PRC 1981 11 03 Minutes Park and Recreation Commission ~ November 3, 1981 A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission was called to order on November 3, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. The following members were present: Michael Lynch, Tom Schoenecker, Chuck Koivisto, Jack Mauritz, Joe Warneke and Mary Mue1hausen. The following members were absent: None. MINUTES: A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by Chuck Koivisto to approve the minutes of the last meeting as read. Motion unanimously approved. Note: "Naming of Parks" was added to the agenda of this meeting. APPLICANT FOR VACANT COMMISSION POSITION: Richie Hemping was present at the meeting to be interviewed by the Commission members for the vacant commission position. A motion was made by Chuck Koivisto and seconded by Mary Muelhausen that the applicant, Richie Hemping, be accepted as the new commission member. Motion unanimously approved. Staff was directed to send a letter to the City Council regarding the recommendations the Park and Recreation Commission made on the Water and Wetland Ordinances in their April meeting minutes. It was requested that a copy of these minutes originally sent to the City Council regarding this subject be attached to the letter. ,.... 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN: Rice/Marsh Lake: Benches. playground equipment, baseball diamond resurfaced, and the sign were added last year. Mr. Johnson from the Chanhassen Estates Recreation Program was present at the meeting to discuss park improvement programs. He appealed to the Commission to move up the date of completion of projects scheduled for 1984 to 1982 for this park. The Commission was informed that 15 to 20 volunteers would be available to help with any work involved. It was discussed and explained that Mark Koegler was working on plans for the park and the funds available to complete these projects. Mr. Johnson was told he would be notified when the plans were ready and would be invited to attend the meeting for their discussion. No motion was made to change any financial figures to accommodate the request to move the program up to 1982. Lotus Lake Park: Have purchased land for a boat access but have not received development money which is coming. More public hearings to be held. They are still in the process of signing off acquisition of it. Boat access has been removed. Line was drawn at the parking lot in order to get the funds for the boat access from Lawcon. Western Hills: Erosion problem; Culvert is now in and should solve the problem. Shrubbery and sign are left. Park is to be renamed. Lake Ann: Addition to the park to be completed before the end of the year. All funds received by the City. Ed Dunn had survey done on portions being bought. New Horizons ~ is now out for housing for the acreage on the east side. Minnetonka Lab looking at it for a campus and office site. Floating dock to be replaced with a permanent dock. The general fund and the revenue sharing fund will not be available for 1982. It was suggested that a miscellaneous fund be set up for items such as picnic tables and benches. Minutes Park and Recreation Commission November 3, 1981 _,i Minnewashta Heights: Plantations and sign - nothing has been done. Lake Ri1ey/Bandimere: Graded and seeded this summer. Nothing for 1982 pending on development of the park. PARK TOUR: A comprehensive park tour of Lake Ann (Pole Barn), Chapparal and Lake Susan is planned for November 21 at 9:00. Staff will get an itinerary to the board members. A motion was made by Chuck Koivisto and seconded by Joe Warneke to adjourn the meeting Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sherma Coombs -' ...,.,