PRC 1977 06 07 .' J~ '" Park and Recreation Commission Minutes JUne 7, 1977 City Hall ~ The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order on June 7, 1977, by Chairman Joe Betz at 7:45 p.m. The following members were present: Joe Betz, Pat Boyle, Denis Stedman, Shirley Chellis, and the new member, Walter Coudron. Francis Callahan, the Community Services Director was also present. The member that was absent was Phyllis Pope. A motion was made by Pat Boyle and seconded by Shirley Chellis to approve . the minutes of the last meeting which was on May 17, 1977, and also to approve the minutes of the meeting was held on May 3, 1977. Motion carried. There was a discussion on Everything Goes. The Commission recommends that a letter of appreciation be sent to each participant. Denis Stedman .wil1 provide the names. Request for Lake Ann Ball Park: Pat Boyle made a motion to approve the request for a reservation at Lake Ann Park for the Chanhassen Jaycees. It was seconded by Shirley Chellis. Mot~on carried. Shirley Chellis and Pat Boyle moved to deny the request from Kevin Kranz for a picnic for Normandale Alumni at the Lake Ann Park due to the un- known size of the group and the possible conflict of residents using the park. Mr. Callahan will write a letter to Mr. Kranz. !~ Bicycle.License: Sgt. Andings letter concerning the issuing of bicycle licenses toChanhassen residents was discussed. Commission members were advised that the state of Minnesota will be adopting a state wide license in the near future. ., Lake Ann Parking: Denis Stedman made amotion to enlarge the parking areas at Lake Ann Park by putting limited gravel down on the area to the north.ofthe existing parking area near the ball fields and also in an area in the north end of the park toward the beach and picnic area. Shirley Chellis seconded. Motion carried. NoparkinlSigns: Pat Boyle made a friendly amendment to have more No Parking s gnsdown by the circle drop off by the beach. Shirley Chellis seconded this amendment. There was a discussion on BiRe trails for the city of Chanhassen. There was a discussion on the letter to Mayor Hobbs concerning Lake Ann .park. Mr. Callahan informed the Commission that there would be additional police surveillance during the summer. 'This additional service will be fuooed by the city ofChanhassen. ,..,. -2- . J A Western Hills Park Statue: pat 'Boyle made a motion to have the City Legal Council review Hansen and Klingelhutz's, proposed platting ofa new addition to Western Hills development as it relates to the compl,iaJ ,,' with the revision of ordinance #14. Denis Stedman seconded the motion.."""'" Motion passed. Land Acquisition: Shirley Chellis made a motion to investigate the pur- chase of property on the northeast corner of Lo~us Lake. This property should be given top priority for funding with Lawcon Funds. DenisSted- man seconded the motion. Motion passed. Pat Boyle made oa motion to immediately look into the enlargEmlent of Lake Ann Park either to the east with condemnation of the Ecklund and Swedlund property, or investigate the property to the west for possible Lawcon ' acquisition in 1978 and this property should l:;>eclassifiedas second priority in 1977. Denis Stedman seconded it. Motion passed. MiI}newashta Regional Park Plan: Shirley Chellis made a motion that the regional park land east of' highway 41 and south of Minnetonka Jr. JIigh School be designated for use soley as open space and nature conservation. The P.ark and Recreation Commission has no plans to develop the area as a neighborhood park facility. Pat Boyle seconded the motion. Motion passed unanamous1y. L" There was discussion on the methodology of land acquisition. Mr. Callahan advised the Commission that he had met with the Swedlunds and they had informed him that their properties could be aquired only throughcondem- nation. They also related that they did not have any immediate plans ,t develop their properties. ' -,' There was a discussion on state funding. The discussion on goals and policies were carried over to the next meeting If possible, the Park and Recreation Commission would like to have a joint meeting with the Planning Commission in two weeks. Respectfully submitted: Laura Puterbaugh Secretary ',~ --'