PRC 1979 08 28
The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by acting Chairperson
Phyllis Pope.
Members present were Phyllis Pope, Mary Muehlhausen, Mike Lynch, Ellis
Thoma~ Walter Coudron, and Joe Betz arrived later. Torn Klingelhutz
was a~so in attendance. Doug Hansen arrived later.
Mary Muehlhausen made a motion to table action on the minutes of the
last meeting. Mike Lynch seconded the motion. Motion passed, no
negative votes.
Bob Waibel, Assi~ant City Manager/Planner reviewed Western Hills III
with the commission. He read a letter from Jim Hawks (Hansen and
Klingelhutz' consultant) to the Commission. The letter states that
certain easements or dedications will be given to the City in.-Western.
Hills III.
.,....., / Mary .~1euhlha';lsen . made a moti<;>o that l!ansen and Klingelhutz make an
V outr1ght ded1cat:ton to the C1ty of f1fteen feet of land on the north
side of the pond in Western Hills III, for path, conservation and open
space in accordance with the comprehensive plan. Walt Coudron seconded
the motion. Motion passed, no negative votes.
Phyllis Pope expressed concern about the duplex lots near the creekbedr
Doug Hansen explained that they are zero lotline construction and
went onto explain this concept. Tom Klingelhutz stated that there is
a need for this new type of housing and that a number of people prefer
no yard as opposed to a large one.
~Mike Lynch made a motion to ask Hansen and Klingelhutz for a conservati
V and maintenance easement on all of the creekbed on the south siqe of
the Chaparral development as shown on the grade plan for Chaparral
Phase II from Suburban Engineering dated 2/14/79. Mary Muehlhausen
seconded the motion. Motion passed. No negative votes.
Agenda item #4 was tabled.
Bob Waibel gave a report on the development plans for the eastside
of Lotus Lake. Ric Hurray of B. T. Land Company was in attendance.
.~ Walter Coudron made amotion that Outlot B be utilized for conservation
.~ pedestrian/bikeway for access to the park at the north end of Lotus
Lake. Phyllis Pope seconded the motion. Motion passed. No negative.
~PhYlliS Pope made a motion that the Commission request that the
~ ~asement for the trail be six feet and that an additional maintenance
easement be requested. Size to be determined by staff. Walter Coudror
seconded the motion. Motion passed, no negative votes.
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V Outlot
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Coudron made a motion that the motions above for the use of
B, be contingent on Staff obtaining written indication from
their acceptance of the proposed pedestrian/bike easement.
seconded the motion, motion passed. No negative votes.
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~Phyllis Pope moved that the secondary access to Lotus Lake Estates be
V located in the northwest corner of the plat. Mike Lynch seconded
the motion. Motion passed, no negative votes.
Phyllis Pope moved that the City Council remove
Beach as of spring 1980 and consider posting no
the streets identified in the attached letter.
the motion. Motion passed, no negative votes.
.to adjourn. Mike Lynch seconded the meeting.
at 9:50 p.m.
the parking at Carver
parking signs on
Mike Lynch seconded
Ellis Thomas moved
Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Francis Callahan, Community Services Director'
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