PRC 1981 04 07 Minutes Park and Recreation Commission April 7,. 1981 ,.... A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission was called to order on April 7, 1981 at 7:35 p.m. The following members were present: Phyllis Pope, Tom Schoenecker, Mary Muelhausen and Jack Mauritz. MINUTES: A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by Jack Mauritz to accept the minutes of the last meeting as read. Motion unanimously approved. CANDIDATE FOR VACANCY ON THE COMMISSION: Charles Robbins was present at the meeting and was interviewed by the board members. FIRE DEPARTMENT'S REQUEST TO HOST THEIR ANNUAL SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT: A motion was made by Jack Mauritz to approve the Fire Department's request. The motion was seconded by Tom Schoenecker. Motion unanimously approved. WALTER COUDRON'S LETTER OF RESIGNATION: A motion was made by Jack Mauritz and seconded by Tom Schoenecker to accept Walter Coudron's letter of resignation. Staff was directed to send a letter of thanks to Walter for his service to the Commission. Motion unanimously approved. MARK KOEGLER'S PROPOSAL: Tom Schoenecker made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission reccmnerid the City COlIDcil accept the proposal as suJ::mitted by Mark Koegler from Schoell-Madson, Inc. The motion was seconded by Mary Mue1hausen and was unanimously approved. \~ NAMING OF PARKS: A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker that the City Council adopt the following recommendations for naming several of the area parks: Lotus Lake Park to remain Lotus Lake Park. Lake Ann Park to remain Lake Ann Park. Chanhassen Estates Park to be renamed Rice Marsh Lake Park. Lake Susan to remain Lake Susan. It was also requested that the City Council authorize the signage of these parks. Motion was seconded by Jack Mauritz and was unanimously approved. It was proposed that a tour be arranged to view the remaining area parks in order to obtain more suggestions for names. The tour was scheduled for April 28, 1981 at 5:00 p.m. Staff was directed to send out letters to each board member regarding this tour. REVIEW LAKE AND SHORELINE ORDINANCE: Walter Coudron was present to review lake and shoreline ordinances. Several questions were directed to him: Re: Section 4.06 Subd. 7 which reads: "No airborne vehicle will be allowed to be towed by a watercraft." QUESTION: Why is this not allowed even by a permit? ANSWER: This is not covered in the Permit Section. He recommended that a suggestion ~ be made that it either be changed or that it be added so that it may be allowed by permit. Page T\.to Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 7, 1981 RE: Recreational Beach Outlot Regulations: Section 5.03 Parking. "No motor vehicle shall be driven upon or parked upon recreational outlots." ...,." QUESTION: What is the thinking of the Committee regarding the no driving or parking on outlots? ANSWER: To prohibit problems from new developers such as the cluttering effect of too many families using too small of an outlot area. Ordinance regulations are intended only to govern the size of out lots and the number of people using an outlot. They are not intended to restrict the use of outlots. Tom Schoenecker stated that he would like the words "driven upon" stricken from Section 5:03 and that Sections 5:05 and 5:06 also be stricken. A question was asked regarding the correct definition of "motorized vehicle". Does it pertain only to cars and trucks and not to others such as snowmobiles and motor bikes? Staff was directed to check this out. A motion was made by Tom,Schoenecker and seconded by Jack Mauritz to accept this ordinance with the above comments noted. Motion unanimously approved. ADJOINING-GOMMUNITIES PARK COMMISSION ORDINANCES: Staff was directed to check with the school district regarding any agreements between the city and the school district. \ Staff was directed to'send a letter to Mayor Hamilton indicating further study on this. ....." 1982 LAWCON PRELIMINARY APPLICATION: A motion was made by Jack Mauritz that the City of Chanhassen investigate the possibility of acquiring public land to develop boat access around the Lake Lucy area and that a preliminary application be submitted to LAWCON. Motion was seconded by Mary Muelhausen . Motion unanimously approved. RECOMMENDATION TO FILL VACANCY ON THE COMMISSION: Tom Schoenecker made a motion that a decision to fill the vacant position on the Commission be tabled until the next meeting to further review the candidates. Jack Mauritz seconded the motion. Motion unanimously approved. A motion was made by Jack Mauritz and seconded by Tom Schoenecker to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:55p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sherma Coombs ....."