PRC 1981 06 02 ~ Minutes Park and Recreation CQJIl1IJi.s:s:ion. June 2, 1981 ,.... A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission was called to order on June 2, 1981 at 7:40 p.m. The following members were present: Phyllis Pope, Mary Muelhausen, Michael Lynch, Jack Mauritz, and Joe Warneke. MINUTES: A motion was made by Jack Mauritz and seconded by Mary Muelhausen to appFove the minutes from the last meeting as read. Motion unanimously approved. REVIEW DEVELOPMENT PLANS - MARK KOEGLER: Mark Koegler, Schoell-Madson, was present at the meeting to discuss with the Commission the development plans for the Chanhassen Estates Park, Lake Susan Park and Lake Ann Park areas. The plan is to develop base maps and one master plan for each area. Each park area was discussed fully with Mark's aim being to establish priorities, to get the Commission's opinion on facility design, what the active and passive activities should be, and who would be using the park areas. In the next meetings, plans from Schoell-Madson will be submitted for the Park and Recreation Commission's review. PETITION SUBMITTED TO THE CITY: A petition was submitted to the City regarding the relocation of the bicycle motor-cross trail from behind the Fire Department. i J ,.... A motion was made by Jack Mauritz and seconded by Michael Lynch that the Park and Recreation Commission look for another place for location of trail, and check with \ the city attorney regarding liability to the city in response to this petition. Motion unanimously approved. 1981 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTSAND.SCHEDULES: The Commission was advised of the progress towards completion on the following park areas: Western Hills: Money scheduled for parking area. The City will try to resolve the problem at the bottom of the hill themselves. Further landscaping still to be done. Sign for this area delayed until park is renamed. Lake Ann: Barn is completed. Electricity is installed. Minnewashta Heights: Entrance can now be finished. Sign for this area delayed until park is renamed. Rice-Marsh Park: 1 ',., Ball diamond completed. Water - no source. Minutes Park and Recreation Commission Page Two r~ } Carver Beach: -'" Parking area can be done fo~ money allocated. Landscaping and plantation to be done from the tree farm. City Hall: Still in the completion stage. Grading and plantation to be finished by fall. Vita Course ordered - to be installed this summer - includes 20 stations which will be spread out to Lake Ann. Tennis courts in good shape - no resurfacing necessary. Staff was directed to go out for bids on the signs for the park areas and to have each sign scaled to the individual park size. THOMPSON DEVELOPMENT: Plans for this development were temporarily put on hold in order for changes to be made. Planning Commission wants the position of the road changed. Position of the trail system to be changed to go over the sanitary sewer. Plans will go back to the City Council. A motion was made by Jack Mauritz and seconded by Joe Warneke that the meeting be adjourned. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ....", Respectfully submitted, Sherma Coombs ..."",