PRC 1980 10 07
Park and Recreation Commission
~ Tuesday, October 7, 1980 - 7:30 p.m. - City Hall
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Phyllis Pope at 7:35 p.m.
Members present were Walter Coudron, Mike Lynch, Mary Muehlhausen,
Ellis Thomas,Tom Schoenecker and Phyllis Pope.
Tom Schoenecker moved to amend the minutes of the September 9, 1980
meeting to include the word access in the last sentence under the
heading LAWCON APPLICATION as follows:
Land acquisition would be made for the purpose of providing non-
motorized boat access.
After reviewing Schoell and Madson's proposal for boat access on
Lotus Lake, Staff was directed to check with Schoell and Madson to
find similar sites to be observed by the Commission.
Mike Lynch made a motion to accept the amended minutes of the last
meeting. Walter Coudron seconded the motion. Motion passed, no
negative votes.
The Commission interviewed Mr. Charles Koivisto who is an applicant
for the vacant position on the Park Commission.
LOTUS TRAIL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: Mike Lynch made a motion that the Park
and Recreation Commission would prefer the trail to follow the exist-
ing lakeshore beach for future development. Walter Coudron seconded
the motion. Motion passed, no negative votes.
1981 CHILDREN'S TENNIS TOURNN-1ENT: After discussion of the tournament
and deciding it was not local enough with very few Chanhassen partici-
pants, Tom Schoenecker made a motion to not sponsor the tennis tourna-
ment in 1981. Ellis Thomas seconded the motion. Motion passed, no
negative votes.
WESTERN HILLS PARK: A rroticn _was made by Ellis Tharas and seconded by -Mike Lynch that
staff is directed to issue a purchase 'order to Doc Blanchard instructiligthemto
proceed with the Western Hills Park-entrance trail system work. The purchase order
shall describe in detailtheamonnt of work toPe done for each costit$n, Le.
~ 0f~ chip trail, gauge of 4 mil black poly. Motion nnaninbusly' approved.
COMMISSION VACANCY: Mary Muehlhausen made a motion to appoint Mr.
Charles Koivisto to fill the position vacated by Joe Betz. Mike
Lynch seconded the motion. Motion passed, no negative votes.
HOCKEY RINKS: Staff was directed to coordinate with Ellis Thomas and
the Hockey Association to secure volunteer help to construct the hockey
rinks to cut down on labor costs.
REVIEW PROPOSED ~~LL HOUSE: The Commission reviewed the proposed well
house/shelter building to be located near Lake Susan. Tom Schoenecker
October 7, 1980
made a motion to consider the use of as much vandal-proof material
in construction of the well house/shelter building as possible and
the fireplace be constructed of brick on the exterior wall. Mike .....;
Lynch seconded the motion. Motion passed, no negative votes.
Staff was directed to place an ad in the paper for a Park and
Recreation Commission secretary.
Ellis Thomas made a motion to adjourn. Mike Lynch seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Fran Callahan
Community Services Director