PRC 1979 10 02
Park and Recreation CommissLon
October 2, 1979
Chanhassen City Hall
Phyllis Pope, Acting Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
Members present included Phyllis Pope, Walter Coudron, Ellis Thomas,
Mike Lynch and Mary Muehlhausen.
The September II, 1979 minutes are amended as follows: Paragraph
7 should read, liThe Commis'sion tabled appointment of someone to fill
the vacant seaton the Carver count~ Park Commis's'ion created by Pat
Boyle's resignation until next meet~ng.1f
Add the following paragraph: Staff was directed to compile all
available data that was used in drafting the Industrial Ordinance.
Mike Lynch made a motion to approve the September 11 minutes as
amended. Ellis Thomas seconded the motion. Motion pas-sed, no negative
Ellis Thomas made a motion to approve the August 28, 1979 minutes.
Mary Muehlhausen seconded the motion. Motion passed, no negative
Mr. Ed Dunn of Dunn and Curry Development Company gave a presentation
on the Chanhassen Lakes' Bus'ines'S Park. He elaborated on all facets
from the beginning to tne current status of the park. He would like
to dedicate 10% of the land to the City in the form of outlots along
the creek and lakesnore forming a IILinear Open Space Corridorll
within the park. Mr. Dunn invited the Park Commission to walk the
site with him on Wednesday, October 10, at 4:30 p.m.
Don Ashworth revi:ewed the construction work to be done at Western
Hi:lls Park. Bob Fust and Mike Rosenwald, neighborhood representatives
were present to give their input. Don suggested that a good machine
operator like Bob Nyen wouldoe the most reasonable way to get the
work completed. Phyllis Pope s'aid she could De comfortable with
this plan. The nei:ghoorhood representatives agreed also.
Ellis Thomas made a motion to accept Don Ashworth's recommendation
for grading the entrance and upper level of Western Hills Park and
to have the city engineer review' the proposed parking area and report
back at the next meeting. Mike Lynch seconded the motion. Motion
passed. No negative votes.
Mary Muehlhausen made a motion to invite Mr. Tom Schoenecker to
join the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission. Ellis Thomas
seconded the motion. Motion passed, no negative votes.
Park and Recreation Minutes
October 2, 1979
Staff was directed to provide commission members with their term
of office.
The Commission will review and revise the 5-Year Capital Improvement
Program at the next regular meeting.
Mike Lynch gave a report on the Lake Advisory Committee meeting which
he recently attended.
Phyllis Pope read the City Council minutes, noting the action taken
concerning the Carver Beach problem.
Staff was directed to find out if there are ordinances to prevent
trapping in City parks and to have a no trapping sign installed in
Western Hills Park.
Ellis Thomas made a motion to adjourn. Mike Lynch seconded the
motion. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Callahan
Community Services Director