PRC 1977 02 01
February 1, 1977
The regular meeting of the Park and Recreatipn Commission was
called to order on February 1, 1977, by Chairman Joe Betz .at
7145 PM. The following members were present: Joe Betz, Pat
Boyle, Phyllis Pope, Shirley Chellis. Absent were: Denis
A motion was made by Phyllis Pope and seconded by Pat Boyle to
approve the minutes of January 4, 1977. Motion carried.
Discussion_ of Applicants for a Park and Recreation Commission:
Commissions will made personal contact with possible fu1hure
Discussion of Lack in Funding I Funds could be used for aJJoint
Trail System, park expansion, protection of lake shore, etc.
Construction of Horse Ring in Chanhassenl Al Harvey, 474-7492
and Larry Wenzel, 474-J610 came before the commission and
presented a report on construction of horse ring in the City of
Discussion of Lake Ann Park~- Development of Landi Over the
next three months, proposals will be discussed for the develop-
ment of this land.
Park and Recreation Commission recommends Phyllis Pope to be
appointed to the Joint Trails Commission by the City Council.
Discussion of Picnic in the Park I Chairman Joe Betz will speak
to past members of the Bi-Centennial Committee to see if another
committee can be set up to work with the Park and Recreation
Commission in 1977 Picnic in the Park.
Ordinance 14: Ordinance 14 will be proposed to the City Council
as it now stands. The Park and Recreation Commission will present
a follow-up commercial and industrial proposal at a later date.
Phyllis Pope made a motion that Joe Betz present Ordinance 14
to the City Council. Pat Boyle seconded. Motion carried.
Life Guard Budget: Life Guard budget was discussed and the
explanation provided by James Jones, dated 1/27/77 was accepted.
Budget was discussed for Life Guards ~or the summer of 1977. The
Park and Recreation Commission felt the Life Guard cost would
likely be closer to the 1976 cost than the 1975. This additional
cost should be figured into the budget. .
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February 1. 1977
Park & Recreation Commission -2-
Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Shirley Chellis and seconded by Phyllis
Pope that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. Meeting
adjourned at 10:00 PM.
Minutes submitted
by Shirley Chellis