PRC 1978 05 23
~ Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
special Mee-ting
Hay 23, 1978
city Hall
Chairman Joe Betz called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. Hembers
present were Denis Stedman, Pat Boyle, and Har'y Muehlhausen. The members
absent were Walter Coudron, Phyllis Pope, Shirley Chellis. Mr. Ed Dunn
and his staff were present to discuss the development plans of Dunn
and Curry Company.
After the Dunn and Curry presentation, the Park and Recreation commission
reviewed a development proposal by Ecklund and Swedlund for the east
side of Lotus Lake.
Denis Stedman made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission re-
affirm a previous motion that Outlot B be set aside for public use for
open space, lake front preservation and trail corridor serving the
Lotus Lake Community Park. Outlot B should not be considered as satis-
faction of the park dedication fee that is provided in Ordinance l4A.
Pat Boyle seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Francis Callahan
Community Services Director