PRC 1989 12 12
,.....DECEMBER 12,1989
Chairman Mady called the Pleeting to order at 7: 30 P.PI..
MEMBERS PRESENT: Sue Boyt, Jan Lash, Jim Mady, and Larry Schroers
MEMBERS ABSENT: Ed Hasek, Dawne Erhart and Curt Robinson
STAFF PRESENT: Lori Sietsema, Park and Rec Coordinator and Todd Hoffman,
Recreation Supervisor
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Schroers moved, Boyt seconded to approve the Minutes
of the Park and Recreation CoItinlission It,eeting dated NovePlber 14, 1989 as
presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Sietsep,a: This i tePI was bronght before the PaJ:k and Recreation COP,Ptlssion
previously only it was 100 acre site and 3 lots. 3 or 4 lots. They
revised the plan taking out the 80 acre outlot and it's just a lot split so
it's 20 acres into 2 lots. At the time that we talked abont this before,
the recoIt,plendation froPI the Park and Recreation COPinlission was to cOPle in
,..... wi th a trail easement along this border and then along the eastern border
to get up. It wonld have gone through the other outlot up to Tanadoona
Drive and eventually over to TH 41 and up to the Regional Park. Since that
time I've talked to planning and they're talking about a couple of
different options for a road in connecting Crimson Bay through here or
cOPtlng in wi th a road that would cOPle in here and eventually connect to the
east. Now the latest is a road along the north boundary. It's unlikely
that the option of connecting Crimson Bay Road is going to go through. If
that doesn't go through, it doesn't make a lot of sense to put a trail in
there and cut off, divide that lot np. So staff would recoPIP.end that we
just continue wi th the prev iOllS recoPll'tlendation. Goi ng along the sonth and
east border of the property.
Mady: We'll have the opportuni ty at a later date to do sOPlething else.
...develops this whole thing.
Boyt: Are you saying the road would go along the northern edge then?
SietseIt,a: Right but it doesn't Itlake sense for ns to cOPle in along the
south and east and then go back down over. Our goal is to get up here. If
you're looking at, this is south and the regional park is going to be up
here so our goal is to zig zag our way through and at the time we make that
the next connection would be when the 80 acres comes through and that again
is one of the sites that was identified as potential cOIt~unity park
property. When that changes is apt to be long range when that ever cOPIes
up for developPlent.
Lash: Are you saying that our recoItinlendation is based on... You've got
the Minutes attached?
Park and Rec COI'Ill,ission Meeting
DeceIllber 12, 1989 - Page 2
SietseIlla: Yes.
Lash: Okay, becanse thi s cattle back to IlS and we changed th1.s. Rel'leIllber it
went to Planning and then Mark Koegler came back to us at our next me~ting
and he said onr recol'lll,endation really didn't II,ake sense with the COI'IP Plan
and they came back and we discussed the whole thing again and it had
sOI',ething to do with Dogwood? I distinctly reIllel'lber that. I reIllel'lber the
night Mark was here.
Boyt: You think it changed?
Lash: I don't remember but I know it wasn't this east thing and it went.
It has kind of a connection with Dogwood?
SietseIlla: What the connection was is that the next piece, I wish I had an
overall plan.
Lash: I'm p~etty sure it was the sa~e thing. Have we done two diffe~ent
SietseIl,a: What we had done was going all the way along this whole entire,
including the outlot and then shooting up this way.
Lash: And that was onr first recol'll'lendation right?
Sietsel'la: Right.
Lash: Okay. I know that this ca~e back to ns a second time.
Schroers: I reIllettlber sOIl,ething about that Jan. One of the things that
Mark brought up was we were talking at the sa~e time about the population
projection for the next 25 years or whatever the projected population could
reach 35,000 in the City and he felt that, if I reme~ber correctly, it was
the opinion at that tiIl,e that this additional parkland really wouldn't be
necessary that far out in the City until the cOl'~unity reached that target
population or close to it. That was so~ething that we would consider way
in the futnre.
Lash: You're talking about a park. We're talking about the trails.
That's what we're talking about right?
SietseIl,a: Tra iI, right. Staff's recol'lIt,endation was to go along Dogwood
and go through, straight through that lot connecting to CriIl,son Bay. That
was staff's first recottll',endation. I don't know if Mark was in the audience
then or not but it was changed then. What the Park and Recreation
CottlIl.ission had recottlIllended then was to go along the south and east boundary
of the entire site being again the outlot included so what I'm suggesting
here now, instead of bringing it way up here, which we conld do at some
tittle in the future, change that if that COttles in, I 'III saying go along the
east here. If this turns out to develop into houses, we can get through
along the streets or whatever. Whatever this street connection is going -'
to. If they put in a street here, whatever that street connection is, we
can tie into that.
Park and Rec COII'~ission Meeting
December 12, 1989 - Page 3
Boyt: It wOllld be the II'IOSt.. .to the park.
Sietserrla: Yeah, if it beCOIlles a park, right. And if it beCOIlies horrles,
then we can go along the streets to make the connection that we want to
make. I'll have to look. I don't recall that.
Lash: Becal.lse I know I voted aga inst it when it carrie back the second till'ie.
I absolutely rell'ieIliber that. And on this one we all voted in favor and the
Illotion carr ied. I know it call'le back to us. It went to Planning 1 ike the
next week and there were a bunch of problems with it and Mark came and
explained to us their reasoning and then we changed it. I know it
something to do with Dogwood.
Sietsema: Alright I'll look but I don't know...
Mady: Do we need to act on it tonight?
Sietsell'la: Yeah. Unless yon want to wai t unti 1 you get that other
infonlation but it is going to the Planning Corrll'dssion at their next
Lash: If you're basing that we need to change it, based on our first
recopll'lenda tion.
Sietsell',a: 1'1'1 just giving you that for backgronnd inforll'iation. You can
disregard that whole, because that is no longer a valid plan and just go
based on this plan.
Sue Boyt' s COII'll'lents couldn't be heard on the tape.
Sietsema: If you want to wait and I can go back and look that up.
...the recoIl~endation was to go on Dogwood here, then...
Boyt: I don't think it was. I think it was a problem going along Dogwood.
I think that's what we wanted to do initially because that's the one that
Iliakes the lI'iOSt sense when you first glance at it but it seeIliS like there
was something wrong with that. ...couldn't get it over on this side...
Schroers: Well there is definitely topography over there.
Sietsema: Yeah, it's very, especially when you get down to Dogwood, it
gets even more erratic. Severe. You have a couple options. If you want
to review it, what happened before, I can go back and dig out, see where we
discussed that. I don't think it was on the agenda though because I looked
back on all the agendas. That it just came np and I'll have to look and
see what that was. Otherwise, the old plan is no longer valid becanse that
did not get approval so you can base your recolI'~endations strictly on what
~we have in front of us today.
Mady: Thinking it through, the old plan really has some old basis on it.
A major portion of it or 8~% of it doesn't come in front of us. It's just
Park and Rec COI"'l1'dssion Meeting
December 12, 1989 - Page 4
this 20 acres. Ul tipiately we're going to have an opportl1ni ty and it Play be
20 years froP, now, to Plake that connection SOItle other way but going along
that section line there, probably at this point makes the most sense. Just
going along the edges there. We don't have any other way of doing it.
Schroers: That 80 acres that...comfield?
Sietsepia: What it is is, two different people own these properties and I
believe that the guy with the smaller piece, what you're looking at today,
wanted to divide, get more lots out of it and he needed Piore acreage to do
that becanse it's a 1 unit per 10 acres so if you threw the 30 acres in it
was 100 and he conld get 3 lots out of his and make the other piece an
outlot bnt it didn't work out that way so he's coming back with jnst 2
Schroe1:s: I would think we could I"'iake a recomI'iendation on this.
Mady: Go ahead.
Schroers: Okay, I'll move to accept park and trail dedication fees in lieu
of parkland and trail construction and to require a trail easement straight
north froItI Cripison Bay Road to Tanadoona Drive and also recoItl1'lend to
consider at the tipie of fnrther developI"'ient, neighborhood park needs.
Mady: Is there a second?
Boyt: I thonght that was the place where there was a probleItI pntting a
trail in and going along Crimson Bay Road. Isn't that where this problepi
with the trail...
Sietsep,a: Along Cr il'ison Bay?
Boyt: Yeah. If that's the motion.
SietseI"'ia: Your Itlotion was to connect Cr iI"'ison Bay to Dogwood or to Lake
Schroers: North...
SietseI"'ia: Yeah.
Schroers: NO, I was following staff's recoI"'l1'iendation to reqni re trai I
easePients straight north froItI Cripison Bay Road to Tanadoona Drive.
Sietsema: Okay, that's the old recoI"'~endation. Go back to the second page
of your report.
Lash: While yon' re getting yonr thoughts together Larry, can I I"'iake one
Schroers: Snre.
Park and Rec COPu"ission Meeting
Decel'lber 12, 1989 - Page 5
Lash: I don't want to appear to be real nit picky but I have a question.
You guys will discover that I have a very good memory for details and I
specifically remember making a correction on these minutes and it was not
done. I'm wondering, when we make corrections if that then is go back and
correct it or...
Sietsepia: Usually I do.
Lash: Because this ends up becoming the permanent record correct?
Sietsel',a: Right. Where' s the correction?
Lash: It was on page 15. I'm just saying that this is really nit picky
but I rel'lember that this happened because I was the one who was questioning
about this budget that we had started for Lake Minnewashta and I was asking
these questions about it and Nann had gotten Dawne and I, I suppose because
we were new at that time, our voices mixed up so she has down that Dawne
was making the con~lents. Asking the questions and I was asking the
questions and correcting that and it wasn't done.
Sietsel',a: The reason these aren't corrected is because when the Minutes
come in, I go through them all and label them for the files. I got these
Minutes out of the files, not out of the Minutes so when I go back to a
file that's regarding trails or regarding one issue, insteading of paging
i/fII""'" throngh a huge book of Minutes and trying to find it, I can find all the
pages I need by finding that date and pulling it out and copying it and
those Minutes go in right away into the...
Lash: Before corrections?
Sietsel',a: Before corrections usually. SOl'ietipies. Not always but usually
when I get theni, I put thel'1 in there because they're needed. They need to
go in there.
Lash: But the corrections are needed.
Yeah, for the official record they are made.
Mady: Ready to go?
Schroers: No, as a matter of fact. I managed somehow or another to
get...and I'l'i still sOPiewhat confused so I'l'i not ready to piake a
Sietsema: If you want to go with the option of going from Crimson Bay
Road, which is here, along the south boundary up, that would be the second
scenario. If the street goes through between the two lots or along the
north side, then the previous recon~endation regarding the trail should
stand going along the south boundary from Crimson Bay Road to the southeast
~corner of Lot 2 and along the east boundary of Lots 1 and 2.
Boyt: Yeah, that was our last reconllliendation.
Park and Rec ComJtdssion Meeting
DeceIllber 12, 1989 - Page 6
Sietsema: Except that instead of going 11p here, it went way out. That was
one recondllendation.
Schroers: What's kind of confusing nle now is like if the street goes here.
That kind of leads me to believe that we don't know exactly what we're
doing, at least that's what I felt.
Sietse~a: That what?
Boyt: We're trying to project into the future what's going to happen.
SietseI'la: What Planning has told Jtle is that they want a street down in
thi s area sOJtlehow to get these people out of here. That would connect, so
that ,not everybody is feeding onto what's labeled here as Lake Drive.
Okay? So if they put it in and connect Lake Drive over to Crimson Bay Road
or if they put it inbetween the two lots and at a future tinle that the
other piece develops, they continue it out or if they put it up along the
north side, those are the 3 options. There's only 2 in your packet because
the north side just ca~e up today. So if they go through, put it through
Cr iI'lson Bay Road, Cr iIllson Bay Road to Lake Drive, then it would Jtlake sense
for the trail to go along there but it's not likely that that's going to
happen. What you would do is just make that recoIl~endation. If that
happens, then you want the trail here. If it goes between the two lots or
along the north side, then you'd want the trail along here because what we
want to do is connect Crimson Bay Road over to Lake Minnewashta Park.
Lash: Is there sOJtle way that we can just wait until we have confirrr,ation
on this so we know what's happening?
Mady: Basically what we want to do is run it along whatever road they
decide to put in. I don't know anything else...
SietseIlla: Basically. We can look at it after Planning but typically we
make our recon~endation before Planning looks at it because we're on the
saPle schedule as the Ci ty Counc i1 and that would hold the developer up
almost a ~onth if we have to look at it after them.
Mady: The likelihood is that they're only going to put more road in?
SietseI'la: Yeah.
Boyt: And really what the two options are, since we want to connect froPI
CriIllson Bay in the southwest corner, the two options are to go straight
north and that probably isn't an option.
SietsePla: Right. If they don't put the road in, then that isn't probably
what we want to do.
Boyt: So our only other real option is to go the southern boundary and the
eastern boundary and it doesn't matter then where else they put the road
because our goal is to get froItl the southwest corner to the north. ...."
Mady: So moved.
Park and Rec Coru',ission Meeting
December 12, 1989 - Page 7
Boyt: Second.
Mady I\loved, Boyt seconded that the Park and Recreation CorrllTdssion recolliIliend
to accept park and trail dedication fees in lieu of parkland and trail
construction and that trail easements run along the south and east
boundary. All voted in favor except Lash who opposed and the motion
carried with a vote of 3 to 1.
Lash: Sholl1d we do son,ething real novel like Curry FarriS Park?
Chanhassen Hills Park? Bandimere Park and then...
Sietsema: It would make a lot of sense to go with the subdivision name in
most cases. I would think that Curry Farms and Chanhassen Hills are
,....,. HoffIl,an: Are very pleasant
Mady: My thoughts on this were basically what Jan's are. Use the
subdivision narr.e whenever possible and if you have a si tuation where
there's more than one park, you can bet almost every situation I can
remember in the 3 or 4 years I've been here, there's always been one Illajor
park and then there's been bits and pieces here and there. Use the
developIlient naIlle fOl" those and the little bi tty piece parks rrlaybe if
there's nothing else that really strikes us, we can just use the street
name that they're on.
Boyt: How about Chanhassen...and there were a lot of indians in this area
and a lot of the roads have the Frontier indian derivation, if we go back
to SOllie of tha t. Sorrle of roots...
Lash: Do you have a suggestion?
Boyt: No. I think there's a list of street names.
Lash: Okay, but...Kiowa is one. Do you think there'd be a problem with
Boyt: ...that's confusing because there's 3 of them in town but we need,
but that will give us sonie indian words. We don't want one like Kiowa Park
and people will never find that. They'll know there's like 3 or 4 Kiowas
"'" around.
Lash: Or are they set up, I I"lean I'rr. not even sure where these all are but
is it set up in a way that there's a directional thing where one is north
Park and Rec Comnlission Meeting
December 12, 1989 - Page 8
or one is west and yon conld say Lake Susan Hills East Park or West Park? .
Boyt: One of them is good for sledding and you could call it the sledding
park but I think there's four of us here, there's four park sites. Jim's
Park, Jan's Park, Larry's Park and Sue's Park. We have Lake Ann and Lake
Schroers: Then we have to come up with a staff park.
Sietsep,a: Well do you want to go one at a time? What's nice is for a park
that there's only one park in the subdivision, it is nice to call it that
subdivision sip,ply because we changed the name at Meadow Green and between
the people that live there and it depends on who you are what you call it.
Oh, you mean Chaparral Park? You still get that and when I first started
if I said Meadow Green, not even Dale would know what I was talking about.
Hoff Plan: So who changed that? Who changed the naItle?
Sietsep,a: Fran. It was before Pie. It was Meadow Green Park before I got
here and actnally I think Chanhassen Pond Park used to be Western Hills.
Boyt: Chan Pond par.k.
Sietsema: I don't know how it ever got to be Chan Pond Park. I think it
used to be Western Hills Park or sOP,ething. But anyway, it's Chan Pond
Park now. So if YOll want to go one at a tiP,e and agree on those naI"les and.......
then the difficult part about the Lake Susan Hills West one is that the
name of the subdivision is so long and then you start putting directions,
different directions in there, it would be Lake Susan Hills West North.
Boyt: ...1 want to find completely different names for Lake Susan since
they have four of them.
Sietsep,a: For Lake Susan Hills West, yeah.
Boyt: For all 4 of their parks.
Sietsema: The other thing is, if you named one of them Lake Susan Hills
West Park, which one?
Hoffman: We already have a Lake Susan Park.
Mady: We have a cOItlI'lUni ty park so we should try to stay away froItI Lake
Susan period.
Boyt: Go with Bandimere, Curry Farms and Chanhassen Hills?
Sietsepia: We al ready have a BandiIt,ere par:k too.
Lash: Yeah, but it's the same.
Park and Rec Con~ission Meeting
Decen,ber 12, 1989 - Page 9
Mady: It's in the sanie, we call it Band iIt,ere FarItI Coniniuni ty Park, everyone
will be happy. They'll find that out when the people are here for the park
Sietsema: This is Lake Susan Hills West. This is a piece of parkland, and
this is.
Schroers: These are just neighborhood parks where you're not going to have
scheduled events mostly.
Mady: There's a pretty good size park though.
Sietserr,a: This one will be real active. This one won't be too nillch going
on. I think this one will probably be more active and then there's this
big piece between there. It's part of Lake Susan Hills West and part
of Chanhassen Hills but it's a natural...
Lash: Outlot E.
Mady: Outlot park.
Schroers: If we were going to be having scheduled events and things like
that at sonie of the parks, it seeniS like the ItIOSt logical way to handle
that particular Lake Susan Hills because there's more of them...and that's
,...., not very irriaginative and I realize that but just to keep things in order.
At least you know what you're talking about.
Lash: It's a very neat, tidy idea Larry but.
Mady: But no one knows what field they're on up here. When you say
diamond #3 and they say, well that's where, which one is it?
Hoffn,an: Thi s has got a streanl running through it.
Lash: Beantiful Creek Park.
Hoffman: Have Creek in there. Stream.
Boyt: Indian Creek Park.
Lash: What's the nanie of creek there?
Hoffrrian: What is the nanie of the creek?
Schroers: Call it Susan Creek.
sietsel'ia: Who knows.
Lash: How about Sunset Trail Park. Is that the name of this street?
Mady: Is it there yet?
Sietsema: It stops right here.
Park and Rec Co~~ission Meeting
Dece~ber 12, 1989 - Page 10
Mady: It goes down to that guy's house and then walk through...
Schroers: If you're going to na~e it after creeks, you have to attach a
length to it. 9 ~ile, 6 ~ile and we've got one that goes all the way to
Boyt: Is that a park joke?
Schroers: I don't know. I just ca~e up with it.
Lash: Creek Drive Park?
Mady: That's nice.
Hoffman: Sure is. Creek Drive Park?
Mady: Outlot G, Creek Drive Park.
Sunset Trail Park?
Park is.
The only thing is, no one's going to know where Sunset Trail
When you're here you have no idea that you're that close to this.
Lash: Just na~e the street and then we'll look at it.
Mady: NaItle the street park.
Sietse~a: This is Lake Susan Hills West Drive.
Boyt: Huron, that makes a lot of sense doesn't it?
Mady: There's another Huron in this town.
Sietse~,a: Well we have about a zillion Dakota's.
Boyt: We have a lot of Chippewa's. 2 or 3.
Lash: Do you think we could just wait on it until they na~le the streets
and then.
Boyt: We can CO~ie up with ~Iore creative nan-Ies too. Creekwood. There's
woods there.
Mady: There's Creekwood Park and Creek Drive Park.
Schroers: Do we have to have it associated with something in order to give
it a landmark or an area or location or something?
Mady: How about Audubon Park?
Boyt: There are areas known for certain type of natural topography. You
could take SO~ie of that. We have prair ie. We have forest. There's acorns
Park and Rec COP-lI'lission Meeting
December 12, 1989 - Page 11
up in here. We could come up with soIt,ething that describes prairie or
forest or something.
Mady: Creekwood is the name of a road.
S ietsep,a: Karen lives right over here.
Mady: There you go, Karen's Park.
Sietsema: And she has a red fox in her area all the time and she lives
right around this park right here.
Lash: Fox Creek.
Mady: Fox Hollow. Fox Chase. Red Fox Park.
Sietsema: What about Red Fox? Well I can see why I never got very faJ~
wi th . . .
Schroers: If we want to pick kind of a theme, that would narrow it down
and make it easier.
Boyt: What was the type of indian that...Dakota and Sioux right?
,..... Schroer.s: I thought it was Chippewa but.
Mady: Trees.
Sietsema: Well, the streams that run thlOUgh the town are types of trees,
types of indians, and.
Lash: Things that have nothing to do with this.
Mady: Like What? Big Horn.
Boyt: Calestoga.
Mady: What's a Calestoga anyway?
Lash: Covered wagon.
SietseIt,a: Tha t' s frontier ish.
Schroers: Frontieriesh, pioneerish. How about pionner Park?
Sietsell,a: We could naP-Ie it after Jilt, Curry.
Lash: We should naltle it after that sportscaster.
S' t Sl'd?
,-.... le sellla:
HoffIt,an: So we're trying to stay with the natural thel1le right? Is that
Park and Rec Corll1'dssion Meeting
DeceI'iber 12, 1989 - Page 12
Sietsema: Let's name them after...
Hoffnian: Water? Pond Park?
Boyt: We're part of a group of what they call I'iini-waters. We're part of
a region called mini-waters.
Lash: One says open space and the other one says public open space... Now
here's a circle that's down here called Oak Side Circle.
Mady: Was this a particular farmer's property at one point in time?
SietseI'ia: was Jin, Curry's after that.
Schroers: Creekside. I like Sunnyside.
Hoffr,an: Creekside Park, because there's a lot of people...
Mady: TH 2l2's going to go along the one. That's the Chan Hills park,
never nd nd .
Sietsema: Really the only two that really should have names right now are
probably these two because they're being developed.
Mady: G and F you mean?
Sietsema: If you wanted to wait on the others.
Lash: What did you say the name of the street is up here? Creek Drive.
SietseI'ia: This is Creek Drive that goes through but it's not in yet.
Lash: Okay, but that's what it's going to be called?
Sietsema: Do you want to go with prairie at all?
Mady: None of thenl really reflect a prair ie. Outside of Outlot E, there
aren't a whole lot of trees out there.
Lash: Which are the two that you want?
Mady: G and F.
SietseI'ia: We don't have to do any of thenl now. It's just when you're
talking about them. I can't remember the letters.
Schroers: Go with the hilly one and call it Susan Knolls Park.
Sietsema: Susan's Knobs?
Schroers: Susan's Knobs Park. I didn't say that.
Park and Rec CO!'i!'dssion Meeting
Dece!'lber 12, 1989 - Page 13
Mady: Why don't we call it one of the!'i Van Doren, one Hazard, one
Stallings. Hazard Park.
Schroers: Cottonwood Park is nice. There's probably only about 8,000 of
the!'1 in the state. ..but I think if you're going to do sOIrlething like that,
you've got to actually physically go there and make sure that the large
cottonwood trees are in the park. We naIrled area SU!'iac Knoll and then...
Mady: Since we Irloved the geese out of Lake Susan, call one Canadian Geese
Sietsema: Gooseless.
Schroers: Missing Geese Park. That sounds like an indian name doesn't it?
Lash: Running Geese.
Sietsel',a: Cr i tter Creek.
Lash: I guess I'd be interested in finding out what the name of the creek
is here.
Sietsema: Do you like Critter Creek?
,r-.Lash: I'd be interested in finding out what the nal'ie of the creek is here
and then I'd be interested in finding out what the names of the street will
be by the other before I !'Iake any rash decisions here on what we l'lay end up
nal'1i ng . . .
Mady: This is forever.
Lash: I'll make a motion that we wait until we have the creek names and
the nallle of the streets in Lake Susan.
Mady: And name the other three?
Lash: Well did everybody think that Bandimere...
Sietsema: You want to name it, since it's going to be a youth athletic
cO!'lplex, do you want to Bandil'iere Athletic COIrlplex or Athletic Park.
Mady: BandiIr,ere COl'lI\'iunity Park.
Lash: Bandil'lere COIrIlt,uni ty Park?
Mady: Sounds good to me.
Lash: Okay, so we want to go Curry Farms Park, Chanhassen Hills Park,
Bandilllere COIrIIliuni ty Pal:k and we're going to hold off on Lake Susan Hills
",......., unti 1 we have Irlore inforIliation.
Mady: Second.
Park and Rec CO'[l:'I',ission Meet:ing
December 12, 1989 - Page 14
Lash moved, Mady seconded to name the following parks: Curry Farms Park,
Chanhassen Hi 11 s Park and Bandilttere COItll'auni ty Park and to hold off naI'dng
. the parks in Lake Susan Hills West Imtil street naI'les and creek naItaes have
been identified. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Sietsel'aa: At the last rraeeting Sue had n,entioned that she would like an
update on the Youth, what was happening with the Youth Corr~ission and the
Ethics that were adopted by the city. I put in the packet the resolution
that was adopted. The resolution containing the youth development plan and
the ethics and the Minlltes from the City Council. Also the YOllth
COItIl',ission proposal. I think what I'll do is just have Margie go over, is
that alright, froI', start to finish how we kind of got to where we're at. I
know a little bit about it, enough to kind of have a grasp on how the youth
cOI'~ission evolved and the four different aspects and everything but I
don't think these people do at all and I don't feel confident enongh about
the details to really make it clear to them.
Margie Karjalahti: About 2 years ago it kind of evolved that there was
just like a real concern. People really started to voice concern about
what kind of input is going into our kids in our conffi,unities...who they
becoIl'ae as adul ts. What's going to be the foundation for... Where do they
get this type of character developing input so a lot of people got togethe
and started talking about it. What really caI'le about was conl'[l:,unity effort"""
with people from Chanhassen, Chaska, Carver...and Victoria all coming
together at different ti'[l:aes and di scussing it and condng up wi th a plan.
The plan becan,e known as the youth developn,ent plan. There are four
aspects to that plan and it's just kind of way to meet the needs of the
youth. One the schools meet the needs of kids. Another one is
formation of...and there I'aay be a lot of duplication going on and it may
just probably real helpful if there's a resource center where if we COIt.e up
with an idea that say our Park and Rec would like to do, it may already be
done sO'[l:,eplace else and we could get some information that would help us
frona having to reinvent the wheel. And maybe work in conjunction with
those people. So that's cirr iculul', and resource data base. The third was
the adoption, the formation and adoption of the Set of Values which I
believe you probably, do you know about the values that have been adopted
by the City? Those valnes were comprised from several public forums and
questionaires. The last thing that brought it all together was last May we
had an open foruIta for the publ ic to conle to which they had taken a 1 i st of
28 values and set them, kind of put us in groups and there were
approximately 59 people there and people from all our cOIt~unities and we
just kind of pr ior i ti zed wha t we thought was in,portant. It carrae down to
the 8 valnes that we have so that's how they canae about. It was just one
person or even...and we really thought what they were was what people
already have in them. Values that we already have. The purpose of
adopting the values is to to mostly encourage people to hold them up and to
make people really realize that they can be bold about displaying then, and
ItaOdel ing thena for kids. Then the fourth cOItaponent, let's see there's, are--,
YOll tracking wi th nae? Okay, the fourth conaponent then would be the
formation of a youth corr.ndssion. The youth con.ndssion would be one source,
Park and Rec Co~~ission Meeting
December 12, 1989 - Page 15
see now I wasn't...on this myself because I kind of came in on the values
part. The youth cO~lI'"tission I understand would be a sonrce of.. .one paid
person who would coordinate the efforts of a lot of volunteers. They would
continue to look at the needs of youth, particularly in the area of
character developlllent. Whether there are problen,s. Whether there are
things that can avoid problelTls... throughout all cO~IIl,uni ties. That wOl11d be
the purpose of the youth con~ission so that 5 years from now we wouldn't
look back and say, gosh that was a good idea to adopt those values... But
the youth co~~ission would be accountable to all of the co~~unities it
serves too through a Board of Directors and they haven't finalized all of
that yet.
Sietsenla: They have the Youth COlTlnlission proposal in here for 1989 and the
cover letter on that has letterhead Youth Development Task Force froll,
Stephanie Young and it talks about that the youth cO~llTlission would continne
the four aspects and catalog that resource center so that they would have
all that stuff together and look at duplicacies and what not like Margie
was talking about. Bnt it'd be an ongoing thing that could be updated and
identifying needs. Update the needs and what the kids needs and I got the
impression that that con~ission isn't going to have one on one contact with
the yonth but with all the people that deal with yonth.
Margie Karjalahti: When I did talk to Stephanie Young she said that the
youth COIlIIl,ission, where they are right now is pretty avoid
~duplication by finding out what's already going on and then filling in the
gaps where they're seen. That w01l1d be the first year... The second year
would be looking at... so that's the two year plan for the youth cO~lI'"lission
so far.
SietseIl,a: So in a nutshell, that's what the task force is all about. The
bottom line is that I think that the City Council has embraced these
values, these ethics for the City to follow and I think they also, didn't
they approve the Con~ission's proposal but they haven't designated any
Margie Karjalahti: I think that's right.
Sietsellla: Okay, so the next thing is that the COlTlIllission would conle back
and see what kind of funds they need fron, each one of the different
agencies o~ cities or whatever is involved.
Margie Karjalahti: What they were looking at is probably a 30 hour a week
position. Maybe not even full time position. 30 hours. And the basis
that they were looking at the funding would be, by the way the...that they
had come up with was $1.00 per capital per person within the School
District *112 so for Chanhassen it would just be for the people living in
School District *112 so it wouldn't be the entire city. And that's purely
volunteer. It's just a way to start somewhere.
,-... Boyt :
The reason I asked for this to be presented to Park and Rec was
when we were working on our nlission stateIllent, there was SOllie.
voiced that we not tell people what their values should be. It'13,'
been decided that we can do that. That we can take a stance. That
Park and Rec CO~IIl&ission Meeting
December 12, 1989 - Page 16
thi8 is the ~!ay that we're going to try and act so we want other people to
do that.
Ma::gje Karjalahti: The purpose of the values is Itlostly to Itlake people
aware of then. in the~ase1ves so they can be conscience that they're I'iodel ing
thena and to know that that's just a part of Itlatter what you
ure; you are always modeling something so let's really try to model the
good qualities that we like to see in our children.
SietseI'ia: Now is the values cOItlmittee going to be putting on seI'iinars and
training sessions for people who work with youth?
Margie Karjalahti: We are real happy to do that, yes. I have...getting
back to people. A letter has gone out and I have not had time to contact.
One other things, I talked to Todd last week I think. He's doing a
training session for rink attendants and we talked about how good it would
be for theI'1 to be able to pick out one or two of the values and figure out
for themselves how they would be modeling that as the attendant. The
training session we have developed is one that, we don't tell people what
they're supposed to be doing but we give them the opportunity to identify
the values that they particular want to be...and focus in on those. So
that there's ownership from them and it comes from them because you can't
teach values. They can only be I'aode1ed and talked about. Unless you have
theni, you can't teach thena but we see that people have theI'a. So we do have
a process to help people identify thena. There's another program too that ,
we've just conae np with and it's called you've got to be kidding. It was """""
developed for educators mostly but there's also a parent program that
really anybody could watch because I've seen quite a bit of it, could apply
to their own lives and kind of fit it in. It just kind of teaches you neat
.1 i ttle ways to respond to kids so we really have two different prograI'aS in
the organization.
Boyt: available to neighborhood groups too.
Margie Karja1ahti: Yes.
Boyt: To anyone who wants to have it at their house could have it at their
house for the neighbors.
Margie Karjalahti:
faci1itaters now...
people who will...
Yes, and we have faci1itaters for that and we also have
We can go out and do this now. We have about 15
Boyt: I'd love to have you get at coaches.
Margie Karjalahti: Most of the people on the values con~ittee are hockey
play:ers.. That was our first priority.
Boyt: How's it working with that?
I Margie Karjalahti: Well we haven't gotten there yet. Been able to kind o~
t,'lrk ,about thenl...
Park and Rec Co~~ission Meeting
Dece~ber 12, 1989 - Page 17
.:", '"
Boyt: You ~ight want to contact Jeff Bros because basketball starts in.
January so the coaches will be training any day now.
Hoffman: As a result of Margie and conversation, a list of these values
has been included in our employee orientation packet. When we go over Ollr
e~lployee rules and guidel ines, we'll just discuss for a nlOl'lent these
values, this program. How it has been adopted by the City Council and we
would like those people as enlployees of the City to try to exeI',plify the,~e
values. With their job there at the warming house.
Boyt: Thanks Margie.
Sietsel',a: Is there any questions about the Adl'dnstrative Section?
Schroers: I did have one. I read it through and I felt that...and let's
give the~1 that inforl',ation and tell the~1 that under the circu~,stances..". .
skating rink there.
Hoffman: I saw Craig Nye. He brought his kids up here.
Schroers: Did he say they want it?
Hoffman: Yeah, I talked to him. He said yeah, I heard about it.
Lash: Does it sound year?
Schroers: That or like it was suggested in the adPlinstrative section, look
at possible different locations. Or if in fact a new well gets drilled and
there aren't any problems with it, it may work out there but right now I
can understand why if they're having pipe freezing problems they plan on
doing construction in the area, it certainly wouldn't make any sense to put
a skating rink in the way. So I agree with that.
Sietsep,a: And it's just a Platter of how that all gets graded out and where
the ballfield fits on that other piece. I would think that that could
probably be worked out. It's just the logistics of doing it. It's
certainly not level enough to do anything with it this year. The otber
Schroers: And because it was in January right, that they plan on drilling
the test well?
Sietse~,a: Right, but that won't be on the other piece. There'- s two..., ,f..':
different pieces down there at South ,Lotus Lake. One's the wellhouse8sit~
and then the other one's above the parking area for the boat access.
That well's going to be on the upper site then?
~ i: :."! S .,.t
No, it's going to be right on the saItle piece the ex,i,st-i,n,gfnwen:.:
Park and Rec COMnission Meeting
December 12, 1989 - Page 18
r".t ~ '...
Schroers: That's what I gathered when I was reading it so that's why I
thought it would be in the way.
Sietsenaa: Right but I mean if we want to do it on the other piece, it's
not likely that we can this year because it's just not flat enough. If we
want to include that when we move forward with plans, the detailed plans of
that park wilL have ~o take that into consideration at that time and that's
scheduled for next year.
Boyt: Did ~nything happen with the zamboni?
Sietsema: I haven't taken it to the City Council yet for their approval to
sell it. The Minutes aren't available so it won't be on the next agenda.
.:!b will have to go on the next...
Lash: The memo that you have to Don about the Lake Ann Park fee. It seems
like you call it the non-residential seasonal pass was to rel'iain at
=, $Uh 00 ....
(There was a tape change at this point.)
Mady: ....~ake it as uninviting as possible...because the grass will have
... to be cut or:casionally whi Ie it's growing... Have we gotten, do we know
what's happening with that old train depot that we got a year ago?
Sietsema: I haven't heard a thing about it. I don't know if the money's
actually changed hands. It was supposed to be purchased.
Mady:. My thoughts are we haven't really COttami ttee to where it should be or
what should happen with it but with the HRA redeveloping the downtown,
specifically like it along the railroad tracks along there, obviously HRA
money could be utilized to put it in place and rejuvenate it.
Sietsema: There's actually a spot that would work really well that would
be right across the street frotti the new bank that's going in down there.
And the bank is, they're working out a deal with HRA. They don't want that
piece to be developed and they're willing to pay the City to not develop it
further for con~iercial uses or something. I don't really have all the
details yet. That will be coming to the con~ission but at any rate, if
that all goes as planned, it will be a good place for the depot to go. It'd
be a nice green area by the. railroad tracks.
Mady: I just wanted to find out. Had that just been dropped or...
Sietsenaa: I'll have to check and see. I don't know if the naoney ever
changed hands. That was an HRA deal too so.
Mady: The other thing I've got is...named spelled right but that's fine.
\ Hoffnian: We've been getting increased publ ic conaItaent each tinae one of ....."..
these goes out. New people in town. New people frona, a woman frona Kansas
called the other day to sign her kid up for just about anything that she
Park and Rec Con~tission Meeting
Decelllber 12, 1989 - Page 19
;),. ;_;J~' b .. ti '-:~
<;< () ,'19::,:OJ 0
could in here and said this is just great. Where we lived before we never
had anything like this and that kind of thing. "".~..1 7: .,1 ";.J2
;,r. ~'!r. J
Sietsell,a: Welcollle to Minnesota and isn't that picture nice?
; ..,'I < .: ~;, :.~
Mady: I didn't realize we had a contest for it.
: ~ J."
Hoffn,an: Just star ted. We didn't get a picture so we needed one. ~l -\ <"; Y
....... ... ,.
Lash: Last till,e we talked about having sOl',ething in the paper for
so~ething. Ask the guy with the paper to do a little blip asking people?
for input on sOlllething.
Sietse~a: It was for the accessibility stuff. I talked to Dave about ib~
and he'd like to do an article about it in January so I put it on'the ba'c;k
burner to do so~e of the other groups and stuff about it and put it all in
with his stuff.
," >,..l
Hoffn,an: That was one other thing that Ed wanted to pass along that. wa:s.~if
you all received your NRP l',agazine, the whole the~e of it is accessibility
and that kind of thing. Then also in our past MRPA, local keeping up ~';I
issue, they also had a recreation integration park article in there as well
50 it is kind of a hot topic right about now. So Ed wanted to It,ake sil~:e":
that we were all aware that this was just not Ed Hasek's issue. That it. .is
,..... a national issue. It's not just his knee. <, ...:.,,'
Mady: Ed's just ju~ping on the band wagon.
Schroers ~oved, Boyt seconded to adjourn the ~eeting. All voted in fayo~~
and the I",otion caJ:r ied. The l'leeting was adjourned. d
Subntitted by Lori SietseIl,a
Park and Rec Coordinator
Prepared by Nann Ophei~
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