PRC 1989 04 11
PRIL 11, 1989
Chairman Mady called the meeting to order.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Lash, Larry Schroers, Sue Boyt, Jim Mady, Ed Hasek,
and Dawne Erhart
STAFF PRESENT: Lori Sietsema, Park and Rec Coordinator and Todd Hoffman,
Recreation Supervisor
The Park and Recreation Commission welcomed the new commissioner, Jan
Hasek moved, Schroers seconded to appoint Sue Boyt as Acting Chair the
meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
.tasek moved, Mady seconded to approve the second ha 1 f of the Mi nutes of
the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated March 21, 1989 as amended
on page 27 to replace Don Ashworth with Don Chmiel. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Mady moved, Hasek seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and
Recreation Commission meeting dated March 28, 1989 as amended on page 32
by Sue Boyt to change "lime shelter" to "Lion's shelter"; and Dawne Erhart
stated that on page 48 she voted in opposition to the motion so the vote
should have been 4 to 2. All voted in favor of the Minutes as amended and
the motion carried.
Public Present:
Don Peterson
R.J. Anderson
Roger Byrne
Steve Olson
Mary Beth Tillman
~ichael & Marie Schroeder
ave & Leneda Rahe
Mike Wegler
John & Lisa Lensegrav
6896 Navajo Drive
6870 Lotus Trajl
6724 Lotus Trail
6780 Lotus Trail
6940 Lotus Trail
6600 Lotus Trail
1021 Carver Beach Road
6630 Mohawk Drive
6880 Lotus Trail
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 2
Chairwoman Boyt called the public hearing to order.
Sietsema: I'd like to ask everyone to please sign the sheet in the back
of the room so we can contact you of any future meetings because I'm sure
that there will be. This item is placed on the agenda to brainstorm as to
how we can improve Carver Beach Park. The linear park along Lotus Trail
within the Carver Beach neighborhood. Staff doesn't have any ideas or any
preconceived ideas or any kind of plans in this area. There has been the
desire on the part of the commission to improve the park since the old
boat access was removed and to put up some barriers to make sure that that
old access stays closed and is not used. In previous meetings when we've
had the audience in on other, or the people in the neighborhood in on
other issues, they have indicated that there are some things that they'd
like to see done to the park so we wanted to provide them with the
opportunity to come in and tell us what those are formally. We will take
those ideas back at the direction of the commission and put them down on
paper and come back with a park plan showing those ideas and how those
would work. So I'd just recommend that you open it up for public
Boyt: Anyone who wants to talk to us about the park, come on up.
Don Peterson: My name is Don Peterson. I live at 6896 Navajo Drive. I've
~een an active user of the park for 10 years. It's great that they're
~oing to do something with it. I'm a boater and it's a very nice lake to ,.,
boat on. The DNR is active in the lake. The enforcement was there quite
a bit last summer which I appreciated. Right now I think the park is
greatly under utilized. The 4th of July there was four boats down in the
park for the whole weekend and I was one of them, and they're all
neighborhood people so as far as like it says, discussing limited
powerboats drastically. The new access has already done that. There's
only 10 or 12 spots and people aren't going to wait. If they can't get
on, they'll go to another lake. Waconia and stuff so the lake is pretty
quiet all summer long. So anyway to try and shut off the neighborhood or
more boats would be just like, you might as well make it a canoe lake,
which I enjoy doing too but it's a big resource. I hope to see
improvements be made but I hope it's not just for a certain element or to
satisfy the people on the other side of the lake that have docks because
it's kind of like our, Carver Beach uses that for kind of like our
lakeshore fun too.
Sietsema: If I could just make one comment. The map that I handed out
was done by one of the residents and with his suggestions. I thought it
would be nice for you to have a visual to look at the map and his
suggestions are on there. He'll probably get up and talk about those too.
Mike Wegler: My name is Mike Wegler. I live at 6630 Mohawk Drive. Down
by the old boat launch area there. I've been a resident in Carver Beach,
Chanhassen for 34 years. I've lived in Carver Beach all my life. I know
:his area very well. We discussed last fall about the raft and staff and
moving it out and that was our main issue about keeping it for kids and
public and everybody to use. I just drew this up. Didn't have much time
to do it but you can see there'~ a walking path on there and stuff. It
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 3
needs to be cleaned up. We would like to get either the City or us to put
a new raft in. It doesn't make any difference to use. That's where we're
standing on it but we need to have a clean up to bring us down dumpsters
and get something going. That whole area needs to be gone through and
brushed out and we don't want to take any trees down or anything like that
but we want it picked up and cleaned up and make a chip walking path or
gravel. I personally don't think blacktop...
Boyt: You put this together?
Mike Wegler: Yes.
Boyt: And is this a dock that you have drawn on here?
Mike Wegler: Yes. They discussed a fishing for the kids and this is a
very nice spot in here. If you've been down there, that's a...
Boyt: Yes, a weedy area.
Mike Wegler: Where we've been keeping it mowed and stuff and we thought
put a few picnic tables in there. Put a fishing pier out for the kids.
Let them use it a little bit.
~3sek: It says fishing/launch dock.
Mike Wegler:
It's where the old launch was.
Hasek: Okay. So you're not advocating opening another launch?
Mike Wegler: No. My mother drew this up and she had talked about it and
stuff like that and she wrote that on there. We didn't have time. I
didn't even have time to go back with her and go through it so there's a
few things on there as far as the motors and stuff like that that's
already decided on that lake.
Schroers: Mike, since you live right there, do you think that the main
use of the path would be to get the residents from the immediate
neighborhood over to the main park area and back and forth? Just more or
less a walking and maybe bicycles path?
Mike Wegler: That's about exactly what it would be. Just a walk. I
know my kids don't go over there as far as to swim and now with the new
Fox Chase and stuff coming in, this end should basically be left the way
it is, if not upgraded and make it useable because if you let it go back,
it's just going to...
Schroers: Would you see crushed aggregate or woodchip be adequate?
~ike Wegler: I don't see why not. I know the woodchips are kind of thing
ith the pollution. I don't know if they really like that.
Schroers: The thing with woodchips is they just don't last.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 4
Mike Wegler: I guess rock. I don't really know. I think if it was
cleaned up and, I know when I was a little kid we had a little path we
used to walk through there. Get poison ivy and itch weed and all that but
we always made it through. It's been cleaned out a little bit by the Boy
Scouts a few years ago. Just maintenance would help a lot.
Hasek: Does that trail wash out when it rains at all? Are there spots
where there's gullies through it? Are we going to have to handle drainage
down there?
Mike Wegler: Somewhat yes. That's the slope in there. That's another
question. Maybe you don't want to mess with a too extensive path through
there. Just brush it out and get it so the people can walk through there
because people walk through there all the time. It's not heavy.
Mosquitoes will carry you out. Anyway, anything else? I guess our main
thing is that we get the raft back. That's what we want. As long as we
can keep that swimming beach open. As far as fixing it up, we'd be more
than willing to help anyway we can.
Leneda Rahe: My name is Leneda Rahe and I live at 1021 Carver Beach Road.
I was wondering about the swimming area. Were you thinking about
improving anything down at the swimming area as far as ever putting more
sand down there or eliminating the weeds which are growing up by the beach
~nd the plastic that has all washed ashore. It's pretty messy down there.
As of last summer. Maybe something's been done between summer and now. -'
Does anyone know about that?
Hasek: What plastic?
Leneda Rahe: Yes, plastic that was laying down there. Does anyone know
about that?
Mady: Yes, we just put all new sand down there. The plastic was to keep
the growth from corning up through.
Leneda Rahe: Yes I know and it all washed ashore.
Roger Byrne: My name is Roger Byrne. I live at 6724 Lotus Trail. If
you're going to do anything down there, you've got to start by getting
that cleaned up. If you don't clean it up, anything you do is going to be
worthless. That's the main thing I think. That's the place to start
anyway. After that, it has a lot of potential there and I think you guys
know that and figure out something. Anything you do I'm sure will be
muchly appreciated by the people in the neighborhood. It's a neighborhood
park and the neighborhood uses it. Anything that goes in there I'm sure
will be used. You won't be wasting your money. The neighborhood will use
it. If you put a canoe rack and fishing pier or just fix the beaches up,
anything. I'm sure the neighbors will use it because they use it now in
the shape it's in and I'm sure you'd get a lot more uses. You're not
1asting your money at all with anything you do down there. The people
will appreciate it and they'll use it. Another thing, after we do clean
it up, you've got to have someway of keeping it clean which means putting
some trash cans down there. You've got to have some regular maintenance
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 5
of getting that trash out of there. Everybody throws the trash now
because there's nothing to put it in. As long as you have the receptacles
to put stuff in, if it's going to be a park, just make it look like a park
and keep it like a park and I'm sure people will appreciate it.
Hasek: I have a question. You live right across the street from that
little beach, right?
Roger Byrne: Yes.
Hasek: Is a lot of the traffic that goes up and down Lotus Lake Trail,
local traffic or are there a lot of outsiders that drive up and down
there? The reason I ask that question is because there's an awful lot of
garbage that's just over the hill off of that road and I'm wondering if
it's the neighbors that have thrown it in there or people from outside?
Roger Byrne: There's a lot of stuff that I know didn't come from
neighbors because there's a lot of old bicycle frames. There's an old
motorcycle stripped out that's down there now and just big time trash.
Kids run up and down there, pop cans fly and stuff like that. I think
some of the neighbors do throw stuff in there too. A lot of people dump
their leaves over the edge but it doesn't look like a park so nobody
treats it like a park. If you clean it up once and make it look like a
~ark, people will treat it like it should be treated. So that's where we
.ave to start. That's a big project to clean that whole place up.
There's dead trees in there. A lot of downed trees. A lot of weeds and
crap that shouldn't be in there if you want to make it look like a park.
It will get used all the way along from one end to the other with people
fishing along there all summer the way it is.
Hasek: Just from a maintenance question I guess. As a direct neighbor
over there, if you were to see one of your neighbors throwing trash on
there, would you be tempted to say something, and I'm talking about leaf
litter and stuff like that. I'm wondering if somebody started up and kept
it up once we got it greened up. That's a thing that we wouldn't be
typically cleaning up in there.
Roger Byrne: I think once we clean it up, I think everybody will take
more pride in it and I don't think the neighbors would dump stuff.
Everybody dumps -stuff because they figure it looks like a dump already so
you dump stuff in a dump. If it looks like a park, that ain't where you
dump stuff you know. I think that's the problem. It looks like a dump so
everybody dumps stuff. I'd say something. If it was all cleaned up and
real nice over there and I see somebody dumping their junk over there, I'd
say something and make them get it out of there. But right now, it's
pretty tough to say anything to anybody because it looks like that's where
it's supposed to go.
~ady: Roger, last year when we talked with you down there, there's that
ndividual, a couple of guys were down there fishing. We talked about
allowing parking on one side of the road so people could fish there. Is
that still?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 6
Roger Byrne: Well, me and Mike was talking about that. The road's pretty
narrow. I don't know if parking on the road per se, all up and down the
road would be very good. But there are some spots along in there where a
couple small trees could be cut down, there's a million trees in there,
and the road would be widened out. Mike works for the City. Half hour
with a grader down there and he could make, there are some spots where you
could park a couple cars here. Maybe up half a block, another couple.
I'm sure along that, from one end of that park to the other end there's
probably spaces where you could widened it out enough and say parking
here. Parking there. No parking on the street per se but you'd probably
get 15 cars in there.
~ap1~ I don't know if we need that many.
Roger Byrne: Yes, I know but if you really wanted to. And then down by
towards the boat launch, there's space out there where you can make a
couple. I don't know, you could try down the road on one side. I don't
know if it would work too good. The road's pretty narrow and it washes
out when it rains and gets big gullies on the side which makes it narrower
yet. Until they fix that road and maintain it, it's tough. But we're
willing to get it paved but we don't want it to. Nobody wants to pay the
City tab. They want us to pay for the whole thing so now we don't want to
pave it and there you are. It should have been done a long time ago when
~he sewer went in but I can't afford. I've got to pay like $6,000.00 to
~7,000.00. That was 5 years ago. It's probably double that again by now. ~
Mady: I just wanted to find out what your feeling was.
Roger Byrne: I'm just speaking for myself on the parking. I know alot of
people don't want no parking out there. That's just because they were so
mad because we took it for so long because the boat launch down there, we
go no relief from that for years and years. And the dust, we got no
relief from that for years and years. Now everybody says, hey, now all of
a sudden they want it back and we fought and fought for the no parking and
now we fought so long for what little we got, now I want them to give it
back. I think something could be worked out down there. But you've got
to keep in mind also that it is a neighborhood park. It's not Lake Ann.
It's for everybody but everybody's not going to come. The neighbors are
going to use it probably 90% of the use and some other people come down
there with a fishing pot you know and they should have someplace to park.
I'm sure something can be worked out there. I think something should be
worked out there. That can probably be worked in with cleaning up. When
they clean up, if we have a couple extra trees, bulldoze them up and put a
little gravel in and you've got a parking spot.
Boyt: Is this something that we're going to work with Mark on?
Sietsema: Yes.
',oyt: Okay. So now should we hear the commission comments on it?
Sietsema: Yes. You want to discuss it amongst yourselves and then direct
staff to include different, whatever you want to include in a plan and
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 7
Mark and I will come up with a concept plan with different facilities and
Erhart: I agree that this site needs to be cleaned up first. Some of the
trees maybe taken down, the dead ones anyway and some waste containers.
Maybe some grading, like he mentioned, for parking. Widening the road.
Hasek: I guess I'd like to see as many facilities as we can possibly put
down there that the people would like to see. I don't know how that's
going to be accomplished. I think that a fishing dock is in order.
I would like to see the trail cleaned up. I know we walked it last year
and it was bare and muddy and I think that might be a little bit of a
problem for a quick and dirty solution. I think it's going to have to be
looked at a little bit more closely. Maybe even designed on site to
accommodate some drainage so we don't get washouts with whatever we do
down there. I'd like to see an aggregate trail as opposed to woodchip
trail or bi tuminous trai 1. I don't see any problem wi th the raft. Weed
control is something that we're constantly working on. The major clean up
is going to have to be done no matter what we do down there. picnic
tables are a good idea. They'll get used no matter what. New raft is
something I'd like to take a closer look at. I'd like to see some canoe
racks looked at. I think that will probably take care of everything. The
parking is something I'd like to look at but I certainly don't want to
~ver park that road down there. I know that it's narrow and it's got some
.rainage problems. We can accommodate a few spaces for the people that
want to fish off the pier that don't live in the neighborhood.
Mady: Previously when we toured the park, when Mike Lynch was on the
commission, Mike had offered the Boy Scouts for park clean up. They've
done it before so possibly I'd like to see staff contact Mike and see what
he can arrange with a quick clean up as soon as possible and then we can
see really what we have there to work with. They're willing to do it and
I know they'll do a good job for us. On the raft, if we've taken the raft
away, we should be putting the raft in this year too. We've got $3,000.00
in our budget for this park. I'd like to see staff get some numbers for
us as soon as possible so that by the 1st of June we can have something
available. With the trail, I agree with Ed in ago An ag lime trail is
probably the best thing down there. Woodchips are simply just going to
float away into the lake. They'll look nice for about 3 months and then
we won't have any trail again. We need to probably do it on site. Try to
find out what we need to do with possibly culverts to direct some of the
water away from the trail after it gets put in. There is a fairly natural
path down there. A couple of spots have been pretty overgrown but if
you're willing to really work hard, you can get through but I don't think
it'd be too much trouble to brush that out and we can do that. The rest
of the items, the trash containers and picnic tables, we've got those
available in our budget and just through our yearly acquisitions shouldn't
be any problem putting in a few tables down there and whatever number of
~rash containers are necessary so that we can control the trash problem.
. ust park maintenance is already going to the main beach down there. They
go another half block and pick a couple other cans up too. To the parking
issue, my main concern is to be able to handle maybe 2 or 3 cars for the
fishing. The guys that come down there to fish because there are a number
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 8
of people that use that because there's a real nice drop off off of the
wooded part of the trail. Usually in a good year you can reach that. We
should make that available. The fishing pier is a great idea. I'd like
to see us work with the DNR and maybe get one of their grants. Was it
about half that they'll pay for Todd?
Hoffman: They'll pay for the entire thing.
Mady: There's some great fishing spots along that shoreline.
Hoffman: We applied for that grant for the Lake Ann fishing pier in '88.
It was not approved. It will come up again this year for approval in
1989 for installation in 1990 if possible. There are certain stipulations
that need to go along with that. Parking is one of them. You would need
to have a certain number of cars available. Handicap access. Asphalt
trail to and from the pier. Those types of things which would need to be
looked into. I'm not sure if that type of pier, through the DNR would be
the most appropriate here because of some of the stipulations they attach
with that grant application.
Mady: Why don't we find out exactly what that is for the next time we
meet with the residents so they'll have a good understanding of that.
Maybe it's just going to be us putting a dock in ourselves.
noffman: with the steepness of the drop off there...
Mady: It might be difficult.
Hoffman: A regular dock would probably serve the purpose but something
certainly would be nice.
Hasek: Will they move off of the bituminous trail at all? Have we tried
them on that?
Hoffman: I doubt it. They receive so many applications, if you question
them about trying to make amends with them, they'd certainly just drop you
to the bottom of the list.
Hasek: How about if we just throw a little bituminous in with the
Boyt: Just bituminous down to the pier. It's only 5 feet.
Mike Wegler: Are you talking about the fishing pier kind of in the middle
or are you talking where I have it drawn? Because if you have j.t where
it's drawn, you're only about 50 feet off of the main blacktop. Or not
even. So to get a DNR from there, and there isn't a drop off out there.
It's a gradual slope. We fish down there and it's good fishing in there.
Everobyd's getting bass and crappies and whatever so if you try to get it
'own the middle, that will be a heck of a job.
Hasek: Maybe we can just look at some small... I know you don't have to
go out very far and you pass the trees.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 9
Schroers: Since Mike just brought that up, your pier, where you have it
drawn here, and it's right by where the old access was.
Mike Wegler: A little bit south.
Schroers: Yes. Do you think that that area there would lend itself to 4
or 5 parking spots? The old access. Would the neighborhood have an
objection to having a few parking spots there?
Mike Wegler: It's going to be hard there because if you're going to put
them on the lake side, you're going to be right on where there's only a 15
foot strip when there's high water of grass and you're going to have your
car right there. If you put them on the other side, there's a ditch.
There's springs running in there. They're going to run off and I've
pulled them out, many times cars get stuck in there in August.
Schroers: So basically what you're saying is that there isn't enough
space there for parking?
Mike Wegler: Unless you could get up on the blacktop and maybe make it
one side somewhere.
~chroers: Parallel parking? Okay. Well I am in favor of.. .exact
distance of feet but that's quite a ways. If we only have $3,000.00 in
improvement to spend, that can get eaten up pretty fast by putting that
trail in. But I am in favor of having an aggregate trail if we can get it
in there. I also would like to see the City maintain the raft. Also,
the trash definitely needs to be taken out. I got the impression that
some of the residents indicated that we should maybe clean up some of the
brush and the poison ivy and things too and I think that would be
atfpropriate just right along the trail area but I don't think we should
clean the underbrush up on the hillside. I think we'd run into some
erosion problems there and I would like to see the environment stay as
natural as possible. I think what would be nice along that trail, if we
could cut a couple of viewing areas right on the lakeshore. Just open it
up a little bit where we could install a bench or picnic table just for
sitting and looking out onto the lake. I'm talking from between the trail
and the lake. I would also like staff to check into a canoe rack.
I think that we could possibly install one canoe rack and number it or
issue permits on a first corne first serve basis and see how much it gets
used. That would tell us whether or not one would be adequate or if we'd
need more. I think that's all I have.
Don Peterson: I wanted to suggest that I wouldn't mind help getting a
neighborhood, like Saturday clean up party for the beach if the City
provided us with a dumpster just for the weekend because with the shallow
~aters, it's an excellent opportunity to get at some of the glass that's
een in there for years. We're talking back to the fifties and stuff. We
did a lot of it on our own already but a lot of this has just been exposed
because of the low water. As far as Boy Scouts, maybe they might be a
little bit too young for that kind of work because there's a lot of
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 10
broken, because there used to be a jar factory so I personally know of
quite a few people that would spend the day and that'd be the immediate
thing we could do while the water's still shallow.
Boyt: Lori, do you want to work with Don on that?
Sietsema: Sure.
Don Peterson: All we need are some flyers and maybe just on a Saturday
and then have a dumpster for the weekend. I think a lot could be
accomplished by volunteer service.
Sietsema: Do you have a daytime phone number?
Don Peterson: Yes. 474-2003. I think a lot could be done with
volunteers. If the budget's that limited, we'd like to get at it but a
lot of the stuff you just can't haul up hills. Some old tires that are
off of Model T's with rims. There's stuff that's been down there for 30
Leneda Rahe: I'd like to add something too if I might. The suggestion of
the bench, I think that'd be a great idea but I wonder, it couldn't be put
right by the lake because lots of times when I'm watching my kids
~wimming, the natural place to sit or if they're just down there playing,
It'd be nice just to have a bench. ...go for a walk and the kids say can
we just go down there and play. There is no place to sit right now and
that would be a really good idea but I'd like to see that.
Resident: Are you talking about...
Leneda Rahe: Yes, I'm talking at the other end. Where the swimming beach
and the parking area is.
Mady: You're talking the main beach.
Leneda Rahe: Yes, the main one.
Lash: I guess I'd agree with the suggestions here. I had the idea of the
Boy Scouts, or Eagle Scouts. They're a little bit bigger and have a
little more muscle power. But to try and coordinate some kind of effort
with the residents too, I like the idea of trying to get the neighbors so
they can start out saying we helped. So if we can try and coordinate the
residents and maybe get some bigger Eagle Scout involved in there. I'm in
favor also of keeping it natural. If it eats up a majority of our money
to put in a trail, I guess I would go for some of the other things first
and clean the trail out so people can get through there but maybe look at
that at a little later date. See how much we can get for the $3,000.00
out of these other suggestions that people made. I think the fishing dock
looks like it would be a nice thing. I think people will use it. That
~ounds great, especially if the DNR paid for it. I like Larry's idea of ....".
starting a canoe rack up and then maybe wait and see how much of a demand
there is for it. Maybe expand on that. Definitely the trash cans and
maintenance, it sounds like that's something that absolutely has to go in
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 11
down there. And picnic tables are nice. I know we've had problems with
people, kids mostly, taking the picnic tables into the water and using
them for a dock so if we're going to put picnic tables down there, I think
they need to be anchored in some fashion to curb that from happening.
Sometimes chaining them to the tree works but then a lot of times the
chains get cut so you might want to think about different ideas. That's
about it.
Boyt: The only other thing I have is signage.
it's a park if we have a park sign down there.
from us?
That will help tell people
Do you need anything else
Sietsema: No. What I'll do is I'll try and incorporate as much as to
what your ideas have been. They're all real similiar and come up with a
sketch plan and we can revise it from there. Also, I'll try to get some
costs associated with some of the things that you've outlined here as
well. I did want to mention that I've got a couple of Eagle Scouts in
that are looking for projects. One of them is looking at breaking the
trail through the Lake Ann woods and the other one has put his name by
reclaiming the trail along Carver Beach in that area. I think the clean
up, if it's major clean up, they can't do trash pick up or litter pick up
as an Eagle Scout project but if it's a major clean up effort as well as
reclaiming the trail, they could brush it out and get it all ready for
""'ggregate to go down and do the clean up and that might qualify. I don't
.~now if you'd have to do the aggregate too or not but tha t would be a way
to get some free labor. They're usually, we've had good luck with our
Eagle Scout projects so far. I will include the trash part of that on that
project and also we can organize the neighborhood as well.
Mady: Lori, could we, because I know the residents are real concerned
about the raft. Would you like a motion to direct you to go forward with
the raft as soon as possible?
Sietsema: I'd like a motion for you to direct staff to pursue coming up
with a plan and also yes, the raft. If you want me to go ahead and get
some prices and that kind of thing on that.
Mady: My understanding with the meetings we've had in the past, that raft
is important no matter what we do on the whole outline of the park. The
raft is going to ultimately go in front of that sandy area so we might as
well do that now instead of waiting until Mark comes back with a plan
because then we're looking in August.
Sietsema: Sure. And Dale may be able to build something with what's
there too. I don't know. Maybe just revise or use some of the parts and
build something or come up with something.
Boyt: And then we'll bouy the area a swimming area?
ietsema: We probably should.
Don Peterson: On the raft, that's been there for over 30 some years and
if you want us to, we'll put it back in. We have no problems with that.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 12
The reason it got so run down last year was because of this whole thing.
We knew that this was corning up and there was a big deal about it and we
didn't know how you guys were going to feel about it. Now if you're
having trouble with money and stuff like that...but there's never been an
accident out there. I'm not saying there won't be one but we can't look
at it that way. We want that raft back. That's number one.
Hasek: I think from a liability standpoint, it only makes sense that the
City puts it in. We're responsible for it and if it's not kept up to a
standard that we're responsible for, we're liable anyways so we would just
as soon take the responsibility to do that.
Mady: It's the same question we have with swingsets and those types of
things. We have to make sure we put in an item that there's no doubt
about how good it is. The quality and everything is. Just so the
liability issue doesn't corne back and haunt you.
Boyt: It is a high priority.
have a motion.
We do want to get a raft out there. We'll
Hasek: I'd like to make that motion just as Lori stated. There's no
point in restating what she just said.
Schroers: I'll second it.
Hasek moved, Schroers seconded to direct staff to pursue corning up with a
park plan and also getting a swimming raft to replace the one taken out.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Don Peterson: One more suggestion if you want, we just talked about it
here, I'm sure if we talked to all our neighborhood and we could get
enough money I'm sure to rebuild it, if you wanted that.
Boyt: Could the neighbors work with staff on that?
Don Peterson: That would save a few dollars.
Roger Byrne: We were going to rebuild it anyway so it's in A-I shape.
We'll donate it to the City.
One last thing before you all leave. This will be corning back here
and ultimately up to Council. If you haven't signed the sign up
back there, please do so. That's the only way you're guaranteed of
notified when this comes back up.
Roger Byrne: Do all your plans, what you decide to do ~ith that park, has
to go to Council before it can be done?
~dy: To an extent.
Sietsema: The basic overall plan has to go to the Council for approval.
If we do anything different than what's actually there. The $3,000.00
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 13
could be spent on improving the raft or reclaiming the trail or doing some
landscaping without going to Council but if we're going to do a full
fledged plan that calls for a future dock, fishing pier, canoe rack, and
all of that, that should go to Council for approval. It's our standard
procedure. The money, the $3,000.00 that's budgeted for 1989, when it
was approved, those types of things were what it was designated for at
that time.
Roger Byrne: You can get that much stuff for $3,000.00?
Sietsema: No. It would be probably one or the other. We probably can't
do that much. Not all three. But we have to make sure the City Council
endorses our future, what we're planning for the future if we want to get
funded for it.
Sietsema: The Oak View Heights townhouse development is a planned unit
development of 18.9 acres. They're planning to build 140 townhouse units.
It's located between Kerber Blvd. and Powers Blvd. west of the West
Village Heights apartments. The proposal will also include the extension
of the road that currently goes into the West Village Heights apartment
..........uilding. That will continue through onto Powers Blvd.. At the time that
_he West Village Heights apartment development was approved, we required
them to give additional easement right-of-way for sidewalk development in
the future because we had plans on that road going all the way through.
Therefore, staff is recommending that they also dedicate additional
right-of-way so that we can accommodate a sidewalk within the development.
There then will be a trail on Kerber Blvd. and on Powers with a sidewalk
connecting that high density area to our trail system and to our downtown
and to the schools and they have a safe way of getting there. We would
require them to build the 5 foot concrete sidewalk along their development
and the City would pick up as a street improvement on the rest of the way.
That's the intent. Also in the Comprehensive Trail Plan identifies an 8
foot wide bituminous trail along Powers Blvd.. This connection will
connect into the trail that will be built by Saddlebrook and that
connection will then be in place. It will be a 20 foot wide trail
easement with an 8 foot wide bituminous trail within that easement. Staff
is recommending that they get 100% of the trail dedication fee credited
for the trail and sidewalk construction and easements. Because there's
parks so close to the development, it's not within a park deficient area.
We have City Center Park just down the street and then Chan Pond Park is
not far from their meeting the different types of needs. But because of
the high density of the development and because they are requesting PUD
status, which requires them to give above and beyond the minimum
requirements, staff is recommending that they be required to install an
extensive totlot equipment to serve the young families that that type of
~nit usually attracts. And because that would just be meeting the needs
f their development only, we would not give them a credit towards the
park dedication fee would be the recommendation of staff. So in summary,
it is the recommendation of staff to require 10 foot wide trail easement
to be dedicated and a 5 foot wide sidewalk constructed along Jenny Lane
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 14
and a 20 foot wide trail easement be dedicated with an 8 foot wide
bituminous trail constructed along Powers Blvd.. The developer would then
be given a 100% credit towards the trail dedication fee and as far as
parks required, that they put in the totlot equipment and pay 100% of the
park dedication fee.
Mady: Where is the totlot equipment going to go?
Sietsema: They proposed that, I should have made an overhead of this. If
you see the one with all the buildings on it, you see this dotted line
that's future parking area. They were proposing to put it in this corner
Mady: As part of their parking area?
Sietsema: It would fit in between the parking area and that corner.
Mady: How big a proposed apparatus are you looking at?
Sietsema: Something that would be considered about 3 of our normal
Mady: Okay. My concern is with a unit this big, they're going to need to
~e accommodate 50 to 100 kids down there in the middle of an afternoon.
Sietsema: The equipment, I've sent them a picture of equipment that staff
was looking at and it was roughly $30,000.00. A $30,000.00 set.
Mady: Dollarwise tells me how big a piece it is. To me that's the
minimum they're going to be putting down there.
Sietsema: What we put in at North Lotus Lake last year was $7,000.00.
Mady: That's not very much.
Sietsema: No. What you see at Meadow Green Park, to give you an idea,
Meadow Green Park's is roughly $15,000.00.
Boyt: I've looked through the catalogue and I know $30,000.00 is a nice
structure. Do we recommend at the same time that they put in benches or
picnic tables near the totlot?
Sietsema: I would include that in your recommendation.
Hasek: I just have a quick question. What happens to trail easements
that we take if they're not developed? Are they in perpetuity or do they
revert after a certain amount of time if we have some changes?
Sietsema: No, they're in perpetuity.
~ash: Aren't you talking about if they get this easement, that the
developer has to put in the strip of the trail?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 15
Sietsema: Right. The easement is just ~o we make sure that the trail's
on public property. Then they can meander that as the topography or the
landscape or whatever calls for. We only want actually an 8 foot wide
bituminous trail somewhere within that 20 feet along that street. Then
what the easement along Jenny Lane actually is, they just widened the
right-of-way there and that would become public property rather than an
Lash:, So this equipment you're talking about, they're talking about
putting it by the parking lot? The tot lot equipment?
Sietsema: The totlot, that's where they had identified it. I have to
meet with them and look at a more realistic plan and I haven't had the
opportunity to do that.
Hasek: I don't mind the corner that they've chosen I guess. It's just
the proximity to the parking that concerns me a little bit.
Sietsema: The problem that they're dealing with and I know that this is
really kind of a lousy picture but I didn't have a whole lot to deal with,
the problem they're dealing with is that this is a slope that goes
straight down so they can't really go much further out. It's a wooded
area and it's a pretty significant slope.
asek: Is the parking required by ordinance?
Siestema: They plan to expand. They plan to put apartment buildings into
that slope eventually and that's...
Hasek: Oh, that's the parking for that? I see.
Sietsema: Basically I think if we just tell them we want them to put the
equipment in, they can figure out where to put it on their property.
Mady: If it's going to be a park it would be nice to get it fenced.
Boyt: Any further questions? Can we have a motion.
Mady: I move we recommend to Council to require the developer to provide
a 10 foot trail easement to be dedicated and a 5 foot sidewalk constructed
along Jenny Land. A 20 foot wide trail easement be dedicated and an 8
foot wide bituminous trail constructed along Powers Blvd.. That 100% of
the trail dedication fees be credited. Additionally, that the developer
will provide sufficient totlot equipment in the area to handle 50 to 100
children minimum and that no credit be given to the park dedication fees
recognizing that this is a PUD and that they should be providing more than
their minimum for the City and also recognizing the fact that they will be
putting in a large number of people into our park system. Then to direct
~taff to work with the developer to provide an optimal location for the
;,tlot site.
Mady moved, Hasek seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission
recommend to require that a 10 foot trail easement be dedicated and a 5
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 16
foot wide sidewalk be constructed along Jenny Lane. That a 20 foot wide
trail easement be dedicated with an 8 foot wide bituminous trail
constructed along Powers Boulevard and that 100% of the trail dedicatio"n
fee be credited for the trail and sidewalk construction and easements.
Additionally, that the developer will install sufficient totlot equipment
in the area to handle 50 to 100 children minimum and that no credit be
given to the park dedication fees. Also, to direct staff to work with the
developer to find the optimal location for the totlot site. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Sietsema: What I concluded in the packet is your wish list that you
identified at the last meeting. On the first page of my report I tried to
pick out of the 1989 budget what we weren't going to spend. The $40,000.00
for the totlot equipment at City Center Park and the $60,000.00 for
development at South Lotus Lake. That's $100,000.00 that we would roll
over into the 1990 budget. It's anticipated that we'd get roughly
$110,000.00 in park dedication fees and $37,000.00 in trail dedication.
That brings the total up to $247,000.00 not including what we have in
reserve which in this year we have $35,000.00 in Herman Field if we don't
do any development in that area. We have the $55,000.00 for Lake Ann
~ommunity shelter out at Lake Ann Park which was the boat rental and bath
.louse shel ter. That was put in there for a matching grant for LAWCON
grant. Then the other one was fund reserve of $100,000.00 so that's
$190,000.00 in reserve that would be rolled over. So if we want to keep
the $100,000.00 in unused 1989 expenditures allocated to those two
projects that we rolled over and the reserve as that is, that would leave
us with $147,000.00 that we could spend on park acquisition and
improvements in 1990.
Hasek: Okay, help me through that again. We've got $247,000.00 to start
with unused 1989 expenditures anticipated for dedication fees and
anticipated trail dedication fees. In addition to that we have $35,000.00
that could potentially be rolled over from Herman Park.
Siestema: That's the only one we have to leave in Herman Field because
that money was dedicated to the City with the property for the development
of that property. We do not have the option...
Hasek: So that's not a reserve?
Sietsema: Well it's a reserve but it's for that park specifically and
can't be changed. The other two we could allocate to something different.
The $100,000.00 has sort have been our policy to keep that for an
emergency type situation and $55,000.00 for the Lake Ann shelter was the
matching grants in case we ever got the LAWCON grant for that.
tasek: So that's just those three numbers, $35,000.00, $55,000.00 and -'
$100,000.00 are in addition to the $247,000.00?
Sietsema: Right.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 17
Hasek: How did we get from $247,000.00 back to $147,000.00?
Sietsema: The $100,000.00 from unused in 1989, if you want to roll those
over to the same projects for the totlot and for the development at
South Lotus would give you $147,000.00 for new projects in 1990.
Hasek: Okay, got it.
Mady: Lori, the $55,000.00 roughly at Lake Ann. The contract carne in at
$220,000.00. We've got roughly $270,000.00 available from the referendum.
Where's that money?
Sietsema: It's not in here. It's a different program altogether.
Mady: So that's not in the park improvement area of Lake Ann or anything
like that?
Sietsema: No.
Mady: So your thoughts on that are in here?
spend that
Do you have any foresight Lori as to what you would want to
money on in 1990?
Sietsema: I included the list of things that you had identified and the
numbers on there are really rough. I didn't do extensive research on each
one of these things because I knew that it was going to have to be scaled
down quite a bit. But as far as what my personal, what I feel are
priorities would be?
Schroers: Yes.
Mady: There's a couple things here we need to do and discuss this year.
I'd like to see us corne up with a budget number, just a number, kind of a
goal that we want to hit. My thoughts are not to spend the whole
$147,000.00. ...rollover or anything but the $100,000.00 that we're not
going to be able to spend this year that we've already committed to,
that's going to carryover. The $147,000.00 that we pick up this year,
I'd like to see us spend a good portion of that but not all of it, I'd
like to see us add a little bit to our reserves since we've got a lot of
building corning up. We're going to have to kind of save a little bit in
the sock so to speak. To me $100,000.00 seems to be a number to hit.
That would leave us $47,000.00 and another $50.,000.00, we'd spend about
two-thirds. Save a third for the future. We do need to do a lot of
things in our parks. Unfortunately a lot of things that weren't done in
~he past and we're trying to play catch up.
dasek: Jim, what's your thought? Why would we need to bump another
$50,000.00 into our reserve?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 18
Mady: I want to see us have something available things slow down. When
development ends. Development's going to end in the City of Chanhassen in
the next 3 to 4 years.
Hasek: What makes you believe that it's going to stop?
Mady: Because of where the MUSA line is.
~- ~,
Hasek: But the MUSA line will just move.
Mady: It will but not until the year 2000.
Hasek: If we built out in the next 2 years, all we've got to do is go
back to Met Council and they'll move it.
Mady: I don't see that happening though. Realistically, I don't see that
happening right away. There's a lot of land in Eden prairie that isn't
filled up yet and they're just not going to, because they've got to get
the Blue Lake treatment plan expanded before they can move the MUSA line.
All those things have to happen. Blue Lake I don't think is going to be
expanded until after 1995. I'm saying the City's got to be full prior to
1995 and we're going to have 2-3 years down the road where it's going to
be slim pickings and we're still going to have people coming in asking for
things. Be it boat docks, totlot equipment. We're going to need to have
some money to be able to go after it because I don't think the Council's .-,
going to give us money out of the general fund.
(There was a tape change at this point in the meeting.)
Sietsema: Anyway, it's just a suggestion to move into an acquis'tion mode
and putting money into, I don't know into reserve or whatever to identify
and actively pursue parkland in those deficient areas. Once we have the
land, then move back into the development mode. Now we've done that. We
were really acquisition happy back in the early 80's and now in the
mid-80's we've been into development and we may need to switch gears
again. Again, must a suggestion.
Mady: I agree with you to an extent with the exception of Chan Hills. I
know there's been a request there and it's been there for a while.
Sietsema: There's been a lot of requests from Curry Farms too. I get
phone calls quite frequently from them.
Hasek: How about if we do this? How about if we think about what we're
going to do and what we need. Does 25,000.00 for each of those, how much
of the plan that we have for those areas does that provide?
Sietsema: Well $25,000.00 will buy us a tennis court or a half court
basketball court, a couple of parking spaces and some totlot equipment.
)r a backstop and a half court basketball court or a backstop and some
totlot equipment and a little bit of parking.
Hasek: Okay, but the parking is being served as parking as opposed to
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 19
Sietsema: Parking really isn't, I was thinking paved parking but we
wouldn't have to pave it right away so that really isn't. The $25,000.00,
if we don't have to do a lot of grading which we shouldn't have to on
either of those sites, we should be able to get a backstop, first phase
totlot equipment and a half court basketball court.
Schroers: Another way to think about that is 5 to 10 years down the road
would you be willing to trade that $25,000.00 worth of totlot, parking and
backstop for property out around western Lake Minnewashta that will not be
available then.
Sietsema: Right. The $50,000.00 will probably buy us half a piece of
property out at Minnewashta Parkway.
Boyt: I would like to hear sometime from the Council their opinion of our
budget and should we be using just the park funds or would they like to
see us use some of their general funds? Maybe they'd like to see
acquisition and development. Maybe next time we talk to them that could
be on the agenda.
~ady: That's a good point because right now we're taking money that's
. eing provided by new residents of the City really and building in old
dreas of the city that have never provided dollar one to their parks which
is just the way it is.
Hoffman: You're just never going to catch up.
Mady: So you're not using the new money to provide parks for new people.
Sietsema: Although there are a lot of people out there that have paid
Mady: Ultimately the City's going to have to come to the point where
taxpayers are going to have to provide for their own park development too.
Not just new residents coming in.
Boyt: I agree with Larry that I think this is the time to acquire
property and I would say we can delay, even Chan Pond, since it's a
passive park. Delay Chan Pond. That one has been getting requests too
but delay development and work on acquisition.
Lash: Have you heard from people what it is they want? Can we just give
them a little bit?
Sietsema: They'll be in next time on Curry Farms, Chanhassen Hills and
Lake Susan Hills West. Those people will be invited to come in here and
~'ive their input on the master park plan so we'll know next time what they
;ant to see there.
Lash: If they're happy with just maybe a little totlot equipment, stick a
little bit in and leave the rest of the money for buying some property.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 20
Sietsema: I honestly think that they would be happy with that for now.
There's a lot of young families in those areas and they'd be just tickled
with some tot lot equipment.
Mady: But you're still talking top grading and totlot equipment, you're
talking $7,000.00 to $10,000.00 for the equipment. When you get that all
said and done, you're still talking probably $20,000.00. We're not going
to be saving that much. I don't see us putting up a tennis court in any
one of those things. I just don't. Not now. Totlot equipment and a
backstop is probably what we'd be looking at.
Hasek: I'll tell you, I think Curt would push for that. Tennis court and
parking has been next to him for a long time.
Sietsema: What I have in here for general development is $25,000.00 for
Lake Susan Hills West, Curry Farms and Chanhassen Hills. That's
Mady: We've got a feasibility study for $7,500.00 that we're going to
have to do next year.
we call
""hat it
co do.
I would like to suggest that if we do start an acquisition, that
it an acquisition fund. That we don't put it in the general fund.
takes some thought to move it out of that if that's what we want
Boyt: Do those funds earn interest?
Sietsema: Yes. Last year we earned, I think it was $25,000.00 in
Boyt: And we're still getting funds from the pulltabs?
Sietsema: From the Lion's? We can't count on it but we do.
Boyt: I think it's important that we keep the miscellaneous stuff, and
that's $21,000.00.
Schroers: I definitely support Ed's idea about labeling a fund as an
acquisition fund. It's only inevitable that if we wait to acquire,
there's not going to be anything to acquire. We can just look at what
happened tonight. We have a park that's been a long time park available
to the residents and they have finally gotten to the point where they've
come in and said hey, let's get it fixed up and taken care of and we'll
help. We could probably anticipate more of that type of community and
neighborhood response in the future down the road but only if we have the
park. If they come in and say, we don't have something. We want it and
we say hey, we can't give it to you. It's not there.
'oyt: We've run into that too.
Schroers: So development absolutely has to be after acquisition.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 21
Hasek: Do we have to solidify this tonight?
Sietsema: Well I need it cleaner than this because we've got to solidify
it by next time.
Hasek: Okay, but next time we're going to have Curry Hills, Chan Pond
and. . .
Sietsema: Let's say we have to have a recommendation all clean and ready
to go to City Council by their second meeting in May so we could talk
about this again on the first meeting in May.
Hasek: Okay so we could kind of pull together a ballpark number that's
something short of what we've got and listen to those...
Sietsema: Yes. Just tell me what you want to delete for sure out of here
and then I can get cleaner numbers for the rest of it.
Hasek: Let's talk about what we want to keep. You were talking about
$75,000.00 worth of acquisition is what you said right?
Sietsema: No. There was $75,000.00 in general development for those
~hree parksites.
rlasek: Okay, for those three. So that would not be a positive or that
would not necessarily be a solid number. It might be something less than
Schroers: Can we just start at the top of the list and go down? Let's
start with Lake Ann. Do we need the trail through the woods at Lake Ann?
Hasek: No.
Schroers: Could we save $10,000.00 there?
Boyt: That's the one that an Eagle Scout had signed up for.
Sietsema: This was to pave it. The Eagle Scout project would be to clear
it and possibly put the aggregate down. I'm not sure about that even but
he would clear the trail and then the $10,000.00 was to put the base down
and pave it. Again, that's really a nebulous number. I just kind of
picked it out of the sky.
Schroers: Where was that trail going to go to? From where to where?
Sietsema: We talked about meandering it through the woods starting at the
trail that's there and maybe looping it around so you could take a nature
walk and clear out some areas with benches and picnic in more remote
"""""icnic areas.
Hoffman: A couple different access points and exit points. Accesses off
the parking lot which are close to that tree line. Access to the beach so
you can walk to and from the beach through that area. It's really a nice
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 22
portion of the park which is unused at this time. It would add another
different type of use to Lake Ann. A nature walk. People who come from
Greenwood Shores around the lake could then take that other loop .
through Lake Ann Park to extend their walk and make it a little longer.
Schroers: Okay, in your opinion then it's something that you would like
to see stay in?
Hoffman: It's something that I would like to see stay in place. It could
be reduced somewhat if we just want to go with an aggregate base at this
time and not blacktop it. That certainly can be on in the future.
Hasek: I don't think that's a bad idea on any of these trails. It's like
your driveway. If you put the ag down and let it set for a while, a lot
of times you get a lot better surface out of it so I don't think that's a
bad idea.
Boyt: Had you included the aggregate base in the Eagle Scout project
number at the bottom?
Sietsema: No.
Mady: Make it $5,000.00?
~offman: Yes, $4,000.00 would probably get by there.
Hasek: Is the Eagle Scout going to go to four?
Sietsema: No. The trail through the woods would go at $4,000.00. The
park shelter would be the one that we talked about that would go at the
top of the hill which would just be the open air shelter because that's
where our big groups go.
Mady: Clarify something for me. Where is this $50,000.00, I still don't
know where this $50,000.00 is from the referendum that we're not spending
on the contract left for expansion of the park.
Sietsema: It's in the referendum fund. It's not in this fund.
Mady: That's park development. We can do anything we want with it at
Lake Ann so we can do these things with it.
Sietsema: Yes. What I was going to kind of propose was the community
park shelter with the bath house and the bathrooms and the boat rental and
the upstairs community room. The screened house type room. If we put the
money that's left over in the referendum and the $55,000.00 in reserve, we
could probably build that thing. I see that's something that's becoming
more and more a need. I don't know. We might want to roll this over into
acquisition too.
Hoffman: That excess money in that referendum dollars may also get nit
picked and eaten away as the development comes along.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 23
Sietsema: Change orders along the way.
Schroers: Can you refresh my memory on the picnic shelter? Is this
something that we would be open to the general public all the time or is
this something that we would rent out to special groups?
Hoffman: It's something that would be open to the general public at all
times. Currently we're almost filled at this time as far as group
reservation picnics through June, July, August, into the beginning of May
and into the beginning of September. The first thing they ask for is a
park shelter. Do you have a large park shelter? No. You can bring in
portable tents if you wish. A lot of those company picnics, family
reunions, class reunions, they rent those large tents and put them up
there on that hill. Any group over 100 people or more I encourage them to
set up on top of that hill, we provide additional picnic tables for them
so they can do that to kind of separate the group picnics from the general
use of the park. The other people using the park during that time. I can
see, I'm sure you all have experiences with the nice park shelter like
that for a family reunion, for some type of picnic of that nature and it's
a high cost item but it's something that certainly would be used. But it
may be something that needs to be put off because it is such a high dollar
chroers: You would more or less be earmarking this then as a reservation
area with the shelter but would we charge for this?
Hoffman: It certainly could be charged for.
for a group reservation because they pay the
fee. If we had a nicer facility for them to
instate a picnic reservation fee for the use
Right now there's no charge
$2.00 parking fee, the entry
use, we certainly could
of that facility.
Hasek: So 100 people generate $200.00? That's if they're not residents.
Sietsema: And most of them aren't.
Lash: And that would be per car too so chances are they're going to be
coming in...
Hasek: So it generates less than that.
Hoffman: They do generate quite a bit of revenue currently.
Mady: My gut feeling is though, I agree 100% with what you said but it's
kind of pie in the sky, and the wagon comes first.
Lash: I guess I would be a lot more in favor of this picnic shelter type
thing than this other thing. The one on the other column?
,~chroers: The one with the bath house?
Lash: Yes. That sounds like really pie in the sky. This is just a
shelter. I think a lot of major parks have that. I think it's a real
drawing card to parks although you said it's booked already so, but we
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 24
could recoup some money from it if it's charged a fee for it.
Mady: The Lake Ann boat shelter is a changing place, a picnic thing.
Hoffman: Water and electricity need to be available as well.
Mady: It's been pie in the sky for us for as long as I've been here.
We've been trying and trying and that item always ranks real high in the
grant application and then it just never seems to get it.
Lash: Would this picnic shelter have electricity and water?
Mady: No water.
Hasek: Similiar to the one we have out there now.
Siestema: Right, only bigger.
Hoffman: It would just be a large open aired shelter with a concrete
Sietsema: It's a roof on stilts.
ichroers: I'm just amazed at the current trend for renting space for
,~roup functions. Almost all the facilities that we have in all Hennepin
parks are booked and they're not cheap. People are willing to pay for
these places and we may be missing the boat by not having an area like
that that we can designate as a reservation area and charge an appropriate
fee for it's use. I believe if it was a decent facility, it would have
very little idle time.
Mady: Larry, could you find out for us what they charge for a facility?
Lash: I can tell you one in particular because my family has a reunion up
there every year and they charge $100.00.
Hasek: For what?
Lash: It's a shelter. It does have electricity and it has bathrooms.
Hasek: This is where?
Lash: It's up in Fridley. I can't think of the name right now. It's
right on the river.
Boyt: Moving onto playground equipment.
Mady: Are we funding some this year on top of the hill?
~ietsema: Yes.
Mady: As long as we're putting in as much as we've got there now, I don't
have a problem with deleting it. We're putting in a sizeable piece up
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 25
Sietsema: $10,000.00.
Lash: And this is an extra $10,000.00 for next year then?
Sietsema: Yes.
Mady: I guess I'd be in favor of deleting that for 1990.
Sietsema: Is that the general consensus?
Boyt: If it isn't, you guys speak up so we can get through this.
Schroers: We all had collectively agreed that the playground equipment at
Lake Ann was definitely lacking and is the $10,000.00 that we're spending
this year going to be adequate to get it up to par?
Sietsema: It probably won't be as big as what's there but, will it?
Hoffman: Sure it will.
~ady: All you've got is a slide and two swings up there.
dietsema: So you want to take this out?
Boyt: And Ed wanted us to wait on moving the trees.
Sietsema: Take the trees out?
Hasek: Yes. The tree moving, that might not happen. Who knows.
Sietsema: That is something that definitely could come out of the
referendum money. That could be a change order.
Boyt: Let's recommend to do that.
Sietsema: Okay, I cut the trees.
Boyt: But we had asked for playground equipment out of the excess funds
from park development at Lake Ann.
Sietsema: What excess funds?
Hasek: That's if there's excess funds.
Sietsema: But we won't know that until...
.~asek: Unles we're done with the changes.
Boyt: But we were making a list. We were talking about batting cages.
We were talking about dugouts.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 26
Sietsema: See now that's change order stuff too.
Boyt: Okay. Well, totlot equipment was in there too.
Sietsema: I cut it.
Boyt: Put it back.
Sietsema: I'll put that in the other one.
Hasek: The picnic shelter is in?
Mady: It's tentative.
Hasek: Okay. And how about the Lake Ann boat shelter? Is that coming
out of the budget?
Mady: That's a reserve.
Boyt: Let's go to North Lotus. Phase 2 totlot equipment.
Sietsema: Do you want my opinion?
'..asek: Cut i.t?
Sietsema: Cut it. Was I supposed to take that $7,000.00 out for North
Boyt: Yes.
Sietsema: Anybody say no? Gone. Landscaping Chan Pond.
Hasek: I think that comes out and I think we need to put the trail in.
Mady: We need to put that graded trail in.
Sietsema: Is that all agreed?
Schroers: I agree with we can put the landscaping on the back burner.
The graded trail, I'm in favor of a mowed trail around Chan Pond and I
don't think we need to spend $9,000.00 to get a mowable trail around Chan
Mady: I think you're right.
All we need to do really is go down with a
Schroers: But we can just leave that $9,000.00 in there for trail grading
and whatever is not used...
lady: Let's drop it.
Hasek: Just a second. Wasn't there some discussion at Council about that
trail and what they wanted to see?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 27
Sietsema: They had recommended that we pave it. That can be a long term
part of the plan. In the interim we can have a mowed.
Schroers: We can maybe phase that trail and have a phase 1 just a
Sietsema: So my pen is erasing $9,999.99?
Hasek: Yes, and it's going to change it though. We're going to change it
to a grading number.
Mady: A grading number, maybe a third of that.
Boyt: Is it going to take that to grade the trail?
Sietsema: It's just smoothing out the bumps so you can take a buggy over
Hasek: Is there a trail basically in place now?
Sietsema: Yes.
""'\ady: They mowed it.
Boyt: But it's really uneven and bumpy.
Schroers: It depends on how we want to do it. It's going to cost some
money if you're going to go in there with a cat and knock off the high
spots. Fill in the low spots. Get it flat and level and just drag it,
seed it so you can have a nice base then because that's what you're going
to need anyway. No matter what kind of a trail will ultimately end up
there, if you don't have a good flat solid base, you don't have anything
to work with so at some point in time, that needs to be done.
Sietsema: How much?
Schroers: I'm saying leave the $9,999.99 in there for grading.
Sietsema: Is that agreed? Anybody against that?
Hasek: I can't argue with it. I'd like to but I can't.
Mady: I don't have any basis for a better number.
Lash: Is $9,999.99 a realistic thing for paving it?
Sietsema: No, for grading.
,oyt: Chan Hills.
Sietsema: Take the 2 off and leave 5 for totlot?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 28
Hasek: How about make it 7 or 10.
Schroers: We don't get nothing for $5,000.00.
Hoffman: The road's not even to the park yet. So we can wait until next
year and then it will be houses built up around it.
Sietsema: Put it off a year? Is the 25 gone for Chan Hills? Anybody
against that?
Erhart: I'd want to keep a little something in there.
Lash: Even if they can just walk in. You don't have to have a driveway.
Mady: You won't be able to get to it.
Sietsema: It won't be graded though until the road's there. I will not
take away any of these numbers. I'll just give you back something with a
delete after it or something so if you want to pull anything back, you can
do that.
Boyt: South Lotus.
~ady: The park plan's important. Will the TH 101 realignment be done
tlext year?
Siestema: Oh no.
Mady: Not in the ground but on paper done so we'll know?
Sietsema: Should.
Mady: There's no reason to do a massive park plan if you don't know where
the road's going to be. Which apartment comes out or whatever they're
Sietsema: I think we'll have lines to do a master park plan. I don't
think the road will be aligned so we could do any work in there though.
Hasek: So you're saying the drawings will be done but...
Schroers: I would like to see enough money stay in South Lotus to
accommodate a neighborhood skating pond for that next season.
Sietsema: That won't take much.
Hasek: $5,000.00? $3,000.00 for grading?
Hoffman: Less. $3,000.00.
Schroers: Dale went and looked at and he said that it needed some work.
Sietsema: But they could do that in house.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 29
Mady: They could do Chan Pond in house too.
Hasek: This $3,000.00 for grading?
Boyt: What about the rollover funds?
Sietsema: They rollover to something else then. They become available
for something else then.
Mady: Rollover funds are this year's money that we've already got.
I really have a tough time...that rollover. We've done it twice. This is
going to be two years in a row.
Sietsema: The only thing is, it doesn't make any sense to go in there
with a grader or putting ballfields in if they're going to come in the
next year to redo TH 101 and tear everything out. Let me do this. Let me
find out when the anticipated realignment of TH 101 and West 78th is and
then you can make your determination on that after next week.
Boyt: Bandimere Heights. I would say cut them. Especially after looking
at the park site and the possibilty there. Any opposed?
~ietsema: You took out Bandimere?
Mady: Yes.
Sietsema: I've got a question mark by it. I'll bring it back.
Boyt: City Center Park, master park plan.
Mady: God willing we'll have some information by next year on the school.
Hasek: Master plan cut?
Boyt: No. We'd like to leave that in.
Schroers: We need to do something with City Center here.
Mady: That park's going to be there come thick or thin and will get a lot '
of use. That park probably gets more use than Lake Ann even.
And leave the rollover.
Okay, the whole thing's intact? So we're park developing next
Okay. Carver Beach landscaping $3,000.~0.
That's the playground and tot playground right on Carver Beach
That was to put some more trees in there.
Boyt: Yes, we can wait on that. Curry Farms?
Schroers: Scratch that.
Park and Rec Commission
April 11, 1989 - Page 30
Sietsema: Everybody agreed to scratch Curry Farms?
Boyt: Yes.
Mady: We're still going to invite those people in. Isn't that what you
were talking about last time?
Sietsema: Yes.
Hasek: Does this one have a road to it?
Sietsema: Yes. This has houses all around.
Hasek: So this one is actually in better shape to be developed than Chan
Sietsema: There's houses all around this one.
Hoffman: But again something to consider. Both those areas are still
just black dirt. Dale will most likely be in there to seed and do some
landscaping. Going to put in a totlot equipment on a dirt lot is not real
attractive. Maybe we want to give those parks a year, 2 years to start
~rowing to look like a park before you go ahead and put in playground
Hasek: That's even more reason why we should get those parks graded when
development begins and not wait until the end. Get them graded and seeded
so that when the thing gets developed out, we can do something with it
rigth away rather than having to wait 2 or 3 years for it to establish
it's seed.
Sietsema: I agree with that philosophy. The only argument to that is
that would mean that Chan Hills would have had to have gotten the road
down to Phase 3 when they started 3 years ago right away.
Hasek: Rough grading for the road and cutting the rough grade for the
road and putting the base in.
Mady: Phase 1 creates the need. Phase 3 doesn't create the need.
Hasek: I think it's just common sense to get it done early.
(A tape change occurred during the 1990 CIP program discussion.)
Hasek moved, Schroers seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission
recommend that the Maintenance Department include a Cushman vehicle. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 31
Sietsema: Have you guys had an opportunity to go out to different sites
and look at totlot equipment?
Boyt: Yes. It was a lot of fun and we found out lots of stuff. We took
kids with us and let them play on it.
Sietsema: What did you decide you like?
Mady: There's something, you shouldn't play on playground equipment when
there's ice underneath it.
Somebody put it where it was too short.
We took kids with us.
We took some 8 year olds
Mady: Edina and Eden Prairie.
Hasek: That was kind of explained to Wes when he was here before. He
said a lot of times they'll put it in not thinking about what they have to
put in for a base and they're going to go out and put the base in and
they're a foot low.
~oyt: We like the timber. We didn't like the metal.
Lash: Do you like the combination? The timbers with the plastic?
Boyt: The slides that are real long. The kids get burned on them.
Lash: That's why I like the chute and the curved.
Boyt: The kids love curving slides. The kids love slides. The kids like
some things that are real dangerous too. They like merry-go-rounds. We
tried the new fashion swing. Have you seen it in the book? Do you
remember that swing that they were on where you have handles?
Mady: Do not like the roller slides. Those are bad.
Boyt: They hurt.
Mady: They hurt and fingers can go down in those things.
Schroers: Yes. Little fingers could get smashed in those rollers.
Sietsema: I'll contact the representative and corne back with a picture of
something that's in our price range for your approval and then upon that
approval I'll order it.
~chroers: Mainly a timber, wood structure.
Sietsema: Timber structure like we usually have with the color corning off
of it. Like the slides.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 32
Boyt: We had an idea. When we go to a more expensive structure, they
have these platforms at the top, 6 feet tall, interconnected so you can go
in a triangle or a circle from one structure to another. The kids
thoughts that was pretty neat. Only more expensive. When it comes to
buying more expensive stuff, we'll design what you want.
Lash: That would be my suggestion. pick out the things we think we like
because the company will, if they know what we want, they'll come up with
'a design that will incorporate all the different features that we want. We
just did something very similar to that at the school that I work at last
year and it was this exact company. Every day I watched kids play on it
and the things that really attracts them and the things that are just
really a waste. These little portable windows, they're just a waste.
These tic tac toe things, dumb. The little wheel, that's bad. Everyday
I sit and watch kids play on this exact equipment. I have a real good
idea. Age range was 5 to 8 basically...
Hasek: Which wheel thing are you talking about?
Hoffman: Steering wheel.
Lash: The steering wheel that you mount on a ball and they're supposed to
pretend it's a boat or something...and that's supposed to tie in with the
~ortable one. Usually it's in an active spot. I talked with some of the
~eachers and I said what did you find to be real loser ideas and which ~
ones would you really support having so they gave me an idea of the things
that they really liked. Did you guys try that trap thing?
Boyt: They all tried it but it's, where you grab on jerk across?
Lash: It doesn't just kind of go by itself? You have to make it go?
Mady: Your body weight makes it go and it stops in the middle.
Schroers: Isn't that what Jim's daughter fell off of?
Boyt: Yes.
Schroers: And that was a metal one and I guess I didn't really care for
Boyt: No, but they made things for upper body development. Like the old
horizontal ladder. They'll do that.
Sietsema: So would you like me to do then, I'll take the Minutes of what
you've just said of the things you don't like to make sure we don't
include those things and go to the timber form style and come back with
some ideas?
'oyt: It's fun if they can use their imagination to make the play
structure something it isn't. Or a spaceship or a stagecoach.
Hasek: That's why that one out at Lake Ann got destroyed.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 33
Sietsema: Because of imagination?
Hasek: No, you've got to hide in it.
Lash: The bridge, the connecting bridge things, they really like that.
And the tire swings. I think you need to look at things for little, the 3
year olds.
Sietsema: Since we met tonight, we won't meet on Thursday or do you still
want to meet on Thursday?
Boyt: I don't think so.
Sietsema: I can't be here so you'd have to meet on your own.
Boyt: When are we going to make a recommendation on this?
Sietsema: In our discussion we should discuss now how we want to proceed.
,.f we want to proceed with the Bandimere property, it sounds like we kind
f have to make some movement in that area and I think if we start
~egotiations, that may at least, like you were talking about, tie it up.
If we start talking that we want it and enter into negotiations without
actually entering into a purchase agreement, that ties up the process and
we can look further into it so I'd need a recommendation if you want to
recommend to the City Council that we pursue the Bandimere property.
There is not the big rush on the other so whatever you want to do.
Hasek: I have a question. Is anything being done with TH 101 in that
location at all? It's not going to be straighten there? There are no
plans to straighten it out or to realign it? To widened it at all?
Sietsema: Not that I know of. The only place I know that they're going
to do any straightening is up at the S curve at Lyman as it goes by Chan.
Hasek: I like the Bandimere location. I like it's location. I don't
particularly like the lay of the land there. I think they talked a little
bit about ba11fie1ds and being a wind tunnel out there. If you've ever
played in an open field which that one would really be. You can hit a
ball to right field and go out of the left field line. It's just
incredible what wind can do. It's not just ball parks that are going to
be up there but there will be other things as well and unless we can do
something to accommodate that, I think it could be a bad lay for a park.
What I'd like to be able to do is to have perhaps us tie that piece up and
have the traffic engineer look at an access to that piece of property to
~ee if there's a good access for a major, if there's a good location for a
.ajor access to that park. Also, the potential for access into the other
parcel of land. That might give us a little bit of time to have somebody
take a look at the possibility of the grading of new ballparks and so
forth in that piece. Does that make sense?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 34
Boyt: So have the piece in the water?
Hasek: And the piece in the water would be...
Sietsema: So you want to look into where you would gain access to the
Bandimere property?
Hasek: The traffic and the location of that road. I'm a little
concerned. You've got a road that carried quite a bit of traffic there.
It's a narrow road to start with and it's not like they're going to be
turning off TH 5 where we've got the right sight distance and how does
that figure with maybe a real conceptual idea of how that park might lay
Sietsema: And you want to compare that to the other site?
Hasek: Just the access.
Sietsema: Because the other one is a straight shot. It's going to
clearly be a safer access onto the other site. I can see that and I'm not
a traffic person.
~asek: But where would the straight shot be? Across from...
Hoffman: The first spot we stood.
Hasek: On the second park?
Sietsema: On the second part, Lyman Blvd. is straight.
Hasek: I know Lyman Blvd is straight there but you can't access along the
whole thing. We walked up a probably a 30 foot hill just to take a look
at the thing so that wouldn't be where the access would be. It'd have to
be towards their wood lot.
Mady: As you drive further down, CR l7's going to get cut through in
there. The second parcel on Lyman has some drawbacks in that ultimately
CR 17 is going to cut through that parcel on the east side and potentially
TH 212 could cut across the southeast corner of that property also.
Hasek: When I was talking to AI, he said that he thought it might hit
that corner but he wasn't positive. The second thing, I don't know that
CR 17 is necessarily going to be punched through. I don't know how much
support there is for that. I think we've got two sites that are within
our budget and we might as well take a look at both of them. I would hate
to lock up Bandimere and then just have it completely undesignable for
some strange reason. I think we ought to attempt to lock it up by
starting a purchase agreement on it.
Schroers: I kind of wish Al was here for that discussion because my
perception of information that he put out tonight was that there was a
definite sense of urgency. He indicated that he could make 3 phone calls
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 35
and sell that property.
Mady: He indicated that it will be coming on the market.
Hoffman: This coming Monday.
Schroers: So basically what he's doing is giving us the inside tract and
the first shot at this but if I interpret him right, if we don't move on
it, it's going to be gone.
Boyt: That's right.
Schroers: So I think we need to decide which of the two practical parcels
that we looked at would be the best. I think as far as the wind and being
open, they're both big open fields and are going to be hit by wind.
That's something that we would have to try to curtail through planting.
Hoffman: I don't think you want to bear a whole lot of weight on that
situation. City Center Park is known to be one of the windiest spots in
the city.
Boyt: At least it blows the mosquitoes out.
~offman: And it's used currently right now as the only youth park.
Mady: We don't have our management decision analysis information
available do we?
Boyt: No, he's at home.
Mady: We did, a year and a half ago the Commission spent a Saturday and
went through a management decision analysis on acquiring parkland and we
do have written down the process by which we should be selecting this
Schroers: I have some of that here with me I think. There's just a few
things there that seem kind of obvious. They're both open. They're both
going to take a certain amount of grading. It looked as though Bandimere
would take less grading.
Erhart: They said more.
Schroers: They said more on Bandimere?
Erhart: Don Chmiel anyway said more on Bandimere.
Mady: It depends on where you stand.
~oyt: It's probably a judgment call.
riasek: I think the reason is because you can't find a spot that's even
half way close to Bandimere. It's either on top of a hill, which you have
to put the thing, put a field, or maybe perhaps down in one of the corners
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 36
but any corner you look at is going to take a substantial amount of
grading. It's like was mentioned before though that Lake Ann was up on a
hill and we got three fields into that. The problem with that is the
amount of money that we spend just preparing the park to receive the
facilities and if we could save some of that, that would be real nice. I
think if you look at the second location off of Lyman Blvd., that the
south part of that is a lot flater even though there's a drainage swale
over there. It's a lot flater to begin with than Bandimere was.
Schroers: Also, there would probably be less resistence from neighbors at
that location because there are less neighbors. So that's something else
to consider. Aesthetically, I like Bandimere better myself.
Hasek: I said I like the location. I think it's more southerly and I
think it's more remote from Lake Ann and the other park.
Schroers: I like the fact of having a lake there and that is really a big
plus. I think that the Lyman may be a little more easily accessible.
Mady: To whom though?
Schroers: To the people who would be using it.
~oyt: There's a lot of people down by Bandimere. There's a big
Jevelopment down there.
Mady: The access to the Lyman site would be the north end and in our
decision analysis, we indicated that Lyman would be the upper edge of the
south park. So the main entrance of that park would be facing the people
who it's not supposedly going for, the south.
Schroers: Supposedly but generally what we're looking at that for is our
youth area. We're developing active areas for the youth and they would be
coming from all parts of town so I don't think that would be that big of a
Boyt: Jan, do you want to give us your comments? We'll go down the line.
Lash: Okay. I think Bandimere...lake property great but if it is more
grading or would be more expensive in the end to try and get it set up for
ballfields, that's the down side. For me the down side is if this is
supposed to be for youth things, and I don't know if that's been decided
for sure or not and if we think logically people have 2-3-4 kids and you
have a bunch of kids in sports and you've got one playing over
in Minnetonka at the same time as the one that's playing way down in TH
l~l and you're trying to get kids allover town where it would be easier
if it was a little closer to say City Park and Lake Ann if you're
shuttling kids allover. But if it's to service the people in southern
Chanhassen, then you want to go further south. You have to determine I
'uess what you think the actual useage is going to be. If it's to service
the people down there, you want it down there.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 37
Hasek: That is the point. The point is to service southern Chanhassen
but our line of demarkation was Lyman Blvd. so both actually fall within
that and from that standpoint they're equal. If we were to say it had to
be, we gave it more weight for being farther south of Lyman Blvd., that'd
be one thing but they're both south of Lyman so they both are equal with
Mady: And that was a must and not a want.
Lash: I still have mixed feelings. I like the lake access but I think
the other one is more easily accessible to the majority of people in town.
Erhart: I think the biggest drawback with the Bandimere piece of property
is the road access. I think that will be a problem. Then also with the
neighbors east of there. You have more neighbors to deal with whereas the
property off of Lyman, you only have the one neighbor and a better access
onto Lyman Blvd.. But I think we should still try to look into Bandimere
property because I agree with AI. I think he could make a few phone calls
and it would be gone real quick then we'll only have one choice. I still
like Bandimere best but I can see a lot of drawbacks.
Hasek: How about heads is Bandimere and tails is...
~ady: No way.
Schroers: Maybe we should each just cast a little individual vote.
Mady: I've got some comments. Concern over the neighbors. Going through
the referendum process, people we talked in the south park, they want a
park bad. Real bad. They were promised a park back in the late 60's,
early 70's. Whenever Lake Ann was first bought. It never happened. They
don't care. They want it bad. You're not going to be seeing lights on
this field for 20 years. Those people are going to be long gone out of
there by the time this park will have lights on it and I don't think the
neighbors are really going to be a problem. I really see these people
saying this is nothing but positive. Anyplace in south Chanhassen is
going to be positive for a park. The access on TH 101. I think there's
some opportunities there that can be addressed and I think the City
Engineer can probably come up with that pretty quickly. He can get a feel
for that pretty easily. The development issue, which one's easier to
develop, we've said all along the Corps of Engineer's Reserve is more than
willing to come up here and for the price of their fuel, they will do
whatever grading we need done on the property, the rough grading. As long
as you give them a year and a half notice, they can do it free basically.
So whichever site we're doing, we're going to have to do it that way
because we do not have the funds to develop that park. There's no way
we're going to have $200,000.00 to $500,000.00 to grade either one of
these sites in the very near future so I see that development is going to
~appen through the use of free labor. I think Bandimere aesthetically has
t heads and tails over the other site. The other site is a nice square
piece of land and with the hill maybe provides a little bit of wind
protection but that's all. It's ultimately going to have possibly two
roads going through it and you're going to lose some pieces of parkland.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 38
At 40 acres or 35 acres, whatever it is, we're not going to be able to
give a whole lot of land. We're going to need every bit of it since we
ultimately wanted 50 to 100 acres and now we're looking at 30 to 40 acres
because of price. Bandimere provides us those unique little things that
you want in a park. The aesthetics. The natural areas that you're not
going to get in the other one. When it comes down to it, Bandimere's got
the better park. It's near to where the majority of the neighbors are
right now. It's closer to them.
Boyt: I like Bandimere too because it's not near where the new highway is
going through. I did not want a park on a major highway. I think that
detracts from the park and it's aesthetically more pleasing.
Hasek: TH 212 is going to go within 2 blocks of Bandimere?
Boyt: Well, it's not going through it.
Hasek: That's true.
Hoffman: Farther than that. Mile. Half a mile.
Boyt: We have the possibility of acquiring property adjacent to Bandimere
Heights and I think that's pretty important.
Aasek: But that also exists with the other park as well. There's going -'
to be property eventually developing south of there so there's an
acquisition possibility there too. Like I said, Bandimere I think is in
the appropriate location. More appropriate location even though Lyman
Blvd.... I just hope that we don't have to spend a lot of money because
the Corps of Engineer's dies on grading Bandimere, that's all. I can see
goofing on a grader out there and spend more money to regrade it, and I'm
being facetious now. I guess I would personally vote to go ahead with
Schroers: Is that a motion?
Hasek: We're taking a straw poll here.
Boyt: Larry's ready to move here.
Schroers: I would like to move that we recommend pursuing the acquisition
of the Bandimere property in both cases and direct staff to work with AI.
Sietsema: What I hear you saying is that you want to recommend that we
proceed with negotiations to acquire the two Bandimere pieces?
Schroers: That's it.
Hasek: Second.
~ady: I'd like to add to that. Include in the motion to direct staff at
the same time to review the access question.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 39
Sietsema: I already have that down.
Schroers moved, Hasek seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission
recommend to proceed with negotiations to acquire the two pieces of the
Bandimere property and to direct staff to look into the access situation.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Mady: I'd also like to recommend to staff that we hold a public hearing
at our next meeting and notify the south area as much as we can. I'm not
sure how we do that but I think we need to move quickly with this and we
need to get a public hearing done on the south park and maybe just notify
through the paper or something but an article in the paper would do it.
Hasek: The reason just to see what they want?
Mady: Get their input before the contract actually gets signed.
Hasek: Why would that affect the purchase price?
Mady: It didn't sound like the purchase price was, Al has a fairly solid
~urchase price right now. It was $6,5~~.~~ an acre for this parcel.
jietserna: For the record it was $6,3~~.~~. It was $21~,~~~.~~ for the 33
Schroers: I'd like to see us get along with the acquisition and then open
it up.
Boyt: Once that's taken care of.
Sietsema: I think we can do a purchase order contingent upon a lot of
different things.
Lash: I would like to see something done that is a committal, a definite
committal so in case, I don't want to go into this thinking everybody's
going to think it's great and then have 5~ people in here...they don't
want it in their back yard. We have to be committed to it.
Hasek: We talked about that but, I think if we write in the proper
Sietsema: I just am hesitant to schedule a public hearing that quickly in
the process. Besides that, our next agenda, we'll have the room full on
our next agenda already.
Boyt: It's almost an emergency situation and we have to act and if we
~on't, we could lose it right away and if everybody knows about it, is
hat the best way to go about it too?
Schroers: This situation is not going to differ no matter where it is or
what piece of property or what. There are going to be those that think
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 40
it's great and those that are adamantly opposed and that's something that
we're going to have to deal with at the time and we can't let that
determine whether or not we get property that's available when it's
available. We'll end up with nothing.
Lash: I'd stil be interested in seeing if we can't get some kind of an
agreement with the seller saying we're definitely interested. We want to
do some investigations into other options. If you get another offer,
please contact us first before and see if we couldn't get an agreement
like that. That would be tied up. We wouldn't have any money invested
but a definite commitment then if we wanted to get input from people down
there of what they want.
Hasek: We've got a problem that Jim just brought up and that is the fact
that Council's not going to act on this until when? Two weeks?
Sietsema: Right. I'll talk to Don and our City Attorney and find out.
Mady: We may not have the luxury of a time period.
Boyt: We might have to get together before then just to act on this.
Hasek: We would like to make the offer before it comes on the market.
~here's no question about that. If that could be accomplished before
clonday or Tuesday of next week, that's what we want to do. ~
Mady: Because the price is out there.
Hasek: You bet you. If it hits the market, you're going to have a Gagne
or somebody, especially if they know there's another interested, they're
going to buy that piece of property.
Erhart: ...real estate before, I did have somebody call me, a personal
friend who has a relative that's a developer and they were asking me about
that property so there are people out there that are interested.
Schroers: I've got to believe there's a whole bunch of developers that
would just love to get a hold of that.
Mady: Lori, will you talk to Don Ashworth tomorrow about this parcel?
Sietsema: Yes, and he's aware of the situation.
Mady: I would hate to see us lose it.
(A tape change occurred at this point in the meeting.)
Hoffman: ...this year those 3 businesses combined gave $400.00. ~
Rosemount declined to give money. McGlynn Bakeries has not responded yet.
The trend is to scale down on corporate donations.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 41
Mady: Update us on last night's consent agenda. The Eagle Scout project
and the basketball court.
Sietsema: Both passed.
Hasek: What was the configuration of the basketball? Are we putting them
on one side so we can keep one...?,
Sietsema: It hasn't really been determined yet. I've got to have Dale
take a closer look at that and see but generally we know we're not going
to have the poles inside the fence. We can get the poles to mount outside
the fence and then come up and over so that nobody runs into a pole. Then
I think it will work fine. And I talked to the guy that wrote the request
and he thought that would be fine too. The only concern I have is the two
posts that hold the net up. If you're playing basketball, that's about
groin high and that might be a problem.
Hasek: Well if you paint the stripe there.
Sietsema: No, we don't plan to stripe anything.
Mady: If you put the hoops up they'll be happy.
~ietsema: They don't even want to playa full court. They just want to
~e able to shoot baskets. They said they're old. That they don't want to
Boyt: If we're going to put two baskets up, and we talked about it
before, we want it regulation height and not for kids.
Sietsema: Todd has another item from Adminstrative Presentation if you
would just bear with us a little longer here.
Hoffman: This item came in. It's addressed to Mayor Chmiel and then it
passed through the circuit on down to me because it is a recreation
program item so I was not able to put it on the agenda. The key
paragraphs here are the third paragraphs. This is a program through the
Carver County Historical Society and it's a youth program which they have
done in Waconia at their local home site there. It's been very
successful. I was aware of it last year. I was aware of it again this
year and was going to advertise it for the Waconia location. Now they've
offered to hold it here in Chanhassen. It's a week long program. Five 90
minute segments. Children go for an hour and a half and they do old time,
if you will, type activities. Making butter. Making bread. Making
candles. Doing that type of thing. A little pioneerish type activities.
I think we have a good setting for it in our Heritage Park down in the old
City Hall. That building is not being used yet. It would be an ideal
setting for this type of program. It has a price tag associated with it
~f $250.00 for that week. Just a lump sum fee to pay them to come out
ere and sponsor this program. I'm just bringing this item to the
Commission for some feedback. Some of your thoughts.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 11, 1989 - Page 42
Boyt: I've been through the program with the kids. It's wonderful.
$250.00 is a pretty good deal. They're entertaining. They tell stories
while they teach the kids.
Mady: The room at Heritage Park, is that going to be big enough to handle
Hoffman: 20-25 kids. Yes.
Boyt: In Waconia, it's done outside sitting in the grass.
Schroers: What are you looking for Todd, an approval?
Hoffman: Yes.
Hasek moved, Boyt seconded to direct staff to initiate the Carver County
Historical Society youth program. All voted in favor and the motion
Mady moved, Schroers seconded to adjourn the meeting.
and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned.
All voted in favor
Submitted by Lori Sietsema
Park and Rec Coordinator
Prepared by Nann Opheim