PRC 1979 12 11 ".... ,,.... MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING Park and Recreation Commission Tuesday, December 11, 1979 City Hall, 7610 Laredo Drive Chairman Joe Betz called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Ellis Thomas, Mike Lynch, Joe Betz, Phyllis Pope, Mary Muehlhausen, Tom Schoenecker, and Walt Coudron. Russ Larson, Ed Dunn, Stelios ASlanadis, Bob Waibel and Mark Koegler were also present. Russ Larson explained the reasons for recommending that Ordinance l4B be reconsidered and language be changed to make it more consistent with the language of the enabling law of the state. After much dialogue, Phyllis Pope made a motion that the change of the ordinance is to be in response to the petition and letter Mr. Carlson submitted as an alternative to be considered. Ellis Thomas seconded the motion. Motion passed, no negative votes. Tom Schoenecker made a motion to ask the council to change Ordinance 14A and to amend it in such a way that it would read, "at the option of the City, all lots, tracts or parcels of land, whether platted or unplatted, to be utilized for commercial, office or industrial uses shall be subject to an active recreational area charge of $875.00 per net developable acre which is hereby determined to be a reasonable charge based on ten percent of the current fair market value of undeveloped land within the City to be so utilized. All active recreation area charges shall be paid upon issuance of the building permit for the commercial, office or industrial use." The wording of Annual Review shall be, "The active recreational area charge established by Section 2 hereof shall be reviewed annually by the City Council at a regular scheduled meeting during February of each year, and may be revised by Council resolution. The standard to be employed by the Council in making any such revision shall be the changes, on an annual basis, in the Construction Cost Index published by the Engineering News Record, or any equivalent conunonly employed price index." Wally Coudron seconded the motion. Motion passed, no negative votes. Mark Koegler reviewed Dunn and Curry development plans. Mark reviewed staff recommendation that the concept for Lake Ann Park should be for active play area to the east and, in addition, a trail of approximately 80' in width on the east shore of Lake Ann be acquired connecting Lake Ann Park to Greenwood Shores as the first phase of acquiring trail/pedestrian way all around Lake Ann. Mr. Dunn and Stelios Aslanadis discussed staff proposal, and since :,.... this was the first informational meeting and it did affect their plans, they stated they would like to study the proposal further. Mr. Dunn suggested that the City could possibly find a. funding source to purchase the shore area on the east side of the lake. Minutes Park and Recreation Tuesday, December 11, 1~79 Page 2 There was considerable discussion on the park charge for dedication under Ordinance l4A. -' Ellis Thomas made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission endorse the conceptual plan presented by staff for expansion of Lake Ann Park on Tuesday, December 11, 1979 at a special meeting of the commission. Mike Lynch seconded the motion. Motion passed, no negative votes. The staff was directed to work closely with Dunn and Curry to develop alternative plans to be reviewed at future meetings. Mr. Ed Dunn discussed the proposed park dedication of the proposed development south of the business park. Ellis Thomas expressed concern about the lack of active play area in the proposed development. Staff was directed to investigate the proposed development for an ac~ive play area. Phyllis Pope made a motion to appoint Mary Muehlhausen, walter Coudron and Mike Lynch to three year terms on the.conunission. Ellis Thomas seconded the motion. Motion passed, no negative votes. Ellis Thomas made a motion to adjourn. Tom Lynch seconded the motion. Motion passed. ......" Adjournment was at 10:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted Francis Callahan \ . -'"