PRC 1990 02 13
FEBRUARY 13, 1990
Chairman Mady called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m..
COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Ed Hasek, Dawne Erhart, Jini Mady, Larry
Schroers, Curt Robinson, Jan Lash and Sue Boyt
STAFF PRESENT: Lori Sietsema, Park and Rec Coordinator and Todd Hoffman,
Recreation Supervisor
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Robinson n,oved, Lash seconded to appr.ove the Minutes
of the Park and Recreation Conmiission meeting dated January 9, 1990 as
aniended on page 22 by Jan Lash. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
APPOINT ACTING CHAIR: Hasek moved, Robinson seconded to appoint Larry
Schroers as Acting Chair for the meeting. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Sietsema: Paul Krauss is the Planning Director for the City
and he's here with Mark Koegler to go over what the Planning
done so far and then we need to look at those changes to the
and see how that would affect our park needs in the future.
you go.
of Chanhassen
COIr.rrli ssion has
land use plan
1'11 just let
Krauss: Good evening. I haven't met most of you but I've been with the
City now for about 6 months and I've been sort of busy. I'll try to stay
awake through this but I was at the City Council meeting here until about
1:30 this morning so if I fade out, please forgive me. It's not due to
lack of interest. We've been talking to Lori and we asked for some time
tonight to update you on the City Comprehensive Plan. The process, where
we're at right now and what's going to be happening. The Planning
COIr.rr.ission's been working on the plan for SOIrle time but the process has
accelerated basically since last SUIr~ier. We're developing the plan with a
schedule to having public hearings in May, June, that sort of time frame
wi th subnii ttal to the Metro Counci 1 this snPin,er. Now we won't put any
guarantees on when the Metro Council may grant us the expansion of the MUSA
line but we're coming up with a very substantial increase in the service
area for the City. Something on the order of 1,800-1,900 acres. It's a
major guide plan amendnient and these things tend to get a little, they have
90 days to look at it and they Iliay come up wi th addi tional probleIrls but
hopefully we could actually have a plan that's back by late fall/early
winter of this year. We're seeking your input into the recreational .
aspects of the plan. The land use plan itself should be used to designate
Piajor park areas where you're hoping to expand the facilities. Also, trail
connections to each one. We've used our knowledge of help define
how the plan shakes out. We've used recreational featnres and Mark will
explain a little bit about this to for example divide residential areas
from industr ial areas because there's a... tha t conies in very handy to
,.... define what areas...will preserve for trail and it's a nice breakpoint. We
also would like it if you would review what we're proposing in terms of the
Park and Rec cOR~ission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 2
development concept for the City and take it into account so that you can
put it into perspective for your park plan. So you see where the
populations are going to increase. Where the emploYllient' s going to
increase and where the pressure for new recreational facilities is likely
to occur. I'll give you a brief overview of the plan itself and then I'll
pass the baton over to Mark to talk about park related issues. The plan
that you see tonight is dr i ven by a nUIl.ber of factors. We first started
out with the existing development pattern and of course because we're
building in a con~.unity that's developing very rapidly. There was some
indication as to where additional development should take place. For those
of you, I don't have a copy of it here but our current comprehensive plan
indicates a year 2000 MUSA line expansion. That used to be the year 1990
MUSA line expansion and the Metro Council made us change it because they
didn't believe we would have anywhere near the development that we have in
the ground today. What we looked at first, since we've always said that
that area should be developed and that is up in this area. Since we've
always said that should be brought into the development system, we're
continuing to say that and that that constitutes a large percentage of the
residential land that we'll be bringing into the MUSA line. We took a look
at surrounding communities and the usual pressures for growth. I think all
of us are aware of the fact that Eden prairie is rapidly filling up. That
Minnetonka filled up years ago. Chaska's developing very rapidly. We have
pressure for con~iercial and industrial expansion on TH 5. Chanhassen is
sort of an anonialy in the development framework in this part of the work.
What we've got is we've got development north, south and east and west of
us but there's a big hole in the Metro Council map which is most of
southern Chanhassen which hasn't developed. We've got a lot of pressure
for developRlent. We have a lot of pressure from wi thin the community for
development as well. We're fundamentally out of land, for industr ial
growth. We've got about a one year supply. We've had some very dramatic
developments in that area. Rosemount being the most noteable. Residential
land is rapidly depleting as well. Depending on who's population
projections you believe, or the range that we're proposing to use, we've
got a 2-3 year supply which really isn't very significant. One of the
things that guided this plan was the availability of utility services.
Totally this would be a major factor in how we.could expand and what it
costs. Where you'd want... Finally there was a desire to maintain
con~-.uni ty values to protect natural resources. The plan that we proposed
to the Planning COR~.ission, envisions that say large residential expansion
out west of the lakes. There is another residential component that's
really been a major discussion point south of TH 5. This came about
primarily because the Planning Con-.mission was concerned about protecting
the residential component that we have in Timberwood right now which is
very large lot residential and really not wanting to create'kind of an
island that was surrounded by industrial development. They were concerned
somewhat about TH 5. What the image of TH 5 was. That they wanted to
break up an industrial strip a little bit but also they wanted to push
industrial development to the south. To utilize TH 212 which we're
counting on heavily to off load traffic from TH 5. SORle additional
residential development again is proposed around the Timberwood area.
We're proposing to square off the MUSA line down south of TH 212 and really
a whole lot of expansion south of this line is not envisioned in the near
term. The major metropolitan sewer interceptor runs up there and we
Park and Rec Conmlission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 3
basically have to pump everything up to that point. Metro Council had
never really figured on this area being served from this line. It was
supposed to be a major interceptor that ran down to the south and then
through Eden Prairie. That probably is never going to be built so we're
really not sure what to do with that area at this time. One of the things
that a lot of people ask us about is these two study areas. They sort of
have the same rationale behind them but for different reasons. When we
looked at developing this plan we didn't want a plan that shot for the
moon. We wanted a plan that was justifiable when we stood before the Metro
Council. Reasonable development with reasonable expectations and we jnst
felt that if we were going to push residential development further to the
southwest, we're really starting to pick np more land that we can jnstify
in the 10-15 year time horizon that Metro Council uses. Also we realize
that the TH 41/TH 5 intersection is likely to have some pressure for
con~ercial development. Whether or not the City wants that to occur is
another matter but onr concern right now is we're just not prepared for it
to happen. Downtown is coming together after many years of effort. We
wanted to make sure that downtown is allowed to mature and we thought that
given another 5-6 years, we could take another look at that area and see if
we needed more residential land. See if we needed some conm-.ercial land but
at this point we're proposing to reserve it by this 1995 study area
designation. Down along TH 212 there's a similar designation and again we
just could not justify bringing in anymore land into the MUSA systen-.
fnrther to the south. However, the construction of TH 212 is going to
dramatically change that. We've got a niajor intersection proposed over
here that I think we're looking at about a 1998 timeframe. By 1995 we
should have a better idea as to what we'd like to look at down there and in
1995 when we look at it again we may well decide that it needs to wait
another 5 years before it's considered. But we wanted to put everybody on
notice through this designation that those areas are going to warrant
further investigation at some point in the future. We just couldn't
justify it at this point. With that I'd like to pass it over to Mark to
review briefly the implications that this plan has on recreational
facil ti ies.
Mark Koegler: Most of the green areas of the map I think probably look
fanliliar to you. There aren't too terribly many surprises. Sonie additions
that have been made to this map that you should be aware of. Bandimere
Park obviously in it's currently owned 30 plus acre form and then
consistent with the action that this body took and the Council took, we're
looking at roughly a 30 acre expansion to the north in the futnre that may
happen exactly as north but may happen a little bit shifted one way or
another and doubling essentially that park size in the future.
Concurrently, when the Eckankar proposal was very active, we did a park
analysis of that site. Future park deniand requirements and came up wi th a
recommendation that sonie 20 to 30 acres be added to Lake Ann Park to the
east. That's been shown on this map also so anything east of that line is
actually Eckankar property. The green on this map right here would
indicate the church site as it exists right now. Another change that is
something that you should be aware of on the sonth end of Rice Marsh Lake.
The old plan had shown all of this site as being high density residential.
That site being cut off by TH 212 and having been I think tromped across by
sonie of the staff members, appears to be an excellent candidate just for
Park and Rec Con~ission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 4
probably open space associated with Rice Marsh Lake. It's not going to be
terribly developable and it appears to be an excellent piece of ground
identified as part of the open space system. Aside from that, what we're
hoping to do is once the Planning Comnaission has acted a little further on
the land use element, we're hoping to get the revised text of the
recreation section back to you one month from tonight. March 13th I think
is the meeting date we're targeting. That text then will reflect in more
detail all of the additions that we're looking at in the MUSA line area.
Will contain the verbage that I think you're familiar with on neighborhood
park needs and so forth throughout these areas. One thing that I want you
to be aware of is that we're looking at a number of alternatives up in this
portion of the city. This site as you well know if Prine's domain.
There's another large land owner that has a piece over here that together
probably with some 225 plus or minus acres. There's a lot of different
ways that that may be treated. That may become another one of these kind
of donut holes out of the MUSA line, if you will. And so to assume that
there's going to be a need for neighborhood parks throughout all this area
may be a little presumptuous at this point. They will be needed
eventually. That may be the phase because son.e of these pieces n.ay be held
out of development for some time to come. Aside from that, we're showing
the same basic open space corridors. What we will be doing as a part of
this that comes back to you, is overlaying the trail plan and some of that
information on top of this so you can see how all of that fits. Paul
referenced before that the old trail plan showed the lake coming up this
way. In terms of trail access it appears that this eastern lake is
actually probably an easier route to get to. Especially with the approval
of Timberwood that kind of cut off potentially limiting those. That's the
kind of detail we're hoping to bring back to you in 30 days so that verbage
will address neighborhood park needs and it will expound upon some of the
con~unity park needs that are identified here. One of the things that we
talked about that I guess I personally would like some direction from you
on this. If you recall we went through the southern park study analysis.
We looked at 6 sites and 4 sites and eventually got down to 1 site. One of
the sites that was rather intriguing was this piece of property right down
here if you recall. It has some really dramatic topography and I think YOll
should give son,e thought as a conon.ission on how you want to treat that for
park purpcises. We talked about possible future acquisition of a portion of
that site to serve as a passive, reallv rugged kind of environment for
recreation and that hasn't been shown ~bviously to date but it can be on
the plan. So that's kind of a walk through I guess of where we're headed
with the parks and we'd welcome any con~ents that you'd like to offer this
Krauss: Before we do that I'd just like to point out too that we've had a
number of public, well meetings on the plan. It's been developed by the
Planning Commission basically in work sessions. We have not really sought
actively public participation yet. We've invited people to view it. We
had con~ents back on it but really at this point the plan is in the stage
where you yourselves, the City Council, the Planning Con~ission really have
an opportunity. to kick it around informally. We've not gone public with
it. Nothing's set in concrete and we don't anticipate having real formal
public hearings for some time yet so there's plenty of opportunity for
yourselves and pe?ple like you to have sufficient input.
Park and Rec Con~ission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 5
Schroers: Okay, thanks. What we have in previous meetings, on a nuniber of
occasions discussed that natural area I guess if you would want to put it
that way that's down in the area of Bluff Creek and everyone thought that
that would make a good passive area and nature area. We discussed other
possible uses so that's something that we have been looking at. Does
anybody have any conments in regards?
Mady: I had one on down here on Bluff Creek. On the bluffs themselves.
About a year, year and a half ago, Tim Erhart came in front of us and spoke
about the bluffs and maybe we could get behind the concept of doing
something with the bluffs and preserving then. in sonie way. I'm just
wondering, are they being addressed specifically for sonie purpose that
would not necessarily n.ake then. public land but at least allow then, to
remain somewhat sparsely populated so they don't overly develop with large
amounts of developnients. Specifically there you're talking of Moon Valley
which we have discussed previously as a unique recreational opportunity
that's available to the city. I know we've kicked around the thought of at
some point in time that Moon Valley became available that maybe it's not
such a dun.b idea to acquire that facility just for what it is on a
recreational idea which is a shooting range. A type of a unique
recreational opportunity that's really not available too much in the
southwestern part of the metro area.
Krauss: The Moon Valley situation, I think you've seen in the paper is
currently under active consideration. In fact the other day I was
threatened with an $800,000.00 lawsuit. We are looking at trying to place
some linii ts on what they do over there. Right now it's a pretty open free
for all. However, our ability to stop it or exercise real severe control
over the mining impact...are pretty limited. I don't know if you've been
back in there recently but I didn't have much to compare it to but there
are people that have been there over the years, tell me there's extremely
dramatic changes and you can see from the aerials just in the last year. I
understand there used to be a ski run in there. Right now I don't know
whether .you' d want to ski down any of those but one of the things we're
looking for is a restoration plan. It's not inconceiveable that one of the
requirements is that the si te be restored to SOITie condi tion that would
allow that. The bigger question as to the bluffs, to be honest, no, we
haven't directly addressed that. Now there are corr~unities that have bluff
preservation ordinances. You wouldn't necessarily write an ordinance in
the comprehensive plan but in your impleITientation section, it would direct
you to do that. I sure wouldn't be opposed to running that past the
Planning Con~ission. I think it's got a lot of validity. One of the
things the Planning Corr.mission and City Council are asking llS to look at is
what happens down along TH 169/212. Whether or not, we have this business
fringe/corr~iercial designation that's kind of a catch all dregs of the earth
type... It's raised a lot of questions as to whether or not it should
continue to exist. With the consensus, if you can have a consensus, being
that it probably should not. If it converts back to agricultural use or
A-2 district, you could still have residential development at very low
densities which probably...but we can look at that more actively.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 6
Schroers: Do you feel that the realignment of TH 212 is going to have any
adverse affect on the bluff area itself? Are they going to be cutting
through there with the highway?
Krauss: No. It doesn't come that close to it. It's tucked way back. At
least in Chanhassen.
Boyt: I have a question. I 'It I sorry I was late. Is this the point where
if there is an area that we want to designate as possible parkland, that we
would ask that you do that?
Krauss: Yes.
Boyt: Okay. I think we ought to do that right now. There's a piece on
Bluff Creek that we were interested in and look at other areas.
Erhart: Is there any reason why we couldn't just earmark that whole area
as a linear park all along the bluff area?
Mady: Along Bluff Creek you mean?
Erhart: Yeah.
Sietsema: As shown on the trail plan?
Krauss: The entire bluff?
Hasek: Bluff Creek.
Erhart: Yeah, along the Bluff Creek area.
Krauss: We had anticipated a corridor along the entire creek.
Erhart: But can't we go ahead and put that on the map?
Mady: Yes.
Krauss: We certainly could do that. That was clearly our intent that it
go all the way down the bluff. We should just show that going through that
1990 for our study area to make it clear...
Hasek: I guess I agree with Dawne that if we can put it on the map, even
though it's outside the MUSA line, and certainly we don't need sewer to
serve a park. That we ought to show the entirety of it right down to
connect to the existing Bluff Creek Park because there's a couple of pieces
of property in there that we have a chance to take that property across...
and we might as well let them know what's going on. What our intent is.
Krauss: One of the pieces you may want to take a closer look at is that
natural area that you were talking about. I don't know if you've reviewed
that relative to the final plans for TH 212 since the official mapping was
done last fall. The impact of TH 212 on that property is extremely
substantial. There's about a 30 acre chunk that's going to remain near the
Park and Rec COIliIl.ission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 7
golf course. Everything else is either going to be altered by the highway,
part of the right-of-way or stranded on the north side of the highway. It's
going to leave a fairly substantial area remaining. In fact I was talking
to one member of the Reggan faIliily who are looking at buying it now to put
a house up on top there. It's unlikely that it's going to, given the
current status, it's unlikely that it's going to subdivide further and give
us any kind of ready accessibility to get the land for free so it probably
means there's going to have to be an acquisition program. Which by the
way, one of the things we're going to do with this plan in the
implementation section is have, update the capital improveIl.ents program
which should be used as a vehicle whereby you can set up proposed
acquisition of so and so by such and sucy a date and hopefully gain some
concurrence and support from the City Council.
Hasek: I think what we want to, what you mentioned about TH 212 was
something I wanted to bring up too, that if we do intend to connect that
linear park up and down Bluff Creek, that it's imperative that the highway
department know that we want to do that. There are several places where it
has been done in the past. Underneath there's a little bridge and so forth
underneath the highway and that's definitely, we want that connection to be
Krauss: Yeah. Ed, I think a real good example of that is when I was
working for Minnetonka we worked with Crosstown Highway to get the
Purgatory, or 9 Mile Creek I think trail when underneath there. We're
working wi th them on the environ:mental irr,pact study and I gave them a list
of correrr,ents on the drafted EIS. One of them was that we had trail
connections that we wanted to be taken into consideration in the
construction plans. I gave them a copy of the current trail map that Mark
had generated for you a few months ago. We need to keep...the situation to
make sure we have concerns addressed.
Hasek: Also, along TH 101. I just happened to catch a meeting about 2
months ago where the Planning COIliIliission was reviewing some preliminary
concept plans for TH 101 and the Planning Corr~ission wasn't even aware that
we had a trail intended to cross, there was a linear connection was to
cross TH 101. I think we'd like to see that as early as possible too. We
give thell. SOllie i npu t to tha t so they know wha t 's go i ng on and wha t we'd
like to see in there. I don't know that there's necessarily a chance for
going underneath the highway there but at least there ought to be some
provision for a crossing.
Krauss: You know I'm not positive if it's in the study or not but I know
I've heard of this before and I'll bring that up.
Hasek: I mentioned it that night at the meeting that we had the plans for
it and they seemed surprised.
Krauss: You know Fred Hoisington worked on that corridor study for the
Ci ty and I think there was sorr,e I'I.ention of it in the plan. TH 101 is
likely to be built by us so we might have some real direct input as to how
,...... it's designed.
Park and Rec Con~ission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 8
Hasek: Plus with State funds or just us?
Krauss: Us.
Hasek: They're going to give it back to us? All of TH 101?
Krauss: Well, you know TH 101's been kicked around for many years as to
who gets stuck with it and the City's alwavs said we don't want it until
you fix it and the highway department does~~t want to fix it.
Hasek: So is Minnewashta Parkway.
Krauss: We're already rebuilt or constructed new TH 101. The Market
Boulevard extension past Roseniount. When the Ward property develops we
will be inputting or making the developer construct it further. At that
point we have a relatively short run from there to the new TH 101
interchange. The TH 101 interchange by the way brings it somewhat up from
the south so when you look at the final piece in the puzzle it's likely
that we'll go ahead and do it in some creative.
Boyt: We've also talked about acquiring parkland west of Lake Minnewashta.
We need to designate some acreage over there. There is sonie. I don't know
if that's...
Schroers: That's on the east of Minnewashta.
Mady: We need more than what's on Lake St. Joe. Realistically the Lake
St. Joe property doesn't provide much for active useage.
Krauss: You may want to do that relatively quickly.
Hasek: Yeah. No question. I think we have a line on a piece of property
that sold up there and I don't know if it ever sold and it's off the market
now or what's going on with that chunk. The sign is down right now.
Krauss: We haven't had a formal submittal but we're aware that a developer
has acquired a significant chunk of land out there...
Hasek: That's it. There's some beautiful parts of that that I think we
ought to be looking at. The problem was that the cost of the land we were
interested in was so extremely high that we weren't going to be able to buy
much and we didn't know how much we could take by dedication.
Boyt: There was such small chunks for developn-Ient up there that we
couldn't take a large enough piece out of any of those to make it
Hasek: Before I forget, one quick question. There's a new structure going
in along Minnewashta right now. The footings are going in. What is that?
Is that a city building?
Krauss: Not that I'm aware of.
Park and Rec Con~ission Meeting
February 13, 19ge - Page 9
Hasek: They're digging a heck of a hole over there right across froni
Leech's. I was wondering if somebody was building a house in there and we
didn't get a chance to take a piece of that for a trail.
Sietsema: Right across from Leech's?
Hasek: Right across from Leech's. Right on the corner. Just across the
road from that piece.
Sietsema: On the south side of King's Road?
Hasek: Yes.
Boyt: I had a question about, is Chanhassen pioneer Trail and CR 17, at
the northeast corner? Where CR 17 and pioneer cross? It's developing and
I don't remeniber seeing that come through to us.
Mady: On the southwest corner.
Boyt: Northeast of pioneer Trail and CR 17.
Krauss: There's a piece of Chaska that is.
,... Boyt: Right on the corner there?
Hasek: That's Chaska now.
Boyt: Oh, was that part of the trade?
Krauss: No. They didn't take that one. But in fact I just got an
environn.enta1 assessment worksheet. Chaska' s coming in wi th another large
development in that neck of the woods for about 6ee units.
Robinson: When we talked about Sever Peterson's property, is that down, is
that in Bluff Creek? That's part of this?
Boyt: That's where the highway cuts in.
Mady: TH 212 is cutting right through that.
Schroers: I have one other question in regards to the bluff area. Would
there be any value in considering a conservation easement for the
undeveloped portion of that to just help protect the natural amenities?
Krauss: Well there sure would but the likelihood of it is is that we'd
have to go out and buy it because there just isn't subdivision activity
there whereby you'll be able to get it. I don't know what your funding
resources are going to be in the next 10 years. That's where the CIP
program becomes useful. In a real reactive niode, people can bu}ld houses
on platted lots and you can't stop them. That's a fact of life.
Boyt: We had also talked about linear parkland along the TH 212 corridor.
To make use of that some for horse trails.
Park and Rec Con~ission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 10
Krauss: We hadn't considered that. Where would it run? Just parallel to
the road?
Boyt: Yeah. Not real interesting but the highway department usually
leaves a big swath there.
Hasek: A couple things. A couple of weeks ago we talked about a park in
this new area. I've been aware that they've changed the comprehensive plan
for some time now...and we talked about Mark taking a look at some of the
land that's up between TH 41 and CR 117 to see if there was a likely spot
to put a park in there or if we were going to continue to look at something
that was adjacent to Minnewashta south of CaPip Tanadoona there. Have you
had a chance to do that at all?
Koegler: No. We will be doing that in the next 30 days prior to bringing
it back to you.
Hasek: Okay, so you're going to try and spot a park up in that end.
Koegler: In the northern section.
Hasek: One other thing I wanted to discuss and I can't have any voting...
We've done a lot of research into what's happening with the lowlands in
this area and in this area in here and the creek itself runs as it's shown
here, up through here and the mainline of the creek actually crosses the
back of these two lots and there's a large floodplain, a wetland in here
that goes up, turns the corner. Makes a connection and goes across the top
of this red area right through here and then ultimately drains this area
plus an area that's on the side of TH 41. Originally our scheme had shown
that this would come, our park scheme, the trail scheme had shown that this
would come IIp to here and we had talked about the possibility of connecting
into this area because Larry was very familiar with this area but I had him
walk back in there at that time. In the last 3 years I think sinc~ we've
talked about it, I've been back in here and we've talked a lot about
snowmobile trails. We've talked a lot about horse trails and I would like
to lobby that we keep both of these. I would like to see this one go and
connect to the park up here to finish this system. I'd also like to see
this one stay in place. Have it continue across. Encompass some of the
wetland that's here and ultimately connect to the park in this area. Now
if we could get that incorporated into a horse and snoWPiobile trail, it
would give us a connection directly from this park all the way down to the
river valley if we kept Bluff Creek in place and also from Lake Ann here
and it would make a direct connection to Lake Ann to the regional park.
That's what I'm thinking from a park standpoint. I've got, no matter what
happens with the land use plan, I'd still like to see the connection of
Bluff Creek to this directly as opposed to going through Lake Ann and then
back around there. I think it's an opportunity that we can capture some
open space in here and connect that trail in a circular configuration.
Krauss: We took a little bit of a look at that and the problem is that the
west branch of Bluff Creek crosses over the Tiniberwood subdivision and we
don't have an easement for those platted lots. The cat piay be out of the
,.... Park and Rec Con-~-.ission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 11
bag on that one. If you make that connection to the west, you may be
forced to make it with some sort of a Y off north of TH 5.
Hasek: I'm sorry, what?
Krauss: If you j Un-IP off to the west, someplace north of TH 5, you get
around that problem. Given that it's already platted lots, we'd have to go
in and buy it and I don't know that that's going to be practical.
Hasek: Well the practical niatter is that there is a corner of high ground
that's on the back side of that corner lot in Timberwood and it's
completely inaccessible to the owner of that piece of property so I think
if nothing else we could potentially buy that piece relatively easily. We
didn't take any easements even though there is floodplain on his property.
We didn't take any easements for that but I know that we could purchase an
easement on the existing property and make that connection if we couldn't
do it within the floodplain of the creek that goes through there so I think
that that connection is possible. I would like to see them both made to be
honest with you. I'd like to see both directions done. I think that it
wou;d be a very easy thing to go north with the small piece that goes up
almost to the top of that orange piece that's on his map here. That's in a
kind of a little bluffy creek right here with a small ravine that runs up
through here so it's a matter of making a connection from here to here.
~ There's actually some poor soils in here too that may not be developable.
I don't know how deep they are or anything but there's a couple of
opportunities that I guess what I'd like to do is not lose the opportunity
to show it on a map now. To make every effort that we possibly can to
acquire it or at least to let the landowners know what our intentions are.
It's like everything else. If you don't put it on the map, we lose the
Sietsenia: Can we wrap up? We're already 10 minutes behind.
Boyt: I just had one more question. We had a trout stream or something.
Is that on here to be preserved? The trout steam?
Krauss: It isn't but it could be.
Boyt: We would like it to be.
Schroers: We've looked into that soniewhat and the State of Minnesota has
son-Ie requirenients as far as developing in the proxindty to a natural trout
stream and any development has to be, I think it's 150 feet away at the
closest. Other than that, what we looked into was the price that the
people who own the property are asking is just, there's no way that we
could consider it so we're just hoping that the State niaintains a safe
buffer to protect the creek and that's really the best that we can hope for
at the present time.
Boyt: Can we designate it though?
~. Krauss: By designating it, what it allows us to do is it sort of gives us
entree to do something if anything materializes down there so it's not a
Park and Rec Corr~ission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 12
half bad thing to designate it.
Schroers: If we could, I'd certainly like to.
Hasek: What's it called now?
Sietserr,a: Assumption Creek.
Mady: Do we need to address, we need to find parks. Specifically in
the Pheasant Hills area. We don't have anything showing on our map right
now. We need something up there real badly. Especially if this develops
into residential area that's shown here.
Schroers: Hopefully you'll have that earmarked for more residential
development through the acquisition process we could get some of what we
Lash: I assume that Lori provided Mark with the information of all the
different things that we've discussed in the past.
Sietsema: Yes.
Lash: And that would be one of them.
Krauss: And of course it's a little bit, to the size that we should define
for a major park facilities on the comprehensive plan. Clearly if
something is 10 acres of bigger, it belongs on that. If you're looking at
a neighborhood scaled park, those get real tough to site and is often times
contingent upon which property develops first and more practical in those
matters. If you're looking at neighborhood scale facilities, if you know
exactly where you want it, we'll show it. otherwise the plan text will
leave that open. It will say you want theni. You want them in some sort of
a ratio. The population...and that we'll obtain those during subdivision
Schroers: I think we should earmark it at least in a park deficient area.
Let them know that that is already park deficient.
Hasek: It's a niatter of not so much you know putting down some
configuration of a park that we would like to purchase but it's a matter of
at least getting the appropriate star or spot or whatever we use for
various size parks on the map in the location that we think there might be
some natural and that's what I'm hoping Mark was going to do for us in that
low density residential area that's shown there. It might even be within
that study area that you've shown the best possibility is. There's some
beautiful country in there.
Schroers: Okay, if there's nothing further. Thank you very lliuch and we'll
look forward to seeing a more detailed plan next month.
Park and Rec Con-uliission Meeting
February 13, 199~ - Page 13
Sietsema: I put a resolution in front of you. In each chair. This
resolution was adopted last night at the City Conncil Ilieeting and what it
does is outline the con-~iission's vacancy application process. Since it was
adopted last night, what's important to us. How it affects us tonight is
it changes our normal procedure. The encumbants who are reapplying for
their position do not need to be intereviewed by this con-~ission tonight
and also are not to be involved in the interview process. They're welcome
to stay but you can't participate in the interviews and you won't be
interviewed by the rest of the Con-~iission.
Boyt: Unless we want to be. It's a choice.
SietseIlia: If you want to be, right. That would be fine. But the other
thing I wanted to make clear is that you will be required to be interviewed
by the Council.
Hasek: Whether they want to interview us or not? A legitimate question.
I mean if they wanted to choose 2 or 3, then we are beyond that? Are we a
part of that or how does that work? It's just a question to ask.
Mady: The sentence on number 5 says, they do need to be interviewed by the
Ci ty Council.
Sietsema: So the 3 people that are up for reappointment will be
interviewed by the City Council. Then since we have 6. Jim Storm has
withdrawn his application. 6 others, I would anticipate that this
con-~ission would recon-~end 2 to 3 other people to be sent, or as many as
you feel need to be interviewed. Perhaps you won't feel anybody else. You
may not feel anybody else needs to be sent on besides the 3. That's up to
you but I wouldn't sent more than 6 people to them. The point is that they
would like you to do some of the homework for them and through the Minutes,
they'll be reading your interview questions and be able to weed them out
Lash: That being the case, I guess I would just as soon that we skip down
here to these other things and try to get those done before our first
Boyt: I would like to be interviewed. I would like a chance to...
Lash: ...waiting until...
Lash: Because if I choose not to interview, then I can just go home.
Sietsema: Right. The only thing, the Carr ico has been deleted fron-. the
agenda. I guess it would be up to vou whether vou want to arr.end your
agenda or not. We have the people ;cheduled so~it's up to you if you want
to amend your agenda or not.
Mady: I do have 4 items under Con-.mission presentations. They're all short
but. . .
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
February 13, 199~ - Page 14
Schroers: It seems like a reasonable request. Should we put it up to a
Hasek: To amend it? Just to go back?
Schroers: To amend the agenda.
Hasek: So you don't mind waiting?
Boyt: No.
Schroers: Do I have a motion?
Boyt: So moved.
Hasek: Second.
Boyt moved, Hasek seconded to amend the agenda to move item 5, Park and
Recreation Con~ission candidate interviews to the end of the agenda. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Sietsema: Then item 7 is just to notify you. There's not really any
action on that item. It's just to notify you that there will not be a
meeting on the 27th of February due to the caucases. The next meeting will
be held on the 13th. That is already a full agenda. That's it.
Mady: I have four items. First off. Over the weekend I noticed that, and
I'm sure staff is aware of it, one of the dugouts down at the American
Legion park has blown off. I just wanted to bring that up to the staff.
Number two, I think I already saw it in the packet but I just wanted to
bring it up again. Trails. I am very, very, very seriously interested in
making, getting a trail referendum in the November election on TH l~l north
and south and Minnewashta Parkway. I accept that as a personal goal for
myself for this year and I want to see this Con~ission do something on it.
Sietsema: I believe it's scheduled for next meeting.
Mady: The third thing I had to bring up, I wanted to make sure everybody
here knows what's going on. Two years ago the residents of the City of
Chanhassen voted down a con~unity center proposal. that would have built a
con~unity center next to the Chanhassen Bowl/Filly's Bar site. One of the
predominant reasons that it was defeated was because it was next to the
Filly's site. Currently there are 7, 8, 9 and l~ year old girls having
dance classes at night in the Filly's Bar banquet room. I just want to
make sure everybody in the City knows what's going on. If that was such a
Park and Rec Con~ission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 15
bad site for a con~unity center, then I think the city should have, the
City officials, not necessarily staff, City officials should be making a
conscience decision to be putting these young girls up there. The last
item I've got. I talked to one of the horseback riders in the City of
Chanhassen today about a proposal to, and I brought it to her, to utilize
the land in the south park, the new south park as a horse trail until it's
developed. Now I'm assuming that although the City owns it, it will
probably continue to be farmed until it's developed on probably a cash rent
basis. I would like to see the Con~ission request that whomever is doing
the farming, leave a 20 foot wide trailway along the farmed portion of the
property. Not on top of the ditches. I mean right along wherever is being
planted right now should be, 20 feet of that along the whole side.
Hasek: The whole way around it?
Mady: The whole way around it should be allowed for them to utilize as a
horse trail.
Boyt: There isn't much that...
Mady: As long as it's being planted, it's being farmed now, take 20
feet out of that it's not going to make a huge difference to the farmer
probably. Taking an acre or two out of his planting and it would allow the
horseback riders in the City at least a place they can ride. We're not
going to be utilizing that property, it's intended purpose for 3 plus
years. The horseback rider that I talked to was very enthusiastic about
it. Thought it was a heck of an idea so I would like to see this
Comniission discuss it further if necessary but to move to get that done
prior to spring planting.
Hasek: Jim, are you proposing that they would put like a circle around the
whole thing?
Mady: No. Just leave it.
Hasek: No, around the piece.
Mady: Go around the whole boundary.
Hasek: Okay. How do they get to the park? On a trail or is that just...
Mady: There's public land now that gets them to it. Either through
ditches that they can legally ride in or to...
Boyt: There's the farm driveway too.
Mady: Yeah, then you have the farm driveway for us to get 9P into.
Hasek: I tell you what. Before I would ever even consider doing that, I'd
like some input from those people that are down below there. That abut on
the backside. Those residents that live right there. I'd like to know how
IfI'" they would feel about it. They may not have any problenls wi th it at all
and that would be fine with me but I think that we ought to talk to them
Park and Rec Co~~ission Meeting
February 13, 199~ - Page 16
about it because it's not so~ething that I want the horseback riders to get
used to having there because I certainly don't intend that that's going to
be part of that park when it's developed.
Mady: I think they understand that already.
Hasek: It's very easy to put it in there and it's going to be very
difficult to take it out. So I'd like to have SOllie input.
Robinson: Sno~,obilers. Then you've got the snowmobilers that are going
to want their 2~ feet.
Hasek: I think before we do that we ought to talk to those residents.
Sietsema: I'll put this on a future agenda.
Mady: I just think it's something we've done actually nothing for the
horseback riders in this city.
Erhart: Do we owe that to them?
Mady: Yes. They're residents of the City.
Erhart: Well sno~,obilers go out and get their per~.ission.
Mady: Sno~lobilers are using public land right now.
Erhart: But they go out and petition for it.
Mady: They're using Lake Ann and we won't let a horseback rider ride in
Lake Ann but the snoWIliobilers can go across it. I'm just saying they need
the opportunity.
Erhart: Right. We need to ask the neighbors how they feel.
Hasek: I think we had some discussion earlier here this evening about that
Bluff Creek trail and I think that's an absolutely perfect opportunity that
I don't think that we want to slip our of our fingers. Again, I want to
reiterate that no matter what happens with the land use that ~IY firm is
directly involved with, it has no bearing whatsoever on the trails out
there. I think we ought to capture as many of those creek type alignments.
Those natural areas anyplace in the city. Especially here now because it's
coming under our review and it's in front of us and that land's going to be
developing and no matter what happens when that land goes to developers, at
least we ought to know what our intentions are. And it would be easy for
me to say let the one go and only take the one because the developer can
develop more of that land but I don't think that's the way it ought to be.
I think we ought to take both of them if we've got the chance and put
the. . .
Schroers: I thi"nk that's a very important issue and i.t' s something that
we're going to have to consider at some length in the future.
Park and Rec co~~ission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 17
Mady: No, not tonight but I think it should be done before spring planting
occurs and we lose the opportunity.
Schroers: Okay.
Robinson: Can I just ask one quick question? I see the Za~iboni in there
that we sold it. What did we pay for that?
Hoffman: $5,000.00.
Robinson: I take back all my negative words...
Hoffman: I knew Curt would be happy.
Sietsenia: That was directly accountable to what, your brother-in-law?
Mady: He told you it was worth something. It was going to be worth
Robinson: And I didn't believe it. I thought it was the worse thing we
ever did so I apologize.
Mady: No, because we asked for the asking price...
Boyt: we can get going. You can guys can get going right away on
it...You guys can interview me last rather than before everyone else.
Lash: Or you could go in Jim Storm's spot too.
Boyt: Yeah, but Leneda's here and she's the first person.
Sietsema: I had nothing to add to the Adminstrative Section. If there
were any questions or any other con~ission presentations.
Robinson: Just another question. On the funds froni pull tabs. There was a
note in there by the manager. Who wrote that?
Sietsema: Don Ashworth.
Robinson: Is that Don?
Sietsen,a: Yeah.
Schroers: Okay, well if we have taken care of the last item here. What
I'd like to do is just spend about the next 2 or 3 minutes here organizing
ourselves for the interviews. The last time we moved down onto a table
where we were all sitting at one table and it was kind of a more
con,fortable situation I think then having someone corr,e up at the podium and
stand here in front of us so I wonder if we can do that.
Park and Rec Co~~ission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 18
Sietse~,a: Sure can.
Sietsema: Ed, do you feel that you have the time to make a con~itment to
the Park and Recreation Co~~ission?
Hasek: I think so. I think the record over the past few years that I've
compiled probably shows that.
Sietsema: Okay, and you know what the schedules are. You're aware of
that. I don't need to go through that. What is your impression of the
current park and recreation systeni and what do you feel you can add through
expertise or your basic knowledge?
Hasek: The park and recreation board or the system of parks in the City?
Sietsema: The system.
Hasek: The system of parks. I think we're beginning to put together a
very excellent system of parks. I think we have sonie shortcoIldngs like
every city does. I think our two major areas of, actually three major
areas of shortcomings are a trail system that connects to parks and open
space within the city. I think we're also short in the fact that we don't
have a park and park facilities in either all of the existing areas in town --'
or all of the new areas and I think particularly that there's some areas of
town that need to be served based upon lack of park space from 15 or 20
years ago. I think that it's the job of the park board to look at all of
Sietsema: What do you feel is the role of the Park and Recreation
Hasek: I think it's our job to interpret what we see and feel from the
co~~unity and the cOIl~unity being the people, and to combine that with the
cOIl,prehensi ve plan, which is our direction for the future and evaluate the
existing system and the future needs of the COIltltl1mity and pass that
information along to the Council.
SietseIlia: What are your feel ings regarding conservation and the
enviro~,ent, and passive parks versus active parks?
Hasek: I think we need a conservation effort. I would like to see the
City involved in a very strict tree preservation plan. I would like to see
them start looking at the preservation of slopes as well. We've already
got wetlands and the floodplain in place and I think that we need to
continue to push for conservation in all areas.
Seitsema: And the second part of the question was what are your feelings
regarding passive parks versus active parks?
Park and Rec Comnlission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 19
Hasek: Obviously we need both. people recreate at different levels.
We've just begun to take a look at the possibility of putting together some
sort of a recreation plan for disabled and handicapped and less mobile
people in town. I was watching a Council meeting the other night on TV and
I understand that there's an effort being put forth to establish a senior
citizen's group here within in town as opposed to going up to Excelsior. I
think that's fantastic and I thikn that we ought to, as a Park Board, or
this Board ought to begin to nloni ter that gronp and to Iflake some contacts
wi th thenl to find out what their specific recreational needs are. So we've
got both active and passive uses for the residents of Chanhassen.
Sietsema: Please elaborate on why yon wish to serve on the Park and
Recreation Commission.
Hasek: I wish to serve on it, probably the main reason, which is what
brought nle to this board 3 years ago, was a trail system along the west
side of Lake Minnewashta. We've made sonle str ides in that area since I
guess I've been on the Park Board. We've implemented a new trail plan.
We've tried unsuccessfully as it were to get that financed through a
referendum a couple years ago and I think that that's an effort that needs
to be looked at a little bit more closely as the City develops. I'd like
to continue to push for that tra il system and al so for SOIfle passive and
active park space for the residents on the west side and the north side of
Lake Minnewashta. We have basically one park in place up there. Now
Cathcart, with the exception of a small one that's in Minnewashta Heights
but it's completely separated and segregated from most of the residents by
TH 7. There isn't even a trail system up there so I would like to see that
happen. I'd also like to see the trail system for the rest of the City put
in place. TH 101 has got basically the same problems that we do. There is
no place to put that trail and it's going to take a lot of work to get that
put in. Beyond that, it's IllY understanding that I am one of two people on
any of the cOIf.nlissions, Council, any of the Housing and RedevelopIf,ent, any
of the groups in town that come from the west or the north side of Lake
Minnewashta so we're basically unrepresented out there and I think it's IllY
obligation or sonieone's obligation from our part of town to try and bring
the message and the needs of that side of town to the City.
Sietsema: That's all our questions. Do you have anything else to add?
Hasek: Absolutely not. I've got a basketball meeting to make.
Sietsema: The Park and Recreation Commission meets the second and fourth
Tuesday of the If,onth and in the sUIflIflertinie we sOIfletimes get together on
weekends to walk park sites. We sometimes meet earlier than 7:30 in the
evening, especially in the SUIf~er. Spring, SUIl~er hours to go through the
parks or to visit sites. The first question that we have for you tonight
is, do you feel that you have the time to make the cOIf~itnient that it will
take for the Park and Recreation COIl~ission?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
February 13, 199~ - Page 2~
Leneda Rahe: Yes. Tuesday nights work out real good for our family.
There's nothing that will conflict with that...if there's anything that
want me to attend...
Sietsema: What is your impression of the current park and recreation
system and what do you feel yon can add as far as your expertise or your
basic knowledge?
Leneda Rahe: My impression of the current park and rec.
Sietsema: Your impression of the current park and recreation system and
what do you feel that you can add?
Leneda Rahe: Okay, my impression of the current park and recreation system
as I've been an involved con~unity member, I've found that when people come
before the con~iittee they are sometimes treated by certain members with
disrespect and I would like to see people addressed, their concern
addressed and discussed a little better. That would be the only thing that
I've seen. Overall I think that the Park and Rec has wonderful
recreational ideas and...
(There was a tape change during Leneda Rahe's answer to question 2 and 3.)
sietsema: What are your feelings regarding conservation and environment,
and passive parks versus active parks?
Leneda Rahe: Okay, could you say the first question?
Sietsema: What are your feelings regarding conservation and environnient?
Leneda Rahe: I believe that those are very good things. I think and long
before the curbside pick-up service, we were conscience and recycling and
bringing them to a center and teaching our kids also to respect the
environment which I think is one of our greatest gifts...and I feel that
people should have very good stewardship qualities of their environment and
conservation... Then the second question was?
Sietsema: What are your feelings regarding passive parks versus active
Leneda Rahe: Versus? I think they're both needed. I don't think just one
or just the other. We need them both. They need to be present to n,eet all
the needs of all the people. The elderly and the handicapped and children
and whatever type of park is needed for different types of recreation.
Either walking trails or playground activities...
Sietsema: The last question is, please elaborate on why yon wish to serve
on the Park and Recreation Con~ission.
Leneda Rahe: I'd like to serve on the Park and Rec so that I can help meet
the needs of the con~unity and for the future and to help the City look
ahead to what the needs will be and what they are now. To help them get...
and hopefully give also some listening ear for people who want to come in
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 21
and discuss concerns that they have.
Sietsema: Okay. That's all the questions we have. Do you have anything
else you want to add?
Leneda Rahe: Yeah. I'd like to sav that I feel that I would be able to
serve well on the Park and Rec beca~se I've lived in the area most my life
and also that I have a lot of experience working with people. Handicap
children, senior citizens and I also have an immediate family It,ember in a
wheelchair...and being able to be with people like that has helped me.
Also, I'm a parent and I also go the schools in the area so I have a good
understanding of what is being offered in the overall...knowledge as far as
what the existing parks...
Sietsema: The Park and Recreation Comniission is going to evaluate all of
the interviews and make selections. Narrow down the selection process.
SubIt.i t their recommendations to the City Council. I 'ni anticipating that
that will be, those interviews will be held at either the next Citv Council
meeting or the one thereafter which would be the 26th. Probably the 26th.
So I will be contacting you before then to let you know what that date is
and what time your interview can be expected. Thanks.
Sietsenia: These are the Park and Recreation ComIttission It,embers and
they're just going to kind of making notes on your cOIt~ents. The Park and
Recreation Conmtission meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the nionth
at 7:30. In addition to that we often meet at special meetings on weekends
or earlier than 7:30 in the SUIt~ierS to walk parks or walk a site that we
may be reviewing or whatever. And so the first question that we have for
you tonight is, do you feel that you have the time to make a cOIt~itment to
the Park and Recreation Con~ission?
Wendy peIt,rick: Yes I do. I've cut back to part-tin,e work now. With RlY
new daughter I wanted to be home more so I'm working half time and do have
the time to COIt~it.
Sietsema: What is your impression of the current park and recreation
system and what do you feel that you can add through your expertise or
basic knowledge?
Wendy pemrick: Well there's a lot of good stuff going on. In particular
I'm excited about the new park being put in at the Bandimere site. The
emphasis on youth programs I think is going to be a real compliment to the
parks with the ballfield... It's an exciting thing. A lot of people are
real thrilled about that and I think our youth needs to be addressed that
way with these quality parks. As far as what I have to offer, my
expertise, I have an education background. I taught elementary school for
6 years and I have a physical education minor so I do know the value of
good programs for children and the importance of good programs for children
,.... as well as the importance of following through to adult activities.
Park and Rec COIliIliission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 22
Sietsema: What do you feel is the role of the Park and Recreation
Wendy pemrick: Basically I would say it's a liason between the cOIl~iunity
members and the City Council. A voice for the people. We need to
represent everyone fairly and I think I could do a good job of that.
sietsema: Okay. What are your feelings regarding conservation and
environment and what are your feelings regarding passive parks versus
active parks?
Wendy pemrick: Well conservation and the environment, the media is
blasting us now with the 90's being the decade of the environment and
conserving. I think that's going to pose a lot of interesting challenges
for the park and recreation corr~ission. They're going to have to be extra
conscience of what's going on with our environment. preserving wetlands I
would say and concern about runoff with some of this new development going
'on. We have to be concerned about our lakes and the system of waters.
What was the other question?
sietsema: Your feelings regarding passive parks versus active parks?
Wendy pemrick: Both very iIliportant. Passive park is necessary for
reaching people who maybe aren't real active or unable to be active. If
someone wants to just go out and enjoy a nice walk or that picnic table in
a nice area or environment and relax, that's very important. Nature trails ~
are another thing that I think would be an asset. Active parks of course
are our beaches and our ballfields for activities that...
Sietsema: Please elaborate on why you wish to serve on the Park and
Recreation Corr.mission.
Wendy pemrick: Well, I 'IIi interested in contributing to the corr~unity. I
think it's an exciting time right now. It's very critical that everybody
gives what they can to iIliproving and directing things that are going to as well as 25 vears from now. with the growth going on and what
not, I think it's a reai exciting time and I'd like to be a part of that
and hopefully I'd do a good job.
Sietsema: We don't have any other questions. Do you have anything else
you'd like to add?
Wendy pemrick: Gosh. I don't know. I'll think of tons when I get home
but right now I guess not. Thanks very much.
sietsema: Thanks for coming in.
Mady: Are you down by Bandimere?
Wendy pemrick: Yes. I'm dead center between...Kiowa and Lake Riley Blvd
so we've been talking arr,ongst ourselves, the neighborhood and everyone's
real thrilled about this new park. I think it'd be nice to have a voice
in the condition of that. Helping out as it's being developed.
Park and Rec Corr.nlission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 23
Sietsema: The Park and Recreation Corr~ission is going to evaluate the
interviews tonight and make a selection. Narrow the selection down for the
City Council and they will probably be interviewing the finalists on, I
think it's March 26th. Is that a Monday? I mean February.
Robinson: Two weeks from last night.
Sietsema: Two weeks from last night anyway. I will be notifying you at
any rate. What time you can anticipate the interview to be held. It's not
as easy to pin down as it is for this group. If you say it's going to be
on 8:00, it may not be on until midnight.
Wendy pemrick: March 5th is the only booked night I have.
Sietsen.a: I'll let you know prior to that anyway.
Sietsema: First thing I want to let you know is that the Park and
Recreation CorrlIt.ission meets the second and fourth Tuesdav of the rr.onth at
7:30. We often meet, especially in the and spring time on weekends
or hold special meetings or meet earlier than 7:30 to get out into the park
system. So the first question we have tonight is do you feel that you have
the tirr.e to Iraake the commitment to the Park and Recreation Contn.ission?
James Andrews: Yes. I would be here. I was aware of the tirr.e corr.n.i tment
you were looking for.
Sietsema: What is your in.pression of the cun~ent park and recreation
system and what do you feel you can add through your expertise or basic
James Andrews: I think Chanhassen has an excellent park system along with
Carver County. Most of my experience has been with Hennepin County and
also Ranisey County where I've been active in several volunteer positions
before. I think what I could add to it is I think I'm dedicated with
energy and I feel like I'd like to make a difference in a comrr.unity. I
feel like it's kind of putting something back in rather than just being
overly passive. I guess I consider myself to be conservative with our
resources, both monetary as well the land and the various properties we
already own. How can they be best used? How can they be put to better use
for the future?
Sietsen.a: What do you feel is the role of the Park and Recreation
Comrroission? Andrews: I guess I see the corrlnlission as trustees of property and
resources for the corr~unity. We're acting on the behalf of the con~unity
and I guess I feel like my personal viewpoint is as iniportant as what the
corr~unity seems to want and I feel it's niY, if I were on the board, it'd be
~ my job to carry out what the corr~unity wants in the best way that I know
Park and Rec Con~ission Meeting
February 13, 199~ - Page 24
sietsema: What are your feelings regarding conservation and the
environn,ent and also passive parks versus active parks?
James Andrews: I think you can tell already I guess I'm concerned. I'm an
active conservationist type of a person. I guess I like to preserve nature
and in it's natural setting more than necessarily improving all properties
to be a parking lot and a gymnasium. I don't feel that's necessarily the
way to go in every property. The second half of your question was?
Sietsen.a: The second half was what are your feel ings regarding passive
parks versus active parks?
James Andrews: I think you need both. I mean some people do appreciate
nature and it's...settings and others, I know I have kids who are, they do
enjoy a woodsy setting but occasionally a jungle gym can con,e in very handy
so I think both are necessary. Chanhassen's a very large city. We have a
lot of sections of Chanhassen that are virtually undeveloped. Those will
obviously still go for preserves whereas in neighborhoods like where
I live, more of an active park, tennis courts or baseball diamonds or
whatever...are suitable.
Sietsema: Please elaborate on why you wish to serve on the Park and
Recreation Con~ission.
James Andrews: I think the most important reason for me is a personal ~
desire to contribute. I have been active in other volunteer positions. I
think it's very rewarding to contribute to make a difference and to try to
niake it a better place for everybody. Not just now but in the future.
I guess I look at the Park Board as a position where some of the decisions
we make will be important for many, many years. Possibly long after we're
gone so I think it's an important job.
Sietsema: Okay. We have no other questions. Do you have anything else
you'd like to add?
Jan.,es Andrews: No.
Sietsema: Alright. The Con~iission will be evaluating the interviews
tonight and narrowing down the selection process for the Council and those
interviews will be held most likely February 26th. I'll be contacting you
before then to let you know when that will be. Are you available the 26th?
James Andrews: What day is that?
Hoffman: It's a Monday night.
James Andrews: I can make it.
sietsema: It very likely will be late.
James Andrews: It will start late? Okay.
Park and Rec Con~ission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 25
Sietsema: It won't be the first thing on the agenda and it could be late.
Mady: City Council meeting. They may do it right in the middle. They may
do it at the beginning.
Sietsema: Yeah, it's hard to pin them down for a time because we never
know how long their items are going to go but I'll let you know about what
time and what night it is for sure before then.
Sietsema: Mike, you know when we nieet. The second and fourth Tueddays.
You've been through this whole thing. It's the same questions tonight. We
meet the second and fourth and often we meet more in the summers and the
spring. More often to go out to park sites or to sites that are going to
be developed so the first question we have is do you feel you have the tinie
to Iliake the cOIlimi tn.ent?
Michael Schroeder:
Sietsema: Okay. Second question is. What is your impression of the
current park and recreation system and what do you feel you can add?
Michael Schroeder: Well I think it had a way to develop. I think it's a
good basic start. I guess my input is more front a neighborhood perspective
in the Carver Beach area and what affect a park has in a given neighborhood
and so...from that direction.
Sietsema: Okay. What do you feel is the role of the Park and Recreation
Michael Schroeder: To advise the City and the City Council on the matters
concerning parks and recreation. A body that's able to look in deeper into
some of that subject matter and n,ake recommendations.
Sietsema: And what are your feelings regarding conservation and the
environment and also passive parks versus active parks?
Michael Schroeder: Well I've always been a very strong advocate of the
building and maintaining of parks, both passive and active. I think both
are needed. In a city like Chanhassen probably the demand for active park
is probably going to be growing but I think there needs to be some balance
there...get further out where there's no wilderness...
Sietsema: Please elaborate on why you wish to serve on the Park and
Recreation Comniission.
Michael Schroeder: 'I've been involved with issues in this area. I live
right on a park in the Carver Beach area and as I say, I've always had
interest in this area environmental concerns in parks and I guess I feel if
,-.., you want to make con~ents on things and make direction for the City, that
you need to become involved in it. You can't just sit in the back and
Park and Rec Con~ission Meeting
February 13, 199~ - Page 26
complain about things. You've got to be involved in it.
Sietsema: Okay. We don't have any other questions. Do you have anything
else you'd like to add?
Michael Schroeder: No.
Sietsema: Okay. They'll be evaluating the interviews tonight and
narrowing down the selection for the City Council and subnd tting their
recommendations. I'm anticipating that the City Council interviews will be
on February 26th. I don't know what time but I'll let you know beforehand.
Approximately what time with the City Council. You never know but at least
the day. You can then anticipate hearing froni me within the next week or
so. Thanks.
Michael Schroeder: Three strikes and I'm out.
sietsema: Are you aware of the time con.nii tnient involved? The Park and
Recreation ConoI~-.ission n.eets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at
7:3~ and when the days are longer in the sun~ier and spring, we sometimes
n.eet more often or on weekends to walk park si tes or whatever so our first
question for you tonight is, do you feel you have the time to make the
con~d tnient to the Park and Recreation Con~dssion? -"'"
Erik Paulsen: Yea~, I definitely do. Any time I do take on a
responsibility, I try to offer as much to it as possible. Currently I'm
working with Senator Boschwitz' campaign and I can see where it might be a
probleni say like the first 2 weeks in November, something like that but
other than that I would have no problems at all.
Sietsema: Okay. What is your in.pression of the current park and
recreation system and what do you feel you can add with your expertise or
your knowledge of it?
Erik Paulsen: I think the duty of the Park and Recreation Board is just to
advise the City Council on what to do with the current land that is
available or how to handle the park system. I know I hear complaints on
how the Board has functioned. I just try to follow a little bit in the
paper on it. In favor myself, I like the trail system. Things like that.
Things that would benefit the people who live in Chanhassen. I've lived
here pretty much all my life and I think I guess I have a genuine interest
I guess in the future of Ch~nhassen. I personally would like to settle
down here. Raise a family. I'm living here right now and I think it's
important for the City to plan ahead for it's citizens.
Sietsema: You pretty much answered our third question. Do you have an
impression, so I'm going to ask the second one. What's your impression of
our current park system? As far as the overall park system. Not the
con~dssion .
Park and Rec Corr~ission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 27
Erik Paulsen: I was a lifeguard at Lake Ann for 2 years. I think the park
system is fantastic. I think the City of Eden prairie is a really good job
of planning. City Planning. Plans for the number of people that live
there. I think Chanhassen is growing at an incredible pace. It's
important to keep up with the needs of the citizens.
Sietsema: What are your feelings regarding conservation and environment
and also, passive parks versus active parks?
Erik Paulsen: As far as active parks and passive parks, I'm in favor of a
balance between the two. I guess I would have to look at the specific case
by case study as they came up. Personally I play softball and soccer,
whatever and I also enjoy going on nature walks like at Carver Park Reserve
or something. A balance is in order I think. I guess we'd just go on it
case by case.
Sietsenia: Could you please elaborate on why you wish to serve on the Park
and Recreation Commission?
Erik Paulsen: Well like I say I have a genuine interest in just being a
part of how the City of Chanhassen grows. I have an interest in the future
public policy or politics. It's kind of not a nitch necessarily but it's
something that I really enjoy. I enjoy offering a time corr~itment. I have
,...... no problerrl no rr.atter how rr.uch work it takes. It's just soniething that
I feel good about myself helping others.
Sietsema: Okay. We don't have any other questions. Do you have anything
else you'd like to add?
Erik Paulsen: Not really. I've been through this once before. There are
3 openings possibly or soniething?
Sietserr.a: Yeah. The Park and Recreation Commission is going to be
evaluating the interviews tonight and narrowing the selection for the City
Council and the interviews for the City Council will probably be on
February 26th. I'll let you know before then what tinie you can expect to
be interviewed and for sure that date. What the date would be. Okay?
Thanks a lot.
Sietsema: Jirr. Storni called today and he forgot that he had other
corr~itments. He teaches on Tuesday nights so he wouldn't be able to make
any of the meetings.
Erhart: Was he one of the other applicants last time?
Sietsema: No.
Boyt: Isn't the name familiar?
Sietsema: The narr.e is famil iar. He said he'd be able to do it if we
,.".. changed our meeting dates.
Park and Rec Con~ission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 28
Sietsema: Sue, do you know when we nieet?
Boyt: It slipped my mind last October.
sietsenia: Do you feel that you have the tinie to make a cOJl"tIni tJl"lent to the
Park and Recreation Con~ission?
Boyt: Yes I do.
sietsema: Okay. What is your impression of the current park and
recreation system and what do you feel you can add with your expertise and
basic knowledge?
Boyt: I think the current park and rec systeni is moving in some real
exciting directions since I've been around up there. We've had more and
more cOJl"~unity people coming in to share their concerns with us and that's
real important to the job we do and I'd like to see more and more of that
happening. I 'nl real excited about the progran.niing that's going on. I
think Todd is doing a lot of that. The work our staff is doing to enhance
our program is just wonderful. I'm excited about our acquisition. I was
tooling around, I now work in Shakopee so I come up through most of
Chanhassen every day looking at pieces of property that we do own. That we
might own. Today I thought we have more than I thought. There's so much ~
that's not developed yet that's out there. As far as what I bring to the
Con.niission, I have an extensive volunteer background in Chanhassen, Chaska
and Carver County that's in my application of groups that I work with.
Through working with these groups I have a lot of contacts and talk to a
lot of people and that helps me as a Park and Rec Con~issioner because I
can talk to someone at basketball. Sonleone froJl"I BandiJl"lere niight say you
know we'd really like some sort of facility down there. Basketball. But
they don't feel comfortable coming before us as a group but they'll tell us
one on I'm at a lot of things. I'm in contact with a lot of
people. I also run into people as a youth coach. I coach many of the
sports. I coach everything except basketball and I watch that. Through
that I can see what our facility needs are for our kids and talk to parents
and talk to kids and I think that's important input that we need on the
con~ission. I think that's where we have a pretty good representation on
the con~ission of people who are involved in different things and bring
different interest to the con~ission.
(There was a tape change while Lori Sietsema was asking Sue Boyt
Boyt: I feel that ownership of our parks. I live adjacent to a park and
it's one of our passive parks and when I see one of the neighbors cutting
down bushes and trees in the parkland, I'm not shy about calling the city
offices and letting them know. When I see the neighbors repeatedly walking
their dog in the park, I call Deb Rand. It hurts me to see one of our
parks abused. We work hard on trying to provide wonderful resources for
our con~unity and they're for Chanhassen. Our parks are for all of
~ Park and Rec Corr~ission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 29
Chanhassen and I think it's important that they be preserved and I think we
need to find a new way to preserve our passive parks.' I think our Council
is taking some important steps preserving trees and bluffs and wetlands and
I think we're leaders in that area. Passive parks versus active parks. We
have a history of acquiring more active parks recently because that's where
our need is and we don't have the.funds to go out and buy passive parks.
Hopefully the day will come when we can acquire more passive parkland
because that's an important balance to have.
Sietsema: Please elaborate on why you wish to serve on the Park and
Recreation Corr~ission.
Boyt: I have enjoyed working on the con~ission and a year ago I evaluated
my volunteer work. Cut out most of it. As I prioritized, Park and Rec was
at the top. It's something I enjoy. I enjoy working with the people here.
I love to ride around and see there's Lake Ann and it's expanded because of
the work this commission has done. To see the playground equipment going
up and know that I got to sit in an-office with Lori and look through
catalogues and talk to someone and now that playground equipment is out
there. Parks and recreation are important to me and I enjoy the time
I spend doing it.
Sietsema: Do you have anything else you'd like to add?
Boyt: No. Well, if you have any questions. Thanks for your time.
Sietsema: They'll be evaluation them and sending them on to City Council.
I'll let you know when your time is.
Boyt: We have time for you Jan. Are you sure you don't want to do this?
Lash: I just did it a year ago. I think you guys already know.
Sietsema: The Park and Recreation Corr~ission meets on the second and'
fourth Tuesdavs of the month at 7:30. In addition to that we often meet to
hold special ~eetings and sometimes weekends. Sometimes earlier. Meet
earlier than 7:30 so that we can get out into the parks or to walk a site
that we may be reviewing. So our first question tonight is do you feel you
have the time to make the corr~itment to the Park and Recreation Con~ission?
Kevin Kinnear: Absolutely.
Sietserr.a: Okay. What is your inipression of the current park and
recreation system and what do you feel that you can add through your
expertise or basic knowledge?
Kevin Kinnear: I think my observation thus far has been that it's offering
good opportunities for a corr~unity that has been smaller. A lot of the
I""" programs that I've seen advertised within the paper and your mailings,
offer in some instances programs that are unique for a corr~unity this size.
Park and Rec Con~ission Meeting
February 13, 199~ - Page 3~
But my experiences with my position in my current job dealing with
recreational activities and growing up using park and rec activities in
Denver, lead me to believe that I could improve on those activities. Also
with the parks, I've had experience with a wilderness study group in
Colorado in surveying land for use by the public in SOttie cases for national
parks which we have a different scenario but in other cases for other
public uses.
sietsema: What do you feel is the role of the Park and Recreation
Kevin Kinnear: To secure the use of land for public recreational uses and
to provide recreational programs for the citizens of the con~unity
Sietsema: Okay. What are your feelings regarding conservation and
environn,ent and passive parks versus active parks?
Kevin Kinnear: With my connection with the wilderness study group in
Colorado, I'm actually interested in conservation of the environIlient. I
believe actually that there is a very important use for both types of
parks. Talking about passive and active. I was an ardent supporter of
setting aside wilderness land to be used by those people who weren't
walking to it or horseback in to it and just enjoy the land without having
to use it for sOIliething speci fic. But as a person who's been involved in
sports and athletics and a user of parks, I also firmly believe that there
are some areas that should be developed so that all people including
handicapped people can take advantage of the facilities.
sietsema: Please elaborate on why you wish to serve on the Park and
Recreation Commission.
Kevin Kinnear: Well I have a vested interest. My two sons who will be
growing up here and hopefully participating in a lot of progranls and
enjoying the use of the parks as well as myself and nlY wife and n,aybe...
Also I think that my personal experience, both with my position in my
conlpany and with my use of recreational progranls in Colorado will allow Ilie
to bring some expertise to the con~ission.
sietsema: We have no other questions. Do you have anything else you'd
like to add?
Kevin Kinnear: No.
Sietsema: Okay. The Comn,ission will be evaluating the interviews tonight
and they're narrowing down the selection for the Council and submitting
their recon~endations. I'm anticipating that the interviews at the Council
level will be on March 26th. I will let you know between now and then if
you need to be there and about what time. Thank you. One of the things I
can't recall about the last time. I don't know how you want to do it. I
think I'Ili not going to make a recon~endation or even suggestion but if you
want to make a recon~eridation as to the current con~issioners that are
being reappointed or do you want to automatically send, I think they'll
~ Park and Rec Con~ission Meeting
February 13, 199~ - Page 31
automatically be sent but if you want to nlake a recomlTlendation regarding
them. I don't know how you want to handle that. Do you know what I mean?
Schroers: Yeah.
Sietsema: So the con~issioners are each going to rank each one of the
candidates, all 9 of them, including the encumbants in the order that you
would personally make a recommendation. We'll tally all those up and
determine who scores the most points. So when you're ready.
Schroers: You want the encumbants ranked?
Sietsema: Right.
Mady: You can your own reasons for whatever.
ranking people and the encumbants too.
I have reasons for why I'm
Sietsema: So you'll have to make decisions if you have ties or whatever
but a ranking of 1 to 9 and Todd will add them all up and we'll see how it
shakes out.
Hoffman: Number one. Do you feel you have the time to make the
cOlTU'ni tment?
Sietsema: We're not going to do it by question.
Mady: We're just going to rank individuals. We're not going to do it by
question. Then it becomes real tough.
Sietsema: No, just overall. Okay the candidates have been tallied.
Scored and the results are.
Lash, 7. Hasek, l~. pemrick, 14. Andrews, 19.
22. Paulsen, 26. Schroeder, 27. Rahe, 3~.
Bo yt, 2".
So the one with the least score is the most favored.
The break would then be where?
Ranked the
Mady: Between Kinnear and Paulsen.
Sietsema: So after Kinnear. So then the top 6 are Lash, Hasek, pemrick,
Andrews, Boyt and Kinnear. Those are the 6 you want to send onto. Are
there other COlT~ents that you want to make?
Mady: I do. I just wanted to go over, I based some of niY things on the
criteria we established and I just wanted to speak on people who definitely
met a criteria. I wanted to make sure that was read in. Criteria number
one, a member should represent all areas of the City to the extent
possible. Actually number 1 and nuniber 2 are pretty closely tied. Ed
Hasek being on Minnewashta Parkway represents an area that's not
represented well in the City. Jim Andrews represents the North Lotus Lake
.~ area. We have no representation there and Kevin Kinnear from the South
Lake Susan area is a person who fits that criteria as far as I was
Park and Rec Co~~ission Meeting
February 13, 1999 - Page 32
concerned. NU~iber 3, the reappointment of current meIflbers. All three,
Sue, Ed and Jan meet that one without any problems. They know what's going
on. Thev have a good solid history and I think that's a very important
item up here. 4 and 5 are very difficult. Number 5, the various age
groups. They're all pretty close. I think everyone we spoke to tonight is
all basically in their 39 age group. Erik Paulsen was younger. Other than
that there was no one of the senior group where we've missed that since
Wally left us but that's something we need to hopefully find in the future.
We didn't have that opportunity here. Number 6, selection based on
interview. I thought both, and these are personal opinions, Wendy pemrick
and Kevin Kinnear being people I've never met before. Didn't know who they
were. Did seem to have a feeling for what was going on and had some
background. They were a plus in that group. I didn't give pluses to
anybody else and those are just ~.IY COIliltlents.
Schroers: We have some consistency. I also felt that as far as
unencumbants are concerned, that Wendy pemrick and Kevin Kinnear I felt
showed more potential and I felt that they had a better grasp of what was
going on. The only cOIf~ent that I want to make is, I feel that on the 2
year appointment, there is so much going on with Park and Rec here in the
City that by the time you really feel comfortable and start to feel like
you're in tune with things, your up for reappointment. I feel that if we
have encumbants that are getting along and we're working together well,
that they should definitely have an advantage and they should definitely be
given an added consideration for reappoint~ient in that I feel that the
longer the person has been here, the more knowledgeable they are. The
better chance we're going to have of producing a quality product. I think
that it's not unfair to give people who have been here and who have been
doing a good job a little added consideration as far as reappointment is
concerned. I think everyone has their own opinions but my opinion is that
all three Ed, Jan and Sue have all made very positive contributions and
they have all deIlionstrated that they are more than interested. That they
each have their own special expertise and experience to lend and I would
like to see them given first consideration.
Robinson: I really didn't go by, follow our criteria because I couldn't, I
had trouble with that a year ago. I tried to consider it. Especially the
location and I'll just comIflent on some of the non-encuItlbants. Wendy
pemrick, she just impressed me. When you asked her what she thought the
role of the Park and Rec was, I mean she had that down pat. Exactly what
we did and it was to recoIf~iend to the Council. A 1iason between the people
and the Council I believe is what she said. She's concerned about the
environment and it sounds like her concern is more...exciting time and it
sure is and she represents the people in the New Bandimere area so I was
just impressed with her. The other one that I liked was Jim Andrews. The
main thing with him is he represents the North Lotus area. I believe
that's where. So that's my comIflents.
Mady: One thing I wanted to add I think is important. In the interview
process anyway is if people demonstrate that they're a proactive, positive
type of person versus a reactive negative type person. I think we saw both
today and there are some people who they're only activity with the City is
to come up and complain about things. Then there are the other type of ~
~. Park and Rec Commission Meeting
February 13, 1990 - Page 33
people who come in and ask for things and show opportunities and answers.
God knows the City's got enough people who sit around and complain. We
need at the city cOITffilission level, have the people who are there to make,
are there with answers and ideas and are looking to the future instead of
wai ting for something to come up and then just either conlplain or agree
with it. What have you. I think it's important to be as proactive,
especially in a cOIT~unity that's developing. Gosh, we need to be looking
at least 5 years down the road every time we make a decision instead of
gee, what's going to calm which forest fire first. We need to look at how
we prevent the forest fire from even starting.
Robinson: And I think you've seen that tonight...
Schroer s : I do too.
Erhart: I have a few con~lents too yet. On the non-encumbants also. First
of Wendy Penlr ick I also was very impressed wi th. I do know Wendy a 1 i ttle
bit. I feel that she's a very professional person and I think that she
would interact very well between the citizens and the Council and I think
that she'd be somebody that is fun to work with. I think she is very
proactive, like Jim had cOITffilented that we need people like that, and her
level of excitement. That is the type of person she is. She's very
optimistic and it would be nice to have somebody like that on here. Then
Andrews. James Andrews also, his location is not represented and I also
fel t that he would work very well representing the needs of the cOlllmuni ty
Sietsema: So do you want to lIlake a motion then? Do you want to go wi th
the 6 or the 5 or whatever.
Mady: I move that we pass along the listing of the 6 candidates and their
rankings to Council.
Schroers: 'Is there a second?
Robinson: I second it.
Mady moved, Robinson seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission
recoITffilend that the City Council consider the following candidates to fill
the 3 cornmission vacancies for the Park and Recreation CoIT.mission: Jan
Lash, Ed Hasek, Wendy pemrick, James Andrews, Sue Boyt and Kevin Kinnear.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Mady moved, Robinson seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor
and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:58 p.m..
Subnd tted by Lori Sietsema
Park and Rec Coordinator
~ Prepared by Nann Opheim