PRC 1981 07 07 Minutes Park and Recreation Commission July 7, 1981 ,...., A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission was called to order on July 7, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. The following members were present: Chuck Koivisto, Michael Lynch, Jack Mauritz, and Joe Warneke. The following members were absent: Phyllis Pope, Mary Muelhausen and Tom Schoenecker. MINUTES: A motion was made by Jack Mauritz and seconded by Joe Warneke to approve the minutes of the last meeting with the following changes: 1. The name Thompson Development to be changed to Derrick Developrent. 2. The board members that are absent as well as present will be added to the minutes. Motion unanimously approved. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVIEW: Mark Koegler was present at the meeting to discuss minor changes in the plan. The main change was regarding the population growth estimate for 1990 and 2000. The cities figures did not agree with the Commission's, which mandated modifications to all sections of the plan including the recreation section. ,...., A motion was made by Jack Mauritz that the modifications to the Comprehensive Plan as noted be approved. The motion was seconded by Chuck Koivisto. Motion unanimously approved. , LAKE ANN POLE BARN: The Commission rebuilding the Lake Ann Pole Barn. that the remaining money be used to the old shelter building to be used was brought up-to-date on the status of It was agreed among the Commission members re-roof and re-do the lumber on the doors of for storage. LAWCON GRANTS: The Commission was brought up-to-date on the status of: Lake Ann: Documents are ready to go the City for acquisition of land for Lake Ann. Lake Lucy: Has been given top priority to submit final application for approval by state and federal. Staff was directed to check with the Lions Club regarding the lumber beams from the old barn to be used to form a shelter: A motion was made by Chuck Koivisto and seconded by Jack Mauritz to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15. ~ Respectfully submitted, Sherma Coombs