PRC 1980 05 06
~1i nutes
Regular Meeting
Park and Recreation Commission
Tuesday, May 6, 1980
Chanhassen City Hall
Chairman Joe Betz called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Members Present: Joe Betz, Phyllis Pope, Ellis Thomas, Tom Schoenecker,
Mike Lynch, a'rid Mary Muehlhausen.
Minutes: Ellis Thomas made a motion to accept the minutes of the April
meetings. Tom Schoenecker seconded the motion. Motion passed. No
negative votes.
Derrick Land Company Development: Representatives of the Development Company
gave a presentation of their plans to develop housing on the west side of
Lotus Lake. They discussed the lakeshore, the streets, and the Pleasant
View Road connection.
Tom Schoenecker asked that some of the Commission members walk the site
before any decisions be considered. The developers were agreable and
would like to meet with the Commission at a future meeting.
Picnic Requests-Lake Ann: The Commission acted on requests to have picnics
and also agreed to review the Ordinance concerning picnics at a meeting
in the future before next year's picnic season.
'II"" Hockey Rinks: The ChaskajChanhassen Hockey Association gave a presentation
of what they would like to see developed for the hockey program. They
would like the new rink to be 200 feet long with new lights. They would
also like to increase the length of the old west rink to 200 feet if possible.
Due to the limited time available to assemble,al1 the information staff was
directed to give Tom Schoenecker the lighting information and he would
prepare a report for the next meeting. Staff was directed to get a cost
breakdown of other aspects of this undertaking for the next meeting.
Work on the Five~Year Capital Improvement Program was tabled to the next meetin9,.
Mike Lynch made a motion to adjourn. Phyllis Pope seconded the motion.
Motion passed. No negative votes.
Meeting adjourned, 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Francis Callahan
Community Services Di rector
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