PRC 1981 05 12
].,,,,, ,Park and Recreation
" { "May 12, 1981
A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission was called
to order on May 12, 1981 at 7:30 p.m., The following members were present:
Phyllis Pope, Torn Schoenecker, Mary Muelhausen and Jack Mauritz.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Torn Schoenecker to approve the minutes of the last
meeting with the following additions:
1. Mark Koegler's Proposal: The proposal was to prepare concept development
plans for these three park areas: Chanhassen Estates Park, Lake Ann Park,
and Lake Susan Park.
2. "Lake Susan Park to remain Lake Susan Park".
Motion was seconded by Mary Muelhausen. The motion was unanimously approved.
VENDING SERVICE IN LAKE ANN PARK: Mr. Dorsey Smith was present at the Park and
Recreation Commission meeting to discuss the possibility of setting up a vending
service in Lake Ann Park. The service is to be controlled by the city and Mr.
Smith was confident there would be no problems with advertising or littering.
Tom Schoenecker made a motion that a recommendation be made to the City Council
that Mr. Smith's vending service be accepted on a one-year trial basis. Motion
was seconded by Jack Mauritz. Motion unanimously approved.
REQUEST TO BE MARRIED IN LAKE ANN PARK: A motion was made by Jack Mauritz to
approve the couples request to be married in Lake Ann Park. Motion was seconded
by Mary Muelhausen. Motion unanimously approved.
Staff was directed to notify the couple that the park would still be open to the
public and to check arrangements for the gate fee and alternate plans in case of
inclement weather.
RECOMMENDATION TO FILL COMMISSION VACANCY: A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker that
we ask Mr. Joseph Warneke to join the Park and Recreation Commission. Motion was
seconded by Mary Muelhausen and motion was unanimously approved.
Staff was directed to send a letter to Chuck Koivisto to ascertain if his business
responsibilities would enable him to remain on the commission.
LAWCON 1982 STATUS: The Commission was advised that the prospects for land acquisition
for the Lake Lucy area looked excellent if any funds were available.
Staff was directed to send Mayor Tom Hamilton a copy of the agreement between the City
and the School district.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherma Coombs