PRC 1980 04 01 Minutes Park and Recreation Commission Tuesday, April 1, 1980, 7:30 p.m. Chanhassen City Hall ,... A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:35 p.m. on April 1, 1980, by Chairman Joe Betz. The following members were present: Joe Betz, Walter Coudron, Phyllis Pope, Mary Muehlhausen, Tom Schoenecker, Mike Lynch and Ellis Thomas. Ellis Thomas made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 4, 1980, meeting. Phyllis Pope seconded the motion. Motion carried. No negative votes. Walter Coudron made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 5, 1980 meeting noting a correction in the spelling of Mary Muehlhausen's name. Mike Lynch seconded the motion. Motion carried. No negative votes. LAWCON FUNDING: Tom Schoenecker made a motion to make preliminary application for LAWCON funding for improvements at Randy Herman Field and boat access on Lake Ann for non-motorized boats. Mike Lynch seconded the motion. Motion carried. No negative votes. ,... MARRIAGE REQUEST AT LAKE ANN PARK: Tom Schoenecker made a motion to approve Cindy Hahn's request to be married in Lake Ann Park on August 16, 1980. The guests will be required to pay the normal gate fee and comply with all park and city ordinances. Miss Hahn should also be advised that this will probably be a very busy day at the park. Ellis Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried. No negative votes. FIREMENS SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT: Walter Coudron made a motion to approve the Firemens request to run a softball tournament at Lake Ann Park on Friday, June 6; Saturday June 7; and Sunday, June 8th. Tom Schoenecker seconded the motion. Motion carried. No negative votes. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT BIDS: The Commission directed staff to prepare a recommendation concerning the award of bids for playground equipment for the next meeting. PARK DEDICATION IN CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK: Ellis Thomas volunteered to represent the Commission in a photo accepting the dedica- tion of park lands in the Dunn and Curry Chanhassen Lakes Business Park. BARN AT LAKE ANN PARK: Mike Lynch and Tom Schoenecker volunteered to be a committee to review the physical status of the barn at Lake Ann and the hockey rink behind City Hall. Ellis Thomas will assist. Chairman Joe Betz called a special working session on April 15, 1980. Ellis Thomas made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Phyllis Pope seconded !.I"'" the motion. Motion carried. No negative votes. Meeting adjourn ed at 9:20 p.m. Francis Callahan Community Services Director