PRC 1979 11 06
Regular Meeting, Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission
Tuesday, November 6, 1979
~ Chanhassen City Office
Chairman Joe Betz called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Members present included Mike Lynch, Joe Betz, Phyllis Pope, Mary
Muehlhausen, walter Coudron, and Tom Schoenecker.
Phyllis Pope made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting.
Mary Muehlhausen seconded the motion. Motion passed, no negative votes.
Mr. Ed Dunn of Dunn & Curry Development Company reviewed the
Chanhassen Lakes Business Park and explained their proposal to
dedicate to the City certain out lots within the business park
for linear park and trails.
Phyllis Pope made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission accept
the dedication of outlots J, H, E, C, and B in Chanhassen Lakes Business
Park by Dunn and Curry except the west 733' of Outlot B and adding a
trail segment on the east and north line Lot 1 Block 3 and a temporary
trail easement on the east line Lot 1 Block 5.
Subject to the conditions and requirements of the existing industrial
park dedication ordinance l4B, the park and recreation commission
understands that the above park land dedication meets the park dedication
requirements. Tom Schoenecker seconded the motion. Motion passed, no
negative votes.
Bob Waibel of the planning department reviewed a proposed development
south and west of Chanhassen Estates Park. The commission will review
this development again when more details are available.
The commission reviewed the construction activity taking place at
Western Hills Park.
Phyllis Pope brought a set of traps which had been removed from a dog's
leg in Carver Beach. Phyllis made a motion to direct staff to find out
if there are any city ordinances banning trapping in the City. Mike
Lynch seconded the motion. Motion passed, no negative votes.
Chairman Betz directed staff to place an ad in the newspaper seeking
a person to represent Chanhassen on the Carver County Park Commission.
The Chanhassen Park and Recreation should receive the agendas and the
minutes of the Carver Co. Park Commission.
Walt Coudron made a motion to adjourn. Mike Lynch seconded. Motion
Adjournment - 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Callahan