PRC 1978 04 04 , JII"'" Park and Recreation Commission April 4, 1978 Chanhassen City Hall A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Joe Betz on April 4, 1978, at 7:55 p.m. at City Hall. The following members were present: Joe Betz, Pat Boyle, Denis Stedman, Shirley Chellis, Walter Coudron and Phyllis Pope. Mary Muehlhausen was absent. Bruce Pankonin and Bob Waibel from the City Planning Department were also present. Tim Stone of Carver Beach was present also. A motion was made by Shirley Chellis and seconded by Walter Coudron to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Motion carried. The Carver Mini Beach was discussed at this time. There were concerns expressed about the restoration after the underground construction was completed and the possibilty of the city supplying new sand to replace the eroded area. Phyllis Pope made a motion to have Mr. Callahan meet with the City Engineer and Mr. Niemeyer to observe the area and determine what was necessary to the erosion problem and to recommend what should be done to correct the existing condition. Pat Boyle seconded the motion. Motion carried. I"'" Bruce Pankonin suggested that the Park and Recreation Commission study the Carver Beach playground area and determine the needs for the area. Bruce Pankonin explained the planning process and the Mandatory Planning Act adopted by the Metropolitan Council. He explained how the City of Chanhassen fits into the system and the processes involved in developing a Comprehensive City Master Plan. Bruce related his thoughts on how this could be accomplished. He suggested that the Park and Recreation Commissio determine the recreational present and future needs of the city and forward this report to the Planning Commission to be included as part of the City Comprehensive Plan to be adopted by the City Council and then be forwarded to Metropolitan Council for adoption. - Pat Boyle asked Bruce Pankonin, "How can you make projections when you are uncertain of what the development areas are going to contain?" Bruce explained that the area of the city that was serviced by sewer and water would be the first and primary area to develop and that the Park and Recreation Commission concentrate their research in this area. Pat Boyle wondered if it wouldn't be a good idea to seek revenue for parks from industrial developers. Phyllis Pope questioned what would attract industry to Chanhassen. Pat Boyle requested to have some Park Planning and Resource materiql provided to her. I"" Phyllis Pope gave a report on Arbor Month, April 28-May 31 which is spon- sored by the Department of Agriculture. Many of the city parks were dis- cussed as possible plantation sites. Shirley Chellis suggested that the Park and Recreation Commission contact Tom Klingelhutz to see if he would like to provide one or a few trees for Western Hills Park. Park and Recreation Commission Minutes Page 2 April 4, 1978 .."" Shirley Chellis made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission designate Western Hills Park as the Arbor Day planting area. Phyllis Pope seconded the motion. Motion passed. The Commission discussed the merits of vacating Valhalla Street where it terminates on the shore of Lotus Lake. The shore land of a lake is a value to the community. A recent meeting of the Metropolitan Council Open Space Committee had specific concerns about the lack and loss of public lands for fishing in the metro area. Energy shortage is going to effect the distance and the number of occasions a person will make long trips up north and the result w~ll be increased fishing pressure in the metro area. Another factor which was expressed was the increasing num- bers of retired people who will be taking advantage of water based rec- reation on fixed incomes. The sentiment was so intent that the Open Space Committee recommended to the full Council that fishing docks be funded by the Special Use Catagory of Council. Additionally, lake shore will appreciate in value. Pat Boyle made a motion that the City of Chanhassen retain ownership of Valhalla Street and take necessary steps to make certain the land is not misused Shirley Chellis seconded the motion. Motion carried. Pat Boyle would like to be notified when the above issue will be presented for council consideration. Bob Waibel reviewed the Ritter Addition with the Park and Recreation Commission. Shirley Chellis voiced concern at the lack of active space in the north and west area of the city. Shirley asked where the closest .~ park was and he replied Leach~s Resort on Lake Minnewashta. Pat Boyle made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission not accept Mr. Ritter's generous offer to donate land to the city and she recoIl\mended that the Park and Recreation Commission endorse the Planning Commission recommendation to abide by ordinance 14-A and contribute cash in lieu of property. Walter Coudron seconded the motion. Motion carried. Bob Waibel reviewed Colonial Grove Addition with the Park and Recreation Commission. After much discussion, Shirley Chellis made amotion that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that ordinance 14-A be applied and further request a donation of cash in lieu of land by the developer. Phyllis Pope seconded by motion. Motion carried. Bob Waibel discussed the Kellynne Development. Shirley Chellis made a motion that Mr. Callahan and Mr. Waibel review the north and west side of Lake Minnewashta and look for a possible park site. Denis Stedman seconded the motion. Motion carried. Park Committees: 1. Western Hills - Phyllis Pope and Pat Boyle. 2. Carver Beach - Phyllis Pope. 3. Lotus Lake - Walter Coudron. 4. Trails - Mary Muehlhausen. 5. Athletic Fields - Denis Stedman 6. Lake Ann - Pat Boyle 7. Chanhassen Estates - Joe Betz 8. Minnewashta - Shriley Chellis. -' ,.... "" I, ,..... Page 3 Shirley Chellis made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission approve the request of the Chanhassen Fire Department to sponsor and conduct a softball tournament at Lake Ann Park on June 2, 3, and 4, 1978. Denis Stedman seconded the motion. Motion carried. Pat Boyle stated that her neighborhood would like to start a tennis ladder. They would like to distribute flyers through the school. Pat Boyle would like to find out what the acquisition situation is for the remainder of Western Hills Park. Pat Boyle made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission review Ordinance 14-A to include industrial developments. Denis Stedman seconded the motion. Motion carried. Denis Stedman made a motion to adjourn themeetin~ Pat Boyle seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting Adjourned at 10:55 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Francis A. Callahan Community Services Director