PRC 1980 07 15
Park-and-Recreation Commission
~ Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 15, 1980, City Hall
Chairman Joe Betz called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Members Present: Mike Lynch, Ellis Thomas, Phyllis Pope, Tom
Schoenecker, and Mary Muehlhausen.
Tom Schoenecker made a motion to accept the minutes of the last
meeting. Mary Muehlhausen seconded the motion. Motion passed.
No negative votes.
Comprehensive City Plan: Mark Koegler reviewed the park element
with the Commission. Each park was discussed in depth. The
Commission commended Mark for his excellent work. Mark explained
that he would need another meeting with the Commission at a
future date.
Chairman's Resignation: The Commission appointed Phyllis Pope
to be Chairperson for the balance of the year and also appointed
Mike Lynch Vice Chairman for the balance of the year. Vote was
Lake Ann Park Sticker: The Commission recommended that Joe Betz
be granted an annual stick for Lake Ann Park for service to the
City of Chanhassen.
Greenwood Shores: Don Camille from the Greenwood Shores Resident's
Association was present. Mr. Camille related the problems pertinent
to the Park area at Greenwood Shores. It seems people are parking
along the street and having late night parties which disturb the
neighP.ors'. The Greenwood Shores Residents would like to have the
l. A night light pole installed in or near the park.
2. Additional no parking signs installed on both sides of
the street at the three houses east of the park and
the first two houses on Tecumseh.
3. A sign installed at the entrance of the Park stating the
hours it is open and also and "No Pets Allowed" sign.
TOlll Schoenecker made a motion that if the cost for installation of
~ light fixture is no more than $lOO.OO each, the Commission
recommends the light or lights be installed now and that they also
install no parking signs now. If the cost is higher, the issue
should be returned to the Commission. Ellis Thomas seconded the
motion. Motion passed. No negative votes.
~ Joe Betz questioned whether this action would set a precedent?
Park and Recreation Commission
staff is to set up a meeting with the Hockey Committee, Mike Lynch,
Tom Schoenecker, and Ellis Thomas.
Staff was directed to write a letter thanking Jerry Pope for
running the Childrenrs Tennis Tournament.
Ellis Thomas made a motion to adjourn. Mike Lynch seconded the
motion. Motion passed, no negative votes.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Francis Callahan