PRC 1980 08012 ,.... MINUTES Special Meeting Park and Recreation Commission Tuesday, August 12, 1980 Chairman Phyllis Pope called the meeting to order 7:35 p.m. Members Present: Phyllis Pope, Ellis Thomas, Walter Coudron, Mary Muehlhausen, Tom Schoenecker. Minutes Mary Muehlhausen made a motion to accept the Minutes of the last meeting. Tom Schoenecker seconded the motion. Motion passed. No negative votes. Snowmobile Agreement Tom Schoenecker made motion to recommend that the City sign the form provided by the Chanhassen Snowmobile Club to allow Snow- mobile trails through the city. Walter Coudron seconded the motion. Motion passed. No negative votes. Lake Susan Lakeshore Tom Schoenecker made a motion that the Park and Recreation Com- r,.... mission stick by their original decision of January 8, 1980, and to accept all available lakeshoreon Lake Susan south shore in Parcel No. 1 for park purposes. Ellis Thomas seconded the motion. Motion passed. No negative votes. The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, September 9, 1980, at the City Offices. Phyllis Pope would like the City Manager to attend the next meeting to discuss the new City Offices grading and the position of Community Services Director. Meeting adjourned 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Fran Callahan Community Services Director \,...,