PRC 1979 03 20 Minutes "Regular Meeting .~ Park and Recreation commission Tuesday, March 20, 1979 Chairman Joe Betz called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. Members present were: Joe Betz, Phyllis Pope, Pat Boyle, Walter Coudron and Mary Muehlhausen. The March 13, 1979 minutes should be amended so that ~aragraph. five reads "Exhibit "c" Concept of ~he City Property 1.n Lotusv1.ew Park." Mary Muehlhausen made a mot1.on ~o accept , the amended minutes. Phyllis Pope seconded the mot1.on. Mot1.on passed. Marilyn Wassink, the new recording secretary for the Commission, was unable to attend the meeting. i ,..... TIle fourtfi.i'ten\cm tll-e.~a,gen:qa, W$\~V4,'pn:i~~l1-~o.-e~:V\~R~. Joe Betz discussed this item' and how it should be brought before the Council. He has documentation relative to when he and his wife coordinated the picnic in 1977. He doesn't have adequate documentation of last year's program, but said that they parallel each other. He stated that it is important that we have the responsibility for the Picnic-in-the-Park and that it would appear in the City's Newsletter. He thought it important that someone from the Commission attend the next City Council meeting. As a commission, he thought it important that they come to a position on what they wanted to do. There was financial discussion regarding the picnic, and it was stated that they thought expenses could be cut. Joe Betz then made a motion that Picnic-in-the-Park be initiated and actively supported by Commission and that it be placed on the next Council agenda for discussion. Pat Boyle seconded the motion, motion passed. Reviewal of the Summer Recreation Programs were tabled until the next meeting when the two Community School Directors could be present. ,.... Bob Waibel, Ass't. City Manager/Planner discussed the new housing developments' which are being planned in the City of Chanhassen (13.T. Land Co., Near Mountain Property and Derrick Land Co.). He explained how the various developments were interrelated through systems of roads, trails and openspace. Bob explained how' the developments related to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Chanhassen. Mr. Breckheimer of the Shorewood Park Commission was present and asked several questions on how these developments would affect Shorewood. Mr. Breckheimer stated that their Commission would be happy to cooperate with Chanhassen in the planning process and the preservation of open space. Park and Recreation Commis.sion Minutes Tuesday, March 20, 1979 ....,; Phyllis Pope made a motion that the Planning Commission require the Derrick Land Development Co. to provide a conservation easement along the Lotus Lake shore from Carver Beach north to the eastern boundary of the Derrick Land property in accordance as it is shown in the city Comprehensive Plan. The land should be suitable for a trail. Walter Coudron seconded the motion. Motion passed. Pat Boyle made a motion that the Planning Commis'sion require a pedestrian easement corridor eastbound from the De:rrick property to connect to Pleasant View Rd. and to the Purgatory Creek trail system. Phyllis Pope seconded the motion. Motion passed. Pat Boyle made a motion that the roadway extension from the B.T.Land Co. property be at the northwest corner of the property meeting the roadway into the Lotus View Park, to Pleasant View Road. Mary' Muehlhausen seconded the motion. Motion passed. Mary Muehlhausen moved to adjourn the meeting. seconded the motion. Phyllis Pope ....", Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully sufimi.tted. Francis Callahan .....,