PRC 1980 02 05
TUESDAY, February 5, 1980
Chairman Joe Betz called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
Members present included Joe Betz, Tom Schoenecker, Wally Coudron
and Mary Muehlhausen.
Tom Schoenecker made a motion to approve the minutes of the last
meeting. May Muehlhausen seconded the motion. Motion passed. No
negative votes.
Chris Welsh and Andrea Patterson from Carver Beach were also present.
They reported on the desires of the Carver Beach residents for
future playground improvements.
The Commission reviewed a report from the Lake Study Committee and
commended them for their fine report. The Commission does not
choose to take a position on the report at this time.
The Commission reviewed the 5-year capital improvement program and
will seek neighborhood input. The Commission will revise and update
the report at the next regular meeting.
~ Walter Coudron made a motion to adjourn. Mary Muehlhausen seconded
the motion. Motion passed, no negative votes.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Callahan