PRC 1979 05 01
~ Regular Meeting
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission
Tuesday, May 1, 1979
* A special meeting with the residents whose property abuts the Western Hil Is
Park. The meeting was to gather input from them concerning their ideas on
the development of the park. Present at the meeting were: Chuck and Pam
Fuhrmann, John Pryzmus, Warren and Wanda Carlson, Jannie Weispfening, Sharon
Rosenwald, Charlie Coffee, Martha McCal~ Tom Klinglehutz, Francis Callahan,
Don Ashworth, and the Park Commission.
Chairman Joe Betz cal led the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.
Members present were: Joe Betz, Phyl I is Pope, Pat Boyle, Mary Muelhausen,
and Walter Coudron.
Pat Boyle made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting. Phyllis
Pope seconded the motion. The motion passed. No negative votes.
Walter Coudron made a motion to fix the grading in the West3rn Hi I Is Bark
and change the grade to alleviate the drainage problems of abutting property.
owners. Mary Muehlhausen seconded the motion. The motion passed, no negative
.~ Pat Boyle made a motion to ask the city engineer to stake the grades from the
entrance of the park up the the hi I I. Phyl lis Pope seconded the motion. Motion
passed, no negative votes.
Phyl I is Pope made a motion to have the city engineer stake a trail from the top
of the hi I I and down to the pond. The Park and Recreation Commission will then
inspect the trai I. Pat Boyle seconded the motion. The motion passed, no negative
Phyl lis Pope made a motion to have the city engineer get estimates on the cost
of grading the upper level of the Western Hi I Is Park and also the lower level.
Pat Boyle seco~ded the motion. The motion passed, no negative votes.
Phyl I is Pope made a motion to have the city engineer get cost estimates for
parking spaces at the entrance of the Western Hil Is Park on the left side.
Muehlhausen seconded the motion. Voting in favor were Pat Boyle, Joe Betz,
Pope, and Mary Muehlhausen. Motion passed.
Phy I lis
Park rommission directed staff to:
1. Ask the city engineer if street parking is feasable at Western
Hills Park. j:
2. Report back at the next meeting on the progress of Hansen and
KI ingtehutz on the dam at Western Hil Is Park at the next meeting
and also have the city engineer stake the invert elevation of
the pond.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
Tuesday, May 1, 1979
3. Check with Hansen and Klinglehutz to see when they are planning
to move the dirt over the hi" at Western Hill s Park. The Park
and Recreation Commission should be notified when this occurs.
Pat Boyle made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission make a recommend-
ation to the Planning Commission to amend Ordinance #33 to coincide with the
confidential letter from the city attorney dated March 26, 1979, page 2.
Phyllis Pope seconded the motion. The 'motion passed, no negative votes.
1. The Park Commission directed staff to re-write a draft of Ordinance #14A
to incorporate some features contained in the Shakopee Ordinance. A rough
draft should be ready for the next meeting.
2. Get the opening date for the beach at lake Ann.
3. Turn on tennis court lights.
4. Cal I John Neveaux to see of he can find an applicant for the
Commission in his neighborhood.
Phyll is Pope made a motion to adjourn. Mary Muelhlhausen seconded the motion.
Motion passed. No negative votes.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Francis Callahan