PRC 1977 07 13
Park and Recreation Commission
July 13, 1977
Ci ty Hall
The special work meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was
held on Wednesday, July 13, 1977. The purpose of this meeting was to
discuss the goals and objectives of the commission. The meeting was
called to order by Chairman Joe Betz at 8:10 p.m. The members
that were present are as follows: Pat Boyle, Shirley Chellis, Phyllis
Pope, Walter Coudron. Francis Callahan, Community Services Director
was also present. Denis Stedman was absent.
Pat Boyle made a motion that the Park and Recreaction Commission
support the position stated in Mr. Callahan's memo concerning a
joint venture between the School District and the City to construct
and illuminate two tennis courts at Chanhassen Elementary School.
Plyllis Pope seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Plyllis Pope moved that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend
that the City Council approve the concept plan for a neighborhood
park and lake access to Lotus Lake as prepared by the city staff.
Furthermore, that the City Council approve making a LAWCON application
for acquisition of this site. It is proposed that such funding be
on the basis of 75% LAWCON funding with the city's matching 25%
being funded from the park bond fund assuming LAWCON funding is
approved. Shirley Chellis seconded this motion. Motion carried.
The commission worked on the development of Goals and Objectives.
The Park and Recreation Commission met jointly with the Planning
Commission to discuss the acquisition of property through the use of
Lawcon Funds.
The meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m.
Francis Callahan
Community Services Director
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