PRC 1980 06 03
JUNE 3, 1980
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Joe Betz at 7:30 p.m. on
June 3, 1980. The following members were present: Joe Betz, Phyllis
Pope, Walter Coudron, Mike Lynch, Tom Schoenecker and Ellis Thomas.
AMEND MAY 6, 1980, MINUTES: A motion was made by Phyllis Pope and seconded
by Mike Lynch to amend the minutes of May 6, 1980, to note the
following. That more information on improvement costs of the hockey
rinks will be available at the next meeting; that more detailed plans
and costs on the Carver Beach plan will be available at the next meeting;
and that staff was directed to check with the City Attorney concerning
pedestrian liability on trails. Motion unanimously approved.
seconded by Mike Lynch to ask the City Manager to
parking signs should be paid for from park funds.
by Phyllis Pope and
explain why no
Motion unanimously
A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by Phyllis Pope to
have the City Forester, Doug Mitchell prepare plans to eliminate
vehicle parking and spruce up the area a bit within the sum of $3,000
and using neighborhood help. Motion unanimously approved.
HOCKEY RINKS: One hockey rink is scheduled to be replaced in 1980 and
improvement of lighting is being considered. Staff submitted an estimate
of costs for new fixtures and installation based on an estimate by
Chanhassen Electric Company.
Tom Schoenecker also prepared an estimate on the same work. Staff was
directed to find out how much funding is available and work with Ellis
Thomas and Tom Schoenecker to expedite this project.
MINNEWASHTA REGIONAL PARK: The Commission recommends the appointment
of Dave Prillaman and Tom Merz to the Minnewashta Regional Park
Advisory Committee. The Commission would like to have these
individuals attend Park Commission meetings on a quarterly basis to
keep the Commission informed. The Commission would also like the Community
Education people to attend quarterly meetings for the same purpose.
RESIGNATION: Joe Betz announced his resignation from the Park Commission
effective after the regular meeting in June. He felt he has had the
position long enough and would like someone else from Chanhassen Estates
to replace him on the Commission if possible.
A motion was made by Ellis Thomas and seconded by Phyllis Pope to
adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously approved.
TIME: 9:25 p.m.
, ,....
Respectfully Submitted:
Francis Callahan
Community Services Director