PRC 1980 03 04 I"'" Park and Recreation Commission Minutes Tuesday, March 4, 1980 Acting Chairman Phyllis Pope called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. The following members were present: Mary Muehlhausen, Phyllis Pope, Ellis Thomas, Mike Lynch. Tom Hamilton was present from the Planning Commission. Mr. McMullen, Mr. Hendrickson and Mr. Klingelhutz were also present. MINUTES: Ellis Thomas made a motion to table action on the minutes of the last meeting. Mike Lynch seconded the motion. Motion carried. No negative votes. McMULLEN DEVELOPMENT: Mr. McMullen reviewed their proposed development plans for the area southwest of Chanhassen Estates. Ellis Thomas made a motion to require the developers to provide a pedestrian easement for trails on top of the existing sewer line. The easement shall be 10 feet on either side of the center of the sewer line for a total of 20 feet in width. Mary Muehlhausen seconded the motion. Motion carried. No negative votes. WELL SITE IN LAKE SUSAN INDUSTRIAL PARK: The Commission reviewed the engineer's .report on weT1:"''''Sj"t.(';s in the new Lake Susan Industrial Park. . \,,,,..... Mike Lynch made a motion that the Commission has no objection to Well Site #2 on Outlot E as long as the well house structure and plans can be reviewed by the Commission prior to construction. Ellis Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried. No negative votes. MARRIAGE CEREMONY REQUEST IN LAKE ANN PARK: The Commission directed staff to acquire more information on the request for a marriage ceremony in Lake Ann Park in July. Also staff should make them aware of the Arboretum and Nor.enburg Park facilities. PICNIC REQUEST: The Commission reviewed a request for a picnic at Lake Ann Park. BIKE TRAIL: The Commission r.eviewed the preliminary grant application to MnDOT for a bicycle trail along MSAS 101. 5 YEAR CAPITAL PROGRAM: The Commission continued work on upgrading the 5-year capital improvement program. Ellis Thomas made a motion to adjourn. Mike Lynch seconded the motion. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted I """ Franc1;s Callahan Community Services Director