alright, thanks for that comment. Let's move to item 6( c) and that's with Dawn. FEBRUARY FESTIVAL CROSS COUNTRY FUN SKI. Dawn Lemme presented the staff report on this item. Andrews: You know the Ski Patrol of Hennepin County has a cross country patrol and they usually would be happy to help with something like that. Lemme: Yeah, that's in some of our notes...and possibly get the snowmobile club out there too have a few snowmobiles in case we really need to get out there. -' Berg: Yeah, they owe us. Lash: Yeah, I was just going to suggest them because I'm sure they'd be happy to do that. To have some strategically located or some walkie talkies or something in case you really did have an emergency, it'd be nice to have. Lemme: Yeah, people we have on the course all have walkie talkies... Manders: What is the route? Lemme: Excuse me. Manders: What is the 4 mile route? Lemme: It's actually a combination of two that you have and that's another reason we have to have people all along the areas of the course because there's areas where people can come in off of their property and if we're going in the opposite direction that you might normally be going in, if you were to hop onto their trail. ....." 20 ,.... Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 Manders: So it's all within the Arboretum? Lemme: Yes. It's all within the Arboretum. Basically...the half mile just cuts off, it's a very short route. If people want to do it 2-3 times, they can do that. If you're a beginner skier, children. We want it to be really... Lash: Talking about February Festival and not necessarily the skiing thing but I know I've said this before and this sounds like a broken record. I still think that it'd be fun to try a sweatshirt sale or maybe more of a long sleeve t-shirt. You know have a thing set up where people can buy those things. I think those things go pretty well and if we had a sweatshirt and maybe it was more generic and didn't say February Fest or something on it, were the ones that didn't sell, we could put out again in the fall at Octoberfest or. Andrews: Say Chanhassen on it with the maple leaf or something. Lash: Yeah, something a little more generic maybe would be fine. Or maybe a beanie thing for February Fest. Or mittens. I just think it'd be kind of fun and I think a lot of stuff goes. People tend to buy that stuff. ,...... Hoffman: Beanie? Berg: A beanie has a propeller on it. Lash: At least I think it's worth checking into. If you think they're really cost prohibitive or something. Berg: Well I liked the shirts last year. Lash: You know those new Lake Ann ones, the just generic Lake Ann, those were very popular. I saw a lot of people who won them as prizes wanting to know where they could buy them. They were nice. Sometimes the ones with the ears are nice but then it's a little embarrassing when you wearing a nice...and everyone knows it's 7 years old. KREA TIVE KIDS. Dawn Lemme presented the staff report on this item. SENIOR CENTER. Dawn Lemme presented the staff report on this item. "" 21 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 -' Andrews: I see the sweatshirt making item there. I just wonder if there's any coordination between that and some sort of a theme for the February Festival. Maybe do something with the seniors to make something or do something. Lemme: That's possible and possibly do, we have a small crafts room and something like this is really just a specialty thing. They come in for 3 hours and they just...paint on the sweatshirts and generally low cost... Andrews: Alright, thank you. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTA nONS: PROPOSED PARK. OPEN SPACE AND mAIL ACOUISmON AND DEVEWPMENT REFERENDUM. Todd Hoffman presented the staff report on this item. Andrews: I guess I'd like to see this particular item, which really wasn't prepared for tonight but to have that come back like a grid of millions bonded or voted in a referendum. Home values across the top. Approximate estimated tax implication of that. That was something we could probably just keep with us every time we meet because that's going to, that's going to give us some guidance as to what might be possible. And then you said you're going to be working on some estimates, Bandimere and some of these other wish lists. ~ Hoffman: Land acquisition. Andrews: Yep. Hoffman: Development of lights. Andrews: Trails. Lash: When we put this package together for the Council, how specific do you think we need to be? Not dollar amount but say we wanted to earmark x amount for land acquisition for community park or open space preservation. Do we need to get site specific as far as the open space or I know specifically we had two large treed areas in mind. Do we need to be specific about that? Hoffman: We'll be site specific based on the work that we you did last year...and without that...say we'll buy 150 acres over the next 5 years somewhere out in Chanhassen, it's going 22 ,.". ,-..- Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 to cost you this much. I think you can see from the first editorial in the paper, that's not going to fly. People want to know. In fact we want to take them out, walk them on the property so we'll schedule as part of this, if it goes forward, public tours of the property which we're taking a look at. And I will be including the Prince Nelson's property and the Camp Tanadoona property but there being a caveat that these are probably not available at the present time so you couldn't go out and purchase them. Lash: So how do we address that problem? Hoffman: Well I've approached some of the land owners and they're willing to sell. Lash: Yeah but take those two specific sites. Do we put that then on the referendum so that we've got the money in pocket in case they do come open? Because otherwise then if they come open, say they come open in 3 years and then we don't have the money. Hoffman: It's a tough sell to put something on a contingency. It's a really tough sell in a referendum. People like, when they vote, at least and history tells you they like to see it happen and continue to see... ,..... Andrews: It will go somewhere else. I think the position we would have to perhaps be in is to have some money available where we could convince the owner to hold it and then you scramble. Emergency referendum. If that peninsula at Lake Ann came up and we scrambled out and said this is our one shot. One time to do it, I think you could get support for it. Hoffman: ...Eden Prairie in 6 weeks. Andrews: Yeah, I think for us to say we need to hold $3 million in the bank in case someday that comes, that ain't going to go. People aren't going to vote for it... Lash: So if we get site specific, we need to identify a site for a community park too? I know the last one was, it was general. It was community park in southern Chanhassen. Hoffman: We don't have that any longer. I'll take a look at some of those and offer up some recommendations.. . Meger: Can you give us more information too. It seemed like Mayor Chmiel had quite a bit of concern about our Chanhassen tax, was it...I mean I don't understand it that well so I would like some more information just to be able to. '"'" 23 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 ....", Lash: Well they're going to say, would never authorize something that's going to jeopardize our bond rating so I don't think we have to worry about that. Hoffman: Typically when Moody's comes out and says you...does not hurt your bond rating. Andrews: I don't have any concern at all about our bond rating. With the amount of construction going on out here, the tax capacity here is growing far faster than what's been projected. Hoffman: ...$6 million dollar, that doesn't even touch our coverage. Andrews: Then if you look at what it is you just bought with that $6 million, I mean if the city ever did go in the tank, they could put one of those pieces of property on the market and sell it for a profit. Lash: So how far down our wish list, just ballpark, do you think we're going to be able to go with a $6 million figure? If that were the figure we went with. Hoffman: I don't have a priority yet so I can't tell you how far it would get down there. You'd be able to choose...Bandimere is over a million dollars to develop so there's a...but we ......" shouldn't be disappointed in what we can accomplish for that amount of money and obviously we need items which are...community which we're serving right now...We need to be able to market those as... Andrews: We've got to move fast because District 276 is talking about another school bond referendum. If that comes out before this comes out, there's no chance that will go in Minnetonka. They're already starting to do it. There are a lot of disgruntled property owners that said, why couldn't you talk about this a year ago. Lash: We would have had a different referendum a year ago. Andrews: Well, they knew it was coming. I mean it's just how to politically solve something In pIeces. Berg: 112 has another one coming too. Hoffman: ...the Council will hear your comments on December 10th and what you'd like to receive, so if you have anything else on that. Andrews: So our project, on the lOth is going to be. ,..,I 24 ,.... Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 Lash: Is that our last meeting? Andrews: Yeah, this is it for this month. Lash: I guess I figured we'd have on in two weeks. That'd be the 29th. Manders: That's Thanksgiving week. Lash: No, it would be the week after Thanksgiving. Manders: No, it's the third week which is Thanksgiving week. Andrews: So the 10th would be focusing on the referendum primarily or other tasks that we've kind of let slide too or. Hoffman: There'd be any subdivision proposals which come forward, year end type of... ,..... Lash: That's supposed to be our Christmas celebration so we aren't going to want the meeting to go. Berg: Do you want to start a little earlier? Hoffman: Yeah, we can meet on the referendum at 6:30 to 7:30... Lash: Dave took on that, the job of planning that and he mentioned to me that he was going to, he's thinking of Frankie's so I did voice my concern about their limited menu after following our meetings here. We had a little trouble there. I think he knows Frankie personally. Andrews: Oh there's Byerly's now too and that's another place we haven't tried yet. ,.... Hoffman: Another short thing under Administrative Presentations. If you notice the Green Sense. The publication. There are a lot of tie in's into our proposal for a referendum. It covers...they're also starting a west metro chapter which...out of the Eden Prairie referendum effort. They're having a meeting tomorrow night in City Hall of Chanhassen, up in the courtyard conference room. I will be at the school. Our planning staff will be at Planning Commission meeting and thus we don't know who is going to represent the city of Chanhassen... If any of you are interested at 7:00, and what they talk about is other ways of preserving open space, which is private, as really public open space as a professional presentation. They do a lot with easements. Special easements over the property and they're 25 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 ....." very active and this does mention I believe the Eden Prairie effort...In regards to tomorrow night's Planning Commission meeting, the item of Heritage Development which is the east of the Timberwood Estates is on the agenda. Typically that is my responsibility to represent the Parks Department and the Commission at that meeting. However I do have to attend school tomorrow evening. I missed last week due to the other meeting so I can't miss a second week. I will have somebody there from the staff level to represent us. Any park commissioner who would like to represent the commission there, you're more than willing to do that and you know how effective that can be. Andrews: That's back at Planning you said? Hoffman: Planning Commission and their contention is that they don't want to cough off the open space for the park. The little comer of trees and so they've submitted a proposal without that and we will be defending that as a position that we want that as park. Lash: Is this the one with the boulevard and we asked them to move it east so that it was more along the creek? Hoffman: And they did not do that and our final position was we'll continue to have a trail at the back side of the homes and what we want is to preserve those...and they're still showing 3 ""'" or 4 lots in that area... Lash: And this is the Planning Commission, right? Hoffman: Correct. Manders: What argument do they bring forth? Hoffman: Well they're meeting their land dedication through the dedication of easement and trail. Andrews: Hooey. What a bunch of hooey. I want that on the record, hooey. Lash: Could you spell that? Hoffman: Does anybody want to go to that meeting? Andrews: Tomorrow night? -' 26 ,..... Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 Lash: Personally I don't want to go to the meeting if I don't have to but can you have the staff person who represents Park and Rec, again say that there's a consensus with the commission that this is a bunch of hooey and if they go along with that, you know then we'll have to bring it up when it goes to City Council and make a major stink at that level so why not just nit it in the bud at the Planning Commission level and be done with it. Andrews: It's inconsistent. Lash: You know I really think the commissions seriously need to respect each others recommendations and back each other up when it's in the planning stage rather than have to wait until it goes to City Council so I would respectfully request that they respect our recommendation in this situation. Andrews: You don't have a copy of the agenda do you for that meeting? Hoffman: No, but I could call you tomorrow night. Andrews: Give me a call. I may be able to make it. ,...... Hoffman: Okay. And lastly, you will have a year end date, up to date update on the revenue charges for the park and trail acquisition and development but it was just dropped on my desk today so I thought I'd spread the good news. Collected year to date is $432,526.31. So we have budgeted revenue of $170,000.00 this year so we're obviously able to bankroll that money but we also have been very aggressive in setting aside reserves so where we're at now...we're able to meet our...which we had set aside so you can be happy about that situation...but we don't have that big old nest egg set aside just yet for something such as the Lake Ann...spend everything that we make. Although we do get a lot of pressure from neighborhoods to continue to develop the neighborhood parks. We... Lash: I have a question regarding the applicants for the commission. Did Jane and I need to do anything with the information we gathered tonight? Hoffman: Yeah, you should update the rest of the commission as to your thoughts and if you feel that we should forward this, if you want to make a recommendation...City Council. Lash: Well I guess what I want to know is what we're supposed to do. Generally we prioritize the candidates or something. ".... Hoffman: You can do that as well. I'll handle this one. Obviously we have applicants who... we had one application coming in thus far and that person is...a Planning Commission 27 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 -' applicant with a park and rec as an alternate. And Jane and Jan interviewed...and I have a feeling that the City CounciL.will probably choose to interview Mr. Stubic regardless of any recommendation here so and then they can make their choice. Andrews: At this point, both Fred and Jim have re-applied? Hoffman: Correct. Andrews: Okay. We commend you. And we wonder why but. Lash: So you want us to tell you now how we're feeling or do you want us to write it down or what do you want us to do? Hoffman: If you want to make a motion to the City Council, you can do that. And the commission has done that in the past where they've prioritized people or recommended people. The policy for reappointment is noL.to that specifics. It says you shall interview on this date City Council shall interview on this date but the process between there is somewhat gray. And we are entering into a political realm there so if you want to make recommendations, let's say you push for your two candidates right now, they might say well why are they pushing their two candidates now... -' Lash: Although part of our criteria here is membership should consider reappointment of current outstanding members wishing to be reappointed. So I mean we'd be following criteria if we recommended Fred and Jim. Todd Hoffman made some statements that were not heard on the tape. Andrews: I'd like to see us, personally I'd like to see us make a motion to support reappointment of those reapplying. Lash: Yes, I would second that. Andrews moved, Lash seconded that the Patk and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council reappoint Fred Berg and .1m Manders to the Patk and Recreation Commission. All voted in favor and the motion camed. Meger: I would just suggest that, seeing as Bob does obviously have a great interest and he's applied for the two commissions, that should we get to the point where we have a task force for a referendum, that we strongly consider him as a viable candidate. """"'" 28 ~ Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 Lash; And if there needs to be any back up support as to the recommendation, it would be based on a criteria of current members of the commission being reappointed, and I think also on the face of the referendum, or possible upcoming referendum, that it would be in our best interest to have experienced commissioners here who are already knowledgeable in the process. Andrews: Agreed. Any other business? Manders: I had a couple questions. One, I just wanted to recognize the Cub Scouts on the tree thing. My question there was, did they come to you with this option and is there similar things out there that they just don't know enough to come into the city and ask about trees and plantings and whatever else? I""'" Hoffman: Sure, to kind of align yourself with Fred's comments on the Friends for the Parks and that type of an organizational effort and our response being that we need to go down that road but typically where...in districts which have matured somewhat. You don't have to take that. We have a growing...this person went out and made some contacts. You can't develop...so they go out and make some contacts and...benefits for the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts as well. Manders: Well it was great. Hoffman: And we try to encourage that through our contact. If Public Safety doesn't get them first, we pick right up on it. Manders: Second comment was on the Lake Ann irrigation. Have you gotten a response back on that? Hoffman: No, I have given him his last notification. Sent the contract over to the City Attorney. The City Attorney said you, if you want to close this contract you need to get them certified mail notification that they have 10 days to complete their contract. And...basically we will do it at our own expense and we will retain that money from their contract retain age by $5,200.00... Manders: And my last question is on the status of the playground equipment. ~ Hoffman: At Pheasant Hills? Pheasant Hills playground equipment was delivered 2 1/2-3 weeks late so it really came in more than what Earl F. Anderson would have expected for delivery so it did not meet the promised date to be delivered. I've always...satisfaction with them. In fact... 29 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 .....,/ Manders: So is it installed then or what's the? Hoffman: Yeah, the equipment is in about the 75% finished stage, 80% installed. We're installing it. They did not deliver a couple of posts. That counts up for about 2 days on the installation. That came a week ago last Friday and then the slides, which were delivered to the, I'll call them Jet Slide, our installer Dean Schmieg is very quick to catch these type of things and when he installed it before...basin holds water. The runout of the slide...shallow enough so after a night of rain and they slide down, the person is going to get soaked pants so this is not a good thing. So then he thought, well a couple of things...our installer drilled homes into the slide and let the water drain out of it and my response was, direct response was that, I'm not going to bring my Park Commission out here and say I just bought $20,000.00 worth of play equipment and now we have to bring...drilling holes in the slide to let the water drain...so we'll go back to the fact where we ask them how we can solve this and I asked them to create a change order in that regard that they can solve this with factory...they'll redo those slides for you but they're coming out with brand new slides which are slightly different. A quicker runoff and then level off after that and these slides will be available in January or February. Would you like those so I said, well typically when a company manufactures something new and improved, it's new and improved for a reason so unless you tell me otherwise we'll take the new slide so we'll be getting a change out on those slides to get the new slides. ....." Andrews: No extra cost? Hoffman: No extra cost. Lash: So how does it look? Hoffman: It looks great. Lash: Good. Any comments from the residents about it? Hoffman: ...again, it's not that we don't get the service. We have to twist arms...to make things happen. Lash: That's a tough one because, and we were all in full agreement that we were getting more equipment for the money and we want to do that but yet on the other hand, the trade off for us should not be arm twisting to get service. I'd like to continue to get the most equipment for the money I can but sometimes the headaches just are not worth it. ....""I 30 ,..... Park and Rec Commission Meeting - November 15, 1994 Andrews: I guess I'd like to see a letter go from you Todd, basically expressing just that. That we saw their bid as providing a greater value of equipment and that in the future if they wish to have favorable consideration, we'd appreciate the service to be. Berg: Yeah, and he stood 15 feet away from us when we told him that face to face and then he still comes back and says well we don't consider 2 weeks to be a problem. We told him 2 · weeks was a problem. We told him the date, we needed it on the date that he specified. Lash: Yeah, I think I was pretty. Hoffman: You were specific. Lash: Very. Berg: And you didn't change your mind 4 times. Andrews: Any other comments? Motion to adjourn. ,..... Berg moved, Lash seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion canied. The meeting was adjourned. Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director Prepared by Nann Opheim ,.... 31