PRC 1981 03 03 Minutes Park and Recreation Commission March 3, 1981 /' -'. ,..... A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission was called to order on March 3, 1981 at 7:50 p.m. The following members were present: Phyllis Pope, Tom Schoenecker, Michael Lynch, Mary Muelhausen, and Jack Mauritz. MINUTES: A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by Mary Muelhausen to approve the minutes of the last meeting with the following amendment: 1. Naming of Parks and Park Identification Signs: The wording "to form a commission to study the naming of the parks" is changed to read: "to form a conu'nittee to study the naming of the parks". Motion unanimously approved. Mayor Tom Hamilton was present to discuss expanding the responsibilities of the Park and Recreation Commission to include educational and social activities. After discussion, it was requested that a list of all activities in progress and a copy of the Commission's charter be furnished for review. Subject was tabled until a later date to comply with this request. Staff was directed to check with the Hopkins, Eden Prairie, Chaska and Shakopee Park and Recreation Commissions to see how they organize their activities. ,..... PARK IDENTIFICATION SIGNS AND NAMING OF PARKS: Mayor Tom Hamilton reported that a considerable amount of interest was shown. The Park and Recreation Commission was requested to submit a list of suggestions to the Council for their review. The Commission members were directed to review this subject and to compose a list to be submitted. Subject to be discussed further at a later date. 1982 LAWCON GRANT APPLICATION: Discussion on this to be tabled until more infor- mation is available. Tom Schoenecker made a motion to adourn the meeting and was seconded by Michael Lynch. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:00. Respectfully submitted, Sherma Coombs ,...