PRC 1977 01 04 II'" Park and Recreation Carmission Minutes January 4, 1977 City Hall '!be meeting was called to order by Joe Betz, O1ainnan at 7:45 p.m. Margaret 'Ihonpson, Shirley Olellis, Phyllis Pope and Pat Boyle were present. Lenis Stedman was absent. A IIDtion was made by Pat Boyle and seronded by Shirley O1ellis to accept the minutes of the December 7, 1976 meeting as written. f.btion carried. No perspective ccmnission applicants were in attendance to be interviewed. Action Item: Karen rontact perspective applicants by phone for next rreeting. No a.d4i tional applications were available for review. Action Item: Please subnit the follCMing term of office request to the City Council for their review and approval: Fran 'Ib Joe Betz 1-1-76 12-31-78 Pat Boyle 1-1-75 12-31-77 Lenis Stedman 1-1-75 12-31-77 .11"*' Shirley Chellis 1-1-77 12-31-79 Phyllis Pope 1-1-76 12-31-78 ~ Vacancy 1-1-77 12-31-79 Vacancy 1-1-77 12-31-79 Action Item: Kay Klingelhutz: Please identify the reasons for a $1,440.17 budget deficit in the Park and Iecreation acromt for life guard services fran Minnetonka Cb:rmu.mity Services. Also, Park and Recreation does not yet have a ronplete ropy of the 1977 budget. Phyllis Pope presented a report on the last Joint Trails Conmission meeting. '!be distribution of rosts fonnula was discussed. No recornrendations or IIDtions were made. I))n Ashworth was present to discuss the planned Block Grant application by the City. It was decided that the Park and Rec members will attend the January 10, public hearing to present a set of proposed application topics relative to Park and Iecreation for the City. 'Ibpic briefly discussed were city trail system and the e~ion of Lake Arm Park. The proposed revision of Ordinance 14 is not yet through the City review. The infonnation provided by the league of Minnesota Municipalities was briefly discussed. The ronclusion was that Park and Rec m=rnbers should ronsider a scherre for industrial and cx:mrercial provisions as other cities have provided for sane. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. after a IIDtion by Margaret 'Ihorrpson that I"""" was seconded by Pat Boyle. f.btion carried. Joe Betz O1airroan