PRC 1980 09 09
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A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission was
called to order by Chairman Phyllis Pope at 7:35 p.m. The following
members were present: Phyllis Pope, Walter Coudron, Mary Muehlhausen,
Mike Lynch, and Tom Schoenecker.
as follows:
motion was made by Walter Coudron and seconded by Mary
to approve the August 12, 1980 minutes with the following
Change the motion on the Snowmobile Agreement to read
Tom Schoenecker made a motion to recommend that the City
sign the form provided by the Chanhassen Snowmobile Club
to allow snowmobile trails through the City to make it
possible for the City to join with Eden Prairie in obtaining
DNR funds for grooming and maintenance of trails.
Motion unanimously approved.
COMMISSION VACANCY: Mr. Warneke and Mr. Foltz were interviewed.
Mr. Foltz stated that Mr. Koivisto was unable to attend this meeting.
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A motion was made by Mike Lynch and seconded by Tom Schoenecker to
delay action until Mr. Koivisto could be contacted. Motion unanimously
LAWCON APPLICATION: Amotion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded
by Mike Lynch to advise the City Council to make final application for
LAWCON funds for acquisition on Lake Ann Park as shown on Dunn and
Curry's latest plan. Land acquisition would be made for the purpose of
providing non-motorized boats. Motion unanimously approved.
Staff was instructed to check with Schoell and Madson to find similar
sites to be observed by the Commission.
The Commission set a special budget meeting for Tuesday, September
16, 1980, at 7:30 p.m.
GRADING: The City Manager explained the grading plan and hockey rink
plan for the new city building.
A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by Walter Coudron
to proceed with this plan and the City Manager authorize grading
work to begin and bids to be taken on the work. Motion unanimously
Staff was directed to check with Craig Mertz concerning the trail
portion on the Lotus Lake Estates project.
with the commission.
A motion was made by Walter
adjourn the meeting at 9:50
The City Manager reviewed this position
Coudron & seconded by Mary Muehlhausen to
p.m. Motion unanimously approved.
Francis Callahan, Community Services Dir.