PRC 1978 08 01
Park & Recreation Commission Minutes
._Rl egular Meeti,ng
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Jity Hall
Chairman Joe Betz called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. The members
present were Pat Boyle, Denis Stedman, Mary Muehlhausen and Phyllis Pope.
The members absent were Walter Coudron, and Shirley ~hellis.
Phyllis Pope made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting.
Mary Muehlhausen seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The Commission reviewed the proposed development at the south end of Lotus
Lake by the Bloomberg Company. Pat Boyle expressed concern about the lack
of active play area for children which would be living in the development.
It might be a good idea to develop one of the proposed tennis courts into
a tot lot. Bob Waibel, Assistant City Planner, explained the concept of the
development. The Commission questioned what the city policy on conservation
and preservation of shoreline was. The Commission also wondered if a hotel
would be compatible with the residential area. There was concern expressed
about the ingress and egress in the devlopement.
The Commission reviewed the proposed amendment to Ordinance 14A to include
a levy on commercial, industrial and office development. Chairman Joe Betz
read several Ordinances which have been adopted by other communities. Denis
Stedman made a motion to use one of the Ordinances for a draft and ask that
commercial, industrial and office developers be required to dedicate 6 to 10%
~ the gross acreage to the city for park purposes. Pat Boyle seconded the
ltion. Motion passed unanimously.
-The Commission reviewed the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget and will
set priorities to be reviewed and adopted at the September meeting.
Phyllis Pope would like the Carver Beach comments reviewed by the City Council
and acted on.
Denis Stedman moved to adjourn the meeting. Pat Boyle seconded the motion.
Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Francis Callahan
Community Services Director