PRC 1980 11 18
NOVEMBER 18, 1980
The rreeting was called to order by Chainnan Phyllis Pope at 7:40 p.m. on
Nova:rber 18, 1980. Manbers present included: Phyllis Pope, Mal:y Muehlhausen,
Wal ter Caudron and Tan Schoenecker.
MINtJl'ES: A notion was made by Tan Schoenecker and seconded by Mal:y M.1ehlhausen
to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Motion unaninnusly approved.
IOTUS LAKE PARK ACQUISITION: The Carmission revieW3cl the status of the
IDtus Lake Park 1\cquisition. The Ccmnissionwas infonned that staff had submitted
an application to am:md the original project plan to split off the northerly
5 acres and develop it. No response has been received to date.
BIKE TRAIIS: The City Manager reviewed the City's future bike trails.
ID PARKING M CARVER BEACH: Phyllis Pope requested the minutes of the Council
meeting dealing with the no parking issue at Ca1:ver Beach.
A notion \\as made by Ma.:ry Muehlhausen and seconded by Tan Schoenecker to adjourn
the meeting. Motion unanimously approved.
."..... Respectfully,
TIME: 8:45 p.m.
Francis Callahan
Camnmity Services Director