PRC 1977 05 03 J"" --.; Park and Fecrea.tion Conmission May 3, 1977 Chanhassen City Hall ,..... l The regular rreeting of the Chanhassen Park arx1 Recreation etmnission was called to order by Chairman Joe Betz on Tuesday, May 3, 1977, a;t 7:30 p.m. The following m:mbers were present: Joe Betz, Pat Boyle, Phyllis Pope, Denis Stedman arrl Shirley Chellis. Fran Callahan, O:mmmity Services Director was also present. MINUTES: A notion was made by Pat Boyle am seconded by Joe Betz to approve the minutes. M)tion carried. County BIKE TRAIlS: The ^ will post signs for bike rimers on Highway 17. Nothing has been done to improve the bike trail fran Chanhassen Estates to lake Ann. rovLING ALLEY: Shirley Chellis visited the Apple Valley establislmmt and felt the outside structure was very poor and felt it would not fit into Chanhassen's notif. WALTER <X>UDIDN INI'ER'VIEW: Mr. Cbudron feels his background will aid in the future developrrent of parks, etc. in Chanhassen. He's very anxious to becorre a nember. The general feeling was that he would be an excellent candidate for the carmission. A notion was made by Phyllis Pope and seconded by Pat Boyle to rea:mrend to the City Cbuncil to appoint Walter Cbudron to the Park and Recreation Comnission. M)tion carried. .,...., 'Ibe Cbmnission is interested to know what their new name is. Francis Callahan will look into that. (~ TENNIS COURl': The carmission reviewed the rules and made sorre minor changes in Rule 6, to place debris in a receptacle. 'Ihe crCMded conditions at the courts and a need for a system was also discussed. Weld like to try a sign up sheet to start. Cbnsidering a possible change. Basically, re-organizethe rules to meet the corrmission I s approval and Fran will put them on a sign and post it for public to see. PARK STIO<ER FEES: A notion was made by Pat Boyle and seconded by Phyllis Pope to increase the cost of the non-resident stickers to $15.00 due to the increased cost for the stickers. M)tion carried. EVERYTHIN3 OOES: Pat Boyle has a list of narres for the event and will give it to Fran for a follCM up. The ccmnission would like to know the events so Chanhassen can prepare for them individually. Fran will check. Pat Boyle voluntee:r:ed to work on it. Fran will contact the CPA president, Ted Wieber. Denny Stedrran also volunteered to help with the project. PICNIC TABLFS IN CARVER BEAm: of the tables. Phyllis will direct Dale Gregory as to the location OOAIS AND POLICIES: A general discussion was held on the rules and procedures of the Park and Recreation O:mnission. 'Ihe oJrlinance creating the Park and Recreation Cbmnission was reviewed. "...... l (> ., " BUIX;ET: '!be Ccmn.:ission 'WOuld like an q;Xlated review of the budget. Francis will check into this. WESTERN HILIS PARK: Since adjacent land will be developed, will the developer have to nake arrangenents for the park? Francis will check on this. ~ A notion was made by Shirley OleI1is am. sea:>rrled by Pa't; Foyle to adjourn the m:eting. M:>ti.cn carried. . Denis Stedman Acting Secretary _..",1 ....."I