PRC 1978 12 11 ,.., Park and Recreation Commission Monday, December 11, 1978 The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Joe Betz, at 7:15 p.m. Members present were: Pat Boyle, Phyllis Pope, Walter Coudron, Mary Muehlhausen and Denis Stedman. The Commission reviewed the proposed ordinance for a Park Fee Levy on Commercial Industrial and Office Construction. Pat Boyle made a motion to send the amended ordinance to the City Council. Mary Muhlehausen seconded it. Motion passed unanamously. The Commission reviewed and revised the 1979 Capital Improvement Budget. Phyllis Pope made a motion fo accept the 1979 Budget as amended. Pat Boyle seconded the motion. Motion passed unanamously. Mary Mu~lehausen moved the meeting be adjourned. Pat Boyle second- ed. The motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ~ Respectfully submitted, Francis Callahan Community Services Director ,....