PRC 1991 10 22
OCTOBER 22, 1991
(The Commission completed a site visit to the recently finished Herman
Field Park prior to the official meeting.)
Vice Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m..
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Lpsh, Dave Koubsky, Dawne Erhart, Curt Robinson and
Jim Andrews
MEMBERS ABSENT: Wendy Pemrick and Larry Schroers
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Coordinator and Sharmin
AI-Jaff, Planner I
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Erhart moved, Koubsky seconded to approve the Minutes
of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated September 24, 1991 as
presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Hoffman: Come on up and sit up here. We'll do some brief introductions.
~ Meet each other and hold our discussion. We'll let Sharmin give her
(The Park and Recreation Commission members and Senior Commission members
introduced themselves to each other.)
Hoffman: Sharmin, why don't you give us a brief introduction. Let's go
ahead and follow, discuss what the Senior Commission is all about...
AI-Jaff: The purpose of our visit is to bring the Park and Rec Commission
up to speed as to what Senior activities are in the City of Chanhassen
right now. Just some background. This all started' a couple of year ago.
We started with a senior task force. We were asked to conduct a study. We
didn't know what the outcome was going to be. It was an open ended study.
We found out that we have between 800 and 1,000 seniors in this city. This
number is suppose to double within the next decade. We don't have any
types of activities in this city. The only group that does meet on a
regular basis is the Chanhassen Senior Club and their main activity is
playing cards basically once a week on Thursdays. They meet for an hour.
Other than that there isn't anything else going on. Most of our seniors in
this city go to neighboring communities. Chanhassen does help subsidize a
program in Excelsior, South Shore Senior Center. We work with the Senior
Community Services that does most of the programming for South Shore. They
are aware of what we are doing. We have an excellent working relationship
with them. Most probably they will be helping Chanhassen in providing
programs for seniors. One of the outcomes of this study was the need for
senior center in Chanhassen. To accomplish that the Senior Commission was
established. They were appointed by the Council and their task was
basically to implement the results of the study. We found out that we
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 2
don't have adequate transportation for seniors. There isn't prog~ams. No
activities. There isn't one source where they can gather information or
anything basically they needed wasn't available to them. The senior
commission start~d working on trying to find a place where they can meet.
We looked at many different places. We always came back to City Hall.
There is a space behind the library. Actually it's behind the Council
chambers. It's used for storage right now arid we thought that we could
convert that into a space. An interim space that they could.use for now
and maybe in 3-4, maybe 5 years they would have their own free standing
building. If that should take place, which we're sure we will. We already
went to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority requesting funds to start
the architectural plans and building. The structure and they gave it their
blessings. Programming, we have already sent out bids to contract for 12
hours a week through Community Services. If that should take place, we're
probably going to use the Park and Recreation's offices. They will be
working closely with Todd. Also Todd's expertise will be needed. He has
always been very wonderful in pioviding programs for different ages. I
don't know if, he has shown interest in providing Frogramming for them and
I don't know if that's just...
Hoffman: ...We've taken a look at the Senior Community Services oPtion
with their contract for 12 hours is the best way to go in dealing with a
specialty area which we do not have the professional experience... We'll
be lending support in finding local contacts and... That person may very
well office in our office for a portion of the time until space is
available in the lower level... Senior Community Services works in how
many communities? ~
Al-Jaff: About 12.
Hoffman: 12 communities.
Al-Jaff: They're very experienced. We can't go full time with a person
right now that would be dedicated to seniors basically because we don't
have the funds for it. This project was thrown into our laps a couple of
years ago but once we get into the programming aspect of it, it will 'become
I think a Park and Recreation.
Hoffman: We're simply acting as a coordination agency. The folks who...
those will be the people telling us what to do... It's a new area for the
city and these types of discussions, round table discussions are continuing
on an ongoing basis to keep the open communication available.
With this we'll turn it to Barbara Montgomery. She's the chair
I believe she has a few .words she'd like to say.
Barbara Montgomery: One of the exciting things I think is how cooperative
everybody has been and how much help we have had from everybody.' It's just
really been exciting. I think one of the things we have to contend with is
the large age span. When you think of 55 to 95~you're talking about 40
years. Well if you subtract 40 years from 55, you know, if you're
programming for 15 year olds all the way up to 55 year olds, the same
thing. You know it isn't going to work. And it's the same way with the
senior population. And so what we need is a lot of different things that
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
~ October 22, 1991 - Page 3
are appropriate for certain age groups. And we don't know all the answers
either. I think that comes when you do have the volunteers. You begin to
have the core group and you begin to find out what they want. But I think
with the experience that the Community Services has had, we're going to
save ourselves a lot of mistakes and a lot of false hits. And they have
been just great. So I'm really looking forward to having this person
aboard. We're also going to have somebody who's going to helping in
provide volunteer services from the community. If somebody needs something
fixed in their house or somebody needs something done, that sort of thing
so I think we've got a lot of good things. And I don't know, maybe you
have some questions or maybe some of the rest of you have something you'd
li ke to add.
Emma St. John: I'd just like to add something because I was involved when
South Shore started and that was through Senior Community Services also and
we were just, we're still just open 3 days a week but when we started it
was very small and had day person setting up the program and everything and
then as it moved and found out what programs that the people in the
community wanted and now we are going real well and have also introduced
the congregate dining program which has helped an awful lot to the increase
in participation to our program over there. And this is something that
would happen here too I'm sure. We have educational programs and
entertaining programs and just all kinds of things. The other day we had,
in fact yesterday we had a lady come and teach us how to make some
Scharinschnitzel. Scissor cutting designs and all kinds. So it isn't
always something just the people that come to the congregate dining are
involved. others have no interest in coming to eat. Others have no
interest in coming and playing cards there which we do once a week also.
They want to learn som~ of the other things or come to the other programs
so it's a variety of programs for different ages. So I'm sure once this
gets started, it will grow just as fast as that and we certainly appreciate
the Chanhassen City has done for the South Shore over there.
Hoffman: Where did the center start there? I know it's in Mt. Calvary
Emma St. John: In the old high school. We had two classrooms and that's
where, and we started with the bare walls and it was a lot of work. Having
to buy the equipment for it and put it in and different organizations
Hoffman: Then it went from there to Mt. Calvary?
Emma St. John: No. We've been in Mt. Calvary only one year. This is
about 7 years old now. We went but of there because the talk was they were
going to tear down the school. They needed more room for the classrooms
and Mt. Calvary offered their spot to us so we felt we'd better take that
and not wait until we're really pushed out into the street.
Andrews: How many people are being seyved in South Shore?
Emma St. John: As a whole I don't really know how many. The dining, that
goes from 35 to 55-60 average in the 3 days. But then like I say, there
are other seniors, other people that come for the programs too. ...Burn
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Pag~ 4
was the coordinator there and now it's JoAnn Pavelka and Ben Withhart.
They have been very supportive and since our center opened, they also have
opened one in Long Lake. So there are a lot of centers that they help and
support and they know how to do it.
Barbara Montgomery: Of course we won't be able to do any congregate dining
over here because we don't have the space.
Selda Heinlein: I think we could have some kind of educational or health
or various programs like that. Where I came from...we had at least every
other month we had some kind of a film shown or they would just talk to us
about watching our step when we were out and Chicago in areas, as everybody
knows. Now when I read so much about Minneapolis and that I think well
golly, I moved from one State into another one and I hear the same story.
But I mean they were really good and then we would have, and we met in part
of the church also. It was not a public place. We had facilities. They
did have a kitchen but they would have different stores which we do not
have here to my knowledge . Comparing.i t like wi thRai nbow or Cub with...
and they would come and buy a lunch and'we could ask whatever fee and ~hen
they would have groceries. Packages of groceries that they would draw
names for. Constant little things like this that kept the unit going. We
had a 100 members. That was our limitation and I was one of the first ones
in it. ,MY husband and I were one of the charter members. I know now it
has dwindled because of the age of the various members that have been in it
since the start. Quite a few of them have passed on and ere in ill health
but they're still going. Fighting to. keep going and doing things that
they've been doing in the past. That sort of thing is what I think it .-,
should be. Sort of on the agenda once in a while .to sort of steer away
from constant caTd playing. I'm not an avid card player. I play just for
the fun of it. I don't miss very many meetings but those are the thi~gs
that I would sort of like to see.
Hoffman: I think we're in a...position here... They've been battling for
our business.
Robinson: How many active members do you have right now?
Emma St. John: We have no members. Oh you mean in Chan?
Robi.nson: Yeah, in Chan.
Selda Heinlein: We have 40 registered on our roster.
Barbara Montgomery: That's the card club. And that's not the senior'
center. They will be able to take part no doubt but that's a separate ~ort
of thing.
Selda Heinlein: That's what we would start with I assume along with more.
Robinson: That started out as a card club?
Selda Heinlein: Well, there's some doubt about that. ...~hey were a
senior center when they started according to the papers far, farback.b
Then somehow or another they lost that name and it's become a card clu
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
~ October 22, 1991 - Page 5
because they stopped doing the things that they were doing. As I
understand it they used to do crafts and things like that and I don't know,
lunches and things like that. Well I know since I've been in there we've
had several pot luck lunches and things like that but.
Emma St. John: It is not just that you can do things for entertainment.
There are other programs that you have to have to be eligible for some of
the things that are available for help. You have to have certain number of
health programs. You have to have other programs that are educational. You
cannot have just an entertainment or come and eat. And as a center it is
not a club. There are no dues to pay.
Barbara Montgomery: I think originally the card club was started by Carver
Hoffman: Don't they still lay some claim to that? The County?
Barbara Montgomery: No.
Hoffman: No money?
Barbara Montgomery: No money.
Robinson: And the age is 55 and over?
~ Barbara Montgomery: I think that's what the study said.
Selda Heinlein: That's normally what they consider senior age now I think.
But our oldest member is 95 and she is there every week to play cards.
Emma St. John: That's what keeps her going. Somebody else has something
Barbara Montgomery: Jane, what about you?
Jane Kubitz: I think it's been covered. I think there are a lot of
programs that we will have...
Andrews: It seems like having sort of a central clearinghouse of knowledge
or some place to call to find out where do we get a group for this or where
do 'we get a group for this, that would be an important part of it too. To
have one place you can call and say I'm putting together, I'm interested in
gardening. I want to start a gardening group. Interested in the Twins
'games or something like that. That would be important too to have that
coordination spot.
Barbara Montgomery: Right. I think it's very frustrating when somebody
decides that they want to help brthey want to do something and then they
can't find anybody to talk to. It's v~ry difficult" Or yoU get passed
along from one phone to another.
Robinson: A meeting place is also, go to the same place all the time.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 6
Barbara Montgomery: That kept coming up. That's what we finally decided.
We had to do something about that. We weren't going to get anywheTe until
we had a central.
Selda Heinlein: We meet in the school and this is, we use the gym now for
our meetings. Card playing. And there's times when they want to use the
gym for programs and that. We only meet once a week so you know, this
makes it a little bit difficult. And when the weather gets cold, it gets
ki ndof cold when the door opens and we're co'nstantl y going back and forth
closing the door.
Lash: I used to work at Chan Elementary when you guys would be up there
and they'd walk by with all the kids and it's pretty disruptive for people
trying to sit. They're there to play cards and then to have 700 kids in
the halls.
Jane Kubitz: That's why we need a room where people can Just drop in to
talk to somebody when they don't want to talk to their 4 walls, as well as
find something to do.
Selda Heinlein: Well the new princpal, and she was there the first day.
She came over and spoke to one sitting at my table there and she said are
you here every Thursday and we answered yes. And she said well now, she
said I know the children can be noisy but if they get too noisy, be sure
you let me know. Well we've discovered that she has the teachers, they go
in front of the children when they go from class to class. You don't hear
much of. a sound at all until it's time to go home. Which is natural but it"""",
really has. They don't have the older children anymore but last year it
was really something. Last 2 years but now they say, they have them pretty
well under control.
Barbara Montgomery:
Love to play tennis.
I know several seniors who still love to go skiing.
You know all that sort of thing too...
Jane Kubitz: Ideas and interest and desires as you have seniors I think.
Selda Heinlein: Well we have a tour guide that will set up trips from time
to time. He has an agency in, where is it? Is it Hopkins? Somewhere in .
that area. And he sets up various trips for the seniors. But being as
that so many are just interested in playing cards, it's hard to get a group
sufficient. Now we went on a trip 2 weeks ago and it was alright. It
wasri't totally to my liking. But normally I am satisfied with what he put
on or he tries to get a group together to go to the Dinner Theatre. Prices
aren't that high but a lot, of them will not even go there. These trips,
I've had some very good ones. Right after I joined we went up to Bessemer,
Michigan and spent 3 days and 2 nights and saw a whole lot. a
chalet. Price was reasonable and things like tha~ he has come up wlth. But
since it's harder to get the group to do those thlngs.
Barbara Montgomery: You were menti.oni ng advertising and that sort of
Hoffman: We can do that. Sharmin, could you just take a few minutes and
highlight the new center and...
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
~ October 22, 1991 - Page 7
AI-Jaff: Sure. We have two basic proposals that, sorry this is not large
enough so everybody can see it. Two concepts that were put together by
Jack Anderson. He worked on the design of City Hall. It's consistent with
the overall plan for City Hall. The long term plan. The difference
between those two concepts is this one has a vestibule on the outside and
it would look exactly like this entrance only it would be on the other side
of City Hall. This is what will cost a lot of money. The other concept
eliminates the vestibule and instead you would have a partition on the
inside. Both concepts have a kitchenette. This will be the area where the
activities would take place. Small office for whoever's going to be doing
the programming.
Koubsky: The square feet was what?
only for
It's really small.
We're trying to accommodate 50 people
Hoffman: 2,800 square feet.
AI-Jaff: 2,800? In the future either the library is going to have it's
own space or, most probably the library will have it's own space. One
thing that we rurr into is what happens when the City offices need to
Hoffman: We can point out on here, there's other options to expanding.
The library falls underneath this portion. The front portion will be the
now developed senior center. But then when the expansion is done to the
back of City Hall, this will open up a larger area as well on the lower
level to expand the senior center and if the library moves out before 'the
senior center finds a free standing center, they can use this space as
well. So there are upcoming two opportunities for expansion.
Robinson: It sounds like the current organization has a reputation as a...
Selda Heinlein: Yes. And that's detrimental.
Robinson: Almost I would think people that aren't necessarily interested
in playing cards would probably say...
(There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.)
Lash: ...organized place too because I think, I went through a period with
my mother-in-law where we wanted to keep her at home but couldn't find
services to do that and I know how frustrating that can be for people. I
think it'd be neat to have a place where we have the Honor Society students
who are always wanting to do community services and Scout troops. I know
the neighbors were just figuring out how to organize to volunteer their homes.
AI-Jaff: The Senior Commission has established a sub-committee that would
deal with volunteers. We have also contracted with a program called
H.O.M.E. and they basically help keep seniors at home instead of moving to
senior nursing homes. That will depend on the income of the senior. They
will do an assessment of the income they have and based upon that, they
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 8
would either charge or provide volunteer services. The Mayor has beeri very
helpful as far as the volunteers are concerned. He's the one who has been
pushing for that. We have a lot of people that have
to seniors that would need.
Pemr ick:
...much interest is there of the seniors to volunteer?
Barbara Montgomery: I think there will be. I really think so. We were
just appalled really when we did this study at the end of the year time how
much need there was. Really appalling and it was hard to know where to
start so we just sort of started everywhere at once and decided we'd see
what came along. It's really been going well.
Emma St. John: At South Shore the volunteers are the receptionist and the
dining program there but they also have people who try to get programs.
They are volunteers. They have volunteer bus driver, van driver. They
have shopping trips every week. These are to the grocery store or to like
Knollwood. Some are paid but also some volunteers. There are even amongst
the seniors there are volunteers that like to do that.
.Lash: I've talked to the Mayor...because I work at the kindergarten center
out at Jonathan and we're trying to get volunteer parents to come in and
help us with things. It's so hard these days because .almost all the
children's parents wo~k. So we thought, well wouldn't it nice to try and
get seniors involved. Get them working with kindergartners...
Emma St. John: I volunteered at our church school the other day helpi ng ...",
serve lunch. One of the cooks got sick so I volunteered over there.
Barbara Montgomery: I think there are a lot of volunteers, if they know
specifically what you want of them and they have a definite job.
Lash: That's one time he was trying to get that going and if you
told people specifically what we're looking for. There are a lot of
.retired school teachers around here...
Andrews: We'll have a place to call if you ,do want to volunteer. It's
like you have a place to call if you need service but also a place to call
if you volunteer service.
Barbara Montgomery: Right. We need to get that going.
AI-Jaff: One of the things we're working on right now is basically
establishing a director for the senior citizens in Chanhassen. One of our
problems is part of our city is located in Hennepin and the other part in
Carver County. Carver County concentrates on rural communities and
Chanhassen isn't completely rural. Hennepin County on the oth~r side has
wonderful services that they could provide for seniors but not all of their
agencies can provide services for Chanhassen mainly because of our
~ocation. So we're trying to gather all that information. Just trying to
figure out what is available to Chanhassen and what isn't.
Barbara Montgomery: Maybe you can help us with that, it'd be great. We
need all the help we can get.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
~ October 22, 1991 - Page 9
Koubsky: This building, the expansion is to do in 4 years?
AI-Jaff: No. Actually we sent...out. They're due November 1st. Back
here. Senior Commission's goal is to have the center open by May 1st
because May is Older American's Month. It would be a time to have their
grand opening. Any activities that we can have during that time would
just work out wonderful. The idea of will we be able to accomplish that
deadline, I don't know. Originally we had thought that this process would
take a year or two but the Council and the HRA said do it now. It was
something that we weren't expecting. This really pushed us to work harder.
It's working out wonderful.
Koubsky: So they're looking at that organization will have something to
springboard on. You're looking for a central clearinghouse or a center
spot to organize and kind of digest and dispatch information?
Hoffman: Well, it will be the person that of Senior Community Services.
They may start before that right? They'll start, did they give a time
AI-Jaff: On November 8th.
Hoffman: This year?
AI-Jaff: Of tRis year.
Barbara Montgomery: I thought it was December 1st.
AI-Jaff: November 8th we will be interviewing the person.
Hoffman: They will be officing with us until this is complete and they
had...for 12 hour weeks.
Koubsky: So this is really coming along?
Hoffman: It's coming together.
AI-Jaff: Faster than we expected.
Koubsky: and information. That would be the next step to get
everybody informed. Communication.
Hoffman: Any other input from the commission?
Andrews: I'm wondering if your commission could handle our trail and bike
path problems. You seem to get this one handled pretty quickly.
Barbara Montgomery: We tend to follow our noses.
Andrews: Well thank you for coming.
Jane Kubitz: Talking about your trail and bike by the swing
sets and so forth...
Park and Rec commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 10
Hoffman: Item 2, establish 1992 park and trail dedication fees. In
gathering information for this, making a phone survey I ran across a
mailed survey...and in waiting for the results of that I would ask that
this be tabled. We do review this on an annual basis for the City Code.
We are on the upper end of park fees in the metropolitan area but we're no
mElanS the highest. We're constantly knocking our heads for more money and
in conversations with Co~ncil members today, they say why don't we raise
them so we'll see how we do depending on.. .cost of development...and fees
associated with that.
Lash: I make a motion that we table this item until November 19th.
Andrews: I'll second.
Lash moved, Andrews seconded to table the! 1992 Park and Trail Dedication
fees until the November 19, 1991 Park and Recreation Commission meeting.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Hoffman: Item 3 is a site plan review for Mail Source. Mail Source is a
business very similiar to United Mailing, the Instant Webb companies.
They're located on an interim basis in the industrial park at the present
time. Essentially this item was a done deal. The Commission has reviewed
this lot on a previous basis. It's in the i ndustr ial par k where there's .."",;
really no purpose or need in taking park property. There'~ not a sidewalk
system in place in the industrial park so it does not make sense to take
one of the segments of sidewalks along with fees. Therefore it is
'recommended that the ~ommission approve the acceptance of park fees and
trail fees in full for the R.J. Ryan Construction proposal for Mail Source.
Koubsky: Todd, do these guys represent competition to Instant Webb and
United Mailing?
Hoffman: Sure. Competition as well. There's a small recording studio
that could be in the industrial district which I presume would be
competition for Prince's studio.
Andrews: Any discussion? More discussion?
Robinson: I make the motion that the City accept full park and trail fees
from the developers for Mail Source.
Lash: I second that.
Robinson moved, Lash seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission
recommend to accept full park and trail fees in lieu of parkland and trail
construction from the developers for Mail Source, Inc.. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
~ October 22, 1991 - Page 11
Hoffman: 'At the last meeting we presented the discussion on the 5 year
capital improvement program. It was the Commission's wish to break that
down into segments so it would be neighborhood parks, community parks and
then trails. Tonight I've assembled a package. Unfortunately it's quite a
lengthy package for the neighborhood parks. What it entails is a cover
sheet showing the 16 parks which we identify as neighborhood parks.
They're showing face to face in the worksheet from the years 1992 to 1996.
As well as the past 5 years CIP from '88 to '92...park inventory to give
you an idea. Admittedly it's very difficult to do that on a piece of paper
sO...draw upon personal experience of commissioners. We can take whatever
direction the ,Commission may wish tonight.
Lash: I have a question right off the bat. I always kind of tend to get a
little confused when I look at the past few years because when there's
money budgeted, does that mean that we absolutely did that or is that a
copy of the old budget and how are we supposed to know if it actually.
Hoffman: If it actually happened? I would cross reference over to the
facility and see if it ended up there. As we go through there, take for
instance Bandimere Heights. Off street parking in asphalt. $3,500.00 was
not expended in 1988. The work was done in this year and $500.00 was
expended on the asphalt...
~ Lash: Those are the kinds of things to that should have a follow-up. They
need to be looked at pretty seriously because it was budgeted a couple of
years ago and we just never had money to do it or had an emergency and had
to pull it. It shouldn't just be forgotten. Obviously there were thoughts
back then that there was a need for it. You know maybe it's been filled
already by doing it with the gravel... If that's the case we need to know
that or maybe we need to go back and spend the money to pave it. That was
the original intent.
Hoffman: I'm not sure whether it was noticeable but I purposely left them
in for let's say accuracy sake because it was discussed at that time. If
you want to x it out of there at ,this point...
Andrews: Where is there a hockey rink anywhere near that part of town? Is
there any down there at all?
Hoffman: The closest hockey rink is down...
Andrews: Is that flooded at all? Is that flat enough to be flooded and
used as play skating?
Hoffman: Bandimere Heights?
Andrews: Yeah.
Hoffman: Could be. The neighborhood which surrounds it is very small.
Andrews: You've got the lake right there too. Anybody have any
suggestions for further improvement to Bandimere Heights Park?
park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 12
Pemrick: Have there been any requests for anything?
Hoffman: Not that I've heard of. In fact they're down there. They
brought in fill material associated with TH 101 extension right across
Market Blvd. here. Once Bandimere Community Park is in~ Bandimere Heights
Park is going to be open playfield with a play area and that's essentially
Andrews: I don't see wise expenditure money to improve a park that's going
to be not used when Bandimere, the regular Bandimere Park gets developed.
Lash: I agree with that. Would it make sense then to eliminate that
$2,500.00 basketball? For 1992.
Hoffman: This CIP was done in 1990.
Erhart: Before the community park was actually purchased?
Hoffman: Yeah. So it was kind of a targeted deal in 1992. Plus that
$2,500.00 is more than enough to cover a 50 x 50 asphalt area for
basketball .
Lash: But is there any point in putting it in?
Hoffman: Not really., Most of those type of things...neighborhood
Andrews: I guess I don't see any 5 year improvement there necessary at
this point. 'Let's move on. Carver Beach.
Hoffman: If we look back at 1991, the landscaping. $1,000.00 was not
expended in additional landscaping. Totlot upgrade of $5,000.00 was
expended for additional totlot equipment. $5,000.00 which we put in where
we split it out up above in 1992... It's an old park. Not an old park but
an established park. That playground equipment is...
.Andrews: That $5,OOO.00? Oh, that's totlot. I see. Okay we have another
phase for 1992 then yet to do?
Hoffman: That's up here. That's what we've budgeted. What we've put in
our C'IP for 1992.
Lash: And there's a skating rink?
Hoffman: Yes.
Andrews: That's a lot less than $5,000.00.
Hoffman: Yeah. Again the figures on the bottom were developed in 1990 in
a similiar meeting to this. They just said we'r~ going to need some totlot
expansion for 1992+ for $5,000.00. What did we end up with?
Andrews: We're under 3. Why don't we just for accuracy sake change that
to 3.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
~ October 22, 1991 - Page 13
Hoffman: Down here?
Andrews: Yeah.
Hoffman: Yeah, this bottom one is just a worksheet. This is just for the
information. This one will disappear and this will be the new sheet up
Andrews: We have the racks for canoes or sailboats. Is that in existence
Hoffman: Carver Beach Park? Carver Beach playground. Carver Beach
playground is up top and this is Carver Beach Park. Carver Beach
Andrews: Never mind.
Lash: Anybody have any suggestions for anything else that needs to be in
Koubsky: Just one thing I might add. Just kind of paging through.
Chanhassen's got four, I think four skating rinks not including the hockey
skating rinks up here so I guess 5 skating rinks and the two hockey rinks.
We only have. one warming house and I guess the 5 year pla~, one thing
Chanhassen is lacking, to me Roseville has a fabulous hockey system. I'm
not a hockey fan but it's a winter activity that doesn't exist here really.
I think over the next 5 years we should think about at least putting a
couple of warming houses up so if people want to skate, they have someplace
to sit. Dad can go up and read a book while the kids skate. We don't have
that. Hockey rinks I know are expensive. Warming houses are expensive and
then you have lights also but I don't know if the Commission's ever set a
direction or thinks about winter activities. You know every place gets a
ballfield and soccer fields. Ice skating is a winter activity.
Hoffman: It's been talked about and there are alternatives. Not many but
I know some cities have used the satellite, the portable building. Many
companies have them and just move them on site for seasonal use...
Lash: How would you do that? Just rent them?
Andrews: Like a mobile home.
Hoffman: Yeah, small mobile home. Bring it on site... Have to take a
look at it. They're not cheap...
Pemrick: I think that would be a real good idea to try and come up with a
few of those around the city strategically located.
Andrews: I'd like to see the north. We've got the city center covered but
I think we need something north and we need something south and probably
something west.
Koubsky: I guess I'd be willing to look into, well you folks probably know
the park system a little better than I do. Anyway, where should we target?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
october 22, 1991 - Page 14
Obviously the Bandimere may not be a good place. It's a dead end road.
Only has a few people. What are some population centers here that could
utilize it?
Pemrick: Does North Lotus have?
Andrews: Ice but no.
Lash: No. I know you have ice because that would be a nice spot.
Hoffman: North Lotus, Sunset Ridge and City Center for now would be the
most appropriate locations.
Lash: Well I agree that would be wonderful. My kids like skating but
there's only one place...there's anyplace you can ever go to warm up just
for a few minutes or even to sit down and put your skates on.
Andrews: My concern about those portable units is would they take the wear
and tear of young kids with skates because the warming houses I've seen
have been really beat on.
Hoffman: That's what they rent them for.
Andrews: They do? Specifically for that?
Hoffman: Specifically.
Andrews: Well let's look into that. I think it'd be a real neat thing to
try. But that doesn't affect Carver Beach however.
Hoffman: No. Carver Beach is small. I'm not sure if they'd go for it.
The other thing is, if we look to a warming house, you almost have to...
lighting otherwise what's... If you're going to get your money out of
renting the building, you have to provide after school skating.
Andrews: Which means you have to provide power to the site.
Koubsky: And you need warming house people.
Hoffman: It's an investment and then you have neighborhood response to
looking at lights...
Andrews: North Lotus will work good because it's secluded .from the houses.
Lash: And maybe Lake Susan Park would be, community park would be better
than Sunset Ridge. Sunset Ridge is set back.
Hoffman: Without the road access, Sunset Ridge... We don't have the spot
designated at Lake Susan...
Lash: Where do you do it at North Lotus?
Hoffman: There's an area specifically graded.
~ Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 15
Hoffman: That would be...but it is surrounded by back yards.
par ki ng lot...
It has a
Erhart: What's wrong with Sunset Ridge? We didn't have access to it?
Hoffman: Road access.
Andrews: We've got to move here. Carver Beach.
Lash: I don't want to harp but I always feel there's a need for bleachers
and bike racks.
Robinson: I think we need something. We've got to be considering beyond
1992 in some of those.
Lash: Those are pretty minor.
Andrews: These are small ones that are difficult to develop. Not a lot of
space. Now, Carver Beach Park.
Lash: That one was slated for 1991 right?
Hoffman: Fishing dock was done. Landscaping, some of that. Seating,
$1,000.00 was put in there...
...volleyball? Was there space for that?
Andrews: I don't see the note here about racks. There are racks down
there aren't there?
Hoffman: Canoe racks? Not on our list. Wasn't developed...
Andrews: They're there though right?
Hoffman: Yep. One canoe rack.
Andrews: I look at one charcoal grill as probably being inadequate. I
would like to see us do more there. Tables? How many picnic tables do we
have there? Many?
Robinson: Chan Estates are we on?
Lash: No, Carver Beach.
Hoffman: No picnic tables at either site because they had difficulty with
them dragging into the lake.
Lash: I tell you the chain solution at Greenwood Shores is working.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 16
Andrews: You've got to stake them down then?
Hoffman: Yeah. Put a pad down and stake them down.
Andrews: I'd like to see that too. If we've got charcoal grills we've got
to have picnic tables. Probably need them made out of pre-stressed
concrete so they don't destroy them or something.
Hoffman: In fact that become very evident...had their picnic there and we
sat on the ground.
Andrews: I guess I'd like to see 3 grills and 3 or 4 picnic tables in that
area. That's a pretty area. I think that area will attr'act more useage as
time goes by here. I think a lot of people don't even know it's there.
Koubsky: Yeah, it's a nice little a~ea. ...refurbish that play equipment?
Hoffman: That will be in 1992, for that little play piece down there?
Koubsky: Yes.
Hoffman: That was one of the first pieces put in the city and that site,
the beach on that side, on the south end is the place that... The north
side is very sensitive and if we just drop in a picnic table and charcoal
grill, the neighbors...certainly have something to say about that.
Andrews: I have a problem with that. I mean I feel like we have a duty to
serve equally and even handed to all. And for somebody to say I don't want
any. facilities in my end. Why don't you put them down on the other end, I
think that's wrong. Yeah they may complain but.I think we have an
obligation to serve our citizens evenly.
Erhart: have to hear both sides.
Lash: If no one's requested anything...that's one thing but I sort of feel
like when they were trying to... And if they don't want it, then I don't
think... How about a fishing pier? Isn't there a fishing pier?
Hoffman: Fishing dock went in on the north end. In fact we just pulled
that out of the water and put it on park property and received two calls
from that.
Lash: So that's the one dock you have to...?
Hoffman: Yeah.
Pemrick: So there's nothing in there?
Hoffman: The north side? Basically the two portions of Carver Beach which
are the... The mini beach and canoe racks and fishing dock.
Lash: But at the other areas?
...picnic and play area.
Park andRec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 17
Lash: Maybe that's where we should kind of concentrate.
Andrews: Any other?
Robinson: Does that really get used very much? This Chan Estates. That
park down there.
Hoffman: The mini park? Nobody ever knew it was there. We put a sign up.
It's back in the corner. The only access from the neighborhood is via kind
of a pedestrian little path...
Andrews: Is that the one that's surrounded by trees like arborvitae?
Hoffman: Yes.
Andrews: Would this be something where we maybe want to clear some of that
so it's visible? It's so secluded you can't see it.
Koubsky: But if the neighborhood knows it's there.
Hoffman: The mini park is right across from McDonalds.
Lash: You're thinking of the big one?
Robinson: Yeah, Rice Marsh Lake or whatever.
Hoffman: This one's got a swingset in it and a sandbox which is going to
be pulled out of there. All there are i~ cats. But yeah, the park sign
could go up and that would be an appropriate spot to take a few to put a
park sign in and get some identification.
Lash: Do you think if we threw a couple of picnic tables over there it
would, maybe people who work in that area would walk ~ver and eat lunch.
Hoffman: In fact there was a grill there for that intent. At some
po i nt . . .
Andrews: I think we have to have it visible both from a parents standpoint
so they can see their kids if they are playing in that area as well as from
a vandalism situation. If it's so secluded that you can pull the grill out
without being seen, it surely will happen. I don't like to kill trees but
maybe they can be moved. I don't know. They're not huge are they?
Koubsky: They're tall... At one of the Planning Commission meetings there
was a couple of outspoken citizens when Lake Drive was going in and they
were very concerned. They wanted...there were some trees. The road was
disturbing some of it which gave them a beautiful view of DataServ. I
think it might have been an offset to this. The offset was a row of
arborvitaes we might have to tread lightly.
Andrews: You have to leave the east side of trees up to block the view of
Lash: And also, if they...
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
october 22, 1991 - Page 18
Andrews: That's something we'd probably have to have a hearing on before
we start pulling stuff to make sure.
Hoffman: I wouldn't want to do any mass clearing. If you look on the map
right along there, there's trees and then the next house would be back in
Cheyenne... The people, their back yards go right up to Lake Drive.
Andrews: I guess I agree that the l~nch traffic would be something we'd
want to encourage there. That's probably one of the better uses for that
..~openfield. Obviously the piece of property...
Robinson: I think that is a good idea.. Picnic tables.
Andrews: Would there be room for a sandlot court in there?
Hoffman: For volleyball?
Andrews: Yeah without taking up much area.
Hoffman: There might need some grading...
Andrews: That might be something popular
maybe even a small piece of asphalt and a
something that's real popular there too.
at DataServ don't they?
with horseshoes or something or
basketball hoop. That might be .."",
Do they, they've already got that
Robinson: That might be a good idea to at least put in your out a few
Hoffman: There would be some resistence between DataServ use and
neighborhood use...public hearing to get some input on that...
Andrews: I think a basketball court would be even better than a
court. It would get more use, both from neighbors. I think you
neighborhood use out of, kids will come over and shoot baskets.
need one guy to do it. Volleyball you pretty much need 4, 5, or
going plus the nets have a tendency to walk.
get more
You only
6 to get
Pemrick: I like your idea of a basketball court.
Koubsky: As we go here, if there's any resident input. If you've had any
requests for the parks.
Andrews: Any more for that One? Let's move on. Chanhassen Hills. Which
one is that?
Hoffman: Chanhassen Hills is here. Everybody with us on Chan. Hills. This
is it's year to get money. I've got in 1993-94 potentially we'll
probably look to some of the types of... It's got a master plan there on
the top sheet. What will be done is a softball field, play area all in the
first phase and then there will be volleyball. ~
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 19
Lash: Is basketball not slated to go in there?
Hoffman: Basketball, tennis. So we~ve got the sign, construction of
ballfield in 1992 and installation of trees. That $800.00 in trees was for
trees around the play area. We've also received a request, in. fact people
...get together, is trees along that berm. There's a berm right along here
with 212.
Andrews: Probably a good idea. Put those arborviataes over there.
Hoffman: We talked a little bit about tennis courts and we've... They're
expensive to put in but there are a lot of parks that chose to put them
in. . .
Lash: What's the price of a basketball court versus a tennis court?
Hoffman: Basketball, we can put that in ourselves. It's the cost of the
asphalt, fill underneath it, two hoops if it's a full court. $1,000.00-
Andrews: And about $25,000.00 for a tennis court?
Hoffman: A double tennis court like that is $30,000.00.
Erhart: Why is that? Because of the fencing around it.
Hoffman: The tennis court cost? Yeah, it starts with the sub base. You
need 3 feet of...underneath the tennis court before you can even start...
labor in putting down material and the different courses that go on...
Andrews: Maintenance. Lot higher maintenance too.
Erhart: Have they ever said anything at all about a picnic area...?
Hoffman: I don't believe so, no. It's kind of like what we're hearing
from North Lotus...
Lash: How about skating? Would that be a place to put a skating rink?
Koubsky: That's an isolated community...
Andrews: Yeah, we don't have any tennis or skating down in that south park
chain. It's pretty undeveloped. . Partly bec~use that's our newest area but
Bandimere Community Park isn't going to happen anytime soon and we keep
holding off here be~ause it's all going to be there but it's not going to
be there for.
Erhart: It's interesting...and I don't hear a lot of people expressing an
interest in anything down there and I don't know why that is. Is it
because their lots, a lot of them are 2 1/2 acres. They feel that they
have their space.
Andrews: There's not a tennis court within 2 miles of there.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 20
Pemrick: like tennis courts when the new community park goes in.
Hoffman: They are slated.
Erhart: This is one that's bee~ there. This has been here before Lake
Susan and before...and some of those others...
Andrews: Yeah, I'd like to see a push here on this one. I think tennis
courts, from what I've seen at North Lotus, boy the use has just gone
crazy. I mean you just can't get on the thing. I think you know another-
$20,000.00 or $30,000.00 but you can get a tennis court and a basketball
court at the same time essentially.
Erhart: A lot of homes going in that area.
Hoffman: There's a way. to look at it as well. You can go a double tennis
court or a tennis court and a full court basketball next to it...
AndTews: One thing you could also do is to extend the flat grade out
enough so you could potentially look at a... You've got to have the same
kind of level ground. I'm sure the rough grade to the necessary amount of
levelness would be inexpensive at that point.
Hoffman: For the skating down here we would probably use the field.
Andrews: Okay, that would be fine. Does that come with grass?
Hoffman: Yeah. It's grass...
Lash: I think the tree thing that they brought up is important too...
Koubsky: One thing with tennis courts is they will be connecting the
outlot up to Lake Susan that's got two courts. Are those used all the
time? I guess I've never noticed a lot of heavy use on the two courts...
Hoffman: Yeah, I've seen them used. I don't know how much.
Koubsky: The connected trail you know, that gives them access to two other
Erhart: That's pretty far isn't it?
Koubsky: Well you'd have to bike...
Andrews: See in 1992 we're trying to push the City Center project right?
Wasn't that kind of emphasize for 1992?
'92? Lake Ann.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 21
Hoffman: Tennis Court?
Erhart: Yeah. For a double.
Hoffman: $30,000.00.
Erhart: For a double one? I would like to see that if at all possible
because there are so many more homes are going in down there and not
everybody has big lots. I think it's just a matter of time before...
Lash: ...Lake Susan Hills and they're not getting a tennis court there for
a while...
Andrews: Well the tree part, we need to allocate something more for 1992
there to get us some more trees?
Hoffman: If we want to for 1992.
Andrews: Oh, we've already set our budget for that?
Hoffman: Yeah, but we did put a contingency in our budget this year. As
well we have $30,000.00 floating around for the...
~ Andrews: I guess I'd like to look at those trees when I have an
opportunity basis. I'm almost sure that sometime in 1992 we're going to
find that opportunity to sneak some trees in there. If it means we pull
them out of the mini park or if we pull them out of the nursery or
Hoffman: It'd be a fairly intensive. It's a long distance and we're
probably talking 50 trees and they could...
Erhart: I'd have a problem...if you want to think about this. Next spring
we have about 100 evergreens that are ready for, they're going to have to
be moved. They're just too close. Right now they're 5 and 6 feet. And
you're looking at thousands... Probably cheaper than we...
Andrews: The distance would be a lot less too.
Hoffman: Commission is selling the City trees.
Erhart: Yeah, it doesn't sound good does it. Maybe I'll have to donate
them. I tell you what, I'll donate the trees is the City wants to pay for
the labor to dig them out and move them over there.
Hoffman: Did you get that?
Lash: Give them a receipt for a tax write off.
Andrews: We'll name it the Dawne Erhart Memorial Tree Arboretum or
Robinson: That's an ideal height.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 22
Erhart: Right and they have to be moved. We did get lid of a few... but
we didn't even make a dent. They're so close that...
Andrews: We'll find a way to help.
Hoffman: We've got a tree spade.
Erhart: Well yeah. That's what I'm saying.
Lash~ Maybe you want to start taking some out this fall. It's almost
better to do it in the fall isn't it?
Erhart: Fall or spring, yeah.
Lash: But you know you can never get those in too soon. You've got 212 is
going in there...
Erhart: No, I think if we wanted to move some this fall we could.
Andrews: Let's do that if we can.
Hoffman: Talk to Tim. I'll give you a call.
Andrews: Otherwise, do we want to put tennis courts in 1993?
what I hear? Okay.
Is that
Lash: Put in $30,000.00?
Andrews: $30,000.00 in 1993. I guess based on our fair play doctrine,
that's kind of it for them for a while.
Lash: Tennis/basketball.
Hoffman: When I bring this back cleaned up then I'll verify those figures.
Andrews: It's an estimate. . Depending on the grade work can really change
it. Curry Farms.
Hoffman: They got their shot in the arm in 1991.
Lash: What else are they?
Hoffman: They've got a master plan...
Lash: We can't plug another one in there in 1993?
Hoffman: No. Then we've also we've discussed the...
Andrews: Let's delete it. If it's a headache and isn't going to happen.
Lash: What's the play area like down there? It was pretty little the last
time I saw it.
Hoffman: There was an expansion this year.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 23
Lash: More on line?
Hoffman: Yeah...
Lash: And the ballfield?
Hoffman: The ballfield is in. The asphalt is ready to put in on the trail
and the volleyball's in there.
Lash: How about skating in there?
Andrews: Yeah, I was going to say the tennis had something too.
Lash: Would they go for skating?
Hoffman: Let's see where do we have skating? At Carver Beach. We need to
carefully think about where we place our skating 'rinks because they're
labor intensive. They cost a lot of money to put down.
Koubsky: That almost determines ~ study in itself. How you want to put
them in a~d where...I've been afraid to calculate the...
(The discussion wasn't being picked up on the tape recording at this
if!!"" po i nt . )
Andrews: I'd like to see us in 1993 at least do a soil study. Because if
it's not suitable for being developed as a tennis court, we ought to then
delete that off our budget. Delete it off the plan, correct. We have
nothing on tap for 1992 so why don't we figure 1993 a soil study and I
think the beginning of some tree installation there would be good too for
1993. We don't have any money in there for it. Oh, the Erhart Grant?
She's going to come home and her whole yard's going to be empty.
Lash: There are some things on here that are there. I mean there's a
swimming beach. There's shore fishing. There's a dock. There's a trail.
Andrews: What's that $50,000.00?
Lash: I think there's some type of idea about trying to acquire some more
property somewhere...
Andrews: I think that'd be politically very unpopular.
Robinson: Was that back behind Lake Ann and Lake Susan?
Andrews: Oh, the penninsula?
Lash: I don't know. I think that was kind of a...
Robinson: Scratch it.
~ Lash: $50,000.00 wouldn't buy much...but I did this summer have a request
from the neighborhood...volleyball...
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 24
Let~s delete the 50 though. Let's get that out of there.
Lash: Do you think the volleyball court, does that cost a lot?
Hoffman: It's very inexpensive to put in.
Andrews: Is there a sand peach there appropriate to put volleyball right
in the water?
Lash: Well...
Andrews: The bad thing would be if it's not permanently attached, it will
be gone.
Hoffman: We have had problems with our nets.
Erhart: Larry came up with...
Lash: Or maybe.
Andrews: Electrify them?
Lash: No, I was thinking that there could be checked out but I supposed
that would be hassle. Well anyway that was something I was asked about.
Hoffman: Put it in 1993?
Robinson: Sure.
Andrews: Herman Field. What's left to do there?
Hoffman: ...get this $20,000.00 here and they should be set for the near
life out there.
Koubsky: They have an open field now don't they?
Hoffman: Yeah. This was...taken last spring.
Lash: Actually now next year it will be an empty ballfield.
Hoffman: Open ballfield. No backstop. So we'll put the trails in with
the maintenance crews. Put the play area with the maintenance crew. It's
the only play structure we're buying...and then picnic tables and get some
grass growing.
Robinson: Is that seeded or will it be seeded this fall?
Hoffman: Yeah, dormant seed.
Erhart: It's seeded right now?
Hoffman: They did seed it but then we didn't accept it so...
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 25
Lash: .. .Okay and theQ how far down the line, tennis courts are on there.
How far down the line do we want to look at that? The west doesn't have
much out there.
Koubsky: In soil studies Todd, do we do soil studies before we determine?
Hoffman: Not on every court, no. If you have a reasonably stable site...
But at Curry Farms...It'sa peat site with a lot of black dirt on top. Very
Andrews: Just from a tennis court standpoint, I think we ought to put that
fairly far out on Herman. If it just became fully developed. 1995?
Hoffman: And then if it becomes...
Andrews: Yeah, I think you pacify the neighbor and then move on and I
think we've done that.
Robinson: But it's important that we get it in here at sometime.
Andrews: Yeah. Keep it in front of us. Meadow Green. Okay, that's got a
lot of stuff on it. Bike racks. Do we have plenty of those there?
~ Lash: One.
Andrews: That's got to be a very high traffic park. Do we need more bike
Lash: We need more bleachers.
Erhart: Yeah, they playa lot of games there.
Lash: I have to sit on the ground every time I'm there. There's one set
of bleachers. Well maybe there's two of them...
Hoffman: They did have one on each side and the wind picked the set up and
blew it across the field.
Lash: Or even more park benches. If that's cheaper or easier.
Andrews: Put that for 1993. This park I know gets tremendous use. This
really is our kind of city center park now. It draws a lot of people.
Koubsky: I guess I was thinking, if we ever were going to start putting in
hockey rinks, this would probably be an ideal one. There's a lot of people
around there. It's a big park. The electricity wouldn't be a problem.
Hoffman: It would take out one of the ballfields to put it in.
Lash: I think we have to be really careful and maybe even we should be
looking at all of these as we're going...because the City Center thing
starts, we're going to be minus all those fields for one season. So we're
going to be looking at what our options are going to be for that year.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 26
Andrews: One of the comments I overheard was, what's the~e now? Well it's
only a ballfield. It's only this. It's only that. Well I realize that
the scarcity of ballfields we're already dealing with. It's what, a 9 year
project to get a ballfield on line and running.
Erhart: But I can understand where that comment is coming if they're not
associating with ballfields. If your children aren't...
Andrews: Yeah, you bet.
Lash: How's the play equipment holding up over there?
Hoffman:' It's an older piece. We've had some problems with splintering...
Did a safety check on it and...
Lash: What's the life expectancy of that stuff? ...replacing it?
'96 potentially.
Lash: That gets a lot of use.
Andrews: Let's put something in '96 I guess to kind of, $20,000.00?
I guess by '96 you're looking at getting more than that...
(There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.)
Andrews: ...It may not be adequate to play hockey but to safety skate.
That would probably be quite well received I think. There are a lot of
kids that use that rink.
Lash: What if we were to try putting in a rink and one of ,those portable
warming houses for a year and kind of try it and see what kind of useage it
gets and if people say, well this is dumb. It's always dark and we can't
Andrews: Now those warming houses Todd, are those, do they require
electrical to be run into them or are they something that you can kind
of. . .
Hoffman: You have to run electric. Have a panel.
Andrews: There's no electrical on North Lotus now is there? And that's
big bucks. Big bucks. '
Lash: How much?
Hoffman: That depends on if we go with single line...and how long the line
is. Anywhere from... Lake Ann is a major run and it's, got two trains
coming in at $18,000.00. This would be more of a residential type use.
Lash: How do you think people up there would feel about lights?
Andrews: I don't think there'd be much objection. You're a long ways from -"
any houses.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 27
Lash: That'd be a nice area to do that in. It's pretty far from City
Andrews: That would address the issue of the more grown kid activity. I
guess one of my questions would be, if we're going to run electrical in
there for a hockey rink, would we want to run electrical in there for
lights on that field. Use that as a ballfield one night. Lit ballfield.
You're looking at big bucks but if you're going to do it, let's do it once
instead of twice.
Hoffman: Yeah. If we run electrical into the warming house...right up the
Andrews: Yeah it'd be a long run to the rink but a short to the lights.
Do you run 220 for the fights?
Hoffman: The one at Lake Ann is.
Andrews: Just a thought.
Hoffman: It's never been the intention to put lights on any neighborhood
ballfield. But you live there.
"..... Andrews: It's used as more than a neighborhood ballfield. Teams are
coming in to use that field. I mean you've got softball, soccer teams that
are coming from allover the place. I will make one comment, the parking
down there is grossly inadequate. People are parking on the grass and on
the street which really isn't wide enough to handle it. It'd be tough to
expand that parking. There's not really anyplace to put it. If you were
going to add parking, probably the thing to do would be look at widening
Fox Hollow there along the edge of the park wide enough for pull off
parking. People are parking there anyway and so far there are no houses
built right adjacent to the park so nobody's there to complain about the
parking. Oftentimes 3 soccer teams practicing at once. Two on the main
field and one on each end and one up on the hockey rink area. So you're
looking at 50-60 cars trying to get into a spot there. There's just no
Lash: Those are things we need to try to...
Andrews: It's becoming more than a neighborhood park.
Lash: Maybe that needs to go in first.
day and
On the flip side of that I as a resident, if I had a choice
parking or lights for a hockey rink, boy I'll take the lights any
I'll suffer with the parking. They're not parking on my grass and
not parking in front of my house but I can use the hockey rink.
Erhart: Right. Parking would be just providing for outsiders that are
coming in to your neighborhood park. That might even encourage it more.
Andrews: As far as the warming house situation, I don't know if we could
investigate. I think we've got to at least figure out the cost of running
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 28
. the electrical in because that is a good spot. It's well graded. It sits
away from. I think it would be, if we're going to try it as a trial, try
one spot and see how it works. If it doesn't work, we haven't put a lot
into it and walk away. And like I said, I don't think we have to
necessarily have to light it bright enough for hockey. If you're going to
have hockey you have to boards up and you're going to have to put bright
lights up and I don't think that's what the neighborhood is looking for.
For just enough lighting to safety skate and that doesn't take much.
Lash: Do you have any idea how much...
Hoffman: I looked through their brochure and...
Andrews: We can maybe mount the lights right on the portable unit. Just
put them on a couple of poles or something and when you're done you take
them down for the summer. They're gone. There's really no need for them
there in the summer. Just a thought.
Robinson: That's the only thing they're used for. They're not used for
something in the summer.
Hoffman: It's like the portable construction site buildings that they
lease out. Same type of deal. These they just, they grade...for warming
houses, they have the rubber pad in there and they're built to last and ...
That's it. They're a warming house.
Robinson: So for 2 1/2 months use, I would think they'd have to b~ kind of
expensive just for somebody to make a buck.
AndTews: Well let's find out.
Lash: Yeah. If it's something we thought we could squeeze into trying,
would we even be able to try it this year?
Hoffman: What we probably fall under is not a capital improvement but an
annual expenditure of equipment.
Lash: If we could try it, even without lights this winter just to see what
kind of Teception we get...
Andrews: My personal feeling is...80% of the money you spend on your
warming house is going to be wasted because it's pitch dark by 5:00 and I
don't see many people who lace up their skates at 5:00 on a cold night. If
the lights are there, it just creates a totally different atmosphere. You
feel warmer because you can see. You'll get the families out. Otherwise
you're just going to get 1 or 2 diehard players th~t just want to skate for
a couple minutes.
Erhart: And then just weekends.
Andrews: Yeah, it's going to cost to run electYic. I don't know, you
can't really run temporary electrical in because that's not going to do
a nyt h ing f or you... ....""
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
~ October 22, 1991 - Page 29
Lash: So we can't even try this?
Robinson: You've got to run the electrical.
Lash: And we would probably couldn't...but we could try it for 1992.
Robinson: Well I think that's the way to start. Try it without lights and
see. Maybe it won't be...
Erhart: Well first we need to find out what the cost is. Then we can make
a decision.
Hoffman: The shape that this warming house is in...
Robinson: We were going to be out of here by 9:00.
Andrews: Yeah, why,don't we put $5,000.00 in for.
Hoffman: Electrical?
Lash: For what year?
Andrews: 1993. Best we can do.
...we sure can't do it in 1992. We're putting tennis courts in.
Andrews: Pheasant Hills.
Lash: about trees. Boulevard trees.
Hoffman: Going to have...
Andrews: Yeah, we're going to have them all.
Lash: Completely? So you the future?
Andrews: There's the road and narrow strip path in here. There's a ditch
and then a field. There's really no, in my opinion there's really not a
spot to put trees along the road.
Lash: So that should be taken out then?
Andrews: Otherwise you'd have to put them right next to the road and I
think from a traffic standpoint, I think Public Safety would say no way
because they'd be within 10 feet of the edge of the road.
Koubsky: Interfere with parking.
Andrews: Interfere with parking and I think it would be, if you put them
on the other side of the trail they're going to be in the way of fields for
soccer. I _guess it's just a matter of the trail was put in kind of goofy
spot so I think it would be ~nnecessary. Sacrifice that for hockey.
Pheasant Hill Park.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 30
Hoffman: This'is going to take another hit just to get it fully graded and
seeded and those types of things.
Lash: After 1992?
Hoffman: Yeah 1992.
Lash: So what do you think about...trees?
Andrews: Are you thinking more general? General preparation necessary or
is 1992 going to make it ready for final development?
Hoffman: It will be an intensive effort to get it done in 1992. We're
talking a crew of 2 people working on it. If they worked out there for a
month, that'd be a month of their time shot. They're certainly not going
to work out there for a month. They need to clear trees...general
maintenance to do this stuff...but if we can get this thing ready to be
seeded...Sunset Ridge or Herman Field...
Lash: So this is seeded too? This $20,000.00 is seed?
Andrews: So we're probably thinking 1992 will be the first time we'll
really get in there and do much?
Hoffman: Yeah, I would think 1993's got to be a wrap up on site
development...and maybe get some grass growing and that type of thing...
We've put play equipment on dirt before and it just doesn't work well. It's ~
unfortunate that they've pushed and worked hard to this point. We've spent
$150,000.00 to buy ,a piece of land.
Andrews: I sympathize with people that cry but you know we have got such a
diversity in all of our city. I feel like we've got to be fair.
Lash: What could we, if we're going 20 and Just getting the property was a
big chunk of money, $20,000.00 next year. 1993 is going to be kind of an
off year... What would be a reasonable thing to put in for 1994 that would
make it just get the ball rolling a little bit?
Hoffman: Play area.
Erhart: Since that's a relatively young neighborhood anyway, by that time
they'll still have small children.
Lash: I don't know. At the last meeting they said their children were
getting older now.
Robinson: They were young when they started-complaining.
Las~: But now they're saying hey, we want a ballfield and tennis courts
and stuff like that becuase the kids are getting older now.
Erhart: Bas~etball courts or something?
Lash: Put in a ballfield.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 31
Hoffman: Yeah, they want an open play field.
Robinson: Well a play area would be open.
Hoffman: The open play field and then the play structure would be the fist
thing. Parking lot again, if we want to look at a parking lot, that would
be 1993 would be the last time we'd come in and put in the blacktop.
Andrews: Why don't we figure blacktop '93 and jump on development in '94?
Robinson: Yeah.
Lash: If we did a ballfield and play equipment and maybe basketball court?
Andrews: I think these people are going to be looking for an instant play
area like, not phase 1, phase 2 but phase 1 and 2.
Robinson: Everybody is but.
Hoffman: $25,000.00-$30,000.00 in 1994 is.
Andrews: Big hit.
Lash: So what are you putting down for them?
Koubsky: All you need to start out is picnic tables.
Hoffman: Sand volleyball court will go in as part of the grading.
Andrews: That's good. How about some picnic tables in too? We need
Hoffman: Picnic tables in 1993.
Andrews: In 1994 I think we ought to look at phase 1. No, when would a
ballfield go in? 1993?
Hoffman: They didn't ask for a ballfield. We have that as an open play
Lash: In 1994 we have open play field.
Andrews: 1996 phase 2?
Lash: No, the play field.
Andrews: No, phase 1 of totlot.
Lash: Oh, play equipment.
Andrews: Yeah. 1994 phase 1, 1996 phase 2?
~ Lash: Could we get basketball in there?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 32
Hoffman: 1994?
Lash: '94.
Andrews: That's pretty rapid development.
Hoffman: Yeah. The blacktop is going to cost some big bucks in 1993.
Andrews: I think we're going to hear a lot of neighborhood input on that.
It's going to we want...
Hoffman: But it does serve a pretty large area.
Lash: And that's building up too especially with that...but really all
that would be left to do in ther~ woul~ be the trail and the...
Hoffman: The trail would bituminous work along with the parking lot in
Andrews: Any grills we want in there or not?
Hoffman: The list that you see is tHe list which came about as a result of
the meetings...
Andrews: Very good. Moving'on. Are we going to be able to do anything in
1992 here or do we have to wait?
Koubsky: This isn't graded yet.
Hoffman: It's being graded right now.
Koubsky: Yeah, it's in the process of being graded. They'll pYobably
start houses next summer.
Hoffman: 1993 should have some site development. Some grass seed. Final
Andrews: Tennis courts..~ Where is this orye located? Will you help me
get oriented here.
Hoffman: It's got a plan. It's basically a big open place. A big
elongated park with ~ lot of natural area. The sliding hill. Parking lot.
Play area.
Andrews: We were talking about tennis courts at this one over 'here too. I
think to me that's within a reasonable service area.
Hoffman: Tennis courts at Lake Susan and tennis courts at Sunset Ridge.
Andrews: I think we're over allocating tennis courts in that part of the
Lash: But this one basically when it goes in, we're getting the parking
lot and once the final grade and seed is in, the play field is there right?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 33
Hoffman: Yeah, open play field.
Lash: So there's nothing to do there. So it would be play equipment?
Andrews: 1995. I think we're really hitting '94. Hit them with a phase 1
in 1995 because we're looking at probably a grade out in 1993. Phase 1 in
1995? Maybe we want to hit it with a full job in 1995.
...totlot in 1994 and get it going and something more major...
Andrews: Yeah, let's do that. Phase 1 totlot? I think that maybe would
be a good candidate for a Phase 2. Wam bam this year next hit it again.
Erhart: In '95 you're saying?
Andrews: Yeah. There will be a real bunch of houses down there.
Lash: Did you put park, where was the parking going to go...?
Hoffman: '93?
Andrews: We were looking at that as a fairly undeveloped property.
Hoffman: Lt's got a site plan for a play area and open field.
Andrews: How much building activity is in that area at the moment?
Hoffman: It's complete here...but there's more to come.
Andrews: That's been just zoned out right?
Hoffman: Yeah. They'll have a'ccess, trail access to Lake Susan. Not that
a totlot's not an important piece. That would be pushed up in 1995-96...
as this gets developed down to the south.
Lash: ...all the grading and seeding. Is there going to be seeding or is
that natural?
Hoffman: Yeah, right now it's maintained in it's natural state...keep it
in a mowed fashion.
Lash: 56 we won't have...
'94-'95 potentially look to some site preparation.
Andrews: Look at site prep '94. Yeah, '95 take a look at that. I'm not
even sure we're talking about going it but we'll know that when we do the
site plan in 1994. Or the grade out.
Hoffman: Okay.
Andrews: Would this park be one where it'd be appropriate to let the
~ prairie grass just go?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 34
Hoffman: Yeah. In fact we'll only maintain certain portions.
Andrews: I guess I would like to see, how much acreage do you think we're
talking about up here? You're looking at probably 1 1/2-2 acres there?
Hoffman: Yeah. Even about 1 1/2.
Andrews: Does this directly abut other residential properties?
Hoffman: On this side yes. There would be some houses down here.
Andrews: I guess I'd like to see something go completely wild if possible.
I think it has a beauty of it's own.
Lash: And all these...that are going in too...
Hoffman: These trees are going in as part of the...this fall.
developer's bringing the trail stuff in and planting the trees.
Andrews: Okay, Rice Marsh.
Hoffman: Another fully developed park.
Andrews: Now we've just done some totlot work there haven't we?
Hoffman: A swingset.
Robinson: Does that get that much use?
Lash: Yeah.
Robinson: It does huh?
Lash: Well that when they have baIlout there. Rag ball. Little League
every night of the week.
Hoffman: It's the neighborhood I get the most calls about play equipment.
Lash: When you go there to watch, you've got another kid who's...
Andrews: Are we at a Phase 1 status or phase 2 status on totlot there or 0
Hoffman: Phase 1. Expansion would be...
Andrews: Volleyball court has no sand. It's just dirt or asphalt?
Hoffman: Two volleyball poles on grass.
Robinson: We didn't put the bleachers in there did we?
Hoffman: Bleachers; yes.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 35
Andrews: We need to hit this one with some more totlot I think based upon
what Todd's saying.
Lash: Well we've got $6,000.00 in for next year.
Hoffman: I would say in '94 potentially or '95... The reason we took the
heavy...on equipment is because we took out some old equipment and put in
basketball .
Andrews: What's the parking like?
Hoffman: The parking lot is terrible during a CAA game.
Lash: It's terrible.
Hoffman: They park way out...
...that whole circle is full of cars.
Hoffman: The neighbors are just accommodating as heck.
Lash: Is there anyway we could expand that?
Hoffman: The parking lot? You'd have to park on the ballfield or tear the
If!"" basketball court down.
for this?
You're looking at a Phase 2 then.
Let's look at Phase 2 in '95.
Would '95 be unreasonable then
Lash: Any other requests from them for anything else?
Andrews: Would there be any reason why we should change that volleyball to
sand? Is there any safety concern in your mind? Or just leave it as is. I
don't have any big stands. Okay, let's leave it alone.
Lash: No other requests?
Hoffman: No, that's it. It's interesting to note that it's what, a 30
acre park and then you see this little square is the park.
Robinson: I was going to say, 30 acres?
Hoffman: That's it. The rest of this is marsh.
Robinson: 90% wetland.
Andrews: What developer gave us that piece of?
Hoffman: Gem?
Andrews: Yeah.
~ Hoffman: The park was...
Park and Rec Cbmmission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 36
Pemrick: Todd, how did we get one spot...
Hoffman: Back when.
Robinson: Chan Estates was developed I suppose.
Hoffman: What 20 years?
Robinson: Oh at least_ That'd be in the late 60's.
Pemrick: There probably wasn't as much of a push for recreation or parks.
Andrews: Sunset. Where is that one? Which one is that?
Hoffman: That's Dave's park right there.
Andrews: That's Dave's park. Dave wants hockey and tennis courts.
Koubsky: I don't care about tennis courts.
Erhart: How many hockey rinks Dave?
Koubsky: Well there's one on the master and I wasn't around.
Lash: So what act0ally is gbing in this?
Koubsky: This year it's graded and it's got volleyball in. The
softball...or ballfield is in.
Hoffman: You want to make some changes on here? The tennis is not there
anymore. The tennis is going to be here by the parking lot. And then
volleyball was moved down below where the play area is noted and the play
area is right up on this knoll. Switched around. Tennis, play area,
volleyball. That was to accommodate the grading and...
Andrews: So '91 is rough in?
Koubsky: This is not...neighborhood. Probably the average age is 4.
Hoffman: There's a big piece of play equipment which is purchased and it's
sitting out at the barn...already working 3 1/2 weeks on the school project
so it will probably be put in this spring.
Lash: Is that equipment going in...
Hoffman: The equipment is purchased. We have it in storage both for this
site and for South Lotus Lake Park...
Lash: So it's not in but we've b00ght it?
Hoffman: Yep.
Andrews: I guess I'd like to see this park, since it does show a Tinkon
it, to maybe be looked at at the same time as North Lotus is, if we decide
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 37
to proceedr as one with electrical in and put the lights in and put the
shack up and do it. That covers a south spot, a north spot and we've got
the middle spot already covered with the City Center.
Lash: What kind of a recession...
Andrews: Is it too close to hous'es?
Lash: It's pretty close. It's real close.
Like 50 feet from a house?
rink and
area for
with like
The one thing, the fault I find in this plan is you have a hockey
there's no open skating. Usuall~ you have a little open skating
little kids and you have a hockey rink. It's hard to go skate
4 or 5 year olds and have pucks flying everywhere.
You can't, yeah.
Hoffman: We could potentially accommodate t~at. We'll take a look at some
measurements. If we could move hockey up in front of the parking...
Koubsky: Lights area problem. You might want to start planting trees
around that. Evergreen trees would be a natural block.
Erhart: Where does the wetland start?
Koubsky: Right about in here. Just down in that corner. One of the
things with lights in that area is they overlook a warehouse area. I think
Prince's lights shines right at the guy across the street from me. And
Prince won't turn the light down. You know it just beams right in his
Andrews: Is the parking area in yet?
Koubsky: So they're used to lights.
Lash: So could tennis and basketball go in this area and then hockey and
skating down in this area? Put hockey down there so the more intense
lights would be the farthest...
Andrews: What if we had the parking over here?
Lash: Well except for the access.
Andrews: I agree with Dave. If there's not a family skating area there,
we're really losing the value of the lighting and the warming house.
Hoffman: I'm not so sure that's the appropriate spot for hockey.
Koubsky: You might want to just consider open skating with a warming
house. Open skating with a warming house and a low condenscent bulb or
~ something.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 38
Hoffman: We have to decide on if we can service it with this path with the
water truck or if we want to wait until the future Lake Drive ~xtension
comes through.
Lash: What if it wasn't such a great family skating area? you
could have it in this area and that wouldn't be so hard to access...
Hoffman: But we have to get the parking lot on the road... This is all ag
Lash: Well we were talking about putting it in, when is the road going to
go in?
Hoffman: We haven't developed...
Koubsky: I think the park's in pretty good shape. You've got a softball
Hoffman: There's a backstop for that. I thi nk looki T)g to keep at this
park because of the neighborhood...
Lash: The only things missing will be the tennis, basketball and
and those would...
Andrews: The totlot is in.
Hoffman~ Basketball, that would be one that could go in here...and get ~
some use.
Andrews~ Let's do it then.
Hoffman: '93?
Koubsky: I would think basketball with maybe variable heights because
there are young kids. I know my kids would go over and shoot but they
can't make a basket. I think that's something you should consider for all,
or we should consider for all parks.
Andrews: 8 foot hoops.
Koubsky: Maybe they're not adjustable but yeah, 8 foot.
Andrews: If they're adjustable they're breakable.
Lash: .If they're adjustable you have to have one of those things to adjust
it. But is this that combination tennis/basketball?
Hoffman: It's not shown as such and I believe we only had room for a
single court with basketball.on the side.
Lash: Before we did that we have to be real sure that's the layout we want
to keep.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 39
walls for
That reminds me.
We had a request for those, what those kicking
Hoffman: We can incorporate ,that in. My only comment on the short news...
(There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.)
Hoffman: Oktoberfest evaluation from Jerry. 7(b) is the November meeting
is a week early because of the holiday and December we'll plan a social
after hopefully a short meeting at that one.
Andrews: A question. We have 'to get this park review all done by December
Hoffman: No.
Andrews: Okay, good. I didn't want to short ourselves here. Can you give
us a cash flow projection for our next meeting? What we're talking about.
Hoffman: It all depends on when Market Square comes on. If Market Square
comes in.
Andrews: We'll be sitting pretty.
Hoffman: Yep...
Lash: I realized from reading the Minutes of that PUD...I don't know if
you were conscience of that and that just sort of.
Andrews: Boiled your blood?
Well it just made me feel even more strongly that we were in the
They're supposed to be going above and beyond.
Hoffman: Their contention is that the Planning Department did force them
to do a PUD.
Lash: But that's the way it is. That's not.
Hoffman: Not our problem.
Lash: Right.
asking that.
PUD's they should be going above and beyond.
We're asking basically...
We're not
...Lake Ann picnic/recreation shelter. Th
at's the bad news one.
Further comments on that? I h.
s anyt ~ng going to happen there?
~ Hoffman: We're going to ask the City Counc;l to
another $40 000 ~ repropriate probably
, .00... Basically it's come back
that anything... Council
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
October 22, 1991 - Page 40
approved additional funds... The question everybody had on their mind...
the type of building that we've looked at...
Andrews: That horse trail thing. Where are we at? What did we end up
doing? Just kind of at a hold.
Hoffman: Yep. We're not going to be able to accomplish it for the money
that we put in...
Andrews: I'm not sure we want to so we have to really discuss that...
specifically do we want to do it. From what Eden Prairie says, it sounds
like it's just a, it's a great idea but it just doesn't work.
Koubsky: The horse trail?
Andrews: Yeah. Much to the disappointment of the people who have horses
but you just can't have a multi-use horse trail.
Hoffman: ...Herman Field we toured and Lake Susan the boat access is in.
They're putting the bridge in and unbelieveable park.
...Really nice.
Hoffman: ...1 hired Tony Biese for a gate attendant 5 years ago. He
worked as a gate attendant for' 2 years. Wor ked for Dale for a year and now
he's in school to be a priest and he gave back...
Lash: Did he have anything in mind that he wanted us to use it for?
Hoffman: No. There is an article in there in the South Shore Sailor on
the section of trail that's been discussed...
Erhart moved, Lash seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and
the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9=45 p.m..
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Coordinator
Prepared by Nann Opheim